Chapter 2: Such an evil appears in the family

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March 17, 2023Ai Hrist

Shi Qingluo lifted the small black ball in her hand.

There was a deliberate crazy expression on her face: “Since you want me to die, then you can die with me.”

Shi Laosan sneered: “You want us to accompany you to death with that black thing, you’re probably out of your mind.”

Others were also very disdainful, thinking that this dead girl was rushing to death.

Shi Qingluo sneered, “Then let me show you.”

She took out a flame stick from her sleeve, lit a small lead wire of the little black ball, and then threw the little black ball into an empty space on the other side of the yard.

The owner of the body has to cook every day, so the fire stick was always close to her body.

She wanted to throw it at these shameless people, but the explosion can injure and kill people. She would go to prison, which was not worth it.

With the sound of “Boom!”, the little black ball exploded.

A tree planted in the open space of the yard was directly blown up, and a hole was also blown in the ground.

Everyone present showed expressions of panic.

Seeing the power of this little black ball, the people of the Shi Family couldn’t help but think of the Old Taoist Priest who was said to have become immortal.

Two months ago, a few similar loud noises suddenly appeared on the mountainside, and then the flames shot up into the sky, and the main hall of the Taoist Temple and the Taoist Priest disappeared.

Everyone said that this was a vision of the Old Taoist Master ascending to immortality, and the Shi Family also believed it before.

But now, they were a little uncertain.

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Shi Qingluo played with the other small black balls in her hands and looked at the Shi Family with raised eyebrows.

“How about it, do you want to taste the power of the fireball?”

“This is what my master left behind for me to save my life. If you don’t believe in evil, you can experience it yourself.”

She snorted coldly: “If you force me to go to the Wu Family to get married and be buried with him today, then you should also be buried with the young master of the Wu Family. The more people, the more it will be livelier underground.”

This was indeed the explosive made by the Old Taoist Priest. The original intention of the Old Taoist Priest was to make alchemy, but who would expect he would create explosives?

Then he devoted himself to studying explosives but killed himself.

After the Old Taoist Priest died, the owner of the body took home the books in the side room that had not been blown up, the two boxes, and these little black balls.

Shi Qingluo came from modern times. As soon as she saw this thing in her memory, she knew it was an earth bomb, so she ran to use it.

As long as the Shi Family doesn’t want to die, they won’t dare send her to death.

The Shi Family: “… …”

No, they don’t want to experience it at all, and they don’t want to go to the underworld to have fun.

Old Man Shi who never speak since the beginning finally said: “What exactly do you want?”

Shi Qingluo said: “You have to take the initiative to dissolve my marriage to the Wu Family. I will choose who to marry in the future.”

“Otherwise, let’s all die together.”

“Fourth Uncle is a scholar with a bright future, and might even become a Juren, he probably doesn’t want to die young, right?”

Shi Laosi: “…” He really didn’t want to.

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This dead girl grabbed their lifeline at once.

The power of this little black ball was too great, if they were not careful, it might blow them up to death. Seeing the crazy girl, they dare not bet.

Mrs. Niu and others feel sorry for the one hundred taels, but compared with death, life was more important.

So Old Man Shi gave Old Lady Shi a look.

The old lady could only smile at the old mama again, “Look at this! We can’t help it.”

They have no choice but to retire, otherwise, the dead girl will take them to her burial.

Shi Qinglou looked at the old nanny suspiciously, and shook the little black ball in her hand, “It doesn’t matter if the Wu Family wants to marry me, anyway, you love Young Master Wu, we can go down together as companions.”

She hooked her lips and asked again: “I believe, you also want to go underground together to continue serving Young Master Wu, right?”

The old mama and the servant girl behind her: “…” No, they didn’t think about it at all.

The old mama could tell that as long as this dead girl had such a deadly thing in her hand, they wouldn’t be able to take her away, after all, no one wanted to die.

Rabbits bite people when they were cornered, let alone people.

It was all the fault of this group of people from the Shi Family, who let the dead girl know that she was going to be buried with their young master. They were all trash, who has more failures than successes.

Now she has to find a bride again, she doesn’t know if it was too late.

“Since Miss Shi doesn’t want to marry the Wu Family, then I’ll go back and report to Master and Madam.”

After she finished speaking to Shi Qingluo, she looked at Old Lady Shi again and said, “You guys come and follow me to the Wu Family to cancel it.”

The old lady said to her third son and Mrs. Niu with an ugly face, “You go.”

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The two of them could only put on a bitter face and went to the Wu Family house with the old mama to cancel the marriage.

The money they got flew away like this. They all had the hearts beat the dead girl.

After the few people left, Shi Qingluo tied up the remaining soil bombs with a rope and wrapped it around her waist, but she kept the fire bag in her hand.

After finishing, she looked at the Shi Family and raised her eyebrows: “If anyone wants to die, please tell me in advance, and I will help him.”

Old Lady Shi couldn’t hold back her curses, “You’re a heartless girl, how dare you treat your elders like this, you’re not afraid of going to hell, you…”

Shi Qingluo sneered: “You are not afraid of going to hell, so I am even less afraid.”

“It seems that grandma wants to go to the underworld first?”

After she finished speaking, she untied one of the small black balls, looking as if she was about to ignite and throw it over.

The old lady was still yelling and scolding, but suddenly, she was so frightened that she seemed to be strangled by someone, and she fell silent instantly.

The others were also so angry that their chests hurt, but they didn’t dare to scold people.

Shi Qingluo yawned: “I’m going to sleep, call me for dinner.”

“Otherwise!” She tossed the little black ball in her hand and smiled slyly at the people in the yard, “You know.”

The Shi Family: “…” Such an evil appears in the family.

Shi Qingluo pushed the door open and entered the firewood room. This was where the owner of the body lived after returning.

The owner of the body used two wooden planks to build a bed, and the mattress and quilt were brought back from the Taoist Temple.

She lay on the bed, thinking about what to do next.

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From her memory, she learned that this was a dynasty that did not exist in history. The Tang Dynasty ended and became the Daliang Dynasty.

The previous dynasty didn’t have a second generation of emperors.

This dynasty was a bit like the Tang Dynasty, relatively open, and the requirements for women were not as strict as those of the later dynasties.

But the law stipulates that a woman can only establish a female household and go out independently if she has no natal family or her husband was dead.

So she couldn’t separate from the Shi Family alone and establish a female household.

As for running away from here alone, it was even more unrealistic.

Because traveling far away requires proof of identity.

She has no such thing, once she runs out and gets caught, she will be branded as a black household. Her status will be equivalent to a slave, and she might become an official slave and be sold or exiled.

And since the founding of the new dynasty, there were requirements for the population of each prefecture. Fearing population loss, each prefecture has strict management of household registration.

There was also a very cheating law, which stipulates that if a man reached 18 years old and a woman reached 17 years old if they were not yet married, the government will intervene and help them get married.

If people disagree or resist, they will violate the law and will be imprisoned.

Now she was nearly sixteen, just over a year away from forced marriage.

After much deliberation, Shi Qingluo realized that there was only one way to solve the predicament at present, and that was to marry.

If she let the Shi Family choose, it must be jumping from one fire pit to another.

Shi Qingluo never liked to wrong herself.

Instead of letting others control her marriage, she might as well find a suitable one herself.

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