Chapter 23: Can’t help being jealous

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April 17, 2023Ai Hrist

Early the next morning, Shi Qingluo took Mrs. Kong and the others to make tofu again.

This time, when they went to the grinding place, someone people asked about tofu on the way.

Shi Qingluo smiled and said: “The tofu will be ready later, I’ll ask Yi’er to shout it in the village.”

“If you want to try it, you can replace it with soybeans, grains, eggs, or vegetables.”

Yesterday, she gave it away for free, which was originally for human relations and publicity.

Those people have helped the Xiao family more or less. If people want it now, they need to exchange it for something.

If she directly asks the villagers to buy it with money. The villagers will either be reluctant or think they were cheap.

If it can be exchanged for things, many people will be willing to do so and think they were kind.

Their Xiao family was currently short of food and vegetables. Using these in exchange can solve life problems.

The most important point was that Shi Qingluo wanted to win over the villagers of Xiaxi Village, so she didn’t say they had to buy it with money.

In ancient times, the power of the clan was still great. Only when interests were involved, could they help each other? Only after they had some reputation, some people would not dare to touch them.

Shi Qingluo threw out the tofu to lay the foundation for herself and the Xiao family.

Sure enough, when the villagers heard that Shi Qingluo said that they could exchange food.

All of them smiled and said: “That’s kind of you, we will exchange some tofu later and try what it tastes like.”

After grinding the soybeans and returning home, Shi Qingluo sat in the kitchen, while watching over the boiled and ground soybean milk.

Xiao Hanzheng walked in slowly, he can walk around today without crutches.

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In his previous life, he woke up and lay in bed for a day or two before he could walk a few steps on crutches.

Although he woke up a few days earlier this time, because he had experienced that kind of weakness, he was sure that his recovery must have something to do with the so-called sugar water that Shi Qingluo gave him.

His little wife also has a lot of secrets, but he just pretends not to know.

Shi Qingluo was thinking about something with her chin in her hands. When she saw Xiao Hanzheng coming in, she raised his head and asked: “Are you coming to see us making tofu?”

Didn’t he just watch it yesterday?

There was still an empty chair in the kitchen, Xiao Hanzheng walked over and sat down.

“Being idle is also idle, I want to discuss with you the story about cultivating immortals.”

He said again: “I feel that after a day or two of recovery, I can write with a brush.”

He tried it just now, but his hand still felt a little soft.

So he might at least discuss the plot she said first, he will sort it out in his mind and write it after two days.

Many things he knew now were useless. His family owes more than a dozen taels of foreign debt, and copying books to get money was slow. He has to hurry up to support the family.

For his family to have a good life, not only does he not feel tired, but he was full of energy.

In his previous life, he felt as if he was the only one left in the whole world. It was too lonely and uncomfortable.

Especially after having an extra wife, he felt that life was a little more fun.

Shi Qingluo knew that he wanted to write story books quickly to make money, so she didn’t persuade him to take his time.

It was good for men to have a sense of responsibility.

“Okay, let’s start the discussion today.”

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So the two sat in the kitchen to discuss the plot, Mrs. Kong and her other two children were also engrossed in listening.

This story sounds fascinating. Were there immortals in this world?

After a few hours passed, Shi Qingluo and Xiao Hanzheng had almost discussed the plot, and the tofu was ready.

Shi Qingluo asked Xiao Hanyi to go to the village and shout that those who want to change tofu can come.

After moving the dining table to the gate of the yard, they also moved the tofu there.

Soon, some people in the village brought things in exchange for tofu.

Someone asked: “Dalang’s wife, how do you exchange your tofu?”

When Shi Qingluo was making tofu, she had already calculated the cost with Xiao Hanzheng.

The two of them also set the price and the number of exchange items.

“A catty of soybeans can be exchanged for a catty of tofu.”

“Other things can be exchanged according to the price of tofu as a reference.”

“For example, soybeans cost five cents a catty, so you can exchange eggs costing of five cents for a catty of tofu. The same goes for other things.”

“Of course, you can buy it directly with money, five cents a catty.”

One catty of beans can make about 2 to 4 catties of tofu, so they can earn double.

After this, Shi Qinglou planned to hire people to make tofu for sale, so aside from the cost of beans, labor costs also needed to be included, so the price couldn’t be too cheap.

When everyone heard this price, they found it acceptable.

There were not many people who use soybeans as their main food, so they were willing to exchange them for tofu.

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Those who tasted tofu yesterday found it delicious, and the price was acceptable.

So an aunt said with a smile: “I’ll change it for a catty. I heard from Dalang’s wife yesterday that adding tofu to the stew is good. Not to mention, the taste is amazing.”

Shi Qingluo asked Mrs. Kong to weigh the soybeans, cut a piece of tofu with a knife, and weighed it herself: “Auntie, your pound of tofu is ready.”

“In addition to the stew, there are many ways to eat this tofu. I will tell you as I change it now.”

There were many ways to eat homemade tofu, and she said it increases everyone’s appetite.

They had never such a dish before, so they joined in the fun: “Then I’ll try a catty of tofu.”

“I’ll take a catty too. I don’t have any soybeans at home. I’ll use cabbage instead.”

“I’ll try it with eggs for a catty.”

After some people buy like this, the people who were originally just looking can’t help but join in the fun.

Soon, the tofu made today was replaced.

Most people trade soybeans, eggs, vegetables, and whole grains, but no one buys directly with money.

This was beyond Shi Qingluo’s expectations, which has grasped everyone’s psychology. People in the village were reluctant to spend money, but they can exchange what they have at home, so they won’t feel so distressed.

Those who didn’t change or came late still have some regrets. They asked them to make more tofu tomorrow.

Shi Qingluo smiled and agreed: “No problem.”

Xiao Hanzheng didn’t come out, so someone asked. Mrs. Kong and Shi Qingluo both looked worried, saying that he was still weak and resting in bed.

The main purpose of doing this was to not startle the snake, and make the doctor in the town think that Xiao Hanzheng was still drinking the medicine he prescribed.

After changing the tofu, the yard door was closed. Shi Qinglou sat down on a chair, paralyzed from exhaustion.

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She used to do mental work. Even if she did agricultural experiments and went to the fields, she didn’t have to work as hard and tiring as making tofu.

“Let’s do it for two more days, and then we can hire someone to do it.”

Mrs. Kong, Xiao Baili, and Xiao Hanyi felt tired, but they were very happy.

Although no one spent money to buy the tofu today, they had many soybeans, grains, and vegetables, which was enough to feed their family for several days.

It was a bit tiring, but they were not afraid of being tired.

Mrs. Kong said: “We’re not afraid of making it for a few days longer. This tofu is indeed a long-term solution.”

Shi Qingluo smiled and said: “We are too tired doing it by ourselves, Baili and Hanyi are still growing, so it is not good to be too tired.”

Xiao Hanzheng also came out at this time: “After the problem with the medicine is resolved in two days, let’s hire someone to do it.”

He didn’t want his mother, siblings, and wife to work so hard.

Mrs. Kong didn’t force it when she heard what the two said: “Okay, Qinglou has the final say.”

Many people in the village bought tofu today and heard many tofu recipes from Shi Qingluo.

They tried it after going back home. Except for a very few who don’t like tofu, most people think it was delicious.

With an active mind, they also thought about whether they could sell tofu.

After all, this thing was not available outside, it was a rare item.

So the next day, more people came to exchange tofu.

The people in the main Xiao Family also heard about this, and the eldest and third daughter-in-law couldn’t hold back.

The two came to the Xiao Family’s house together.

Seeing many people around the door exchanging tofu, they couldn’t help but be jealous.

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