Chapter 35: This woman is insane

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May 3, 2023Ai Hrist

Shi Qingluo asked Bai Xu to write another copy, and she had to take one too.

Bai Xu was speechless: “Could it be that you’re still afraid that I won’t give you 20 taels of silver?”

Shi Qingluo blew her newly written evidence: “It’s hard to say, I don’t know you well, if you jump the wall, who should I go to?”

Bai Xu: “… …”

Is my reputation so low?

“I’m known for being bold and generous in the county seat, how can I still be short of your 20 taels?” He felt that he needed to rectify his name.

Shi Qingluo curled her lips, “Then when I said that I can cure the flower, did you believe it?”

Bai Xu: “… …”

He was convinced!

He asked curiously: “Are you also like this in front of Xiao Hanzheng?”

Such a difficult and individual character, will it be shown in front of Xiao Hanzheng?

Shi Qingluo looked as if you were sick: “I’m temperamental, thank you!”

“Besides, that is my husband, and you are a stranger, can it be the same?”

Bai Xu choked: “Okay.”

Shi Qingluo put away the written receipt: “Give me 5 taels of silver as a deposit, and you will pay the rest when the flowers are cured.”

Bai Xu looked at her in disbelief, “You will take away my 150 taels of flowers, and you still asked me to pay a deposit?”

He was afraid that something would happen.

Shi Qinglou rolled her eyes at him: “Excuse me, your flower is about to wither. Even if I take it back and treat it, I will bear the risk of returning you 150 taels. I want a deposit, why not?”

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“If you are worried, I won’t take it, you let others treat it.”

In the future, she may still do business with Bai Xu, so it would be better to follow her pace.

The main reason was that she really can’t continue eating wild vegetables and steamed buns… …

Bai Xu has black lines all over his head. What she said makes sense, but why does he feel that something was wrong?

Shi Qingluo said again: “You don’t believe me, isn’t my husband worthy of your trust?”

“A young Sanyuan scholar is my guarantor, can these 5 taels of silver can escape you?”

Bai Xu looked helpless: “Okay, for Xiao Xiucai’s sake, I will give you a deposit.”

Regarding Xiao Hanzheng’s reputation, he thought he was still reliable.

Although he was not familiar with Xiao Hanzheng, he has heard a lot about him.

He was very talented in reading, behaves aboveboard, and treats people with humility and elegance. The main important point was, he was a young Sanyuan scholar. If there was no accident, there will be a problem in passing the examination.

If he can maintain it in the future, it would be possible to be admitted to Jinshi.

He was also happy to be associated with someone who has such a promising future.

Shi Qingluo was also very helpless: “Give me the money, and I’ll write a receipt for you.”

So her reputation was not only inferior to the dead Taoist Priest but also inferior to that little husband who was in the village and didn’t show up… …

Bai Xu gave her five taels of silver, while Shi Qingluo wrote him a receipt.

“Your handwriting is wonderful.”

Bai Xu found sadly that the handwriting written by Xiao Hanzheng’s wife was better than his.

Shi Qingluo raised her chin: “Of course.”

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To write calligraphy well, she was often coerced and lured by her grandfather, and she cried whenever he mentioned it.

But now, she was especially grateful to her grandfather for his supervision, so that she can still write in ancient times.

Bai Xu: “Can’t you be more humble?”

Shi Qingluo raised an eyebrow: “Do you understand what genuine character is?”

“If I play tricks on you, I’m afraid you’ll want to cry.”

She just doesn’t like to play tricks, but it doesn’t mean she won’t.

Bai Xu: “… …”

Good men don’t bicker with women.

Shi Qingluo casually picked up the chrysanthemum and put it in the basket.

Bai Xu’s heart ached when he saw it as if his precious purple chrysanthemum had been ruined.

Leaving Shi Qingluo speechless: “You come to my house in a few days to see how reliable my flower treatment is, and you won’t feel sorry for it.”

Then she said: “Of course, if you are worried that it will be too tired all the way, or if you feel sorry for it staying in the narrow back basket, you can send a carriage to take it to our house.”

“I believe it will love you more and recover better.”

Bai Xu: “… …”

You just want to ride our carriage.

She dumped the blame on his flower, this woman was insane.

But when he thought of his precious flowers bouncing in the narrow back basket for more than half an hour, what if it breaks?

He felt distressed again.

So with a bit of gnashing of teeth, he said: “Okay, I will let Xiao Si and Xiao Wu drive you back in a carriage.”

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By the way, let’s see where Xiao Hanzheng’s house was so that he can visit his flower.

Shi Qingluo corrected, “It’s not for me, but for your precious flowers, thank you.”

She doesn’t recognize this favor.

Bai Xu: “… …”

Please be a person.

“Okay, I’m sending my flowers. As you please.” He gritted his teeth more intensely.

Then let Xiao Wu take out the flowers from the basket and hold it by himself.

He even told him to hold it at Xiao Hanzheng’s house and don’t let Shi Qinglou put it in the back basket.

Then Shi Qingluo took Mrs. Kong’Xiao’s arm and happily went to the carriage.

After leaving Bai Family Mansion, she asked Xiao Si to drive the carriage to the grain store to buy rice and flour.

And went to the grocery store and bought some household items.

Then went to the wet market to buy pork and eggs again.

After thinking about it, she asked Xiao Si to take them to buy chicks.

Mrs. Kong, Xiao Baili, and Xiao Hanyi were all diligent. Before the family division, they only allocated three acres of sandy land, and they couldn’t grow food at all, so they were temporarily idle.

Shi Qingluo was going to buy some chicks back home for the three of them to raise.

In the future, if they want to eat eggs and chickens, they don’t need to buy them.

If it wasn’t for the fact that the carriage was too clean, and she was afraid that Xiao Si would disagree, she still wanted to buy a few little piggies to take her back.

Forget it, it was their first meeting, she will let Xiao Si and Xiao Wu go.

Xiao Si and Xiao Wu were about to cry, how can Xiao Xiucai’s wife buy chicks?

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Hearing that she wanted to buy chickens, he wanted to go crazy: “Miss Xiao Xiucai, why don’t you just forget about the chicks? Let’s go to your house as soon as possible, otherwise, the flower’s treatment time will be delayed.”

Shi Qingluo looked at him with a smile that was not a smile: “I am a flower doctor, if I am not in a happy mood, it will delay the treatment.”

“If you don’t want me to buy chicks, it’s not bad to buy piglets.”

Xiao Si: “… …”

Xiao Wu: “… …”

This person was too cruel.

Xiao Si was about to cry: “Then buy chicks, I’ll take you to buy chickens now, and we’ll go to your house after buying this time, right?”

Shi Qingluo nodded with a smile: “Yes, we’ll go home directly after buying the chicken this time.”

Xiao Si then drove the carriage and took her to buy more than twenty chicks.

Seeing that there were still ducklings for sale, Shi Qingluo bought a dozen more.

Xiao Si did not allow her to put the chicks and ducks in the carriage. He carried them by himself and tied the basket next to his driving position.

It wasn’t until he left the city that he was completely relieved.

The speed of the carriage was much faster than walking. Shi Qingluo roughly estimated the time and arrived in the village in about twenty minutes.

When they arrived at Xiao Family’s house, the tofu stands outside had already closed.

After jumping off the carriage, Shi Qingluo pushed the door open and went in.

She saw Xiao Hanzheng sitting in the yard, teaching Xiao Baili and Xiao Hanyi how to read.

Shi Qingluo showed a big smile, and shouted sweetly: “Husband, we are back!”

Xiao Hanzheng looked up: “… …”

Shouting so sweetly and smiling so brightly gave him a bad feeling.

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