Chapter 44: Let’s act first

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May 16, 2023Ai Hrist

Xiao Hanzheng looked down at her with clear eyes, looking at him curiously.

His heart beat faster.

Although he revealed his secret as soon as he answered, he still nodded and said: “Well, Mo Qingling’s future achievements will not be low.”

When he died, Mo Qingling had already gained a firm foothold in the Ministry of War.

If there will be no accident, Mo Qingling will take over after the minister of the Ministry of War has retired.

Shi Qingluo’s eyes lit up: “Then we can find an opportunity to get in touch with him in advance.”

She has the method of making iron and steel in her hands. When Mo Qingling mines the iron ore, she can find an opportunity to give it to the other party, and then use this to make friends.

In the future, they will also have someone to do things in the capital.

Xiao Hanzheng saw the plan of the little wife at a glance, and said with a light smile: “Okay!”

His relatives in this life were still there, and there was an extra little wife, so he decided to go another way.

Revenge was no longer the only goal in his life, he wanted to live a good life with his little wife, mother, and younger siblings.

At the same time, make up for some regrets in their previous life, such as by making friends with Mo Qingling. He wanted to see if there will be a chance to become friends this time.

Shi Qingluo found that her husband was nice. Not only did he understand what she meant when he heard it, but he also got along very well with her plan.

Such a man may be hard to encounter in modern times.

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She asked: “Did the former county magistrate have a hookup with the Wu family? I heard it from the servant of the Bai Family. That’s why, he is very happy to have a new county magistrate.”

Xiao Hanzheng replied: “The involvement is very deep. The county magistrate is greedy, incompetent, and timid. He is afraid of the magistrate behind the Wu family, so he also treated them like a master in Nanxi County before.”

“So even if the Bai family has fourth-rank officials relative in the capital to rely on, they have to avoid their edge.”

After all, the county magistrate was not as good as the current one.

Shi Qingluo nodded, “No wonder the Wu family hasn’t come to trouble me recently. The county magistrate has suddenly changed, so they have no time to find me.”

Xiao Hanzheng was not surprised that the Wu Family would make trouble for his little wife.

His little wife not only refused to marry their family but also blocked his sister. With the narrow-mindedness and arrogance of the Wu Family, they would want to settle accounts with her.

“When they get their hands free, they’ll start looking for trouble.”

In his previous life, the Wu Family was backed up by the magistrate, so he couldn’t do anything to them at first.

Later, he climbed up and first pulled down the magistrate who was full of handles, and then sent all the people working with the Wu family to be beheaded and exiled.

Shi Qinglou’s eyes turned cold: “Then, let’s act first.”

According to the Wu Family’s behavior, it can be estimated that they have harmed people and done bad things in recent years.

They can use their strength to suppress the Wu Family by using the Bai family and County Magistrate Mo.

If the Bai family wanted to regain their position in Nanxi County and expand their development, they must step on the Wu Family.

If Mo Qingling wants to gain a firm foothold in Nanxi County, he was bound to suppress the Wu Family, who has hooked up with the former county magistrate, with many problems and arrogance.

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So she was not using those two parties, but helping each other. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

She then said: “I just don’t know if the Wu Family, who is forced by County Magistrate Mo after being cleaned up, will they want to come and grab the little black ball in my hand?”

If the Wu Family sent the soiled bomb to the magistrate, it would be a great contribution. Even if Mo Qingling had a big background, he would have nothing to do with the magistrate.

Xiao Hanzheng asked: “What is the little black ball?”

Shi Qingluo replied: “A kind of soil bomb with great lethality. You know gunpowder, right? It’s made of this thing.”

Historically, gunpowder existed in the Spring and Autumn Period, and black gunpowder officially appeared in the Tang Dynasty and was used in military affairs.

Now there was no Tang Dynasty, and the girder has already turned a corner, so gunpowder has not yet been used in the military.

Xiao Hanzheng was very smart: “When the Old Taoist Priest ascended before, there was suddenly a huge noise, and then the flames shot into the sky, was it caused by this little black ball?”

He also heard the loud noise and saw the scene of the flames soaring into the sky, but he didn’t believe it was what ascended to immortality.

Before, he was also curious about how such a big commotion could be caused, but now he understood.

Shi Qingluo nodded, “Well, it was the Old Taoist Priest who used gunpowder to concoct alchemy, which cause the explosion. There were also a lot of soil bombs piled up in his main hall, so they all detonated and cause the so-called ascension phenomenon.”

Xiao Hanzheng thought for a while and asked: “Can you make that thing?”

Shi Qingluo didn’t hide it, “Yes, and I know more, but we can’t protect ourselves, so we can’t show it.”

“The Book of Time Traveling” not only includes how to configure gunpowder and soil bombs but also how to make muskets.

If she takes it out now, it will be more likely to be directly controlled by a certain dignitary, force, or the Emperor.

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They were too weak right now, they better develop in a low-key manner first.

They better take these things out after they have capital that even the Emperor dare not touch easily.

Xiao Hanzheng found that his little wife was arrogant when she was arrogant, and she was also very cautious when she was cautious.

She knew how to judge the situation and act very wisely.

He doesn’t know what kind of family can raise such a woman.

“Being cautious is right, it is not suitable to take it out now.”

Xiao Hanzheng thought for a while and said: “However, you can make a few less powerful ones first, and then add some things that are not real formulas, and deliberately confuse the Wu Family to take.”

“After they try it and find that it is of limited use and cannot be used in the military, they will naturally give up.”

He said meaningfully: “I am not afraid of thieves stealing, but I am afraid that thieves will always think about it.”

Shi Qingluo thought it made sense, “Yes, it’s better to let the Wu Family give up on themselves first, so as not to worry about it all the time.”

She has to do a lot of things in the future, it will be very troublesome if the Wu Family will keep watching her.

She snapped her fingers: “Then I’ll take the initiative to make a few soil bombs with poor results, and let my superb fourth uncle send it to the Wu Family. We can still blackmail some money.”

Xiao Hanzheng smiled knowingly: “That’s a good idea.”

There was already a feud between them, so it doesn’t matter if there will be more.

After finishing speaking, the two went to the backyard together.

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Mrs. Kong has already taken Xiao Baili and Xiao Hanyi to build a few thatched huts.

All three of them like it and are happy to raise chickens and ducks.

Xiao Hanyi said excitedly: “Sister-in-law, I will dig earthworms every day to feed chickens and ducks.”

When these chickens and ducks grow up, they can eat eggs, duck eggs, and meat.

Shi Qingluo encouraged with a smile: “From now on, Hanyi will be responsible for the food of these chickens and ducks.”

Xiao Hanyi nodded excitedly: “I will do well, sister-in-law!”

Shi Qingluo said again: “For the chickens and ducks, let’s raise them here first. When we have money, we will buy the mountain behind us. Then we will raise chickens and ducks in the mountain.”

Such chickens and ducks that were full of activities to find food were far healthier and more delicious.

They can raise a large scale if they want to raise it.

Hearing what she said, Mrs. Kong and the other two all looked forward to it: “Really? That would be great.”

Shi Qingluo said confidently: “Naturally.”

Then Shi Qingluo stayed to help, while Xiao Hanzheng went back to write the script.

After setting up the nests, Shi Qingluo took the initiative to fetch water to feed the chickens and ducks, and added a lot of spiritual springs, so that these chicks and ducklings would not die.

Of course, she will also prepare prescriptions to prevent poultry diseases, and when they were raised on a large scale, she will go to the county to grab the medicines and prepare them.

It can also explain why the poultry raised by their family has zero deaths and no illnesses

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