Chapter 46: Who is plotting whom?

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May 20, 2023Ai Hrist

Those who took tofu in the morning were all sold out.

Everyone sells them in nearby villages and towns. According to what Shi Qingluo said, the prices were all five copper coins, and they earn one copper coin per catty.

They earned a few copper coins in the morning. Some of them even earned thirty copper coins like Xiao Dashu and his brothers, which was like a pie falling in the sky for the villagers.

Then word spread quickly in the village. Everyone knew that the tofu made by Xiao Xiucai’s family was particularly good.

People who were still watching on the sidelines also decided to sell tofu the next day.

Soon, another piece of news broke the calm in the village.

Old Lady Xiao sold the maid who served her.

The people in the village watched Xing Hong, who was sold, crying in tears and out of breath, scolding Old Lady Xiao and Shi Qinglou, while being dragged away by the dental staff.

Then the main Xiao Family released news that they were going to sell the old house and fields. Those who were willing to buy them could come to talk.

Mrs. Kong and her children were very happy when they heard the news.

The people in the main house were finally leaving the village to go to the capital to harm, and that bad girl Xing Hong also suffered retribution. They want to set off firecrackers to celebrate.

Mrs. Kong said: “I don’t know when the people in the main house will leave.”

Shi Qingluo said: “Once they sell the house and the land, they will go to the capital.”

After being instigated by her, those best products all want to go to the capital to enjoy richness themselves.

Mrs. Kong smiled deeply, “That’s good. When they go to the capital, they won’t be thinking about robbing the tofu workshop anymore.”

Shi Qingluo nodded: “Now they look down on tofu workshops.”

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Mrs. Kong knew how greedy those best products in the main house were: “Indeed. When they go far away, we will be in peace.”

Then she changed the subject and asked: “Qingluo, this tofu is wonderful, should we make more tomorrow?”

Shi Qingluo nodded, “Well, let’s double it tomorrow.”

“In the future, more people will come to buy tofu and resell it. You should be mentally prepared.”

Mrs. Kong nodded with a smile: “I’m ready. I also mix the bean dregs with wild vegetables and earthworms to feed chickens and ducks, they like it.”

“In the future, we will make a lot of tofu. I think it’s good to buy the back mountain when we have money like you said, and use it to feed chickens and ducks. We will also buy some pigs so that the bean dregs will not be wasted.”

She liked the fulfilling and hopeful days they lived right now. She was very happy no matter how hard it will be.

Shi Qingluo nodded with a smile: “Mother is right, I think so too, and this day will come soon.”

Mrs. Kong’s smile deepened, her eyes were full of hope, and she became more motivated: “Yes.”

Then she took Xiao Baili to the kitchen to cook again.

Shi Qingluo was sitting in the yard, watching Xiao Hanzheng write the script.

Their house has a very poor layout when it was built, so the light in the room was not very good during the day.

Xiao Hanzheng always moved the tables and chairs to the yard to write scripts or read books.

After finishing tens of thousands of words, Xiao Hanzheng showed it to Shi Qingluo.

After reading it, Shi Qingluo sighed: “The writing is very good, there is nothing to change this time.”

“Your talent for writing scripts is really strong!” Even she couldn’t stop reading when she started it.

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One can imagine how much the impact would be on the ancients who have not read the scriptures of cultivating immortals.

Xiao Hanzheng smiled and said, “Thank you for the compliment.”

He likes to be recognized and praised by his little wife.

In his previous life, he did everything by himself, and now suddenly there was such a person by his side, which was very good.

“I’ll go to the county seat in 2 days, and take the manuscript I wrote to the bookstore to see if it can be sold.”

Regarding this script, he felt that there would be no problem selling it.

Shi Qingluo nodded with a smile and said, “Okay, then I will go to the town with you the day after tomorrow, and do some shopping along the way.”

While the two were talking, Xiao Erlang from the old house came.

Xiao Hanzheng asked coldly: “What’s the matter?”

Although Xiao Erlang was one year older than Xiao Hanzheng, he has been dealt with privately by his cousin several times, which was very frightening.

He didn’t dare to go into the yard, but stood at the door and said, “Grandpa and Grandma ask you to go to the old house.”

Shi Qingluo and Xiao Hanzheng looked at each other and nodded.

Xiao Hanzheng put away the storybook, paper, and brush: “Okay, let’s go.”

Calling them to the old house this time, those top players probably want to plot against them.

The two followed Xiao Erlang for more than ten minutes and arrived at a semi-new yard.

As soon as he entered the door, Shi Qingluo saw a dozen people sitting in the yard.

She guessed that everyone from the main Xiao family was there.

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She looked at Old Lady Xiao first and asked, “Why is the former grandma looking for us?”

Old Lady Xiao: “… …”

This damn girl always calls her by a prefix, which was annoying as ever.

But she called people over today, not to find fault.

She pointed to the two empty chairs in the yard, then said: “Sit down.”

After watching the two sit down, she said, “I’ll listen to you, and sell Xing Hong.”

Shi Qingluo raised her finger and shook it, “Former grandmother, what you said is wrong. I just made a small suggestion, and I won’t take the blame for betrayal.”

Old Lady Xiao: “… …”

The others: “… …”

Shameless, it was her idea yesterday.

Old Lady Xiao also knew that she couldn’t say that it was this dead girl’s idea, so she took a deep breath: “Okay, then we sell people ourselves.”

She looked like she was taking advantage of people and said: “Now we want to sell the house and the field. I heard that your tofu sells very well, so I would like to ask if you want to buy it?”

If Shi Qingluo didn’t instigate them to look down on tofu workshops and go to the General’s Mansion in the capital to be the master of the house, Old Lady Xiao and the others wanted to take the tofu shop themselves when they heard it was selling well.

But now they have other thoughts.

Shi Qingluo immediately shook her head: “We can’t afford it.”

“Now the tofu is selling well because of its novelty, but I don’t know what will happen in the future.”

“We haven’t paid off the money we owe, where will we get the money to buy your old house and fields?”

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She rolled her eyes and said with a smile: “Why don’t you let us pay on credit, we will buy it.”

These best products thought of selling their house and fields to them.

So when they come back later, they will just use the so-called filial piety to get them back, and not spend a single penny.

She doesn’t have the time to fool around with them.

And to be honest, she doesn’t like this house.

So she deliberately said that she had no money and asked to pay on credit. With the virtue of these best products, they would naturally refuse.

Since these best products took the initiative to come to her door and want to plot against them, she wanted to see who plots against whom in the end. Heh heh!

People from the main Xiao Family: “… …”

Pay on credit, was she dreaming?

They originally wanted to try it. If Xiao Hanzheng and the others could take out the money, or go to the village or the county to borrow money to buy it, it would be the best.

If they return to the village in the future, they can just grab it back and save a fortune.

The credit was fine, but they were not stupid.

Old Lady Xiao smiled and said: “It’s fine if you don’t have money, but we need silver for travel expenses.”

Shi Qingluo agreed, “That’s true. Although you will have enough food and drink after you go to the capital, and you still have endless money to spend, you still need to prepare some money on the way.”

Old Lady Xiao suddenly didn’t want to see her: “That’s okay, you go back.”

Shi Qingluo did not move and said: “Former grandmother, are you going to throw us away after using us!”

She said again: “You don’t want to talk to me anymore?”

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