Chapter 63: Don’t Cry

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June 17, 2023Ai Hrist

Half a month later, the people in the main house packed their bags and prepared to go to the capital.

After selling the main house and land, plus the money left by Xiao Yuanshi before he left, the people in the main house have hundreds of taels of silver in their hands.

So they directly rented a few carriages to take them to the capital.

Early this morning, a horse-drawn carriage from the county seat came to the main Xiao Family’s house.

After hearing what the person who came to buy tofu said, Shi Qingluo took Xiao Hanzheng to see them off.

When everyone was ready to get onto the carriage, all of them looked at their old house reluctantly.

After all, they have lived here for so many years, and suddenly they were leaving. It won’t be their home anymore.

When Shi Qingluo came, she saw them like this.

So she stepped forward and said: “What is there to be sad about this poor place? You guys are going to do big things.”

“Wouldn’t it be nice to live in the General’s Mansion, which is dozens or even a hundred times bigger than your old house?”

“Is it possible that you still want to come back?”

These words broke the reluctance and sadness of the best product members of the Xiao family.

This damn girl, what she said was so frankly reasonable.

How can the General’s Mansion be compared to this broken place? What is reluctant to part with it?

They don’t want to come back.

Old Lady Xiao glanced at Shi Qingluo: “Why are you here?”

Shi Qingluo smiled and said: “I can’t bear to part with you, so I came to see you off.”

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People from the main Xiao Family: “… …”

So fake.

Shi Qingluo added: “Although we separated and divorced, aren’t we more reliable than your son who only cares about his happiness, and leaves you in the countryside to continue to suffer?”

People from the main Xiao Family: “… …”

My heart breaks.

This damn girl did it on purpose.

Old Lady Xiao said angrily: “There is no need to come and see it off.”

Shi Qingluo leaned in front of her, looking as if they had a good relationship.

She even said aggrieved: “Old lady, what you said hurt my heart. I have always thought of you first in everything.”

Old Lady Xiao had goosebumps: “Just speak up if you have something to say.”

Shi Qinglou asked in a low voice: “Half a month ago, did Mrs. Hu come to your door and encourage you to come and make trouble with my husband?”

Old Lady Xiao stared at her with wide-eyed: “How do you know?”

Then she found that she was being calculated.

But it doesn’t matter, the main point was how did this dead girl figure it out.

Shi Qingluo raised her finger and pointed to the sky, and said with a bit of mystery: “My master is an old immortal, what can’t I know?”

Old Lady Xiao: “… …”

Should I believe it?

But if she doesn’t believe it, then how did this dead girl know about it?

Because of this, she was a little more afraid of Shi Qingluo.

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Originally, she was still thinking that when she arrived at the General’s Mansion in the capital, she would let her grandson write a letter to ask the dead girl how to help them, just to fool around, but immediately put it away.

She further explained: “We didn’t listen to her instigation.”

Shi Qingluo gave her a look that she understand: “The old lady is a smart person, so of course, she won’t be fooled by her.”

She then asked, as if unintentionally: “You will go to the capital by horse-drawn carriage all the way instead of taking the waterway?”

This was the point of her coming and seeing them off today.

Old Lady Xiao didn’t think much about it, and replied truthfully: “Yes, we have a lot of luggage, and it is troublesome to move it around by water.”

Although the old couple have never been on a long-distance boat, they have heard that the water was sometimes dangerous.

If the boat capsized or encounters water thieves, they will die. So even if the time to travel by water was shorter, they still choose to take a carriage all the way.

Shi Qingluo agreed, “Yes if you get severely seasick by boat, you will suffer for a long time. You may even get sick or die of illness.”

“Old lady, you have great fortune. Since you are blessed, it’s good to keep it and go to the general’s mansion to enjoy your old age as the old madam.”

So don’t change your mind about taking a boat.

Old Lady Xiao had a smile on her originally calm face, she liked to hear this.

The apprentices of the Old Immortal Master said that she has great fortune, so she must have it.

“You have a sweet mouth.”

Shi Qinglou coaxed: “I like to tell the truth.”

Old Lady Xiao was even happier, “Don’t worry, when we gain a firm foothold in the capital, your benefits will be indispensable.”

She thought that since Shi Qingluo came to see them off, she will help them say good things in the future.

Shi Qingluo knew that she misunderstood her, but didn’t explain it. She followed her words: “I like smart people like the old lady the most.”

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She thought she will help them get more interest from that Scumbag Father so that the old lady and others would trust her idea more.

She asked Xiao Dalang again: “Do you still remember what I said earlier?”

Xiao Dalang patted his chest: “Don’t worry, you just wait for my letter.”

Shi Qingluo gave him a thumbs up: “Very good.”

Then the people in the old house got into the carriage one after another, Shi Qingluo smiled enthusiastically and said: “Take care all the way!”

Cherish the first half of the day, and don’t cry in the second half. Even if you want to cry, bear it until you go to the capital.

The main Xiao Family didn’t know what she was thinking, so their attitude towards her was pretty good, and their dislike for her was reduced a lot.

She waited until the carriage completely disappears out of sight.

Then she turned to look at Xiao Hanzheng: “Old Xiao, I will leave the rest to you.”

She has set up everything she can. She doesn’t know whose person to find, she can only leave it to her husband.

Xiao Hanzheng smiled lightly and took her hand: “Don’t worry, just leave it to me.”

These people should also experience suffering. When they went to the capital after suffering so much, they will be more demons.

He said again: “I will go out the day after tomorrow, and it may take 10 to 15 days before I can come back. I will do this incidentally.”

Shi Qingluo remembered what he said before, “Are you going to treat diseases to make money?”

Xiao Hanzheng nodded, “Well, also to earn a favor.”

Shi Qingluo asked: “How far?”

Otherwise, why would it take ten or a half months to come back?

Xiao Hanzheng replied: “It’s not too far to go to Fucheng, but the process will take some time.”

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Shi Qingluo didn’t know about Fucheng’s affairs, so she didn’t ask too much: “Then come back early after finishing your work, we’ll be waiting for you at home.”

She added, “Leave the building of the house and the family to me.”

Xiao Hanzheng held her hand tightly: “Okay, after I leave, I will work hard for my wife.”

He likes to hear her talk, waiting for him to come back home, it was nice to have a home.

Two days later, Xiao Hanzheng took the medicinal materials that he had recently picked from the mountains and prepared, then left home.

That night, Shi Qingluo suffered from insomnia.

Looking at the half-empty bed, she sighed. Habits were a terrible thing.

Hey, I miss my husband!

On the other side, Xiao Hanzheng, who lived in the inn, also suffered from insomnia.

On the first day, he came out, he began to miss his home and his little wife.

Besides, since he was reborn, he has never suffered from insomnia. But now, he had difficulty falling asleep again just like in his previous life.

He was not used to not having his little wife lying beside him.

In the following day, while Shi Qingluo was supervising the construction of the house, she went to the county town to buy some common chrysanthemums and grafted and bred a tricolor chrysanthemum.

With Mrs. Kong and Xiao Hanyi’s help, they gradually planted all the vacant places on the mountain with the bamboo she had raised.

She also poured water from spiritual springs all around their area, so that they would not die easily.

After that, she went back home.

As soon as she got home, she saw Bai Xu sitting in the yard.

When he saw her coming in, his face showed excitement.

Shi Qingluo’s lips curved into a smile, the fat sheep came!

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