Chapter 66: I really owe you

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June 20, 2023Ai Hrist

Then the two chatted about building floor tiles and tile workshops.

Shi Qingluo gave a lot of good advice, Bai Xu thought it was good, and took notes on it.

When it was done, she carried out the pot of purple chrysanthemum that had been cured.

“Here, you can bring back your flower today.”

She took it to her room to water it, so she didn’t put it in the yard.

Bai Xu saw that his purple chrysanthemums that were about to wither had not only returned to the same appearance as when he first bought them, but even the flowers bloomed bigger and more beautiful in color.

He couldn’t help being surprised: “You’ve cured it well.”

Shi Qingluo smiled lightly and said, “Of course, who do you think I am.”

Bai Xu has now discovered that as long as there was a pole in hand, this woman will climb up immediately.

“Yes, you are amazing.”

Now he also believed that Shi Qingluo can grow the flowers she mentioned just now.

Shi Qingluo raised her chin: “Knowing how powerful I am, trust me unswervingly from now on, and I will take you to fly high.”

She changed the topic: “So you why not help me get some cows.”

Her body was malnourished, so her face turned yellow, and she was not as tall as she was in her previous life.

In addition to food supplements, she planned to drink milk supplements every day.

Xiao Baili and Xiao Hanyi also need to make up their body.

It can also be made into toffee, they can eat a few pieces every day.

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Bai Xu: “… …”

Give her some color, she will open a dyeing workshop.

He said angrily: “I really owe you.”

It happened that he was going to deliver a letter to his uncle, so he reluctantly helped the woman to ask the cow.

Shi Qingluo chuckled: “If possible, get a few more, I want as many as possible.”

Bai Xu asked speechlessly: “Why do you want so many cows?”

Shi Qinglou replied: “There are many places that they can be used. I am going to use milk to make toffee. I can give you some to taste after I make it.”

Bai Xu had never heard of it before: “Can milk be made into candies?”

Shi Qingluo nodded: “No need to make a fuss, milk can be used not only to make candies but also to make a lot of food.”

Nougat and condensed milk can also be made and sold.

Bai Xu thought for a while: “Okay, I’ll try my best to bring back as many cows as possible for you.”

He emphasized: “But if you come up with something delicious, you should sell it to me first.”

Shi Qinglou nodded: “No problem.”

Bai Xu sat for a while, paid the final payment for the flower treatment, and left with his flowers in his arms.

Shi Qingluo ran to the room and took out the “Book of Time Traveling”.

Copied the above recipes and medicinal recipes with brush and paper.

Now their family’s conditions were better. Although their food has improved, Xiao Baili can only cook so much, and Shi Qingluo was tired of eating over and over again.

She was going to give these recipes to her little sister-in-law and ask her to cook some of them every day. While eating happily together, can also supplement nutrition, and her little sister-in-law’s cooking skills can also be improved.

Otherwise, she would despise her bean sprouts figure, sallow face, and withered hair.

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Men were visual animals after all. She still hopes that she can hang around her husband beautifully every day in the future.

During dinner, Shi Qingluo handed the copied recipes and medicinal recipes to Xiao Baili.

“Little sister, from now on, you can cook different foods.”

Xiao Baili likes doing female choirs and cooking very much, so she was delighted to see these recipes: “Thank you, sister-in-law, I will learn them well.”

Their life at home was getting better and better. Her sister-in-law will go to the county every two days to buy meat and other food and come back.

At first, she was a little bit reluctant to eat, but now she was used to it.

She found that her sister-in-law was a picky eater, and she was very particular about food.

She must learn all the dishes in the recipe and cook them for her sister-in-law.

Shi Qingluo smiled and said: “It’s okay if it’s bad, you can improve it next time, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

“Okay.” Xiao Baili’s heart warmed up, such a sister-in-law was nice.

If it were her cousins in the main house, if she spoils the dishes, she will get scolded directly.

She knew that many girls of the same age in the village have a tense relationship with their sisters-in-law.

So she was very fortunate that she have such a good sister-in-law.

Many little girls in the village also envy her.

Mrs. Kong smiled when she saw her daughter and daughter-in-law getting along so well.

Sure enough, it was the wisest choice to agree to marry Shi Qinglou.

That night, Shi Qingluo thought about building a house and making a fortune, so her drowsiness gradually disappeared.

Especially when her side was empty, and it was another night of missing her husband.

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Unable to fall asleep, she carefully counted the seeds and saplings in the space.

Now corn, sweet potatoes, potatoes, and peppers have not been introduced, so she has to find a way to get them out.

But bringing them up suddenly and out of nowhere may cause suspicion and be stared at by the upper class. It was still necessary to find a source.

After much deliberation, she finally came up with a good solution.

Then she gradually fell asleep.

On the other side, Xiao Hanzheng, who lived in Fucheng, also suffered from insomnia.

Without his little wife by his side, he returned to the state of his previous life. He suffered from insomnia all night and couldn’t sleep. He had to drink medicine to sleep for a few hours.

He missed his family and little wife.

Fortunately, he can go home in two days.

Early the next morning.

Shi Qingluo, Mrs. Kong, and others sold out the tofu.

She said to Mrs. Kong: “Mother, I want to go to the Taoist temple and build a tomb for my master.”

Mrs. Kong readily agreed: “It should be.”

“Do you need our help?”

Shi Qingluo shook her head: “No, I’ll go up the mountain to have a look first, and then ask the Feng Shui Master to choose a good location, and then place a man-made tomb.”

Now that she has money in her hands, she doesn’t want to wrong the Taoist Priest who has been helping her and plans to help him build a good tomb.

Mrs. Kong smiled: “Okay, if you need help, just call us.”

“Mmm!” Shi Qing nodded.

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She went out with a basket on her back.

She and Xiao Hanzheng went to the mountain before, but the Taoist Temple was in different directions.

After walking for nearly an hour, Shi Qingluo arrived halfway up the mountain where the Taoist Temple was located.

She took out the key, unlocked the previously locked door, and walked in.

The Taoist temple was not too big, just a main hall and two side rooms.

The main hall was the place where the old-fashioned alchemy, and she lived, while the side room was where the boys live.

The backyard has also reclaimed several acres of land dedicated to growing vegetables.

She never came back after leaving, so the vegetable field has been barren.

Shi Qingluo went to the main hall first and found a lot of ashes on the ground, and some unburned bones.

There were some in the middle, which were too conspicuous.

There were several piles on the side, which should belong to the other three Taoist boys.

She took out the ashes urn that she bought from the county seat from the back basket, and took out the gloves that she had put in from the space.

Then walked to the main hall and bowed to the place where the broken bones were scattered.

“Master, rest in peace.”

“I will build a tombstone for you, and I will burn incense and paper money for you in the future.”

After she finished speaking, she stepped forward and carried all the ashes and bones on the ground into the urn.

After it was full, she sealed it and then went to the side to collect the ashes of the three Taoist boys.

She planned to bury them next to the Taoist Master, which can also be regarded as a safe place.

After finishing all these, Shi Qinglou went to the backyard.

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