Chapter 72: Heart broken at this time

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June 28, 2023Ai Hrist

The South Street was very prosperous, with various shops in the front right, and the mansions of newly promoted dignitaries in the back left.

Compared with the capital city, Nanxi County was far less prosperous. People from the main Xiao Family were dazzled along the way.

No wonder Shi Qingluo said that the capital was a golden and a blessing nest, but it was more than that.

The things sold in those shops on the road were something they had never seen in Nanxi County.

Because of this, in the hearts of the main Xiao Family, they scolded Xiao Yuanshi and Ge Chunru countless times.

On the way, Xiao Yuanshi maintained a stiff smile and didn’t take the initiative to ask the main Xiao Family why they came to the capital.

They were still on the street, he doesn’t want to lose face.

Along the way, he also met some colleagues, or family members of his colleagues.

Watching Xiao Yuanshi was followed by a group of beggars, gossip people can’t help but ask about their relationship.

Each time, Xiao Yuanshi hadn’t spoken yet, but the members of the main Xiao Family would announce with great pride that they were relatives of General Xiao. They were his biological parents and siblings.

This made everyone look at Xiao Yuanshi with some subtlety.

Xiao Yuanshi was well-off, and his life in the general’s mansion was not bad, but his parents and brothers look like poor beggars.

This made people can’t help but think about it.

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The stiff smile on Xiao Yuanshi’s face could hardly be maintained anymore. He wanted to make the people in the main Xiao Family dumb.

He kept explaining to people that his parents and brothers went to the capital and were ransacked by bandits, which made them what they were now.

If he doesn’t make this clear, he will be the talk of everyone tomorrow.

When he came back from meritorious service, he was favored by the Emperor, so some people were jealous and had to guard against him.

A civil servant who didn’t get along well with Xiao Yuanshi asked in surprise: “If that’s the case, why didn’t General Xiao personally send someone to pick up his parents and relatives to the capital?”

“There should be no shortage of such people in the General’s Mansion, right?”

Xiao Yuanshi choked, and just about to explain, Xiao Dalang interjected.

“My parents wanted to see the second brother, so we came to the capital to find my brother by ourselves, so he didn’t send anyone to pick us up.”

When Xiao Yuanshi heard this, these people finally made no slip of their tongues.

But Mrs. Wang’s follow-up words, made his face turn black.

Mrs. Wang said: “The second daughter-in-law doesn’t like us going to the General’s Mansion very much, so we didn’t dare to come before.”

Mrs. Wu added, “Our parent-in-law misses the second brother so much, so we were forced to sell the house and land to get some money, and then come to the capital to see him.”

Shi Qingluo said before that if they want to gain a firm foothold in the capital and the general’s mansion.

The first thing to do is to pull that woman Ge Chunru off the horse and let the old lady and them, the sisters-in-law take control of the general’s mansion.

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And since knowing Ge Chunru’s true identity, the female family members of the main Xiao Family hate and despise her.

That woman wanted to prevent them from going to the capital to live a good life and wants to control the financial power of the general’s mansion alone.

So before entering the general’s mansion, they began to blacken Ge Chunru’s reputation.

The person who asked showed disapproval on his face: “As a daughter-in-law, she doesn’t like her parents-in-law coming home, that’s too unfilial.”

Other spectators looked at Xiao Yuanshi disapprovingly and said: “General Xiao, this is your fault. Your parents raised you, how could you not allow your parents to enter because of your wife’s dislike?”

“Yes, your parents miss you, and they even sell houses and land to see you. You, husband and wife, are too much.”

In this era, filial piety was the priority, so everyone despises the actions of General Xiao and his wife.

No wonder Xiao Yuanshi had been named a general for so long, but they didn’t see his relatives. It turned out that his wife hated his relatives, so he didn’t let them come.

They heard that Xiao Yuanshi especially dotes on that little wife, but he can’t be unfilial to his parents!

And they didn’t expect that Madam Xiao, who was praised by the family members for being gentle and virtuous, was a duplicitous woman.

Seeing that everyone started to accuse him and his wife of being unfilial because of what the first sister-in-law and the third sister-in-law said.

Xiao Yuanshi wanted to throw them out of the capital immediately.

Then he immediately explained, “The two sisters-in-law misunderstood, Chunru didn’t have such an idea, and she even offered to pick up my parents to live in the capital after we settled down completely.”

Of course, there was no such thing, but this time he was riding a tiger.

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Then he showed a face of guilt and shame: “I didn’t even know that my parents sold the land and house to visit because they missed me. I am ashamed of my parents.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Laoda took the initiative to look relieved and patted him on the shoulder in fear.

“It’s okay, from now on, you should be filial to your parents.”

Xiao Yuanshi was wearing a light gray brocade robe today, and when he was slapped like this, a dirty palm print instantly appeared on his shoulder.

He was so disgusted that he wanted to slap this brother on the ground.

But in public, he can only act aggrieved as a brother and friend: “What Eldest Brother said is right.”

Old Lady Xiao turned around and pulled Xiao Yuanshi with emotion on her face, saying: “Er Shi, our old couple will depend on you in the future.”

“Back then, your father and I were reluctant to eat because we wanted to save a bite for you, and supported you to serve as a soldier to defend our home and country. Now that you are promising and know how to honor your parents, Mother is really happy,”

This was what Shi Qingluo taught her to say, and she said it in public.

As for being reluctant to eat, saving a bite from her mouth for the second child, this was of course a lie.

Although the main Xiao Family was not very rich, it has not yet reached this level.

As for her second son, although they didn’t value him, but doted on the youngest son, they didn’t treat him harshly.

They didn’t let him get so hungry or stretched him out, but it was only natural that they asked him to be filial.

Shi Qingluo said that when she speaks from such a commanding height, her second son can’t refute her.

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People outside will also think that she was a sensible old lady. In the future, if she goes out to blackmail, ahem, and spreads the filial piety of her daughter-in-law, more people will believe her.

Sure enough, upon hearing her words, Xiao Yuanshi seemed to be constipated.

When did his mother become so smart to be able to say such a thing?

The main point was that they were all made up. He used to be the most unfavored son at home. How could they not eat for themselves and save for him?

He went to serve in the army because he was superficially forced by them. The old couple can’t bear to let the eldest and third child go, so it could only be him.

But now in her mouth, it was all for him.

Old Man Xiao also took the initiative to agree, as if they, the parents had suffered so much for him to be a general.

Xiao Yuanshi wanted to vomit blood, these people were too shameless.

The main point was not only they were shameless, but also become smarter while being shameless… …

If the old lady and others beat and scolded him in front of everyone like in the mountain village, he will have reasons why he didn’t want to take them to the capital.

He can pretend to be aggrieved and helpless. Whoever let him have such parents and brothers makes everyone sympathize with him.

Who knew that this group of people suddenly played their cards out of common sense, and his heart was broken at this moment?

But he had to pretend to smile: “Thanks to my parents back then, I naturally wanted to be filial to them.”

He has to say this now. The main point was, even if he tells the truth, no one will believe him, and he will be branded unfilial tomorrow.

So even if his mother made it up, he can only admit it aggrieved… …

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