Chapter 76: No need to be so reluctant

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July 9, 2023Ai Hrist

Xiao Yuanshi couldn’t make up his mind, so he didn’t ask any more questions.

He will keep staring at the old lady and others to see if they have contact with people in the capital, and make sure that someone was plotting against him behind the scenes.

After serving the old lady for dinner, Ge Chunru lost her appetite.

She looked at Xiao Yuanshi with tears in her eyes, secretly opened her mouth, and said “Xing Hong”.

She dared not take the initiative to speak again, after all, who knows the dead old woman might attack her again.

Xiao Yuanshi was very distressed when he saw the slap marks on his wife’s face and the tears in her eyes.

This person was usually pampered in his hands and loved her dearly. He was very reluctant to say a word that will hurt her. His mother was too much.

If they were in his hometown, he would not be able to bear it and directly defended her.

But there were too many scruples in the capital, and now that he was just gaining favor in the court, there were many people who want to catch him.

In the general’s mansion, he didn’t know if there were any spies sent by someone, so he could only endure it.

Ever since he started to get promoted continuously at the border, he hasn’t felt so aggrieved for a long time.

He asked on behalf of his beloved wife: “Mother, where is Xing Hong? Why didn’t she go to the capital with you?”

Old Lady Xiao had been observing the two of them all the time, so she naturally found out that this shabby vixen was making eye contact with her son.

Sure enough, it was like what Shi Qingluo said, this shabby vixen’s heart was too deep. She doesn’t do it herself, she encourages her son, which was too much.

She snorted: “It’s fine if you don’t mention that little hoof, I get angry when I think about her.”

“She was restless in the village. She hooked up with a man who was a merchant, and ran away with him some time ago.”

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Before coming, Shi Qingluo said that if these two people asked about Xing Hong, she can’t tell that she betrayed them, but said that she ran away with the wild man.

In this way, Ge Chunru can be squeezed by them, and it can also cover up their doing.

Old Lady Xiao looked up at Ge Chunru meaningfully, pointed at her nose, and scolded: “Like master like a servant.”

What she meant was obvious, and she was also shameless.

These words made Ge Chunru’s expression change, and even her fingertips couldn’t help digging into the flesh of the palm of her hand.

This old woman was too vicious to make up such words to humiliate her.

She didn’t believe that Xing Hong would run off with some merchant.

After all, she promised before that as long as Xing Hong coaxed these disgusting people to stay in their hometown well when she picks them up in the future, she will send them to be concubines to high officials in the court.

Xing Hong was very excited at that time, and she has been helping her hold these people back.

But now because she has no evidence and doesn’t understand the truth, she really can’t refute the old lady’s words.

She raised her head and asked: “Is there some misunderstanding?”

She didn’t want to bear the shameless reputation imposed by the old woman. If she said it, where would she put her face?

Old Lady Xiao patted the table, and raised her triangular eyes, “Why, are you here to question your mother-in-law again?”

“Don’t think that because Er Shi puts gold on your face, you are really some official lady, when you are just born as a poor peasant girl. So don’t pretend to be garlic in front of me.”

“That girl of yours has never been a law-abiding girl. She looks like a coquettish fox at first glance. What’s so strange about running away with someone?”

“When she came into our house, she almost ruined the reputation of your niece at home. I haven’t settled with you yet.”

“How about this, you can go and get some jewelry and materials later, and make up for them.”

“Otherwise, I’ll go out and ask if the maidservants raised by noble ladies in the capital are so shameless.”

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If she doesn’t make this shabby vixen bleed, she will feel uncomfortable.

Ge Chunru’s face froze he didn’t expect the old lady to become so difficult and sharp.

If she knew that she would not ask about Xing Hong, she should have investigated in private, which won’t cause a commotion.

“Mom, you misunderstood, I dare not question you.”

She changed the subject and said: “I’ve already prepared gifts for my nephews and nieces, and I’ll send them over in a while.”

This was of course false.

At this moment, she wanted to slap the old woman a few times, but she still had to deal with it with her aggrieved face.

She was afraid that the dead old woman and others will go out and talk nonsense, destroying the good reputation she has built so hard.

Old Lady Xiao was proud of herself, and snorted, “It’s not too bad.”

She already knows how to deal with these two beasts.

Others also knew it in their hearts, and Mrs. Wu was even more cautious.

Just like that, the main old Xiao family lived in the General’s Mansion in the capital.

The old lady was getting old, she goes to bed early at night and woke up before dawn every morning, and then she doesn’t need a maid to serve her, she asked Ge Chunru, the daughter-in-law, to honor her.

Ge Chunru can only get up before dawn every day to serve the old lady.

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner have to be served, and every two days she has to serve the old lady to take a bath.

Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Wu also often cooperate with the old lady to clean her up.

Even when she was still in her boudoir, Ge Chunru had never suffered such crimes and grievances. She was tortured to the point of losing energy all day long and was always hovering on the verge of collapse.

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But as long as she cried in front of Xiao Yuanshi, the old lady would cry even louder.

One time, she pretended to be sick, and the old lady ran to the gate to sit and cry.

If the maid she sent to stare at the old lady didn’t react quickly and coaxed her back, she doesn’t know what would have happened.

But the old lady said that she pretended to be sick and didn’t want to serve her mother-in-law, but she still spread the word.

She was so angry that she got sick this time, so she couldn’t help complaining directly to Xiao Yuanshi, asking him to find a way to get them back to the village.

She really can’t take it anymore, if this goes on, she will go crazy.

Xiao Yuanshi also had enough, she coaxed his little wife while thinking of ways to get these people back.

Since the best products of the main Xiao Family came to the General’s Mansion, the two of them have been living a life of chaos and dire straits every day. They have no energy to stare at Xiao Hanzheng’s side anymore.

Of course, this was another story.


On the other side, the Xiao family.

Xiao Hanzheng fell asleep, and the three came back from the outside.

Xiao Baili happily cooked several new dishes.

Mrs. Kong was also happy that her son was back, and the family happily sat down to eat together.

After eating, Shi Qingluo habitually took Xiao Hanzheng for a walk.

Seeing this, Daidai chased after her.

It kept approaching Shi Qingluo, trying to squeeze Xiao Hanzheng away.

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Shi Qingluo laughed lightly when she saw it like this: “This is your father, don’t chase him away.”

Daidai tilted its head to look at Xiao Hanzheng in a daze, then yelled at him a few times in disgust, then turned its head and went close to Shi Qingluo again.

Xiao Hanzheng: “… …”

I woke up and had an extra daughter-in-law, and now, after going out for a trip, I have a goose son.

He asked dumbfounded: “When did I become his father?”

Shi Qingluo took the initiative to take his arm: “Brother Zheng, raising a pet is like raising a child, so it is our goose, and we must raise it well.”

Many pet owners in modern times treat their pets like children. She was greedy before.

It was a pity that her workload can’t give her time, and it just happens to be possible now.

Xiao Hanzheng: “… …”

As soon as he heard her calling Brother Zheng, he had a bad feeling.

So he has such a big goose son to raise… …

Shi Qingluo stretched out her hand and patted Daidai’s head: “Good boy, show respect to your father from now on.”

Then, from the small purse hanging on her clothes, she took out a homemade goose food ball that had been added with Spiritual water and threw it into it.

Then she pointed to Xiao Hanzheng again: “Good boy, call him Dad.”

Diadai immediately grabbed the ball and swallowed it without even tasting it.

Then reluctantly gave a perfunctory “quack” to Xiao Hanzheng.

Xiao Hanzheng: “… …”

There is no need to be so reluctant.

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