Chapter 79: She did it on purpose

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July 13, 2023Ai Hrist

Shi Qingluo took Xiao Hanzheng to the bombed-out main hall to take another look.

She said: “Tomorrow, I will find a Feng Shui Master to see if it is possible to build the main hall here. If possible, we will invite someone to start the construction.”

“Let’s find a place with the best feng shui for Master to enshrine.”

Find a professional magic stick to confirm, the effect will be better.

Besides, since they want to do it, do it the best.

Xiao Hanzheng nodded, “Okay.”

After discussing, the two walked out of the Taoist Temple, Shi Qingluo locked the door and went down the mountain with a basket of saltpeter on their back.

The next day Xiao Hanzheng and the patriarch went to the county seat to buy the mountain behind their old house and the land at the entrance of the village.

The mountain this time was much larger than the bamboo forest hillside, so the price was also much higher, three hundred taels of silver.

The vacant land at the entrance of the village was not expensive. It has the same price as wasteland, four taels of silver per mu, and a total of ten mu of land cost forty taels.

Xiao Hanzheng inquired about the residence of the most famous Feng Shui Master in the county, so he came to visit directly.

This Feng Shui Master Li happened to be free today, and he had heard the story of the Old Taoist Priest ascending to immortality, so he agreed to go back to the village with them to take a look.

When Xiao Hanzheng was going to rent a carriage, he met Bai Xu.

Bai Xu was very interested in the legend of the Old Taoist Priest, so he offered to go and see it together.

Xiao Hanzheng did not refuse, and it happened that the group of people could go back to the village in the Bai family’s carriage, saving time and effort.

The villagers heard that Xiao Hanzheng and his wife invited a Feng Shui Master to choose a site for the old god to rebuild the main hall, and then worship the tablet, and they all supported it.

They also said that if necessary, they can help.

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The villagers in several nearby villages were in awe of the Old Taoist Priest.

Everyone had a better impression of Shi Qingluo, the Old Taoist Priest didn’t love this apprentice in vain.

After returning to the village, he didn’t stop to rest.

Xiao Hanzheng went to ask Shi Qingluo to go up the mountain together.

Now was the hottest time at noon, Shi Qingluo cooked mung bean soup and packed it in a wooden barrel made of wood by her young husband.

She was going to give it to everyone to drink later.

The wooden barrels have a layer inside, which was used to hold food, and a hollow layer outside, which was specially used to put ice made of saltpeter, which acts as a chiller.

She also mentioned it casually after she came back last night, but her young husband went out and made a small wooden barrel with the use of a knife.

It was only then that she realized that he can also do carpentry, which was versatile.

After putting the small wooden bucket in the back basket, she also put a few more bowls before getting into the carriage, and then they went to the Taoist Temple together.

When they got to the foot of the mountain, they had to climb up by themselves because the carriage couldn’t get on the mountain.

The Taoist temple was halfway up the mountain. After climbing up, everyone was sweating from the heat.

After opening the door and entering the Taoist Temple, Feng Shui Master Li walked around first to look at Feng Shui.

Bai Xu looked around, but he didn’t find anything unusual, so he was a little disappointed.

He kept fanning as he said: “The weather is getting hotter and hotter.”

If he knew it earlier, he wouldn’t follow and suffered.

When Shi Qingluo saw his appearance, she guessed what he was thinking.

She chuckled lightly and said: “If you don’t come today, you will probably regret it.”

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Bai Xu raised an eyebrow and asked, “Why?”

Shi Qingluo hugged the wooden barrel, “You’ll find out later.”

Bai Xu: “… …”

Disgusting, always hanging his appetite.

After a while, Feng Shui Master Li came back.

He pointed to the main hall that was blown up, and said to Shi Qingluo: “The location of the main hall chosen by your master is the place with the best Feng Shui here, and the heavenly aura of this mountain are gathered here.”

“I guess, in the beginning, your master should also have seen that this is a treasured place of geomantic omen, so he built the main hall of the Taoist temple here.”

“So I suggest that you rebuild the main hall here and enshrine the tablet.”

Shi Qingluo was overjoyed. What this gentleman said was all on her point. Sure enough, the money spent on Feng Shui Master was not a waste.

She nodded in gratitude: “Okay, thank you Master for your advice!”

Since Feng Shui Master Li said that the heavenly aura of the geomantic omen was here, she would focus on it.

Now with the affirmation of the most powerful Feng Shui Master in the county, it will be justified to change the name in the future.

Only in this way can the foundation be laid first, so that her master can “appear”.

After reading Feng Shui, Shi Qinglou asked Feng Shui Master Li and Bai Xu to sit down and rest in the side hall.

Then took out the mung bean soup for them to drink.

After drinking the cold mung bean soup to relieve the heat, both Feng Shui Master Li and Bai Xu were surprised.

Bai Xu asked: “Did you add ice to this mung bean soup?”

Shi Qingluo said truthfully: “I didn’t add ice, but it was kept chilled with ice.”

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She opened the small wooden barrel to show the two of them, and it was obvious that there were unmelted ice cubes in the hollow.

Bai Xu was surprised again and asked: “Where did you get this ice?”

Neither his family nor the Wu family in the county can afford to build an ice cave.

As far as he knows, only rich and powerful families in the capital have ice cave storage, which stores ice in winter and uses it in summer.

Ice was impossible in summer in the county.

So he was curious about where Shi Qingluo got the ice.

Shi Qingluo smiled lightly: “That’s why I said, you will regret it if you don’t come today!”

She said again: “This is the ice I made myself.”

Feng Shui Master was shocked this time: “Miss Xiao Xiucai, you know how to make ice?”

Isn’t the ice stored in the freezer in winter and used in summer? How can it be produced?

This question was also puzzling to Bai Xu.

Shi Qingluo smiled: “In fact, as long as one thing is used, ice can be made in summer.”

Feng Shui Master Li and Bai Xu were both curious and wanted to know what it was, but they wisely didn’t ask.

Bai Xu didn’t ask this question, but he couldn’t hold back and asked: “Your master taught this again?”

Shi Qingluo nodded as a matter of course: “Yes!”

Yes, it was her master who teaches everything, and she likes to make friends with brain-invigorating people like this Young Master Bai, ahem!

Bai Xu didn’t have many doubts this time.

After all, Shi Qinglou was a village girl, how could she understand these magical methods on her own?

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He also thought to himself, could it be that the Old Taoist Priest ascended to immortality?

Otherwise, how could it be possible to make ice in summer?

Feng Shui Master Li’s thoughts, which were a little loose at first, also converged.

He knows Feng Shui, and the location of this Taoist Temple was indeed a place with excellent Feng Shui.

He also guessed that the Old Taoist Priest should also know Feng Shui.

It was just he didn’t expect the other party to know these magical methods, which made him feel awed.

It seems that even if the Old Taoist Priest was not the so-called old immortal master in the legend, he was a rare master of Taoism.

After drinking the iced mung bean soup, everyone felt much cooler and refreshed before going down the mountain.

Bai Xu asked Xiao Si to send Feng Shui Master Li back to the county seat, while he shamelessly followed Xiao Hanzheng and Shi Qing back to the Xiao Family’s house.

After Feng Shui Master Li returned to the county seat, because Shi Qingluo didn’t tell him to keep it a secret, he couldn’t help telling about her ability to make ice.

Of course, the main point was to emphasize that it was the Old Taoist Priest who taught her.

Shi Qingluo deliberately let Feng Shui Master Li and Bai Xu drink iced mung bean soup, and let them see the ice with their own eyes.

It was within her expectation that the publicity would go out. What she wanted was Feng Shui Master Li’s help in advertising.

As for Bai Xu, he wasn’t part of her original plan, it just happened.

Because this matter was a magical phenomenon, it quickly spread in the county.

Young Master Wu also heard about it immediately and immediately went to Patriarch Wu.

He walked into the study with a look of excitement and told Patriarch Wu what Feng Shui Master Li had passed on.

“Father, if we can get hold of this ice-making method, it will be of great benefit to our family.”

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