Chapter 88: They cry

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July 25, 2023Ai Hrist

When the two of them were some distance away from the door, Xiao Hanzheng woke up Shi Qingluo.

When she got off his back, she became much more energetic.

Looking at the sweat on Xiao Hanzheng’s forehead.

With a guilty conscience, she took out the handkerchief, and took the initiative to wipe his sweat: “Thank you for your hard work, my husband.”

Her young husband seemed to have carried her for nearly half an hour.

Well, this physical strength was quite good.

Xiao Hanzheng had a smile in his eyes, and let her wipe away his sweat: “It should be, who asked me to be your husband-in-law.”

It was only natural for a husband to take care of his wife.

Shi Qingluo chuckled: “I’m proud to have a husband like you.”

Xiao Hanzheng laughed: “Then I thank my lady!”

The two went home while talking and laughing.

Seeing the two come back, Mrs. Kong and the two siblings were relieved.

Mrs. Kong asked worriedly: “Are you alright?”

She originally wanted to go to the county town with her, but her daughter-in-law said it was fine, and she didn’t need to go.

Xiao Hanzheng said: “It’s okay, Mother, don’t worry.”

Mrs. Kong felt relieved: “It’s good if you’re fine, you guys go wash your face, and we’ll cook.”

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“Good!” Xiao Hanzheng nodded.

He went to wash his face with Shi Qingluo and went back to his room to rest for a while.

After eating, the two held hands and went out for a walk to digest food.

Seeing the two go out with a goose, Mrs. Kong showed a smile on her face.

Xiao Baili looked at the backs of the two and a goose, and felt very warm: “The relationship between brother and sister-in-law is really good.”

Mrs. Kong nodded: “That’s right, your sister-in-law is good, and your brother is also blessed.”

She said again: “Our family will get better and better.”

Since the daughter-in-law got married and her son woke up, she didn’t have to worry about the family anymore.

Other mothers-in-law may be unhappy, but she enjoys the current life of relying on her son and daughter-in-law.

Xiao Baili’s eyes were also full of brilliance: “Well, our life now is something I didn’t dare to imagine before. With my sister-in-law and brother here, our family is getting better and better.”

When she was in the main house, how dare she imagine the life she was living now?

Recently, she and Xiao Hanyi have been visiting their new home every day, and the more they looked at it, the more they like and look forward to it.

They will finally have a real home of their own.

It was not that they dislike this dilapidated yard, it was just the memories left here for them were not so good.

Two days later, Xiao Hanzheng discussed business with the patriarch and the other village chiefs of the nearby village and reached a consensus.

The saltpeter mine on the mountain was jointly mined by several villages.

The villagers take turns sending people to dig, and then transported them down the mountain, waiting for people in the county to buy.

The price of selling was based on the amount of effort.

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Each household can also distribute some saltpeter, and those who don’t want to sell can also make ice by themselves.

The villagers in several villages were very excited when they found out.

Not many years after the end of the war, everyone settled down. They didn’t have much money in their hands, and their lives were tight.

With such an income like a pie in the sky, everyone was as happy as the New Year.

Of course, they also worship the Old Taoist Priest more in their heart and also value and respect Shi Qingluo, the apprentice.

People in the village get together and praise her.

Whenever this happens, the best product of the Shi Family will be so angry that their hearts ache.

Old Lady Shi clutched her chest and said distressed: “That dead girl is big-hearted. She handed over such a piece of mine to several villages to mine together. This is money!”

If she told them that, her natal family, and they secretly dig up the saltpeter and sell it together, then won’t they earn at least a few hundred taels?

Mrs. Niu’s heart ached too: “That dead girl is a spoiled brat. Why didn’t I throw her into the river and drown her when I gave birth to her?”

Others also couldn’t help scolding.

Shi Laosi’s face was very ugly: “That dead girl is sick. You have a way to make money, but instead of earning it by herself, she gave it generously and everyone earns it together.”

He really couldn’t understand what was going on in the minds of Shi Qingluo and Xiao Hanzheng.

The main point was, with this, he won’t be able to marry the concubine daughter of the Wu family. His heart hurts badly when he thinks about it.

The whole family can’t understand. Who would send money out, but that damn girl will.

Xiao Hanzheng was the same. He was still a scholar, but how could he be so foolish to indulge that dead girl?

The Shi Family scolded people will all kinds of scolding.

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Suddenly, Shi Laosan patted the table: “That’s enough, that girl is doing good deeds, so stop scolding.”

The Shi Family members all fell silent, they were completely surprised by Shi Laosan: “…”

What’s wrong with Shi Laosan? Ever since he came back from the Xiao Family last time, he kept saying that he should do more good things, which scared them so much that they thought he was out of his mind.

Old Lady Shi frowned and asked: “Laosan, did you hit by evil?”

Shi Laosan: “… ….”

To do good deeds was to rebel against evil. Otherwise, when will he be able to accumulate merit and have a son? These people were dragging him down.

He said: “Mom, you think too much.”

Shi Laosi said: “Third brother didn’t hit evil, but was limped by that dead girl.”

His third brother believed what the dead girl said, he was speechless.

No need to mention it, that dead girl’s mouth was too eloquent.

When Old Lady Shi heard this, she said to him: “Don’t be stupid, that dead girl lied to you.”

Then she couldn’t help cursing again. She couldn’t get her hands on the tofu workshop, and now the mine has to be divided. She felt like her flesh was being cut.

The others also felt similar, and they began to curse again.

Shi Laosan was speechless, “Mother, stop cursing.”

“That girl said before that if anyone has an opinion, then don’t even think about mining and dividing mines.”

“Now the patriarchs are eager to listen to her. If they learn that we have an opinion, then we don’t even think about drinking soup.”

They have to say that Shi Laosan, who suddenly wanted to be a good person, also became the most rational in the Shi Family.

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The members of the Shi Family who were swearing at others stopped all at once: “… …”

What crime did they do, how did they raise such a cruel and merciless obstacle?

But they didn’t dare to scold anymore, for fear that a rumor would spread, and that dead girl wouldn’t let them go mining with others.

That dead girl can do such a thing, they could only cry by then.

Shi Qingluo didn’t know about the Shi Family, she already had so many things to think about.

She was in the yard, teaching more than 20 women selected from several villages how to make some iced drinks.

Such as iced mung bean soup, sour plum soup, herbal tea, etc.

Also, she asked the carpenter to make some popsicle boxes, made juice from wild fruits picked from the mountains, added sugar and water, and then made popsicles.

The popsicles made have won unanimous praise from everyone.

So some villagers went to the county town to sell popsicles with two big buckets every day.

There were small buckets in the big bucket, and popsicle boxes filled with juice with different flavors.

They put water and saltpeter between the small and big wooden barrels, so when they arrived in the county town to sell things, they almost form into popsicles.

People in the county town also love to buy this novelty to eat.

Three pennies a popsicle was not too expensive. After all, sugar was added, which was delicious and cooled down the heat. Many wealthy families were willing to buy a few sticks every day.

The sugar workshop was built first. As soon as it was built, Shi Qingluo hired the villagers to go to the mountain to collect all the beets.

After turning them into sugar, the villagers bought sugar from the sugar workshop to make popsicles and sell them.

There were also people from other counties who come here to buy saltpeter. After seeing popsicles and other cold drinks, they can’t help but buy some to eat by themselves or go to other places to sell them.

A small industrial chain was gradually formed.

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