
Chapter 19: Couple Outfits

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Jin Yanliu and Yan Huihua had quite a few drinks.


At first, Yan Huihua was reserved, but after a few rounds of drinks, they loosened up and felt like they had known each other for ages.


Jin Yanliu was more domineering and carefree, while Yan Huihua was exceptionally accommodating, honest, and gentle. Their personalities were naturally well-suited for friendship.


However, amidst Yan Huihua’s happiness, there was also confusion.


He felt that Jin Yanliu was quite contradictory.



Looking at the person seated beside him now—unpretentious and easygoing—it was hard to believe that just a few days ago, this same person had sent him a message, implying some ulterior motive.


With Jin Yanliu’s looks and status, he could easily attract a horde of admirers with a mere wave of his hand.


So why resort to such tactics with him?


Could it be that he was deeply fond of Yan Huihua?



Yan Huihua pressed his lips together, lifting his gaze to Jin Yanliu on the opposite side. The flush from the alcohol made Jin Yanliu appear even more handsome and enchanting. The scent of alcohol seemed to linger on his lips, causing a subtle warmth to bloom in Yan Huihua’s heart.


Their dinner lasted for two hours, and when they finally left, it was already half past nine in the evening. Xiao Pangzi rushed over to open the car door. Jin Yanliu turned to Yan Huihua and said, “Let me give you a ride.”


“No need, I’ll take a cab,” Yan Huihua replied. “Didn’t you forget your mask?”


In this bustling city center, especially at this busy time of night, Yan Huihua noticed that people had already recognized Jin Yanliu. They were holding up their phones to take photos. Yan Huihua walked ahead of Jin Yanliu and shielded him from the camera’s gaze.


Jin Yanliu chuckled and said, “We’re not on a date or anything, so why worry? Get in the car, I’ll give you a lift.”



He also waved to the girl who had been trying to sneak a picture, making her excitedly stomp her feet.


The property prices in the southern city were high. As a struggling actor without much money or influence, Yan Huihua couldn’t afford an apartment in the city center. He lived a bit far away. The car pulled over by the roadside, and Yan Huihua said, “I’ll get off here, it’ll be difficult to go further in.”


Jin Yanliu glanced out the window. This was a rather run-down residential area with only a few streetlights, rendering it pitch-black. He exited the car alongside Yan Huihua and asked, “Is your luggage packed? We’ll be moving to the hotel arranged by our production team tomorrow.”


Yan Huihua smiled and said, “I don’t have much luggage either. I’ve already packed it earlier.”

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He slipped both hands into his pants pockets, seeming a bit awkward, not sure what else to say. Jin Yanliu took out a cigarette box from his pocket, lit one, and held it in his mouth. “You go ahead, I’ll smoke a cigarette before getting back in the car.”



Yan Huihua nodded, turned around, and headed inside. A stray dog panting for breath ran past him. He couldn’t help but turn his head for another glance. Jin Yanliu stood in the darkness, somewhat indistinct, except for the cigarette in his mouth emitting a faint crimson glow.


In just this one night, his perception of Jin Yanliu had completely shifted.


After finishing the cigarette, Jin Yanliu got back into the car.


Xiao Pangzi said, “You’ve been smoking quite frequently lately. Is something bothering you?”


Jin Yanliu smiled and replied, “I don’t smoke more than two in a day.”



“But you didn’t smoke at all before.”


Jin Yanliu said, “You didn’t see it, but I learned to smoke back in junior high.” Speaking of smoking, he told Xiao Pangzi, “Xiao Yang smokes too, did you know?”


Xiao Pangzi paused, “Ah, he does too?”


“You wouldn’t guess, right?” Jin Yanliu said, “He’s quite a heavy smoker, picked it up at some point.”


“Maybe the entertainment industry’s pressure got to him.” Almost everyone in the entertainment industry smoked; the stress was overwhelming. Smoking seemed to alleviate anxiety. “Actually, when I asked you earlier, it wasn’t just me wanting to know. Even Yang-ge asked me a couple of days ago, wondering if you’re dealing with something, since you’ve been acting a bit unusual lately.”


Jin Yanliu paused and asked, “How did you respond?”


“I said I didn’t know, that I asked but you didn’t tell me.”


Jin Yanliu chuckled, “Some things, even if I tell you guys, you can’t really help. I’ll handle it myself. Let’s go, head home.”


Xiao Pangzi started the car and said, “Should we not pick up Yang-ge?”


“Is he coming back?”


Jin Yanliu felt for his phone and realized it had shut down due to low battery.


He plugged in the phone to charge it. “What time is he arriving?”

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“Around ten o’clock.”


“Is he coming back with others from the company?” Jin Yanliu said, “Let’s forget about it. Let him wait at home.”


After returning home and freshening up, Zhou Beiyang hadn’t returned. After waiting for a while, Jin Yanliu grew drowsy. He went to bed by himself and vaguely heard voices from outside. He didn’t close his bedroom door and sat up, calling out, “Xiao Yang?”


Not long after, Zhou Beiyang arrived at his door. “You’re not asleep yet?”


“I was asleep, then I woke up.”


Zhou Beiyang responded with a simple “Oh,” sounding a little disappointed.


Jin Yanliu was very tired and didn’t notice the nuances. He lay back down.


Between the two brothers, there was no need for false politeness. “I’m going back to sleep, just close the door.”


However, Zhou Beiyang asked, “Were you drinking?”


What a keen nose, he had already taken a shower, how could he still smell it?


Jin Yanliu made a sound of agreement, already too sleepy, and fell back asleep directly.


Zhou Beiyang closed the door and stood by the wall for a while.


This was normal behavior between them. It wasn’t that he was ignoring him; it was just how their brotherly relationship was. However, the situation was a bit unusual today. Watching the video Wang Junyi sent, with Jin Yanliu’s flushed and enthusiastic face due to alcohol, Zhou Beiyang felt like they were worlds apart.


Being brothers wasn’t enough when it came to romantic relationships. Despite feeling close during normal times, those differences became apparent once love was in the equation.


Brothers couldn’t replace romantic partners, especially brothers like them.


Zhou Beiyang’s emotions were complex—irritable, despairing, and there were some fierce and violent factors stirring in his blood. He leaned back in the chair by the French windows, casually smoking a cigarette.


The first cigarette he ever smoked was with Jin Yanliu during junior high. When boys hit puberty, they often thought that having a cigarette in their mouths made them more manly. Back then, it was just a novelty.


Many years later, he secretly picked up the leftover cigarette butts Jin Yanliu had smoked, put one in his mouth, and felt a response in himself. The effects of the cigarette’s strength entered his bloodstream for the first time. This was one of the few instances in his life where he acted out of character. From that moment on, he knew he was a bit deviant.

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This made him quite insecure. While Jin Yanliu shone brilliantly, casting his radiance upon him only seemed to highlight his own shadows. The contrasts were difficult to bear, but they also intensified his yearning for brightness and warmth.


The next morning, when Jin Yanliu woke up, he noticed Zhou Beiyang wearing plastic gloves and wiping the bathroom floor with a cloth.


He scheduled a cleaning service to come in every few days, so the house wouldn’t get very dirty. However, Zhou Beiyang’s obsession with cleanliness was too severe; he couldn’t tolerate even the slightest mess.


“You’re up so early,” Jin Yanliu yawned.


“Just got up too,” Zhou Beiyang smiled, standing up and removing the plastic gloves. “Why didn’t you sleep more?”


“We have training today, did you forget?” Jin Yanliu said. “The house is clean enough. If you keep cleaning, I won’t dare to live here.”


Zhou Beiyang was aware that his cleanliness was a bit excessive, but it wasn’t that he couldn’t stand any dirt at all. Sometimes, when he thought about Jin Yanliu at night, his thoughts became somewhat deviant and even a bit dirty. He not only didn’t repel such thoughts, but they also excited him.


Perhaps his heart was tainted, and he used his obsession with cleanliness to deceive others.


Xiao Pangzi had forgotten that Zhou Beiyang had returned. When he came over with breakfast early in the morning, both Jin Yanliu and Zhou Beiyang had already eaten. As soon as he entered the room, he heard Jin Yanliu laughing. It had been a while since he had heard such a joyful laugh. Just from the laughter, he knew Zhou Beiyang was back.


Jin Yanliu only laughed like this when he was with Zhou Beiyang.


The temperature was quite high early in the morning, and everyone was wearing T-shirts. Jin Yanliu looked at himself, then at Xiao Pangzi, and finally at Zhou Beiyang.


He was too thin, Xiao Pangzi was on the heavy side, but Zhou Beiyang had a great physique, broad shoulders and a narrow waist, like a walking hanger. Perhaps due to the intense training over the past few months, his body had become much more muscular. The loose black T-shirt outlined the contours of his chest and the well-defined muscle lines on his arms, making him look young and strong.


Countdown: 160 days. “Into the Abyss” was officially entering its training phase.


A fantasy martial arts drama not only required beautiful actors and exquisite costumes, but also stunning fight choreography. Jin Yanliu had invited the renowned fight choreographer Fang Dawei to provide training for the main cast.


It was the first time all the actors had gathered for training, and many of them were meeting for the first time. The training room was abuzz with excitement.


Lu Yao, the most famous actor among this group of newcomers, sat elegantly and aloof in a corner.


Why was no one approaching him for a chat? Did he need to take the initiative? He used to be a big star too. If he initiated a conversation, and these people ignored him due to his rivalry with Jin Yanliu, what should he do?


And there he was, left with a sense of embarrassment. He sat on the side, playing with his phone, overhearing two female actors murmuring nearby:

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“Have you seen Jin Yanliu in person?”


“He was there during the audition. Didn’t you see?”


“No! I actually came for him, but he wasn’t there on the day of my audition!”


“He’s really incredibly handsome!”


“Absolutely, my friend told me he doesn’t look as good on screen as he does in real life. I mean, if he looks that good on screen, why would he need to look even better in person?”


“Mainly because of his skin, so fair, and he has such a great aura.”


“I heard Zhou Beiyang is really handsome too.”


“They’re different. Jin Yanliu is the kind you look at and think, ‘He’s so handsome, so handsome,’ but you feel like you’re not that connected to him, like he’s too distant. Zhou Beiyang is the kind you look at and immediately want to date.”


“We have many handsome guys in our cast, like Yan Huihua and Lu Yao…”


As soon as they mentioned Lu Yao, he immediately straightened his posture.


Suddenly, there was a commotion outside. The chattering voices quieted down in an instant, replaced by the sound of approaching footsteps. Lu Yao turned his head to look and saw the director Liu Qichang and his team entering the room.


About ten people entered, but there were two men who stood out distinctly from the crowd. They entered one after the other. Jin Yanliu had red hair and fair skin, while Zhou Beiyang was tall and had long legs. They exuded entirely different vibes. One in a pure white T-shirt, the other in a pure black T-shirt. It was as if they were dressed as a couple.


Lu Yao rolled his eyes. After so many years, these two brothers were still matched like a couple. How sappy.


Zhou Beiyang’s gaze was sharp as he scanned the room, finally locking onto Yan Huihua.


Author’s Note: Xiao Zhou is both obsessive about cleanliness and has a peculiar taste.


With the setup complete, the next part will be a series of three explosive chapters.




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