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Chapter 57: 

Chen Zhiyu had just jumped down when the family dog leapt out of nowhere and shot at him like an arrow.

Xia Qingshu stood by the window, looking at the two dark figures running in the night, and silently cheered Chen Zhiyu on.

Brother Zhiyu, fighting!

Only when he saw Chen Zhiyu successfully scaling the wall did he let out a long breath of relief.

The commotion caused by Chen Zhiyu was so great that the Xia family was in a state of chaos.

Xia Qing Shu was so tired that he fell into bed and slept off next to his pillow, not even knowing that there was a knock at the door. Before he went to sleep, he put all the messy events of the night behind him and fell into a sweet dream.


The next day, he slept until half past ten. When he woke up, his head felt so confused, probably because he had over-used it last night. He got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast.

All the members of the Xia family, who were always early risers, were up late today. When he came downstairs, Xia Jing and Xia Shan had just finished their breakfast and were getting ready for work, while Xia Ji had just sat down and was drinking soy milk. Chen Qixi had not slept well either, and her foundation could not cover the dark circles under her eyes. But when they saw Xia Qingshu, the Xia family smiled gently for fear that he would be worried.

Xia Qing Shu sat down at the table, picked up the walnut tongs and prepared to eat two walnuts. The walnuts were a bit hard, so he tried to pinch them, but they didn’t move, and when he was about to try again, the tool was taken from his hand.

He looked up and saw that it was Xia Ji.

Xia Ji chopped up the walnuts, picked out the flesh and put it into the bowl in front of Xia Qing Shu, saying, “You have little strength, so eat a little more.”

Xia Qing Shu said thank you, twisted the walnuts and put them in his mouth, and asked in a small voice, “Second brother, did you catch the thief last night?”

Yesterday he saw Chen Zhiyu flip over to the wall and was afraid that he had left some trace and had been discovered.

Xia Ji was a little dissatisfied, “Why are you calling me second brother again?”

Xia Qing Shu thought about it and changed his title, “…… Brother.”

Xia Ji looked him up and down and asked, “The shoes I gave yesterday, why aren’t you wearing them?”

At home, they all wear slippers.

“I’ll wear them when I go out later.”

Only then did Xia Ji turn his head in satisfaction and continue eating his breakfast, “We didn’t catch him, we reported it to the police, and the police will come to collect fingerprints later.”

Collecting fingerprints?!

Is that necessary?

Xia Qing Shu secretly wondered which places Chen Zhiyu had touched in his room, after breakfast he was going back to his room to eliminate the fingerprints.

Auntie brought up omelet and soy milk with ham and sausage, Xia Ji put them all in front of him and cut the ham and omelette into small pieces before putting them in front of Xia Qing Shu.

Seeing that Xia Qing Shu was in a daze, Xia Ji forked a piece of fried egg and put it in his mouth, “What are you thinking about?”

“Nothing …… Thank you brother.”

Xia Qingshu took the omelette in his small mouth, his pink tongue quickly sticking out and rolling the omelette into his mouth, chewing it in small bites.

Xia Ji was a little surprised, it was the first time to see someone eating like this, and he kept staring at Xia Qing Shu until he had finished all the omelette.

Chen Qixi was happy to see the brother’s closeness, “Come on, you’re getting mushy early in the morning, Qing Shu, as soon as brother came back, you ignored mum?”

“Good morning mommy.”

When he was seven or eight percent full, Xia Qingshu’s little face flushed and he asked in a small voice, “Mom, yesterday’s banquet, you introduced me to so many single …..what does it mean?”

Although he guessed that it was a matchmaking convention, but he was naturally dull in this regard, afraid of guessing wrong, he thought it was better to ask, for insurance.

“It means exactly what you think it means.” Chen Qixi covered her mouth and laughed, “Does our Qing Shu have a favorite? Say it out, mum and brother help you with advice.”

Xia Qingshu glanced at Xia Ji and blushed bloodily, “All my brothers are still single, why should I be considered first?”

Chen Qixi paused, the eldest and the second she wasn’t very worried about. She heard that the Xia Shan had someone, he just hadn’t brought him back yet. The second one was also an opinionated one. Xia Yubin, needless to say, disappointed her to no end.

Qing Shu was nice and shy, not like he would initiate friends, and even if he didn’t like anyone, it would be nice to make a few friends.

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“Because mum is most worried about you.” Xia Ji answered for Chen Qixi.

“Ohhh.” Xia Qing Shu looked at Xia Ji and covered his mouth to snicker, “So, brother is seeing someone, brother, when will you bring my sister-in-law back so we can see.”

Xia Ji froze for a moment, not knowing why the topic had fallen on him. He thought of the agreement with someone and calmly replied, “No.”

Xia Qingshu’s eyes widened and she cocked his head to look over, “Brother lied to me, I don’t believe it.”

Not knowing what to think, Xia Ji turned his head and said in a serious tone, “Mom, my brother is still too young, so we shouldn’t have such a banquet in the future.”

Chen Qi Xi suddenly thought that such a beautiful baby would have to leave with other men in the future, and she felt uncomfortable in her heart.

Several people were talking when suddenly, an abrupt voice interjected, “What are you talking about? So happy.”

“Xun Yi, you’re here so early, come in and sit down.” Chen Qixi was a little surprised to see the visitor.

“Auntie, sit down, don’t be polite.” Shen Xunyi was all smiles and warm and polite, “I borrowed Brother Xia Ji’s clothes yesterday, I came here to return them today.”

After greeting Chen Qixi, Shen Xunyi took the initiative to talk to Xia Qingshu again, he was from the north and rarely came to the south, he hoped Xia Qingshu could show him around.

Last night when she introduced Shen Xunyi to Xia Qingshu, Shen Xunyi’s attitude was very general and she hadn’t seen the two interacting in private, so Chen Qixi didn’t expect him to still have some interest in Qing Shu and come over so early.

Although he said he came to return the clothes, his eyes kept falling on Xia Qingshu, and anyone with a discerning eye felt that something was wrong.

She had heard that Shen Xunyi’s temper was a bit strange, but he was quite active in front of Qing Shu, and he was also good-looking, so she wondered if he was a caring person.

Seeing the three children chatting happily, Chen Qixi winked at Xia Ji and asked him to keep an eye on them, then made an excuse to leave herself.

Xia Qingshu felt that Shen Xunyi was being a bit familiar, dragging him to go hiking when it was only the second time they met. He finished his breakfast and found an excuse to go back to his room, he still had to eliminate the fingerprints in his room.


Chen Zhiyu hadn’t slept well all night.

On the dark jade purple silk sheets sat a pair of ordinary white socks. The socks were crumpled, lying alone on the luxurious sheets.

Very mismatched.

Not to mention the fact that the socks appeared to be covered in some unidentifiable sticky liquid. A simple glance at the socks would tell you that they had been worn, and not yet washed.

The socks were 50 percent new, with some pilling at the heel, and one of the elasticated openings was so tight that a little carelessness could have strangled the thin ankle to leave a red mark.

The other had a very loose elastic opening, as if something had been violently squeezed into it, and the elastic has lost its elasticity from overuse and was now stretched out. This shouldn’t strangle the foot anymore.

Chen Zhiyu lay on the expensive bed, his eyes half-squinted, staring at the pair of socks on the bed that were out of place with the owner of the room, panting slightly.

In his life, he had acted upright and done well, whether in the private or in company. Although he was arrogant and indifferent, he prided himself on his high moral character and his adherence to the law, and had never tried to test the edge of the law in a crazy way.

He didn’t expect that he would recently break his principles continuously. Not only did he climb over the wall into someone’s house, he hid under the bed (attempted) and even hid in the wardrobe, but on his way out, he also took a pair of worn socks from someone else.

The pair of socks were thrown next to the bed at the time, and when he plopped down, like a dog, the white socks stopped right in front of him.

They seemed to be still warm.

In a moment of fascination, when he got under the bed, he put the socks in his pocket when the boy wasn’t looking.

As he put them in his pocket, he was thinking that the socks looked so old that Xia Qing Shu would surely not want them, and that he would do a good deed and help him throw them away. Then he threw the socks onto his bed.

On the clean and tidy bed sheets lay a pair of dirty socks with the owner’s body scent lingering on them. That faint, creamy scent with the scent of lime, a very special scent that clears the mind for a moment but confuses the thoughts.

The handsome and elegant man was very busy and his hands were not free. He closed his eyes and slowly moved to the side of his socks, his high nose taking a deep breath before opening his mouth…..and took a bite



In Xia Ji’s room.


“I said no, what are you doing here?” Xia Ji closed the door and lowered his voice, his anger still leaking out from his low, hoarse voice.

“I came to see you, can’t I?” Shen Xunyi took out the blue T-shirt he had borrowed to wear yesterday and tossed it onto Xia Ji’s face, “Smell it, I haven’t had time to wash it yet.”

Reaching out, Xia Ji’s face darkenex slightly, grabbing the T-shirt, folding it and putting it in the wardrobe, “That thing with Yu Bin, you did that?”

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Shen Xunyi spread his hands helplessly, “I didn’t do it, what did I do?”

He walked up to Xia Ji and let out a strange laugh, “Did I undress them, or did I help them join together?”

Xia Ji grabbed his hand that reached out in front of him and said in a cold voice, “Don’t mess with my family.”

Shen Xunyi gave him a kiss on the cheek, “Got it, Qing Shu is waiting for us to change and climb the mountain, you hurry up.”

Xia Ji once again gave him an earful, “Qing Shu is out of bounds.”

He grabbed Shen Xunyi’s arm and forced the other man to meet his eyes, “You swear!”

Shen Xunyi’s brow furrowed and his voice suddenly rose, “You don’t believe me?”

Xia Ji did not say anything, which was a tacit acknowledgement. He knew Shen Xunyi, Shen Xunyi would definitely do what he promised as long as he promised.

He had just said so much, but Shen Xunyi kept making jokes and did not answer directly.

Xia Ji knew that he had not given up on Xia Qing Shu.

“Xia Ji.” Shen Xunyi put away his smile and called him by his name, “You’re being mean to me for a so-called ‘brother’ that you’ve only met once?”

Xia Ji said in a deep voice, “I’m not being mean to you.” And corrected him, “I’ve met him twice.”

Shen Xunyi gave him a push and pushed him to the dressing mirror, “Look at your face yourself!”

The dignified and deep features were covered with a thin layer of anger. A normally gentle and elegant person, but when he was angry, he was most frightening to people.

Xia Ji hooked his lips and pulled out his usual gentle smile.

“How am I going to mess with him?! I’ll be gone in a few days! On the contrary, you are being very abnormal!” Shen Xunyi snorted coldly, threw the clothes in his hand and sat down on the bed aggressively, “If I have a conflict with your dear brother in the future, will you hit me?”

Xia Ji picked up the clothes on the floor and patted off the dust, hus tone softening a few points, “Ayii, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.”

Shen Xunyi put on his “missy’s stance” and turned his head sideways in anger.

“I just don’t want Mom and Dad to be sad.” Xia Ji coaxed, “Mom and Dad like him, and Yu Bin is already like this, from now on I’ll follow you to the North, and he will do his filial duty in front of Mom and Dad.”

“How could I possibly be in conflict with you over someone else?!”

Hearing that he would go with him to the North, Shen Xunyi’s face looked slightly better, “Come here, help me change my trousers.”

The two were talking when suddenly, a knock sounded on the door outside.

“It must be Qing Shu. It’s your fault for dawdling.” Shen Xunyi complained, but his face was full of joy, and he was ready to open the door without changing his trousers.

Xia Ji looked at him and was really worried. He had been away for a few months on a business trip so he could take a few days of annual leave, he had to keep an eye on Shen Xunyi during these days.

When the door opened and he saw Xia Yubin, Shen Xunyi looked impatient and slammed the door behind him without saying a word, and walked back with his head hanging.

Xia Ji opened the door, “Yu Bin, why are you back?”

Xia Yubin bit his lip, his eyes clouded with tears, “Second brother, you’re starting to kick me out too?”

“I didn’t kick you out, it was father who kicked you out.” Xia Ji took a step back and let him in.

The Xia family had strict rules, Xia Jing was feudal and conservative in his thinking, he didn’t know that of his three sons, the eldest kept canaries, the second was outwardly dignified but played a lot in private, the youngest, Xia Qing Shu, was no better, he might have been played badly long ago.

Xia Yubin sneered in his heart, one day, he would show Xia Jing what kind of goods his good sons were.

But now is not the time to tear their faces off.

Xia Yubin squeezed out a basket of tears, “Second brother, why are you doing this to me?”

Without capital, it’s really hard to get along in the entertainment industry. There were so many beautiful young boys under General Wu, and he wasn’t the most special one. Although he had caught fire with two songs, he still had a long road ahead, he had to collect more chips, not only did he want to sing, he also wanted to act, he wanted to be a leading man, he wanted to win awards, he wanted to be popular all over the country.

Shen Xunyi is the bargaining chip he must hold in his hand.

Xia Ji and Shen Xunyi tested him, didn’t they want to see his obedience?

Xia Yubin lowered his brow and whimpered in a small voice, “Mr. Shen, why are you hurting me? I don’t even know you ……”

“Ah Ji, didn’t he know, why did he come to play dumb again?” Shen Xun He was a little impatient and took his trousers off directly.

Shen Xunyi is tall, his legs are straight, his thighs especially strong, his hips are tight, and he is very explosive at first glance.

Xia Yubin looked flustered, so direct?

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His face was pale when he was in tears, at this time, two abnormal flushes surfaced on his cheeks.

“What are you looking at, I’m changing my trousers.” Shen Xunyi put on a pair of sweatpants, “Ah Ji, let him out.”

Xia Ji immediately stepped forward and stood between him and Shen Xun He, “Yu Bin, you leave first, Mum and Qing Shu are still at home.”

Xia Yubin took the opportunity to grab Xia Ji’s hand and squeezed it hard, “Second brother, don’t kick me out, I’m willing to do whatever you want me to do.”

After saying that, under Xia Ji’s gaze, he slowly walked to the bedside, gritted his teeth and lay down on it with his eyes closed. His expression was determined, as if he had made a great determination before making the decision.

A face of forbearance.

Only the abnormal flush on his face betrayed what was in his heart.

The air froze instantly.

Even a fool would understand what he meant at this moment. Xia Ji looked towards Shen Xunyi.

Apart from not being willing to be the “attacked”, he mostly respected Shen Xunyi’s choice.

Shen Xunyi glanced towards the bed, showing an expression of disgust, and said in a cold voice, “Dirty.”

Xia Yubin turned his body sideways, his face flushed with shame, “Mr. Shen, I washed up, I’m not dirty.”

He wanted to say that Mr. Wu hadn’t left anything inside him, but felt that it was too spontaneous, and finally with a supplicating tone, “Mr. Shen, you can try.”

Shen Xunyi walked to the side of the bed and looked at Xia Yubin condescendingly, “It’s dirty and ugly.”

His tone was more than just thick with disgust, it was also contempt, looking down on, and belittling him.

“Who gave you the confidence that you can climb into my bed?”

“Get the hell down!”

Xia Yubin’s body trembled, and before he could react, he was kicked to the bottom of the bed.

He looked over with a surprised face, full of confusion.

Why, he had been so obedient. He even took the initiative.

Shen Xunyi didn’t even give him a look, urging Xia Ji, “You hurry up, Qing Shu has been waiting for a long time.”

Qing Shu …… It’s Xia Qing Shu again. Everywhere he goes why is it Xia Qing Shu? Why is Xia Qing Shu haunting him?!

When Xia Qing Shu was mentioned, Shen Xunyi was full of spring, a completely different expression from the one he was looking at.

Shen Xunyi left him behind just to go see Xia Qing Shu.

Something flashed through his mind and all the doubts suddenly found a breakthrough.

Shen Xunyi did not like him, so he and Xia Ji chose Xia Qing Shu.

Last night, Xia Ji came to advise him, also because he had known what Shen Xunyi was thinking and told him to stop in time, but he insisted on messing with Xia Qingshu, so Shen Xunyi took a shot at him.

No wonder ……

Xia Yubin’s face suddenly turned miserable white.

He really couldn’t figure out what exactly was better about Xia Qingshu than him! The two of them had about the same body shape, their faces were about the same, Xia Qing Shu was just a little bit whiter than him.

The other person’s eyes were rolling up to the sky, not just disgusted with him, but disgusted and despised him.

Xia Yubin bit the tip of his tongue and held back his shame as he rose from the ground, “Mr. Shen, you like virgin boys, right?”

Shen Xunyi coldly snorted and did not retort, as a kind of acquiescence.

Xia Yubin thought of the humiliation he had faced just now and walked over in a vicious manner, teasingly saying.

“Xia Qing Shu was wrapped up by Chen Zhi Yu, don’t you know that?”

Looking at Shen Xunyi’s cracked face, Xia Yubin laughed soothingly, “He’s even dirtier than me ……”



Shen Xunyi had completely lost his interest in climbing the mountain. He felt that he had been cheated. Although Xia Qing Shu did not make any promises to him, he had a heart attack of being deeply deceived.

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Sure enough, how could such a beautiful boy not be targeted. Inside the gentry, not even a dog was clean. Only he, Shen Xunyi, had been suffering in a cold kiln for twenty-five years, just to meet someone satisfactory.

Fearing that Xia Yubin would do something outrageous again, Xia Ji hurriedly sent him away and drove him out himself.

Shen Xunyi sat alone in Xia Ji’s room for a few minutes, he did not believe Xia Yubin’s words at first, but Xia Yubin spoke so eloquently, as if he had seen with his own eyes how Xia Qingshu lay in Chen Zhiyu’s bed and how he was loved by Chen Zhiyu.

He made a few phone calls, the other side needed a little time but he couldn’t wait so he went downstairs himself and found Xia Qingshu’s room.


The door of the room was half open, the curtains were not fully drawn, and the room was dimly lit.

A thin figure was holding a rag, wiping it on the floor, his movements were a little clumsy, and as he wiped, his head accidentally touched the edge of the bed, making a soft thud.


A red mark was instantly left on his white, full forehead.

Xia Qing Shu stopped the movement of his hands and lay down on the ground like a puppy dog, his hips slightly arched.

Seeming to notice a strange noise behind him, he couldn’t afford to check the injury on his forehead and twisted his head to look.

Shen Xunyi had entered at some point and was standing directly behind him, looking at him with vacant eyes.

The door to the room had been closed tightly at some point, and only the half open window let in a faint light.

Xia Qing Shu couldn’t see Shen Xunyi’s expression, but he was still nervous for no reason. The tips of his hips also tightened up a little.

Shen Xunyi leaned down, bent down, pinched the other party’s thin waist, picking him up and put him on the bed.

“What are you doing?”

Shen Xunyi clenched his teeth, and a simple question seemed to be squeezed out from them.

“I, I’m scrubbing the floor.” Xia Qing Shu was a little flustered and stuttered a little when he spoke.

When did this person come in, and why didn’t he knock on the door? How rude.

“There are so many aunties in the house, do you need to mop the floor?” Shen Xunyi stepped forward and walked in front of Xia Qing Shu.

“Huh?” Xia Qing Shu blinked his big eyes twice, safely not getting the situation clear.

Mr. Shen was still good-natured yesterday, why did he suddenly change today.

Faced with Mr. Shen’s brutal tone of questioning, Xia Qing Shu felt an uncomfortable feeling of being offended, he pursed his small mouth and got a little angry, “What’s it to do with you?”

He was very polite and would put up with his guests, even if he was upset. Therefore, even if he was chiding back, he was still very careful with his words, especially the last word “you”, which completely took away the momentum of the whole sentence.

To Shen Xunyi, Xia Qing Shu looked like a soft egg with no temper, and even when she lost her temper, she was as soft as a sheep.

Xia Qingshu sat obediently on the edge of the bed, with both hands on his knees, and his thin white limbs were exposed, which were particularly dazzling in the dimly lit room.

Compared to the tall northerners, Xia Qingshu was so skinny that it didn’t even take an ounce of strength to pick him up. It was easy to go soft hearted against such a person.

“Why is it none of my business?”

After answering in a gentle tone, Shen Xunyi was a little chagrined, as if he had been fooled by the other party’s appearance again.

He tensed his face and looked around. The desk and chair had just been wiped, still leaving faint water marks, the wardrobe door was wide open, the inside was a bit messy, and the corners of the wardrobe had just been wiped.

He glanced at the rug Xia Qing Shu was holding and it all made sense.

Last night, the Xia family security alarm had been triggered and someone had really come in. That person ended up hiding in Xia Qing Shu’s wardrobe.

Oh, people are really not what they seem.

This seemingly “innocent” boy in front of him had actually been played with and was no longer clean.

Shen Xunyi reached out and cupped Xia Qing Shu’s chin, forcing him to look at him, and said in a stern voice, “You’re eliminating evidence!”




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