Chapter 3: Without money, one is impotent

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“May I have your resume and identifying documents , sir. ”The interviewer said in an indifferent tone. He had black spectacles on him and was sitting on a cushy chair.  

“Eh? Is a resume even required to become a security guard?” Ji Bai was slightly shocked. The documents to identity himself may have already been destroyed a year ago. How could he possibly show them to him?

“?? Did you travel here from another universe, lad?” The bespectacled guy had a “no shit sherlock” look on his face. 

“Even if you want to become a monk in this era, you need to have a diploma from the buddhist academy, to say nothing of becoming a security guard in a typical, large private company like us. What are you counting on to grasp this job?” After finishing his words, the bespectacled interviewer sized up the teenager dressed in cheap clothing ahead of him, his eyes momentary revealing a strand of scorn.    

“I can chop people up, and am a very good fighter. That should count for something, right?” Ji Bai shrugged. 

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”Pfft!!” The interviewer, who was earlier removing the cap of his water bottle and pouring water into his mouth, spurted it out. It landed on the female attendant standing beside him, drenching her. Knowing that she couldn’t blame the immediate superior before her, the female attendant could only direct her resentful glance towards Ji Bai, causing him to feel somewhat at a loss.  

“Cough, cough… What did you say, lad? Fighting? That is your strong point? Then how about I pick up a hooligan on the street and make him a security guard instead? Do you honestly believe that one can easily be qualified as a security guard as long as they know how to fight??”  The interviewer expressed his heartfelt words as he held onto the temple of his black framed spectacle that was perched on his nose. His demeanor looked like a teacher that was currently lecturing his student.      

“Eh? Isn’t it all good as long as the security guard can last himself in a fight for a while? Don’t tell me they have to be proficient in maintaining vehicles or something?” Ji Bai had a puzzled expression on his face.   

“Of course not! As a security guard, you are the first image the client will form towards our company. Firstly, no matter how inferior one looks in the appearance department, they will still need to have a refined and cultured temperament, as well as a heroic and soldierly look to them. Don’t you think so?  If we were to have a ruffian serve as the storefront of our company, do you think any clients will dare engage business with us?” 

That seemed like a good rea— Hold on, did he call me a ruffian just now? Ji Bai had trouble figuring that out. 

“And that’s why lad. You will be disqualified just from the first round alone. What’s more, you’re also unable to produce your resume and identification documents.  Do you really think that our company will hire a dubious person whose origins is unknown?” 

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A few minutes later, Ji Bai walked out of the luxurious tall building. He found himself completely speechless as he turned his head around and sized up the towering building made up of reinforced concrete standing ahead of him.  

It is already the fifth company and that’s just the morning…Ji Bai was counting the money in his wallet that was on the verge of running out. His purpose was to find a job somewhat, but he didn’t think that he would meet a bunch of rejections on his first day. If he factored his current attempt in, this was already the fifth company that had rejected him. 

When he thought up to this point, he couldn’t help but reveal a bitter smile. Who would have thought that a number 1 knight, who had enjoyed boundless glory in the past, would be reduced to a destitute wanderer walking all around the street for a job? 

Find his close friends for help? Impossible. The thing he was most afraid of was meeting them. 

The previous Ji Bai was rather disdainful of things that had to do with money. To be frank, the reason behind that was because he didn’t need to manage his finances; it was an apt description of “Only a housekeeper knows the housekeeping”.  

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‘Money isn’t omnipotent.’ This sentence was something that Ji Bai liked to say repeatedly in the past, but back then he wasn’t lacking in money at the least. It is true that poverty could really change one’s thoughts and actions. 

“But without money, one is impotent.” Only now did Ji Bai, who was as poor as a pauper, recalled the line that followed after that.  

“Forget it. Let’s try some other place instead…” 

Just when Ji Bai had turned his body and walked away, a black Ferrari which exterior shone with metal luster approached from behind while leaving dust trails in the air. It sped past him and steadily came to a halt in front of the company’s door. 

Standing outside the door, a various assortments of security guards whose body shape seemed like they had auditioned for F4* immediately put on their aloof expressions expected of their job.  

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*It refers to a Taiwanese Boy band F4 (Flower Four )formed in 2001 after the Taiwanese drama Meteor Garden was successful.

This couldn’t possibly be a wealthy woman, right? If she were to take a fancy to me, it’s possible that I will not need to work hard anymore!  

“Miss.” A stern-looking maid who was formally dressed opened a parasol, and went to the back of the car, personally opening the door. A blonde-haired girl wearing a white silk dress began to get down from the car.    

“Oh my! Isn’t this the second Missus? This lowly servant is the assistant supervisor of this company, called…” The interviewer with black spectacles, who was previously berating Ji Bai like a senior lecturing his junior, had a sensitive nose for political acumen and had sniffed his way there. His ingratiating expression was written all over his face.

“Your identity is not important to the Missus. Please move aside, sir.”  The maid was looking at the bespectacled guy with a cold face.

“Ehe! I-I am just saying that the second missus is free to instruct me if she requires anything…” 

The blonde hair girl who was getting off the car didn’t pay attention to the man that was awkwardly smiling in front of her. She moved her vision towards the back of someone that was wearing a cheap set of T-shirt and jeans. She had a nagging feeling that the silhouette was somewhat familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before.   

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