Chapter 49: Confrontation

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As the wind pressure gradually increased, the incessantly spinning main rotor on the helicopter slowed as it landed at the top of the half-intact building. As it did so, it scattered fragments of debris all over the ground.  

The helicopter, whose size wasn’t the slightest bit small, wasn’t the version approved for civilian use. In fact, Ji Bai could even see cannon barrels strapped onto the nose of the helicopter. 

When the hatch fell, the pitter-patter sound of high heeled shoes tapping the ground was the first thing that could be heard. A tall, golden-haired woman wearing a black formal dress walked out of the Hawk-model helicopter while carrying an umbrella. While casually surveying the messy scene in front of her, her emotionless blue eyes paused for a moment at the green-blood covered sword in Ji Bai’s hand and the fragmented troll corpses on the ground.    

Beautiful and aloof. This was the first impression that Ji Bai had of the girl.  

Human beings would feel shocked or even scared when they encounter things that went against their common sense. This was the basic response built into the circuitry of the human mind.

However, the eyes of the golden-haired woman only carried an obvious calmness, as if the matter at hand didn’t concern her the slightest bit. She couldn’t care less about the state of the surroundings. It seemed that she was only focused on finding something and was searching everywhere for it.  

After finishing her sweep,  the eyes of the golden-haired girl slightly flickered as she fixed her gaze on Lemi, who was currently lying behind Ji Bai, still asleep. After heaving out an undetectable sigh, she lifted her legs and walked towards her.   

She brushed her shoulders past Ji Bai without talking to him. It was as if her world, her eyes could only see the petite body that was on her deathbed; almost like the decrepit ruins in the surroundings and the sinister dismembered bodies didn’t exist.  

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After crouching down to carry Lemi, she then turned her body around and walked towards the helicopter, whose rotating blades were still emitting a whirring sound.    

“Are you her relative?” Out of responsibility for saving Lemi, Ji Bai opened his mouth and asked this question. He was mulling over the issue when the woman passed by him earlier.  

“…Your name.” Like the lingering cries of a cuckoo that had flown out of a valley in the wee morning, her cold voice rang out.  

“Hm?” Ji Bai cocked his head, he was somewhat confused about the meaning behind the golden-haired woman’s words.  

“I will remember your name and deliver the reward within 3 days,” the woman said in an extremely straightforward manner. She wore an expressionless face as she brushed off the dirt that tainted Lemi’s forehead. 

“Why talk about money when this was my duty to begin with? …Since you’re her relative, you should quickly bring her away. The injuries on her body are actually pretty heavy. Also, it’s the oversight of the guardian to leave such a young child alone in such a big company.” Ji Bai’s bright eyes were looking directly at the girl’s back.  

“…You’re sticking your nose into matters that don’t belong to you, old man.” A tinge of helplessness was present in the girl’s cold and emotionless voice. Without delaying any longer, she boarded the helicopter.    

Following the sound emitted by the closing of the helicopter’s door, the propellers began to operate and rotate once more. After they left the vicinity, Ji Bai was the only one remaining on the ruined building’s roof. Upon sticking his hand into his pockets, he looked upward towards the skies and faced the clamorous wind that was blowing towards him alone.     

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“See the clattering of metal hooves, making their marks all over the faraway rivers and mountains!” When the helicopter turned into a negligible dot under the calm moonlight, the pop song suddenly blared from Ji Bai’s pocket and shattered the serenity of the night.

Once he swept a glance at the caller on the display, Ji Bai narrowed his eyes. 

‘Lin Tuo…’

“Hello? Ji Bai? Where have you run to, youngster?  Lin told me you’re trying to make a profit from this misfortune… So where are you now? During this extraordinary period, we need to organize an emergency gathering. Our class needs to assemble as soon as possible and meet each other…”    

“Meet each other, you say?…” Ji Bai glanced at the dismembered and shattered body parts of the trolls lying on the side and thoughtfully smiled. 

“Indeed, we really have to meet up. I’m currently at a branch of the Star Spirit company. 

“My God! I’m sure I only made you guys shop for stuff. Why did you two leave the Falling Origin District?” 

“Did that parasite never tell you that the nearby stores were short of supply?” Ji Bai raised his eyebrows. 

“Alright, alright. I’ll go and inform Lin and Huo Lei about it. Seriously. I still have to drive and fetch Lil’ Sha over here… You can just wait near the entrance of the Star Spirit building. We’ll be there immediately.” 

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“Alright.” Ji Bai didn’t throw the longsword in his hand away after hanging up the call. After casually grabbing a piece of cloth to wipe away the blood on his sword, he held onto it and jumped down into the large hole at the stairway entrance. 


“Sigh! You little brat! Always thinking about stirring up trouble all day long. On the contrary, your teacher is weary to the point his legs are going to give way…” After nearly half an hour elapsed, a small car speedily moved and stopped in front of the Star Spirit company under the night sky.   

Lin Tuo miserably stepped down from the car with Lil’ Sha following him. While cautiously moving, she was trying her best to hide behind Lin Tuo’s back. 

“…” Even after hearing Lin Tuo’s words, Ji Bai didn’t respond in any way. His back still continued to face him.

“Eh? What’s up with you, youngster? Are you trying to take on a new look by pretending to be deep and serene? Well, I don’t really understand youngsters like yo…” Before Lin Tuo could manage to utter the last word dangling in his mouth, a bright silver longsword streaked under the moonlight and pointed straight towards the tip of his nose. 

“F*ck me! W—What the hell are you doing this for?! Ji Bai, have you finally lost your mind, youngster? I am Lin Tuo, you know? Once your teacher, always your father! Even if I hadn’t treated you in a kind manner, there’s no grudge between us, right?” Faced with Ji Bai’s grave and stern gaze, Lin Tuo, the coward, hadn’t thought of anything before raising both of his hands up in an absolutely subservient manner. As for Lil’ Sha behind him, she immediately distanced herself from him while further hiding, afraid that Ji Bai would carry out the vendetta between them and chop her down.      

“What are you doing again, cockroach?” Just at this time, a cold voice arrived. Lin and Huo Lei appeared on the side of the street. They rushed over here the moment they were notified too. Seeing as Huo Lei’s appearance and stature was too conspicuous, he could only dare show himself in deserted streets like these. 

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“Did your chivalric order teach you to turn against your mentor in public?” Lin’s gaze gradually turned chilly. With a pinch of her fingers, a long, blood-red whip extended and touched the ground.

“Eh? N—no fighting! No one is allowed to fight here! We’re all allies!” Seeing that both parties had adopted a hostile stance against each other, Lin Tuo incessantly waved his hands back and forth in an attempt to mediate between the two parties.  

“Uhm… young student Ji Bai. If there’s anything you’re unsatisfied with, you can just bring it up to me and I can give you a perfect explanation. It’s illogical for people to wantonly raise their sword and indiscriminately cut people down just because they’re unsatisfied, right? After all, a gentleman relies on words, not violence.” Lin Tuo tried to reconcile in a kind manner while signaling Lin to put away her magic.

“Explanation?? Alright then, you can start by explaining what exactly happened to this large building behind me.” Ji Bai laughed in ridicule as he withdrew the long sword that was pointing at Lin Tuo.

“Eh? Isn’t this the Star Spirit building? When did it become like this?  Did a cruise missile hit it? Sigh… Speaking of which, I actually applied for a position here and didn’t get accepted back in the day. Now that I think about it, I could’ve probably been a full-fledged private enterprise director by now if I hadn’t been rejected back then. Haha.” Letting out a breath of relief, Lin Tuo shifted his eyes towards the big building that Ji Bai pointed. After freezing for a brief instant, he began to boast his ways into the high heavens.  

“Cut the crap. I want an explanation right now. You or anyone here, who can give it to me?” Ji Bai’s eyes narrowed into a slit as he swept his gaze at each and every person on the scene. 

“Uh-huh… I express my deepest condolences to the catastrophe that had befallen this building, but this catastrophe wasn’t caused by me! Much less by the people here!” Lin Tuo had a face filled with innocence as he said this.  

“Yes, it’s the murder weapon, not the murderer that’s at fault for committing the murder, right?” Ji Bai’s mouth formed a smile of ridicule.

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