Chapter 89: Essential factor perceived.

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Supple, doll-like golden hair was gathered and tied together with a maid hairband. Below a petite and cute maid skirt, a pair of tiny white legs wrapped up in black stockings was swaying about.  

“Do the Gokurado Joudo dance? Oh my~ Stop it~ I still haven’t mastered it yet, so I cannot dance it~ If I do, everyone is going to laugh at me, won’t you, Onii-chan?~” 

“Wow~ Thank you, big brother ‘Xu van♂ Qiang1’, for giving away 10 rockets~! That’s great! I’m so happy! Wahoo! ~A-Another 20! This won’t do, won’t do at all~ You’re going to stuff me to the brim, Onii-chan…” The golden-haired girl covered her face in embarrassment as her puerile voice stimulated the entire chat of the stream into a state of frenzy. 

Streaming platforms had become a booming entertainment industry after the arts and crafts of the olden days were restored.

The well-off spammed gifts while the poor observed the commotion. Various sorts of behaviors that seemed crazy in reality could get attention there. A lot of girls lacking money, and who had taken the wrong step in life, also noticed this opportunity. They raked in their audiences’ money while relying on activities that mustn’t be described. 

One’s mind turns to lust when one has a roof over one’s head and is full of food. This fact shows that humans mustn’t fill themselves up to the brim. 

“Oh my! Y-you want me to lift my skirt up a little? Uuu~ T-This wouldn’t do, my mother said that girls shouldn’t do that…” 

Xu van♂ Qiang rewarded the broadcaster with 50 rockets. 

“Uuu~ I-It’s not like it’s impossible… If B-big Brother Xu really wants to look at it…” The cheeks of the golden-haired girl were so red that blood was seemingly dropping out of them. She caressed her snow-white thigh in a coying manner while her finger twirled the hem of her skirt and slowly wandered upwards.

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“T-Thank you Big Brother Xu for giving me another 50 rockets! Uwawa! I’ve never seen so many small rockets in my entire life, Xiaomi is so happy!” The eyes of the golden-haired girl, who was pursing her lips and hesitating, shone. Her actions no longer had any type of hesitation as she raised the solemn and mysterious gates leading to another domain. 


 The atmosphere of the stream became frenzied. 

In a split second, a glaring golden light flitted past. In the chat, spectators from all parts of the country held their breath; Their eyes were opened so wide they were about to jump out of their sockets. It was almost as if they were going to lose out on a hundred million if they missed a single frame. 

The old ‘gentlemen2’ that had come prepared were wiping their saliva while bringing out their cameras, ready to go. 

‘Oh! We’ve already crossed the red line, brothers charge!’ 

Just when they were about to explore the mysterious triangle zone…  

‘What is that? Is that? Is that?’

‘This is a s-s-safety pants…’

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The complexion of the die-hard otakus turned ashen as they lost their raison d’être.  

‘Hmph, you disgusting, stupid and fat otakus. Do you honestly think that I will let a bunch of idiots take advantage of me? Dream on!’ 


“Well then~ Xiaomi will end the stream here, alright?~ I still have to take care of my ill mother, after all. I shall see all of you tomorrow then, Onii-chans! Mwuah~” The golden-haired girl wore a phony smile as she ignored the various howls and wails from the otakus in the channel and ended her stream.    

“Tch! A bunch of dumb pig heads! I just pretended to be a little bit innocent and all of you threw yourselves underneath my feet! Stupid pigs, amoebas that only think with the lower half of their bodies! Hmph~” In an instant, the innocent face of the golden-haired girl was filled with contempt and disdain.   

The earnings she had made today exceeded her expectations, so her mood was extremely jubilant. 

Humming a folk tune, she undid the button of her maid outfit while walking to the side of her bed.  

“I feel so dirty being stared at by those lowly amoebas for so long! It’s getting late now, so I should quickly wash myself clean, then burrow into the covers to catch up on the stuff I missed~”

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As she said that, the golden-haired girl threw the now-undone maid outfit on her bed, completely exposing her milky white skin. 

“Rustle, rustle…” The fully wrinkled bed wiggled slightly. 

“I’ve miscalculated. I was too hot-headed and I actually used a teleportation scroll to show off. Although it’s a low-leveled one… Speak of which, where is this place? Why is it pitch-black? Sigh, can someone be a bud and turn the light on?” A crashing sound resounded under the covers. 

“…” The golden-haired girl stopped moving.  

“Whoosh~” Along with a gust of wind, the quilt was lifted up.

“Oh my, I am finally out. Speaking of which, where the hell is this place…” Before Ji Bai could finish his words, his gaze was fixed on the body of the golden-haired girl, who had taken off her clothes and was wearing a set of tulle undergarments. 

Both parties turned silent. From their eyes, they ascertained that the other party was someone they recognized. 

‘That’s right, it’s someone I recognize. But something is wrong…’  

Mhm? (Essential factor perceived.)

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Ji Bai narrowed his eyes. His gaze, that was full of suspicion, began to size up Lil’ Sha’s rising and falling chest. 

“…Silica gel paddings, they’re fake.” Ji Bai had seen through the deception after stroking his chin and muttering for a moment. 

Lil’ Sha quietly observed Ji Bai sitting on her bed without saying a word. She then walked into the bathroom, locked the door, and took out her mobile phone.  

“…Hello?? Is this the discipline committee? It’s me, Lil’ Sha. A hooligan has trespassed into the woman’s residential area and is sexually harassing an innocent small loli verbally. Save me!” 


In a desolate land hundred of miles away from Border Town. 

“Bang!” A wooden table split into two down the middle. 

“Uhuhu~…” The young cat girls curled up in a corner from fear as they looked at the tall and sturdy figure in the middle of the room that was covered with malevolent scars.  

“That abominable worm is indeed bold! How dare he fake a surrender and lie to us!” The boorish and loud roar of rage caused the ground to slightly tremble while whistling wind rattled the tent.

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