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Chapter 102


Of course, Yan Nuo knew that her words would upset some people, but so what? She just wanted to let Lu Bo Ting know that she was determined to win him.

The only thing she hadn’t counted on was the attitude of those on the Internet, none of whom supported her.

Meanwhile, her father and the other visitors, unlike her, were talking to people on the other side.

It was only when he returned in the evening that he found out what had happened, and he was furious with his daughter, “I promised to give you a chance, but how could you…. are you not afraid of being scolded?”

“How can this be? ” Yan Nuo was confused and said, “I’ve seen people do this kind of thing before, and if you’re a human being, you can’t have no problems at all, and in this kind of situation, there are always people who will think differently. I expected some to skip the mistress thing and pick on Shi Nian. ”

Not to mention the fact that Shi Nian himself is not perfect, his low mental strength is his biggest shortcoming, and he already has so many black fans.

Yan Nuo’s father was furious with her, but of course what Yan said was true. If someone else had come out and said this today, there would have been people picking on Shi Nian by now.


“You’re not from the Empire. Lu Bo Ting’s reputation has increased over the years. What about you? You can’t do anything, you just have a face. Why should people recognize you? ”

Just a few days ago, black fans on the Internet were still talking and picking holes in the story of Shi Nian and Lu Bo Ting.

But today, all of the barbs were gone, and they were attacking Yan Nuo.

Looking at this scene, Shi Nian could not help but mutter.

“Thank you for being a heroine and ‘blocking the gun’.”

“……” Yan Huaxin had a speechless look on his face and said, “That heroine you speak of, is not going to give up that easily.”

Yan Nuo’s father, at this time, painstakingly advised: “This is not the Federation. Lu Bo Ting is also not those young gentlemen you have met in the past. He may not give you face for you for the sake of your father.  If you act like this, it will only push him further away.”

“Didn’t we say before we came that when you meet someone first, you should pretend to be gentle and considerate. If necessary, you can praise Shi Nian to him and, slowly ……”

“If this trick works, why hasn’t anyone used it over the years?” Yan Nuo said, “Since no one succeeded, it proves useless. I will use my own methods.”

“Besides, didn’t the Wu family say they would help us.”

Yan Nuo’s father: “……”

And on Starnet, as Yan Huaxin expected, there were soon other voices.

Such as,

“Although it’s wrong to be a mistress, there are some things that are true, Shi Nian’s mental power is a bit low.”

“It’s about the sentinel’s spiritual sea. To put it more seriously, if Marshal Lu wants to live longer, he’d better find a guide with higher mental strength.”

“I have to admit that Shi Nian is very strong, but it’s good to have such a capable person as a staff member. Your other half should be more useful to you! ”

“Yan Nuo is also quite devoted to him, she even participated in an experiment for Marshal Lu. How can others compare!”

“Fuck!” Yan Huaxin, who had always been a very polite man, couldn’t help but blurt out, “These federation people are brain-dead, aren’t they?

In turn, Shi Nian checked on each of these people’s light brain accounts and said;

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“It’s not someone from the Federation side.”

Shi Nian had seen a few of these accounts before. If it was anyone else he would have forgotten them, but he had a strong divine sense and a good memory. It was impossible to forget them once he had seen them, not to mention there was a blacklist for him to check.

These were people from the Wu family, while there were real Federation people as well.

But the claims were all different.

“Our Miss Yan sacrificed so much to go from human to mermaid, and she still doesn’t deserve him?”

He guessed this was a brain dead fan of Yan Nuo.

“What do you mean by a mistress? Are they married yet? Anyone has a chance before they get married. ”

“The Wu family made this stunt on purpose, just for this. Right! Sow discord between you and my cousin? And those people on Starnet were obviously bought to bring up the rhythm of saying “you can’t be useful to him.”

“Even my aunt and uncle, who have the most right to say something, haven’t said anything. And these people are using the banner of “it’s for his own good?”

“God of war! The most powerful man in the world.” Shi Nian said, “Isn’t it in the public interest to wish him to live longer?”

classmates: “….” ”

“Brother Shi, why are you speaking for them?”

Yan Huaxin also looked over with a strange face. Seeing the look on Shi Nian’s face, he felt like this was the look he had countless times in the past, when he was ready to slap faces.

“Do you…”

He was about to say, “Do you have any ideas again?” when he heard Shi Nian mutter.

“I don’t know why, but this Yan Nuo always reminds me of Bai Zihan.”

Yan Huaxin instantly said, “What? That shameless one also likes my cousin?”

“Huh?” Shi Nian looked up at him blankly, “Bai Zihan also likes Lu Bo Ting?”

Yan Huaxin: “……”

“Aren’t you the one who said that?”

“I mean the level of stupidity.” Shi Nian leaned back on top of his chair and sighed, “When I advised your cousin to give up bidding for the space stone last time at the auction, Bai Zihan was making a fool of himself with such arrogance. Looking down on people and thinking he was smart. ”

It made Shi Nian want to give the words he said to Bai Zihan to this Miss Yan.

When you treat everyone else like a fool, you’re not far from being a real fool.

“…… Oh.” Yan Huaxin had a helpless face, he had misunderstood and thought that Bai Zihan had the guts to like his cousin.

This included the students in the class. No one knew that this was actually a fact. They all took it as a misunderstanding and just talked about it, but more people were still concerned about Yan Nuo.

Shi Nian laughed and remembered the last time he came home and bumped into Mrs. Lu chatting with someone. They seemed to mention that there was a Yan family girl in the Federation who had always liked Lu Bo Ting.

So they were talking about this Yan Nuo.

After school, Shi Nian returned to the Lu family home and found that Mrs. Lu was also concerned about this matter.

When she saw him coming, she immediately waved at him and explained, “Bo Ting has nothing to do with that Yan girl.”

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Shi Nian smiled, “Of course, if there was a relationship, would she still need to make such a big fuss about it?”

While speaking, Madam Lu saw that Shi Nian was blocking some people who spoke badly about him.

Then he stared for a moment at an ID that said;

“I can’t stand it anymore. You people talk about your parents’ interfering in your search for a date on Starnet every day, disliking your date for being poor, ugly, and old. But now you’re not even the father of the person you’re discussing, and you’re still here telling them what to do. Are you the one who has to live with him, or are you the husband? Stop being nosy and mind your business! ”

The following people quickly replied to him.

“That’s not what I said. Marshal Lu is not an ordinary person. Do you know what it means if he lives a few more years? ”

“Although I don’t like that Yan from the Federation either, the Marshal could have chosen a better person. And there are many guides with high mental power in the Empire! ”

The poster seemed enthused, and asked them;

“If you marry a rich old man, it will make your family’s life easier. Go on, do it!”

“That’s a human being, not a robot, and you’re going to decide what’s best for him, regardless of his wishes? And don’t laugh at me. For your information, with Marshal Lu’s current mental power (which will probably be higher in the future), unless there are S+ class guides now, there’s no difference between everyone and Shi Nian in this regard. It’s like if you want to hire a tutor for your son who is at the last on the list, and you hire the second last, and then someone says the second last is too low, so why don’t you hire the third last. What’s the difference?

Mrs. Lu thought that Shi Nian was agreeing with what this person said, but as a result, she saw Shi Nian think for a moment, pull up the blacklist, look through it, and found this person.

The reason for being on the blacklist was: black fan.

Shi Nian: “……”

Mrs. Lu: “……”

“It seems that people’s hearts are really complicated!” Especially when it comes to putting words on Starnet, it’s even more variable.

One day they scold you, and the next they might speak for you.

Shi Nian tutted and watched the man threaten, “Everyone has a brain disease. I can’t be a black fan from this angle (after all, it’s too stupid). You guys are getting excited for nothing.”

Mrs. Lu twitched the corner of her mouth. “This is really a black fan.”

She looked at Shi Nian curiously and found that he didn’t seem to be affected at all.

“Auntie.” Shi Nian knew what she was thinking and couldn’t help but ask, “Have you forgotten the contract I initially signed with Lu Bo Ting? What was it for?”

Mrs. Lu: “….”

Oh right! Although Shi Nian didn’t have mermaid genes, his quantum beast naturally had the effect of relieving mental power.

Attacking him on that front?

Looking at those who are bringing the rhythm, Mrs. Lu just feels like she is looking at stupid people.

And without hesitation, she stepped on the Wu family, “It’s true that the surname Wu can’t come up with any good ideas.”

After a pause, she added, “But he’s aggressive this time. But don’t worry, Shi Nian, Auntie stands by you. ”

Shi Nian:”……”

To be honest, up to now, he and Lu Bo Ting are still in a state of unknown relationship status.

Lu Bo Ting hadn’t woken up yet when the rumor first exploded. And he didn’t make any gestures to show that they were really together afterward. On second thought, he hadn’t even agreed yet.

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Mrs. Lu had earlier acted as if she knew it was a misunderstanding on Starnet, but now this. It was obvious that she had seen the ambiguity from the start and was deliberately pretending not to know.

Looking at the bickering on Starnet, no one could know that they’re not really together yet.

Other public figures have been together for a long time and then are accidentally caught on camera before going public. But they’ve been forced to go public even before they are even together.

“That Yan Nuo is not going to get my son.” Mrs. Lu’s fighting spirit was high, “I’ll warn Lu Bo Ting to stay three feet away from that woman.”

When she finished and saw no reaction from Shi Nian, she couldn’t help but say, “Shi Nian, aren’t you worried?”

“Worried about what?” Shi Nian said, “It’s not like someone is obsessing over me. I have no worries about my personal safety. Shouldn’t Lu Bo Ting take care of this kind of thing himself? ”

He looked at Mrs. Lu in a matter-of-fact tone, “Auntie, don’t worry about it either. He’s already so old, can’t he handle a few of the yings and yangs that come around? ”

“As the saying goes, whoever attracts the peach blossoms, must solve them himself. Who am I to tear them up for him? I’m telling you, if old Marshal Lu has any situation like this, you should stay out of it and let him handle it himself. If he doesn’t handle it well and dares to get fancy, we’ll replace him with someone more obedient. ”

Old Marshal Lu, who had just come back: “……”

What’s going on?

As soon as he returned, he heard his future daughter-in-law instigating his wife to find a better one.

Shi Nian: “……”

Mrs. Lu: “……”

Mrs. Lu was the first one to look back and ask, “Where’s the armor water you were told to pick up? Did you get it?”

“Here it is.” Old Marshal Lu immediately said.

He even came up to paint Madam Lu’s nails himself.

Madam Lu’s hands were beautiful, slender and white, and the new patterns just done on her nails made them look even more beautiful.

But it was not easy to maintain them, and they had to be painted with nail care water every day. Old Marshal Lu took over the job and was now a bit decent in it.

As Shi Nian watched, he thought that in a few years’ time, when he retired and had nothing to do, Lu Bo Ting might learn how to paint nails for his wife.

The atmosphere was so warm that he felt a little useless sitting there, so he got up and went upstairs.

Only after he left did Marshal Lu ask, “What were you talking about?”

Mrs. Lu smiled and said what Shi Nian had said, “It’s true. Why should the other half worry about such things all day long? He can see that at such a young age.”

“Not true.” Old Marshal Lu said.

Mrs. Lu raised an eyebrow, “Hmm? Not true? ”

The old marshal didn’t panic in the slightest, applying nail polish to her as he said, “Of course I can let you solve the ones who try you. But I would go and meet my love rival! Otherwise, he will look at you as an easy bully. Some sentinels nowadays can be shameless and have thick skins even if you turn them down. Some time ago, didn’t they say on Starnet that some even tail their love interests? So I must step in to clean up. ”

Mrs. Lu: “That’s more like it.”

The nail care water was applied and Mrs. Lu stretched her hands out to dry.

Old Marshal Lu hurried to fetch a small hair dryer to help dry them faster while saying, “When you mentioned this, Shi Nian’s first reaction was that he doesn’t need to deal with it. So you can see that he has already acquiesced to the relationship matter with Bo Ting. ”

“That’s our son!” Mrs. Lu sighed as she took over, “He really doesn’t live up to expectations. Shi Nian likes him, but he can’t even catch him. ”

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Old Marshal Lu couldn’t help but laugh. He wasn’t worried at all.

Both children had all eight strokes of the pen. All that was missing was a formal recognition. It was good for them as parents to stay out of such trivial matters and just watch their sons’ jokes.

On this point, the couples were in agreement.

But you still have to restrain Bai Ting and make him be careful.”

“No need.” Old Marshal Lu said, ” Don’t you know our son? If other women and men could get close to him, he would not have been a single dog for so many years, with no experience at all. He couldn’t even hold on to the Buddha’s feet at the last minute and take advantage of the breach of contract. ”

At this time, Lu Bo Ting, who they were talking about, had just left work.

There was a meeting today, a conference on the parliament side, and it had already concluded. As he got up and headed out, Councillor Wu approached him with a smile.

“Marshal Lu, you’re too lucky!”

He was obviously talking about Yan Nuo, and Lu Bo Ting didn’t even want to pay any attention to him and went straight out.

However, he met Yan Nuo herself downstairs.

She saw him and came over, “Marshal Lu, you…”

Lu Bo Ting, who had long legs and arms, could not be stopped by her.  By the time she finished fixing the hem of her dress and hair, coming over in the most perfect posture, Lu Bo Ting had already reached the flying machine.

Xue Chi followed behind, opened the door to let Lu Bo Ting in first, and stopped Yan Nuo, who was trotting to catch up, and then entered the aircraft.

The two of them did not say a word from the beginning to the end, ignoring her completely.

Yan Nuo: “……”

Yan Nuo said reluctantly: “I just want to invite you to dinner, you… where exactly am I not good enough to make you so unwilling to say a word to me?”

“I have paid so much for you…”

Yue Xingran, who had come out a step behind, sneered, “Paid? Did you help him fight the zerg? Or did you help him with the piles of documents? Or did you have a share of those war credits he had over the years? ”

Yan Nuo: “……”

Yan Nuo said reluctantly: “It’s not only useful to go to battle. I have the ancient mermaid gene…”

Yue Xingran ignored her and also turned around and got into the flying machine.

Originally, as a child of a high-ranking family on the Federation side, she would not be treated in this way during her stay in the Empire, or the intercourse between countries would not be very good.

But with Yan Nuo’s actions and their attitude, even the Federation couldn’t find anything wrong with them.

You have paid so much?

To do something to your body without one’s knowledge under the banner of doing what is best for others is not giving, it is a one-sided attempt at moral abduction.

Yue Xingran hated people like this the most.

He remembered that his former sister-in-law, Bai Zihan’s mother, was also like this back then.  Acting as if she was willing to break ties with the Wu family for his brother.

What happened as a result?

Yan Nuo was just left there. She was so angry that her face twisted in anger.

“Lu Bo Ting!” She gritted her teeth and said, “I will make you fall in love with me.”

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