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Chapter 111


Shi Nian was competing in earnest, Lu Bo Ting was watching the game and picking good seedlings, and of course, the Wu family, grandfather and grandson, were sitting securely.

But where they weren’t, things were festering.

There were arrests and interrogations at the institute.

The two families had clearly started to fight each other, perhaps to the death.

The principals of the six schools, none of whom were uninformed or stupid, saw the scene and sat back to stay out of it while still being able to watch the game.

Yan Nuo was unhappy, but her father kept looking this way and that, thinking that he had come to the Empire at the right time.

Maybe he could even stir up some trouble on the side.

If he could help the Wu family destroy the Lu family and keep some evidence, he could threaten them later into giving in to the Federation.

But if not, it would still be great to watch the two tigers fight it out.

On the field, Shi Nian’s team was currently leading the scoring.

After all, no team was lucky enough to be able to stand there and kill dinoflagellates one after another. Even if one was only three points, more points made all the difference.

Once out of that area that was manipulated by the Wu family, the resupply was significantly better than before.

Soon they had two more mechs.

It wasn’t yet one mech for every man, but it was good news.

By now, everyone outside could see that Bai Zihan and his team were very close to Shi Nian’s team.

“Shit, they’re going to meet.”

“Let me quickly cut to one of Bai Zihan’s team to see what they were talking about. ”

At that moment, Bai Zihan was saying, “Has that Shi Nian been eliminated? How come I haven’t seen him?”

The crowd: “……”

“You can’t even eliminate my brother Shi, why are you looking for him? Look at how long it’s been, but Shi Nian hasn’t even mentioned you. You’re so obsessed with other people. Really worthy of being trash! ”

“I can’t bear to even look at their score. Is the standard of the First school so bad now? ”

“It’s not that the standard of the First school is bad, it’s that a certain young master is too spoilt and always has to have three people to look after him, so naturally fewer people go out to fight for points. Count them lucky to even have their current number of points. ”

Especially when compared to Shi Nian’s team, they are not even close.

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The funniest thing was that Bai Zihan was so determined to meet Shi Nian and eliminate him.

“It’s very obvious who’s going to clean up who when these two teams meet!”

“He’s got butterflies as teammates. But between him and Shi Nian, how can he beat brother Shi? It’s no problem for Shi to beat him ten times! ”

The anchors were also very excited, “Looking at this situation, the two teams are about to meet.”

“Will Shi Nian be able to detect the enemy in advance as he always does, and what will he do this time?

Shi Nian yawned, “A team from the First school is coming.”

He added, “No mechs, very easy to bully.”

Yes, Bai Zihan’s team only found supplies once, and they had no mechs. So he had been walking on two legs the whole way.

Many people were already looking forward to the scene where the two parties met.

Unlike the spectators’ anticipation, the principal of the First school was in a state of helplessness.

He knew what the encounter would be like.

And as he expected, it was a fool’s dream to fight four mechs without one.

Bai Zihan was surrounded by three sentinels to protect him and the other guide.

It made the fight the same as five against two, foot soldiers fighting mech soldiers.

And after the first five were eliminated, it was soon Bai Zihan’s turn.

It didn’t even need Shi Nian to do anything; they had all been eliminated.

Before waiting for the teacher to take them away, Bai Zihan saw Shi Nian and couldn’t help but be angry and anxious, “Why? Why is your luck always so good? You just have strong teammates and mechs….”

Once he said this, his own teammates’ faces turned raw and green.

The people outside were also speechless.

“What do you mean by strong teammates? Does he think his own teammates are not strong enough? Which one of them is not the pride of the sky to be able to go to the First school, only to be dragged down by him.”

“They’re really unlucky to be in his team, but these sentinels are also really….spoiling him. It’s obvious that the commander likes him, but wasn’t Ji Yiqing a lesson to learn from? There is still this such a licking dog? And not only licking him, but also taking the team along with him and failing to get a high score.”

“How dare he talk about luck? His grandfather is suspected of harming Shi Nian. Is that also called good luck? He should give it a try of he wants it so much. ”

“Incompetent people always think that other people’s success is due to luck and that they are just less lucky. ”

Outside, the principal of the First School no longer wanted to talk.

Councilor Wu and Wu Chao Yi also felt very humiliated. This grandson was a waste.

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Yue Xing Ran was close to laughing out loud. Look, this is the Wu family’s bloodline: vicious and brain-dead.

The next day, they managed to gather eight mechas and began a massive sweep through the insects while also actively searching for other teams.

By the end of the tournament, they were in first place, a full 300 points ahead of the second place team.

Second place was none other than Wang Haosheng’s team, who by now knew what had happened when the scene was so big. He couldn’t help but sigh, “What’s all this about?”

If it weren’t for that incident, they might not have come in second place or have such a gap between their scores.

Lu Chengze was even more annoyed, “Sometimes Shi Nian is…. How did he take advantage of that kind of situation? This is still… unfair. Should I say that someone getting harmed is good or bad luck ah?! ”

Wang Haosheng: “In terms of situation, it’s bad luck to the extreme. But as far as the outcome is concerned, it’s kind of good! ”

After all, it had been a long time since the Sixth school had won first place.

Even Principal Wu himself did not expect their school’s students to be so strong this year.

But because of the big event that happened halfway through the competition, the results were not as well received as in previous years.

However, Shi Nian’s team was still the most talked about.

After today, there were many people who would be invited by the Legions.

It goes both ways, of course, and one could sign up for the league of their choice.

But there was no doubt that the Lu family would receive the most applicants. After all, they are really present and strong this year.

As for the much talked about attempts on Shi Nian and Lu Bo Ting’s lives, there was a lot of buzz on Star Online and the upper echelons were urgently looking into it, but there are no results for now.

So, for a while, recruiting talent has become a major event.

Particularly for the students and the major legions.

The Yue family was not in a hurry. Although they are independent of the Lu, Kang, and Wu families, they are known to be the weakest and are not even considered a legion by anyone.

So they didn’t need to take in many people every year.

The Kang family, on the other hand, relied on years of strong support, as well as their unique military ethos, and also had a regular group of people who stood by them.

The only one that could rely on influencing opinion to get new recruits was the Wu family.

And of course, the Wu family wouldn’t let up, with the Yan family from the Federation there to also stir the pot.

Yan Nuo’s father stayed in the Empire and did not return to the Federation. He was interviewed about his views on the matter, and he laughed, “If I had to, I would choose the Wu family. The Lu family is still too weak in the end. If one day it becomes like the old Yue family…I’m sorry. I don’t mean anything else, just looking ahead. ”

“And things have been turbulent for them recently, in relation to my daughter, as everyone has heard.”

“Lu Bo Ting gave up the opportunity to possibly live a few more years for his love. He is indeed responsible for himself, but he has not thought about the many, many people of the Lu family legion. If he does not last until the next heir is groomed, what will happen next? ”

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“To put himself first and not the legion, such a person may be fine as a lover, but is clearly unqualified as a superior to be loyal to. ”

When the interview came out, many people said he was meddling, but because these were also facts, it did cause a heated debate.

In particular, some of those who had earlier said that Shi Nian’s mental strength was not worthy of Lu Bo Ting were making a comeback.

This annoyed some of the Lu family admirals.

“This Yan family is just embarrassed that they couldn’t give their daughter away!”

“As for that daughter of his, leave alone the Marshal, no one from the Federation would marry a person with such a low IQ. Will we have anything to look forward to in the future if she gives an heir and he inherits that little intelligence?”

“How dare they curse the marshal? The marshal is in good condition now, so he will have no problem living for another 30 to 50 years at least! ”

It was not that they didn’t want Lu Bo Ting to live longer, but the higher the spiritual power, the harder it was to control.

It was also true that there was not a single guide in the Empire who could soothe Lu Bo Ting.

More importantly, Shi Nian was really strong.

In the unlikely event that something did happen to Lu Bo Ting, there would still be old Marshal Lu, and in the event that the old Marshal failed, there would still be Shi Nian.

How could they be like the Yue family back then, where no one could hold up?

All the admirals and generals looked at each other; their hearts were clear.

If it were the past, they might have been worried that Shi Nian could only hold up internally, not externally, in a war. But it looked like no problem for him to hold up in battle. Command can also be learned. He has an exceptionally good perception of danger. How many sentries are already inferior?

As for him driving a mech, they can completely do it for him.

With the backbone in place, the Lu family would never be finished in any way.

But this was something they could see, but the ordinary students might not understand.

Some of them were already getting worried.

“I’m going to step in and talk to them about this. Recruiting is a big deal. We can’t let that Yan… ”

This person said, after a pause, “That said, old Liu, how come you’re not in the least bit anxious about this?”

Only a few people in Lu Bo Ting’s circle were aware of the situation, and the majority of these admirals were unaware that the original owner’s quantum beast was able to help the Marshal soothe his spiritual sea.

Admiral Liu was an exception, and he happened to know about it.

He said, “Don’t worry, there will be a conclusion to this matter soon.”

“Do I still need to speak out then?”

“No.” Admiral Liu said, “It’s not a big deal, the marshal’s side hasn’t moved yet, and once they do, the other side will have to swallow back everything they say.”

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He spoke obscurely, and the other admirals looked at each other and speculated.

“Mr. Shi’s mental power is more than D-rank, right?”

“I think so too. How can you do so many things without high spiritual power? Especially that Quantum Beast. It’s also too powerful…..”

“Definitely, he must have super high spiritual power too!”

While they were speculating, Yan Nuo was happily dressing up.

She said gleefully, “Dad, you’re amazing. This is going to be a headache for the Lu family! We’ll see if Lu Bo Ting still doesn’t want me. I want him to know…”

As she was saying this, she saw her father’s expression change and immediately asked, “What’s wrong?”

Her father gritted his teeth and said, “Shi Nian’s quantum beast, his quantum beast,……”

“What happened to his quantum beast?” Yan Nuo had a bad feeling in her heart and opened her optical brain to take a look, and as expected, the Lu family had issued a statement.

The statement was simple, just a piece of data information that the average person couldn’t read.

But luckily, knowing that many people couldn’t read it, there was a thoughtful explanation underneath, and a final summary:

“That is to say, Mr. Shi Nian’s quantum beast has the ability to stabilize one’s mental power. Simply staying in the same space as his quantum beast will do the trick. The key point is that it is very effective for Marshal Lu unlike mermaid singing.”

“Hahahaha the key point made me laugh.”

“What a great reversal! Someone hell-bent on being a mistress thought this was her advantage, but didn’t know that others could do it too. Moreover, her singing voice is useful to ordinary sentinels. Whether it’s useful to someone of Marshal Lu’s caliber is still up in the air, but Shi Nian has already been proven to be useful.”

“I don’t understand! If you can understand, is it true? ”

“It’s true. I specifically asked my tutor, and he said it was very rare, but there had been cases before, so Shi Nian is not an exception, nor is he the first. If the above data is not falsified, his quantum beast does have miraculous effects. ”

“I suddenly remembered how brother Shi’s canary looked when it caught the bird quantam beast.”

“Me too ……”

“It happened so fast and the situation was so dangerous that I didn’t have time to think about it, but later I discussed it with others and we agreed that Shi Nian might have been extremely mentally strong. Now it seems that the Quantum Beast is also special?”

“Am I the only one who wants to laugh at that surnamed Yan? He talking so righteously, as if we didn’t know his nasty thoughts behind the scenes. Well, now that the truth is out, your daughter is useless. Get out of the Empire! ”

“I really don’t know how he’s going to eat those words back. Saying that the Marshal is irresponsible with his life and irresponsible with the legion. Yet in fact, Marshal Lu has long been thinking of ways to relieve his spiritual sea.”

“This reversal and slaps in the face is just too cool Shi Nian: YYDS!”

“Sure enough, you can disbelieve yourself, but you can always trust Brother Shi. Follow Brother Shi, and you will never be on the losing side.”

 YYDS or “forever God” The four English letters are the initials of yong yuan de shen, meaning “forever God” in Chinese. It was first used by players of a popular internet game, and later was adopted by many internet users to express their admiration and high esteem for their idols.

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