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Chapter 114


It happened so quickly, almost in the blink of an eye, that a large number of calls came in just when councillor Wu realised something was wrong.

Except for a few in the army, not even the politicians under his command knew what they were doing behind the scenes.

They all called one after another to ask questions.

“It’s over.” Wu Chao Yi could no longer maintain his air of being the heir to the throne and slumped back in his chair.

They had not been afraid before, and were even calm, because of the army they had under their command.

Not to mention that they used to have a good reputation among the people. Although recently, things have not been as good as they used to be, but their base was still intact.

But everything was different now.

Human experimentation, illegal research and development of banned drugs…

The list was like this even before being released. Once Lu Bo Ting had sorted out all the things they had done, there would be no hope for the Wu family to turn the tide.

No one would support them anymore.

The first to turn against them would be the legion they had backed up.

“How can this be…” Wu Chao Yi said, “How can this be? How did they find the person? When those people realized something was wrong, why didn’t they erase all the past records? ”

Councillor Wu was too busy to pay attention to him.

This time, Shi Nian and Lu Bo Ting had acted so quickly that the place was already under siege when they found out, and before they could react, all kinds of evidence had been released.

Up until now, they were not even sure how all the information had come into the Lu Bo Ting’s hands without any reservations.

Even if they wanted to react, they basically had no one at hand.

What’s more, there were people from the Wu family rushing over.

“What’s going on? Is it true what they say on the Star Network? We don’t lack anything, so why would we have to do something like this? ”

“Yeah, what’s the advantage of doing this?”

“Our family is not only unique, but one of the best in the empire. No one dares mess with it. Why do such things when life is so good?”

“No wonder you don’t like my little one and only like your grandson. It’s because the eldest grandson is inhumane and is willing to follow you to do such bad things. ”

Wu Chao Yi’s parents were among them, and they were both anxious and angry.

These people ……

“When I led everyone to live such a good life, everyone was complimenting me. But now that something has happened, it’s all my fault?”

The Wu family said, “Otherwise? Is it someone else that had done such a crazy, heartless thing! ”

Councillor Wu shouted, “Shut up.”

He was so powerful in the family that, despite the current situation, no one dared to make a fuss when he shouted.

He waved his hand and had them all dismissed.

Naturally, these members of the Wu family did not want to give up, but there were still some people under councillor Wu’s command, so they did not care and invited them out.

“Councillor Wu has spoken. ” After driving them out of the courtyard, they said, “If you don’t want to be driven out of the Wu family now, you can continue to make a scene.”

At these words, all the people quieted down.

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They were all saying that he was heartless and inhuman, but what they were most worried about was what they would do if the Wu family fell.

Inside, Wu Chao Yi was asking, “Grandfather, is there really nothing that can be done?”

Councillor Wu stood there, silent for a while, before saying, “Call Bai Zihan back.”

“What can he… do?” Wu Chao Yi was halfway through his sentence when he suddenly paused and immediately reacted.

Yes, the Yue family.

Wu Chao Yi said, “I’ll call him right away.”

Right now, Shi Nian and Lu Bo Ting were urgently compiling evidence. To be precise, the people who were really busy were Xue Chi and the people in charge below.

Lu Bo Ting had even more on his plate. Not only was councillor Wu’s light brain blowing up, but so was his.

Many people came to ask him what was going on.

The emperor was also very concerned.

Of course, Mrs. Lu and the rest of the Yan family were naturally concerned. Even Yan Huaxin had called to ask for information from Shi Nian.

Shi Nian was sitting there talking to Madam Lu and Old Marshal Lu about the matter, and when he saw that Yan Huaxin had come to ask, he simply connected the call and talked about it together.

On the other hand, Tang Huanqing was shouting, seemingly very happy, and occasionally yelling, “Did you see that? I did it! I did it. ”

Mrs. Lu: “The Wu family, are over, aren’t they?”

“Of course.” Yan Huaxin said, “After such a thing, how can they not fall?”

“Auntie, keep talking; my parents and grandfather are listening. I’ll inform them of the news.”

In the midst of the chaos, Lu Bo Ting did not give any chance to the Wu family.

The discipline of the Lu family’s legion was so strong that they had already taken care of some of the Wu family’s most important figures.

At the same time, of course, he had also contacted Yue Xing Ran.

After all, he was one of the victims of the events of ten years ago.

In addition, the Kang family, another family with military power, also called.

The latter said they were ready to provide support.

As for the politically-connected members, councillor Zhu handled them.

He had been giving the Wu family trouble because of the way Bai Zihan was trying to hook his son last time, which had caused the Wu family to stumble a bit.

But who would have thought that the Wu family would collapse in the blink of an eye?

When his son Zhu Liezheng heard this, he said, “The Wu family has fallen, and they deserved it. Who told them to drive Zihan out? ”

This son is hopeless.

Councillor Zhu was so angry that he wanted to hit his son again, but he was even more certain that there was no way the Wu family could save themselves.

It would be better to make a complete reversal and have Bai Zihan follow them as far away as possible.

He just didn’t know about the Yue family…

Looking at Zhu Liezheng again, councillor Zhu was angry. “How could I have given birth to such a stupid son like you? Just look at Shi Nian… even if you don’t count him, look at the other sentinels in his team, even the guide surnamed Zhou, with almost the same surname as you. Why is he so smart? ”

Zhu Liezheng was still unconvinced. “He doesn’t say a word all day except when about professional issues, so he’s not smart at all.”

“He has skills and a good brain. Do you think he’s only smart if he spends all day fooling around like you? ”

Aside from parliamentarians like him, the emperor had in fact gathered his own men over the years and gradually reached a high position.

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The fact that they had managed to do this to the Wu family single-handedly showed that the emperor was a smart man with capable subordinates, despite his secrecy and silence.

Jian Xi even gave Shi Nian a cheerful call, “You are amazing! You are really worthy of being the Wu family’s nemesis, so soon the Wu family will fall.”

Shi Nian said with some amusement, “The Wu family’s nemesis, who gave me that name?”

“Me!” The little prince patted his chest and proudly said, “I found out a long time ago that as long as the Wu and Bai families try to trouble you, they meet bad luck…… Oh, there are many people on the Star network talking about it too. ”

Judging from the little prince’s appearance, he could tell he was really happy. If it weren’t for the Wu family’s long-standing roots, he would have started celebrating by now.

People like the Wu family could not be investigated, nor could they be picked on before.

Starnet was now in chaos.

There were a lot of real and fake whistle-blowers.

Of course, some of these people were just rubbing on the heat for popularity, but most of them were real victims.

In the past, when the Wu family was so powerful, they did not dare speak out. But now, when they saw that the high platform was about to fall, they rushed to seek justice for themselves.

Lu Bo Ting said, “Have someone contact these informants to see if they are true or not. If they are true, then record them all. ”

“If it’s false, then delete it. We won’t wrong the Wu family.”

Xue Chi nodded his head.

He muttered, “We don’t need to bother with tha. They’ve done enough bad things themselves.”

That night, not many people were able to get a good night’s sleep.

Delight and worry were everywhere.

The Old Marshal tried to coax Madam Lu into resting, but was unsuccessful, and was even fiercely sprayed at.

It was interesting to watch at the time, and he couldn’t help laughing out loud.

However, when he saw Tang Huanqing, who was standing quietly in the courtyard after going crazy, he suddenly couldn’t laugh anymore.

When he saw Tang Huanqing, he thought of that video.

He thought of the underground institute.

Mrs. Lu also followed his gaze and sighed, “If it’s possible, I really hoped the Wu family had not ended this way.”

Even if it took a few more years for them to slowly work their way out, dismantling the Wu military power or investigating the past, it would be better.

It would have been better than the many tragic events that had taken place, the silent deaths of so many people in that brightly lit but cold underground institute.

At that moment, another person came through the door.

It was Zhou Xinxian.

As soon as he entered, he saw Tang Huanqing. He was a major general under Lu Bo Ting and was naturally one of the frontline officers in today’s incident, so he knew a lot about it.

He walked up to Tang Huanqing and said, “You are a hero.”

Tang Huanqing stared at him for a moment.

Zhou Xinxian introduced himself, “My father is Zhou….”

He was a graduate of the same school, and although it had been a long time, Tang Huanqing happened to be one of those who had heard of the name Zhou Lao.

He was not related to him, but he had heard of him because he was too famous at that time and later met with a disastrous end.

There was even a rumour at one point that the roommate was just the culprit on the surface and that there were traces of the Wu family behind the scenes.

He didn’t believe it at the time…

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He didn’t think it was possible. After all, he had heard from his grandparents about what the emperor had done back then and knew that it was the Wu family members and others who had taken the lead in saving the empire on the right path.

It must be said that there were many people on Starnet who shared his views.

They had even spoken up for the Wu family after the previous incidents against them. They even argued when it was proven that it had nothing to do with councillor Wu and that it was only the work of people below him.

But they couldn’t go back in time and wake themselves up.

At the moment, they are deleting their initial message, treating it as a black history of their lives… and, at the same time, cursing the Wu family.

While a group of people were shouting for the arrest of the entire Wu family, in fact, at this time, the Wu family had only just been surrounded.

Compared to the time when councillor Wu was asked to go for questioning, this time the action seemed much slower, and more cautious.

However, they were still unable to stop Bai Zihan from returning to the Wu mansion.

He did not go through the front door.

Although they were all in the same neighbourhood, this mansion was clearly different from the other villas. It was huge.

Each family occupied a slightly different piece of land, and they were all very large, only the layout was different.

For example, there were very few Lu’s, not just in this generation, but in all generations.

So there was only one main mansion, which was perfectly adequate.

The rest were secondary buildings, and then there was the huge training ground at the back.

The Wu family was different, as they had a large number of family members and had always considered themselves to be a large family with a long tradition. They refused to keep up with technology and had to write invitations on paper.

Naturally, the place where they lived was also a bit old-fashioned.

There were all sorts of small courtyards with small bridges and flowing water.

Basically, each family was given a courtyard, and for those like Wu Chao Yi, they had a separate courtyard.

If you go to the house for the first time, you will easily get lost if you do not have a good sense of direction. However, no one knew that the family had built a secret passage.

Bai Zihan was taken in through the secret passage.

What the Wu family did not know was that as soon as Bai Zihan entered the house, Yue Xing Ran ordered the secret passage to be sealed.

He also informed Lu Bo Ting of the incident.

“Leaving Bai Zihan behind was really of some use.” Yue Xinran said.

“Your family’s Shi Nian was right.”

Shi Nian happened to come over and heard this.

To be honest, it was also an accident.

His initial intention was just to see if he could use Bai Zihan to pass on some wrong information when the two sides were at the end of the fights.

Who knew that things would develop like a rocket and that the Wu family were already on the cliff?


“Bai Zihan is a fool, and his departure would have alarmed you. Wouldn’t councillor Wu have thought of that? ”

Yue Xing Ran: “You mean ……”

Shi Nian and Lu Bo Ting said at the same time, “The Wu family may have another secret passage.”

That secret passage must be even more secretive and may lead further away.

Yue Xing Ran said, “I will immediately have someone go and explore.”

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“It’s no use.” Lu Bo Ting said, “The Wu family must have prepared for this. Those secret passages must have been repaired a long time ago and must have anti-detection equipment inside. That underground research institute is so big, but no one has found it in all these years, let alone a few small secret passages. ”

That’s true.

Yu Xing Ran thought that the Wu family’s earliest attack wasn’t even that of Mr. Zhou, but at least a few decades ago.

They originally thought that the Wu family’s research institute was more powerful than theirs, but who knew that they had divided it into two, and one was secretly kept underground to do those unspeakable things.

It’s not in the centre of the city, but the location was not far at all. It was just underneath them, and no one had found it.

It’s probably because they found something that can block the current high-tech detection, and that’s why no one could know about it after all these years.

Yu Xing Ran: “Since this is the case, we can only seal off various ports. As long as they can’t get out of the main planet, even if they go through the secret passages, we can still find them. ”

“I can find the secret passage.” Shi Nian suddenly said.

Yue Xing Ran was stunned for a moment and stared at him.

Shi Nian gave a random reason, “I think my newly researched detectors are definitely more advanced than the defences that Wu’s family uses.”

Tang Huanqing was stunned for a moment at these words, and he said, “Of course it is.”

He didn’t know how the device worked, but the fact that it could penetrate the underground research institute and make a sound inside his head meant it must be the most advanced so far.

Lu Bo Ting didn’t say anything, but he knew there were some secrets about Shi Nian.

For example, how the quantum beast has been disguised from a phoenix to a canary. For example, how he found Tang Huanqing and brought him back tonight.

This was not the time to pursue such matters, not to mention the fact that he had been turning a blind eye.

So he got up straight away, “Let’s go.”

Shi Nian immediately got up and followed him.

The two of them went all the way to the Wu family mansion, which was not far. After driving around the Wu family for a while, Shi Nian had already figured out all the secret passages of the Wu family.

“Not to mention the inner ones, but there are three that lead outwards. One is the one Bai Zihan used, and the other two lead in one direction. ”

After a moment’s thought, it became clear that there was more than just the one Bai Zihan used, and that the other two secret passages had the same purpose.

After they found one, they thought there was nothing left this way, so they guarded the exit and started looking in other directions.

After all, no one would have thought that there would be other secret entrances so close by.

It was just like the large flat he bought earlier, where one staircase and one door would have been sufficient, but he had to have two staircases and one door, which was completely redundant and unnecessary.

A secret passage would suffice no matter how many people were there, whether they were going in or going out.

Shi Nian circled the exit of this secret passageway and had it guarded by a man.

As for them, they didn’t go back to the Lu family house, but just stopped outside the Wu mansion.

Even though the arrangements were almost complete, Lu Bo Ting was still very busy. He also asked how the people who were compiling the evidence were doing, just waiting for the results to come in and the approval to be issued so that the arrests could be made straight away.

Shi Nian leaned back in his chair and his consciousness spread out.

As a precaution, he was prepared to keep an eye on the Wu family.

The others were naturally in a panic, and after being driven back by councillor Wu, they were still reluctant. They gathered together and wanted to send someone to ask what the regulations were and whether they could still be saved.

There was a great deal of bickering and clamour.

But Shi Nian found that there were some other people who were packing their bags.

The doorway to councillor Wu’s house was guarded by a large number of people, obviously refusing to let anyone in.

The only three people inside were him, Wu Chao Yi, and Bai Zihan.

At that moment, Bai Zihan was literally tied up.

Shi Nian saw that the Wu family was contacting Yue Xing Ran.

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