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Chapter 122


The matter of the Hua family was almost over. Of course, the two complained some more, but nothing new was said.

They really did not know that they were talking to Zerg, that could have swallowed them up in one gulp.

The zerg hadn’t used the Hua family many times. It was inevitable that if they used them too much, people would notice that something was wrong.

As for the matter of cooperation with the Wu family, it was all in the planning of the Hua family’s eldest son.

Master Hua was getting older, and the eldest son was now in charge of the family business. Elder Hua would only go out occasionally, as in the case of the last Wu family gathering.

Naturally, Bai Zihan and Yan Nuo had already poured out the contents of their stomachs.

The three Wu family members had nothing useful to dig up.

Now the main focus was on those five people.

They must have been buried within the empire at an early age, and two of them were even born and bred within the empire for some reason.

By the time Lu Bo Ting and Shi Nian returned home, the sky was full of stars.

Shi Nian looked up at the sky and was about to ask the robots to cook him a feast.

Instead, he found that the kitchen was already prepared, and the soup had been simmering for hours, just in time for a nice meal.

As he drank the soup, the robot dropped the prepared dishes into the pot, and they were ready in minutes.

“Boss, your mother made this?” Shi Nian asked in a low voice.

Lu Bo Ting nodded his head.

But, “You still call her “your mother?”

“Or else?” Shi Nian asked him as he sipped his soup, his head tilted arrogantly, “Boss, you have to remember, we don’t have a label yet.”

Lu Bo Ting: “……”

You’ve been kissed, and you still don’t know what we are?

Looking at his arrogant face, Lu Bo Ting really wanted to grab him and press him up against the sofa.

“Boss.” Shi Nian was keenly aware, “Your eyes are not looking quite right!”

Lu Bo Ting looked away, “Eat.”

If it weren’t for the fact that you were hungry after a long day, I don’t think you would have eaten this meal.

Shi Nian was much quicker than he was, not even forgetting to serve himself soup while he was eating.

At this time, one of the fried chicken legs was soon picked up, and he happily ate it.

After eating and sleeping, they had to go to the palace the next day.

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There was a banquet at the palace- a birthday party for the youngest prince, Jian Xi.

Since the Bai family and the Wu family had fallen and the emperor had finally come to power, the banquet was a big event and a signal to the outside world.

The Emperor was no longer the mascot he once was.

Now that the Lu family was in the limelight, the Emperor’s family was also taking advantage of the situation. So this time there were many people here, and the treatment of Shi Nian was very different from the last time he came to the palace.

Of course, it was not the Emperor who treated him differently, but the other guests who came.

The last time he came, there were still brain-dead people like Bai Zihan trying to deal with him, but this time there were none at all.

There were mainly people who wanted to get involved with him.

The marshal’s future partner was a very powerful position in its own right, and with the fact that the Lu family was now flourishing, Shi Nian was a popular person.

Fortunately, he had always had a lukewarm temperament towards everyone.

Old Marshal Lu and Madam Lu were standing with a few people they knew well, laughing and chatting about something.

The young prince, Jian Xi, could not help but sigh in a small voice, “Sure enough, people are opportunistic. I have received more gifts on this birthday than all the others. ”

To say that these were the most gifts might be a bit of a stretch, because others had always gifted him no matter what.

But it was true that these were more precious.

However, Jian Xi pushed all the other gifts aside and looked for the ones from the Yan and Lu families.”

“For ages, Cousin Lu Bo Ting has always given me pocket money for my birthday. I really like his thinking. ”

Jian Xi looked at his increased treasury with satisfaction, and then went on to the others’.

Of the whole family, only Lu Bo Ting knew how to give money, while the others had all chosen their gifts.

Mrs. Lu’s gifts were naturally romantic and beautiful.

“I hate that I’m not a princess!”

His eldest cousin, Yan Hualin, gave him a set of the most popular limited-edition toys in the universe. Yan Huaxin and others were similar.

“As usual, Grandpa Lu gave me a small model made in his likeness. Each one is always bigger than the other. ”

He picked it up and put it in the glass cabinet in front of him. He placed the model next to the ones he had gotten in previous years, as if he could see how he had grown every year.

But, “Where is the one from Shi Nian? Didn’t my future in-law say that he had prepared a gift that would absolutely blow me away? ”

It was for this surprise that Jian Xi had sneaked back to look through these gifts.

Because he felt that a gift from Shi Nian must be very amazing. Something ordinary people would not think of. So he wanted to see what kind of fun thing it was.

It’s quite a big box.

Before opening it, he looked around and said, “Is it a toy?”

It was quite heavy to move, but when he opened it….

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The box was full of all kinds of exercise books! The money was well spent as paper things are expensive nowadays, but…

“As a student, I don’t want this kind of gift!”

The young prince felt that he had received the greatest malice since he was born.

He said to himself that his cousin’s future wife was really something else, and that he had given him a gift that was really extraordinary.

Just a little too extraordinary.

“Next time, I’ll have to tell him that if he’s as unsure of what to get, he can give me money!”

Everyone loves money, so you can’t go wrong with it as a gift.

Jian Xi was so upset by the pile of exercise books that he wilted and returned to the banquet hall to look for Shi Nian in grievance.

Before he could even look at him, he was surrounded by a group of kids his age.

In previous years, this would never have happened.

Even on his birthday parties, he was not given much importance as a main character. That’s why he snuck out without any pressure, but who knew that this year would be so different?

The adults have changed, and so have the children.

Having been educated as a royal son for so many years, Jian Xi was able to cope with all this with ease.

Then he went back to Shi Nian’s side.

He looked at him faintly, ready to discuss not giving such a scary gift next time. But he didn’t expect Shi Nian to speak up faster than he did.

“What is it, little prince? Do you think my gift is too heavy? ” He said, “It’s not my fault. Look at the small boxes others brought. The big one I sent makes me stand out too much. ”

Jian Xi thought to himself, “You would rather have given me a stone than this!”

I would not mind if it was small, really!

He looked at him with bated breath, trying to highlight his thoughts with his eyes.

He then saw Shi Nian really pull out a “small stone.” Okay, this is for you. Use it to carry the pile of papers back; it won’t be heavy. ”

Jian Xi: “……”

The “small stone” was an oval-shaped pebble-like object. It was dark green in colour and, upon closer inspection, had flowers carved into its surface.

At the top was a small hole that appeared to have been made for a string to be worn through.

As an intelligent young man, Jian Xi realised what was going on in an instant.


The idea was soon confirmed that this was another gift. As soon as he took the “small stone” in his hand, he realised that something was weird. He quickly probed inside with his mental power, and realised that it was not an ordinary small ornament, but a space ornament.

He looked inside, and there were mountains of exercise books and papers.

“Shi Nian, do you ever think about being an average person?” he couldn’t help but ask.

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Shi Nian stretched his hands, “Isn’t that what I’m doing?”

Jian Xi looked at him faintly. No, it’s not.

“I’ve seen many elders on Starnet do this.” Shi Nian said, “By the way, I’ve also buried a mecha model underneath the scholarly materials. So you can play with it when you’re done going through all of them. ”

Jian Xi: “……”

What kind of human misery is this? And why not just give the spatial pendant and the mecha only? They are awesome gifts but you treat them as by the ways?

However, everyone around him was smiling. Adults really don’t understand the suffering of children.

There were even a lot of people complimenting Shi Nian on his thoughtfulness. It was unclear if they really thought so or if they were just being polite.

The new pendant in Jian Xi’s hand was also praised again and again, but, of course, there were those who were keen to spot the uniqueness.

The Kang family, for example,

Marshal Kang’s youngest son smiled and said, “The space technology looks more mature and can now be used on this mild steel.”

Shi Nian smiled and said, “I just researched it yesterday. I heard that the Kang family has wanted to make a purchase for a long time. Remember to place an order when you go back! ”

“Sure, sure.” This was what Marshal Kang’s youngest son was after, and he hadn’t expected to achieve his goal before he even mentioned it, so he was naturally very happy.

As for more details, it was not convenient to mention them at the banquet, so he could just ask someone to discuss them with Xue Chi when he returned.

Adjutant Xue had already been given instructions. How much could be sold and how to sell it had all been decided.

And since this soft steel could be engraved, the tops of all the pieces sold to the major regiments were engraved with the regiment’s logo.

Since the successful development of this technology, Lu Bo Ting has replaced the space bags used by his men with this uniform soft steel.

This is what Shi Nian wanted.

Because the previous spatial pouches were made using the cultivation world’s refinement techniques, although they worked, they were still very different from the technology of this world.

But now that this space steel has been released, the corresponding devices to detect space equipment will also be available.

They would be added to the security checkpoints after mass production.

No one expected to hear such big news at a banquet. The more sensitive ones were already thinking about the time such things could be sold to the public.

But Shi Nian and Lu Bo Ting had already quietly left the crowd and went to the back garden of the palace.

They had been here once before, but since it had been a while, the flowers from last time had already been replaced by a different kind of pink flower.

The flowers were in full bloom at this time of year, and from a distance, they looked like a beautiful shade of pink.

As one passed by, the petals occasionally fell, and it was simply beautiful.

The best place to see the flowers was from the lighthouse, which they visited last time.

When Lu Bo Ting and Shi Nian went up there, Shi Nian couldn’t resist releasing his little phoenix to fly around and have fun when he saw the sky.

Lu Bo Ting also released his own quantum beast, the dragon that was much bigger than the last time Shi Nian saw it.

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Shi Nian couldn’t help but laugh.

Lu Bo Ting asked, “What are you laughing at?”

“I’m laughing at you!” She blinked at him, “Is it because your dragon was exposed that you don’t feel the need to hide it? Didn’t you dare not let it out last time? ”

Lu Bo Ting had experienced his mouth and didn’t react.

But now, when he looked, to his eyes, the little canary was no longer the size of a canary, but the phoenix.

At that moment, his quantum beast was chasing after it and trying to entangle with it, only to be trampled on the top of it’s head. So his dragon could only compromise by flying around with the little phoenix.

They stood on top of the tower, looking out over the entire palace and beyond.

Shi Nian even saw birds flying over the hills in the distance, monkeys moving through the forest, and sheep grazing with their heads hanging down.

The scenery was ordinary, but he had never noticed such ordinary beauty when he used to fly 10,000 feet into the sky in the cultivation world.

“Boss, did you see that monkey? It was so close to picking the fruit, but another one snatched it away, haha..”

Tsk, It was this “boss” again.

“Shouldn’t you change that name by now?”

“Should I?” Shi Nian suddenly remembered, “Right, you haven’t paid me this month’s salary yet, boss. It’s not good to be in arrears… um…”

The moment he was caught by Lu Bo Ting’s hand, he sensed something was wrong, but it was still too late. He was pulled into his arms and kissed.

This, this, this…

The speechless man thought, “Is it true that after one kiss there will be countless others? Is this like some amazing switch being turned on? ”

He thought Marshal Lu was a gentleman who never took a step forward.

But once this man crossed the line, did he become shameless?

“Open your eyes.” Lu Bo Ting let go of him slightly and whispered.

Shi Nian: “……”

How shameful is this?

Do you remember the fact that we don’t have a label?

The first thing he did after being released was to jump back two steps, saying, “Are you possessed by something? Who taught you that…… ”

Lu Bo Ting took two steps forward and without even thinking about it, Shi Nian dashed down the tower.


I don’t know what to do.

The one who is more knowledgeable should be him. Why does it look like Lu Bo Ting is more skilled?

Thinking about it, Bai Xiaoya was also a player in the Infinite Dungeon games. But why was he so good at flirting and making his partner, the cold swordswoman, blush, but not him?

What a shame!

If he goes back home in the future, he will have to bury this part to death, or else Bai Xiaoya will laugh at him to death.

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