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Chapter 125


The next morning, he woke up to good news.

“It’s restored.” Xue Chi said excitedly from the opposite side, “The data shows that those five people did contact Senator Yan before they did it, and this time that old man can’t push it off.”

Lu Bo Ting: “Go arrest him!”

But even though the arrests were made, there was still a lot of tugging to be done afterwards.

But the empire was strong and tough, and the federation would not be able to steal the chicken this time.

“Pity, what a pity!” Shi Nian said as he came out of his room. ” I told you a long time ago, don’t think too lowly of others, or you’ll one day find out that you’re the joke.”

Unfortunately, no one believed it!

One by one, they all fell onto the path of trying to hurt him.

To treat him like a soft persimmon, they must not have ever chewed on one before.

He glanced at Lu Bo Ting and thought, “You’re so lucky, boss. You’re a winner in life!”

On the one hand, you’re enjoying the protagonist’s role under the Heavenly Dao, and on the other hand, you’ve got me as a plugin.

The two of them walked downstairs together, and Lu Bo Ting suddenly asked, “When are we going to get the license?”

Shi Nian almost tripped over his feet at those words.

“Old boss, have you been missing to eat meat for all these years, so you’re in a hurry?”

Lu Bo Ting’s face instantly darkened. This small mouth was really good at talking.

“It’s not about that. It’s almost New Year’s Eve, so the whole family is going to get together. Some people will come to pay their New Year’s greetings, so…”

“It’s okay.” Shi Nian said, “I won’t feel uncomfortable, it’s not a big deal. It’s an honor for them to come here, no matter what my status is. ”

Lu Bo Ting: “……”

He knew it.

Then what if I really want to book you before it’s too late? You’re so good. What if someone else steals you away?

Even if Shi Nian didn’t care about it, Lu Boting couldn’t let those comments go. It was bad enough with the comments on Starnet; there was no need to have that group of powerful people on the main star talking about him being stolen away.

Mrs. Lu has always been a health conscious person with her model of early to bed, early to rise. She was currently sitting downstairs, beautifully and elegant.

When she heard this topic, she instantly interjected, “Are you getting married? You’re getting married? This kid seems to be quite efficient. Don’t spoil him so much, Shi Nian. You can leave him hanging dry. ”

Lu Bo Ting:”… mom!”

How can you hold back your own son?

Fortunately, his mother was not that unreliable. She turned her head and said, “But marriage is good. You are just in time, I will tell you about the process… ”

The woman who has always been unconcerned about everything was actually speaking a set of words at this time. She was well prepared with information on when to greet the relatives, what the rituals are like, how many people to invite, and even where to go on the honeymoon.

She even divided the honeymoon season into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter, and could pick out several suitable places for each season, so it was obvious that she was a connoisseur among connoisseurs.

Shi Nian was shocked to hear this.

He had gotten a glass of milk when he came downstairs, but now he was still holding the glass at his mouth, but not drinking. Only a pair of eyes stared straight at Mrs. Lu.

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Lu Bo Ting also had a strange expression on his face and said, “Mom, haven’t you always been unconcerned about it? How can you be so clear about this? ”

“Because I’ve rehearsed it in my head countless times. When my son gets married, it has to be grand, romantic, and incomparable.

“For this reason, she had even looked everything up. And as for the honeymoon place, it was even easier to pick. Having travelled everywhere over the years, she could handle it with little care.

Lu Bo Ting: “……”

Shi Nian: “……”

Mrs. Lu: “I’ve been watching it since three years ago, but this year there’s a new, better spot, so it’s better to go with that new one.”

Shi Nian: “……”

Lu Bo Ting couldn’t help but say, “I didn’t even have a partner three years ago.”

“What does it matter?” Mrs. Lu justified: “Haven’t you seen penniless people still looking at houses and thinking about it. I have such a big son standing there, why can’t I think about the wedding?”

“You did not want to get married, was I not allowed to fantasize about it?”

“You can, you can!

Who dares say no!”

“We’ll have it at our mansion. I’ll do the decorations and make sure you’re satisfied. And the clothes, the outfits have to be custom made in advance. The one I often go to is the best in the empire. When the time comes, just ask them to come and make a few more sets, change them on the day… Right, should we have an engagement party first? The engagement party can’t steal the limelight from the wedding, but it can’t be small either….”

Shi Nian: “……”

Lu Bo Ting: “……”

Shi Nian stared at Lu Boting. Who told you to mention marriage? See, I have not even been able to eat.

Lu Bo Ting was also helpless, but fortunately, with his mother’s stream of outputs, his purpose had been achieved. Shi Nian’s thoughts were now occupied by what the wedding process was like, and he had completely acquiesced to the matter of getting married.

He took the opportunity to say, “Then the matter of getting a license…”

“The license can be gotten in advance.” Mrs. Lu immediately said.

“The certificate is protected by the law, and the wedding banquet represents its importance to both parties. I’ll do the wedding preparations while you guys hurry up and get the license. ”

Nowadays, it is very convenient to receive the certificate, just click the confirmation on Starnet.

In less than half a minute, they received their licenses under the command of Madam Lu and were witnessed by Old Marshal Lu, who was watching happily from the side.

Soon after, the official website of the Lu Family Army also announced the news.

Xue Chi heard about it and felt that it was both logical and a little surprising at how fast it was. After all, not long ago, weren’t there banners of clause 40 of the contract being hung up?

How could that little ancestor with the surname Shi relax?

However, this did not prevent his high-speed efficiency. In any case, Shi Nian had just finished eating breakfast, and had not gone to school yet, when this thing had already spread.

“It was quite sudden, but when you think about it, it’s reasonable since they’ve been together for so long.”

“Upstairs, I understand how you feel. Mainly because other people have to get engaged before they can get married, and then they get a license. In some cases, it’s even been done after the wedding. These two have brought  a new trend among the rich and powerful of the main star, getting married first and then having a party. ”

“Well, I wish them happiness!”

“The love-birds will finally get married.”

“Ahhhhhh! My CP wish is finally coming true. ”

“I wish Shi and Lu a long life together.”

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“A hundred years of happiness and a long life.”

“Grow old together.”

When Shi Nian looked at the comments, he muttered, “I won’t grow old, and I can’t grow old.”

Lu Bo Ting: “……”

Mrs. Lu agreed immediately, “Yes, yes, yes, how can our little fairy grow old, and his hair can never turn white?”

Lu Bo Ting: “……”

“When he saw that his mother seemed to be going out, he couldn’t help but ask, “Don’t you have nothing to do today?”

“Originally, there was none.” Mrs. Lu said proudly, “Now that my son has finally gotten married, I have to go out and show off so that I can slap the faces of those people who were only interested in getting our family’s power last year and feared your untimely death.”

She had always lived a refined life, and she did so even at home. It made Shi Nian often wonder why Mrs. Lu ever had the need to get ready to go out. She could just change her shoes and go.

Yet the facts told him every time that that was impossible.

Mrs. Lu had to get ready for at least an hour before she went out, and when she actually went out to meet people, she was as delicate as a strand of hair.

“I’m so happy inside. I can’t wait to see their envious and jealous eyes.” Mrs. Lu said as she changed her clothes, “Husband, tell me how our son, with his iceberg face, was so lucky to have landed such a good match.”

Old Marshal Lu stated the truth: “Our family is still in good condition, and our son is also young and talented, not some playboy.”

“What’s the use? He can’t even coax people.” Mrs. Lu said.

Old Marshal Lu said to himself, “There was really no way to refute this point.”

Tell me, he grew up watching me dote on you. How come he hasn’t learned that little bit?”

Over there, Lu Bo Ting personally sent Shi Nian to class today.

Shi Nian looked at him. He still looked calm and collected, no different from the previous day.


“Boss, don’t get too excited, your temples are so far out.”

Lu Bo Ting said helplessly, “Don’t talk nonsense.”

He had heard of the temple protrusion, but the size of this one was no longer a vein protrusion, but a small horn….

“Really?” Shi Nian glanced at it again and again, saying, “It’s not as exaggerated as I said, but it’s still appearing from time to time.”

Lu Bo Ting suddenly gave a lurch.

He turned the craft to the autopilot lane and put it on autopilot before asking, “Are you serious?”

Shi Nian gave him a blank look and said, “Do I have to bluff you?”

That’s not necessarily true. After all, you’ve done a lot of things before, so who knows if you’re just looking to tease me again?

Lu Baiting took out the mirror and looked at it for himself, and found that it really existed, and he was stunned.

Shi Nian tilted his head and said: “Really! You didn’t know about it? What if there is something wrong? Let’s go back to the hospital…”

“It’s not a problem.” Lu Bo Ting said.

Shi Nian felt so too, so he was not very worried at first.

Hearing Lu Baiting say this now, he was basically certain that although Lu Bo Ting didn’t know about the change, he should know why.

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Lu Bo Ting said, “My mental power should have gone up again.”

Shi Nian said, “It’s been rising for a while, and your quantum beast dragon has grown so big that I don’t think it’s possible to entangle all over me any more.”

“So it has something to do with mental power?”

Only then did Lu Bo Ting say that the dragon quantum beast had only ever appeared in the Lu family.

Because legend had it that the ancestor of the Lu family had a dragon partner, all future generations might have had the dragon’s bloodline, only that the amount it manifested in each person differed.

It was probably also because of this that the children of each generation of the Lu family were abnormally. But the quantum beast, on the other hand, was rarely a dragon.

But every few generations, there will always be a child born whose quantum beast is a dragon.

They would naturally be stronger too, so as soon as Lu Bo Ting was born, someone had already predicted how strong he would be, but they didn’t expect the latter’s spiritual power to escalate even more.

Today, the existing intergalactic system can no longer assign a level to his spiritual power.

Shi Nian also finally understood why the Lu family’s mecha would be a dragon that grew with its master.

There was a reason for that!

“So this is considered a long dragon horn? Did others grow them too? ”

Lu Bo Ting shook his head and said, “No, none of my ancestors in the past had reached my level of spiritual power, nor did they have the symbol of returning to the ancestors. But there were some words about it. … There is still information on this at home. I will go back and read it to find out.”

Shi Nian nodded.

The flying machine slowly drove to the school. Before Shi Nian went down, he fished out a hat from inside the space bag and put it onto Lu Bo Ting’s head.

“Boss, put it on, otherwise everyone will know about it later.”

After saying that, he leapt off the flying machine and headed for the campus.

It just so happened that Principal Wu had also just arrived and couldn’t help but look and look at him again and again..

Shi Nian: “……”

“What a surprise!” Principal Wu sighed, “You’ve really made a name for yourself even when running to school every day, you take time off without wasting it, and even making space steel.”

He thought he was going to say something about his marriage to Lu Bo Ting, but it turned out that this old headmaster’s news was still stuck in a few days ago.

“Right.” Principal Wu said, “Happy Wedding, go to class!”

Shi Nian nodded.

So he knew he was married!

When he took two steps, he suddenly remembered that one had to give out wedding candy when they got married!

He didn’t seem to have any, but there was plenty of candy in his storage bag, so he could just make do with it!

He ran back and slipped a box to Principal Wu.

Principal Wu: “……”

Headmaster Wu looked at the box in his hand with curiosity. He had seen this brand before, his little granddaughter especially loved it.

It was a little expensive, but the taste was said to be relatively good for a kind of lollipop.

Of course, the colour was also quite nice and festive. Each one inside was a different colour, and the body of the candy was even more gradual, making it very popular with little girls.

“What are you giving me?” Principal Wu had a strange look on his face and said, “Do I look like an old man who likes sweets a lot?”

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But he opened one and stuffed it into his mouth.

It was quite sweet.

When Shi Nian entered the classroom, a large number of people immediately came forward to congratulate him.

Everyone had already seen the news announced on the Starnet website.

In the end, even potato chips, jelly, and other snacks were included, and the whole class became a sea of ​​snacks.

Everyone was happy and talked about Shi Nian and Lu Bo Ting.

By the way, when is the wedding going to be!

“The date for that hasn’t been set yet, but it seems like we need to get engaged first.” Shi Nian said, “The boss’s mum said she took care of it, I’ll just have to appear in person when the time comes.”

Yan Huaxin laughed and said, “Don’t tell me Aunt finally has the heart to do something. But you can’t count this as wedding candy, you still have to send it out later. ”

“Of course.” Shi Nian said, “Your little aunt said she’s going to order some handmade candy, and keep coming when the time comes to sprinkle.”

The class was quite happy; only two people were hiding away, pretending to be invisble.

When Shi Nian glanced at them, he found that they were the two who were previously very obnoxiously engaging him in moral abduction.

Why did they shrink?

Yan Huaxin also looked and said, “In the past, they always said bad things about you, and said that you were shameless. That you rely on the ability to get 100% of the Qianbai flower juice to live in the Marshal’s House. Sooner or later, you will be kicked out or something. Now you’re demonstrating that you’re becoming stronger, better, and more powerful… you even got a license from my cousin. I guess they have no face to come over! ”

Shi Nian withdrew his gaze and continued to hand out snacks.

“Brother Shi, are you always carrying a mountain of snacks with you? Isn’t it too much to eat? ”

Someone couldn’t help but say.

Another student said, “I guess he knew it was a happy day, so he brought it with him. I think Brother Shi knows me so well. He brought all my favourite foods. ”

Shi Nian smiled, not saying that this was the amount he usually brought.

After all, he really could eat infinitely, especially when it came to the tasty snacks. He could eat as much as he wished and not even get fat, so how could he stop his big mouth.

Not to mention the melons and fruits, which his phoenix side also liked to eat.

(Of course, while avoiding people.)

On the other hand, Lu Bo Ting was still wearing the hat and was back at the Lu family home.

The hat didn’t fit his head, and Mrs. Lu, who was just going out, almost laughed when she saw it.

The hat was smaller than his head and basically floated on it, not to mention that it was also a very bright color, so one could easily tell who it really belonged to.

“Ha… have his aesthetics been changed?”

In contrast, Xue Chi’s reaction was much more stable.

Xue Chi had made a video call because there was something going on, and after one glance, he said, “Mr. Shi did it, didn’t he? Marshal, if you keep spoiling him like this, sooner or later he will step on your head.”

Lu Bo Ting gave him a look.

Xue Chi immediately shut up.

I’m not going to talk about it anymore; I can’t afford to provoke Mr. Shi.

But looking back, he was being overly concerned. Because, it was not easy to deal with that ancestor surnamed Shi without giving in to him, it seemed like he had been an arrogant man from the moment they met him.

“By the way, Marshal, the procedure for finding the Zerg has been done with the cooperation of several parties from the Institute….”


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