After he finished playing “hooligan,” Shi Nian went off in the direction of the class with a sense of satisfaction.

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Halfway there, he had a sudden reaction.

“Boss, if you know that I’m not the original Shi Nian, why do you still eat Ji Yiqing’s vinegar?”

Lu Bo Ting replied in seconds, “You were reading about him.”

Shi Nian: “……”

You’re not only jealous of what my classmates send me, but you’re also jealous of what I read now? Tsk, you must be the king of Imperial vinegar.

Aside from being good at being jealous, the king of jealousy was also good at other things.

In a few days, he had finished having the main planet install the program. It was now being upgraded step by step to the other planets.

Of course, it was not stated that it was for the Zerg, but that it was a separate sub-program. To the outside world, it served exactly that purpose.

This is what Zhou Xianxin has been working on for some time now.

Then it’s just a matter of waiting for the Zergs to show up, “Shi Nian said. “If I go there myself, the worms will be too scared to move when they see me.”

Lu Bo Ting had heard Xue Wan say that the Zerg were really shivering on the opposite side of the building.

At that time, Xue Wan and the others did not know what the fire he showed was, nor did Lu Bo Ting at the time, but he now knew it was the Phoenix Fire.

It was at this time that Senator Yan proposed meeting with Shi Nian.

Shi Nian was slightly taken aback.

“I’ve only met that man once. What does he want with me?”

It was at that time when he went to ask how he got the information about their whereabouts after the attack at the amusement park.

It would have been more logical to ask for Lu Bo Ting.

“I don’t know.” Adjutant Xue Chi said: “I also find it strange. If Mr. Shi doesn’t want to deal with it, he can ignore it. The old man has been stimulated recently; who knows what he could have remembered. ”

Shi Nian nodded, “If that’s the case, you can ask him if communication by light brain is okay. If not, he can forget it. ”

Senator Yan was convicted. The evidence was so overwhelming that there was nothing left to try and nothing left to ask.

As for what was confidential on the federal side, Shi Nian knew he wouldn’t tell.

The next day, he heard Xue Chi say that Senator Yan agreed. Shi Nian opened his light brain while eating.

Only a small part of him was photographed, and the rest of the part was full of food: braised prawns and squirrel fish, meatballs with cabbage and vermicelli, eggplant with fish spices and pork in a pot, corn and pork rib soup.

Shi Nian was happily nibbling on the pork ribs in the soup and said to Lu Bo Ting, who was next to him, “Let’s have hot pot tonight; it’s been a long time since I’ve had it.”

Naturally, Lu Bo Ting complied with him.

Mr. Yan: “……”

Only then did Shi Nian look at him and ask, “What do you want from me?”

Mr. Yan said, “I will return to the Federation sooner or later. The Empire cannot sentence me to death or life imprisonment. ”

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“Oh.” Shi Nian opened his mouth and ate the prawn that Lu Bo Ting had just peeled for him before he continued, “I know, but I also know that the Federation will pay a very high price for this.”

“Why don’t you just spit out a few federal secrets, and if I’m happy about it, maybe I’ll put in a good word for you, and you can go now.” He gestured with his eyes for Lu Bo Ting to eat as well, before continuing, “After all, it’s not as pleasant to stay inside, is it? It’s not as comfortable as living in the Federal Council House, but the key is freedom. ”

Mr. Yan: “……”

He couldn’t help but say, “You’re not angry?”

He’d always thought of Shi Nian as the kind of person who was vindictive and a bit impulsive for his age, someone who didn’t care about anything but his own happiness.

Why was it not what he saw now?

He looked at Lu Bo Ting. Could it be that the marshal had persuaded him to do so in the meantime?

“Don’t look at him. It’s not like I’m ignorant.” Shi Nian sneered. It’s not a big deal to let this person go back if they had a good deal to offer.

After all,

“Do you know how I look at you, Bai Zihan, and your daughter? I call all of you idiots who only know how to get into trouble. Let me explain it to you this way: people are generally most angry when they are victimized by someone. They would have suffered a loss and want to make the culprit pay. For example, when someone walks by and you suddenly extend your leg to trip them. If the person ends up falling because of your leg, he will be angry. If it was a serious fall, he would be even more angry. However, if he is very strong and your leg is too brittle to do anything to him, nothing will happen to him. But because he kicked the leg you put out to make him fall, you directly end up with broken bones. ”

“All he should think at that point is that this man deserved it. He shouldn’t have to pay for his medical expenses because he brought it upon himself!”

“You guys are like the ones who are always trying to stretch their legs to trip people, but don’t realize that their legs are not strong enough and end up getting broken bones.”

Shi Nian said as he ate, but one could wonder what skill he had, as it didn’t affect him at all.

His words were clear and unmistakable, and he ate so elegantly that it made people feel like eating too.

This scene was really irritating to Mr. Yan.

The key is that he even looked up and asked, “Mr. Yan, is this why you were looking for me… to sow discord?”

It was a direct mockery.

After a long pause, Senator Yan said, “I’m looking for you, mainly because I want to ask one more question.”

“If Yan Nuo and Bai Zihan hadn’t messed around, my people…would they have been able to get the job done? ”

“It’s impossible.” Shi Nian said: “Don’t mention five; it’s useless if you multiply them ten times and make fifty. They can’t get close to me at all, let alone get to kill me before Lu Bo Ting can react. ”

“Oh.” He recalled, “The second time the Wu family sent men, they sent ten at a time, all at once.  You only have five, and they don’t even have a lethal weapon or anti-drug masks… ex-councillor Wu will think you’re stupid when he hears about it, even though he’s also not too bright. ”

Mr. Yan: “……”

“Alright,” The voice of an unknown prison guard, whose name was unknown, suddenly rang out, “Were you trying to provoke? It looks more like you are irritating yourself. ”

This was miserable for him to hear, and Senator Yan from the Federation was even more pissed off!

“You’ve hit the nail on the head, brother.”

Shi Nian boasted and turned to Senator Yan again, “Aren’t you hanging up? What, you want me to invite you to dinner? ”

When the call was finally hung up, Shi Nian sighed, “What a waste of time, delaying my meal for this.”

“He should be very regretful now.” Lu Bo Ting said.

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“Regret finding someone to kill me?”

“No.” Lu Bo Ting said, “He regrets making this call.”

He just made a fool of himself.

“Hahaha, that’s right.”

Shi Nian laughed twice and continued to eat. He still had half a plate left of his dish and two meatballs left to eat, while the dish of shredded cabbage and vermicelli was still full, so he symbiotically got two chopsticks.

Lu Bo Ting pulled the plate to his side and said, “It’s good that you don’t have to worry about nutrition, otherwise it wouldn’t be possible to eat only meat without vegetables.”

“You won’t have to in the future, either.” Shi Nian said.

As the two of them talked, the meal was finished, and of course, 70% of it went into Shi Nian’s stomach.

Although Lu Bo Ting felt like he was able to eat more than before, he was still definitely not as good as Shi Nian.

The two of them sat downstairs for a while to cool off and then went upstairs to sleep.

At that moment, Lu Bo Ting’s light brain rang.

It was Xue Chi.

“Is there any news on the Zerg?” Shi Nian inquired.

When he connected, he heard Adjutant Xue Chi say, “Marshal, something’s wrong. The Tsunami Star Pirates have taken over an entire ship. ”

Lu Bo Ting’s expression immediately changed, “Where did they hijack it? Was it really them? ”

Shi Nian had already turned on his light brain and saw that there was news on the Star network.

A glance at the many comments showed that some people had the same thoughts as Lu Bo Ting. Was it really them?

Look at what the Wu family has done.

They’d called wolf twice now, so even if the Tsunami pirates really did it this time, people were wondering if it was them. ”

“It is them. What are you doubters thinking? Have you forgotten what Tsunami’s original reputation was? It was a vicious and evil group. If it wasn’t for that, would the Wu family have picked them to take the blame? ”

Below was a list of some of the evil things that the Tsunami Star Pirates have done over the years.

“Why is such a group still operating in the Empire?

“It’s not easy to clean them up in space. It’s too big for surveillance, so who knows where the pirates could be hiding? There are also those who have fled to the Federation or other small countries, which makes it hard to chase after them. If you do, they might think you want to go to war. ”

Moreover, it is not the three major legions that have to deal with the star thieves. So naturally, the pressure against them is not as strong as that against the Zerg.

“Can the space defence department solve this?” Shi Nian asked.

“I can’t say.” Lu Bo Ting said, “I will ask Xue Chi to contact them, so that if there is a need, they will know to contact us immediately.”

Shi Nian was about to nod when his hand casually swiped and he immediately stopped.

Lu Bo Ting: “What is it?”

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A call from the Adjutant Xue came again, “Marshal, it’s not good. The tsunami side announced on their own official website that they want Mr. Shi in exchange for those people, otherwise they will kill one person every hour ……”

At the same time, Shi Nian had also seen the other side’s declaration.

Starnet was already exploding at this point.

“What? You want brother Shi in exchange? Are you treating that airship as a hostage? ”

“Shi Nian has only one ten minutes to decide whether to go or not, if not, they will kill people every hour.”

“Shi Nian can’t go. He is too important to the empire to be given away to a star pirate.”

“Yes, he can’t go!”

“You don’t have any family members on the ship, do you? You’re so cold-blooded ……”

There were also people who were saying that the ship was going to the Federation from the Empire.  Since those people think the Federation is good, they should go. And if something happened, they should not expect the Empire to save them!

All in all, it was a huge mess, and in just a minute there were already thousands of voices.

Looking at the blood-red ten-minute countdown on the official Tsunami Star Pirates website, Shi Nian turned his head to his own light brain.

Lu Bo Ting: “Shi Nian!””

“What are you shouting for? I’m definitely going. Since they are looking for a fire, then why should I be afraid of setting another one? ”

After that, he opened up his Star blog and typed.

“You can stop your ten minute countdown, I’ll tell you now, I’m coming. No need to keep people awake through the night with worry. ”

“ But if something happens to one of the people on the ship before I get there, it means that the line has been crossed, and once that line is crossed and people start dying, it makes no difference if one or two or more die.”

“If you can’t send them all back, why not just remain with them all?”

When he had finished typing, Shi Nian turned off the light brain and told Xue Chi, who was still on the other side of the call, “Go get ready, let’s go immediately.”

Then he started to prepare the snacks in the storage bag. He also asked the robot to make a lot of dishes to take away.

There were also several extra sets of clothes.

The whole time he was calm and collected, not at all like someone who was going to go to a star pirate’s den, but rather like he was going on a picnic.

On the other hand, Lu Bo Ting was in contact with the space defense department.

It was impossible to go beyond the Yue family, who were in charge of keeping the Star Pirates in check. And since they had taken over the Wu family’s initial data, they should know more about the Star Pirates than anyone else.

As he spoke, he looked at Shi Nian, and the more he looked, the more he felt that he didn’t take it seriously at all.

Was it so easy to go to the star pirate’s den? This whole matter was strange.

The Tsunami Star pirates had been doing a lot of bad things, but they were not stupid enough to do such a thing. This was simply courting death.

Whether they succeed or not, it would be a disaster if they didn’t disappear from this world and never appear again.

This was confirmed by the information he received from the Space Defense Department.

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The Tsunami pirates have done a lot of evil, but it’s always been a soft touch. Not so much against the empire, but more often against the smaller countries around it.

The most dangerous and daring thing they ever did was to bombard the Wu family with a few cannons.

But that was only because it was hit and run. That’s probably because they knew the Wu family couldn’t have the time to chase them and fight under the circumstances. That’s why they were so arrogant.

The tacit agreement between the two was clear, and Xue Chi quickly arranged everything there.

The big warship was ready to depart, and as soon as Shi Nian and Lu Bo Ting arrived, it started to lift off.

There was a lot of commotion, and someone had already posted the latest news on Starnet.

“The Lu family’s warship has lifted off. Shi Nian and his team have already set off.”

“As expected of my brother Shi, so efficient!”

“Please be safe, Shi!”

Of course, there were those who said it was bad and took the article he sent as an example. They said that Shi Nian was hoping that one of them would die in an accident so that he wouldn’t have to go rescue anyone.

But after all, most people knew that Shi Nian’s post was just a way to stop those lawless pirates from taking advantage of those who were caught.

As the two sides bickered, one “man” looked on and suddenly smiled.

He was a zerg.

He didn’t know how the other two were captured, but it was definitely related to the airport.

It was most likely Shi Nian who did it.

Now that he and Lu Bo Ting had both left, it would be easy for him to leave the main star.

“You, you, you didn’t go.”

Just when he was feeling proud of himself, he saw Shi Nian and Lu Bo Ting on the other side.

The Marshal was not one to talk nonsense, and he immediately went in for the capture.

Shi Nian said leisurely, “I was suspicious because of the coincidence, so I decided to capture you before I went out.”

At the time, he thought the Zerg were trying to do something on the main star, but he didn’t think they were planning to run away!

“Gotta hurry and get you done, the second warship over there is still waiting.”

Looking at the time, Shi Nian let out the Phoenix Fire. Once it came out, the zerg, which was already under Lu Bo Ting’s attack, immediately had no choice but to be captured.

After capturing the zerg here, they immediately rushed to the warship to re-join the troops ahead.

It was only at this point that the Zerg realised they had prepared more than just one warship.

“Despicable, shameless! So shameless!” The captured zerg couldn’t help but keep cursing.

“You obviously wouldn’t have known my whereabouts by tomorrow if I had passed through……”

Good, so it seemed that this one still didn’t know about the surveillance program here and on some of the other planets too.

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