After The Breakup, I Became The Marshal’s Wife

Chapter 28: The basement tour

Chapter 28

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After school that day, Shi Nian went straight home and saw that Lu Bo Ting was already there.

When he went in, Xue Chi’s communication was ringing frantically, and Adjutant Xue’s expression looked very helpless. He picked it up and a loud voice on the other side immediately came out. The figure cast into the living room was also very familiar; it was the same Zheng Lao that he had met last time.

“Xue Chi, have you shown the information I gave you to the Marshal yet? Listen, this matter is very important; you must report it at the first opportunity.”

Xue Chi: “Didn’t I already send you a message saying that it was reported to……”

“Then why is there no result yet? Do you know how much better the effect of using 100% purified juice of Qianbai flowers with soothing liquid is than any other soothing liquid nowadays? Did you really show the Marshal the information I sent you? How did the negotiations go? Can’t you know how great this news is? Can’t you say a few more words? Can’t you do your job more efficiently? An old man like me has to chase you to ask. “

Xue Chi looked blankly at Shi Nian, who had just come in, and then slapped the communication button off.

Zheng Lao, why do you always reveal your cards in front of your negotiators? It only has a reverse effect on our price negotiations!

But today, Adjutant Xue looked at Shi Nian, who had just entered the room, and did not see any excitement in his eyes that big money was on the way.

Instead, he was very calm.

This did not look right…

He asked tentatively, “, did you hear what was said just now?”

“Yes, I did.” Shi Nian said, “It was so loud, and when I opened the door of the flying machine, the sound could shake the sky. It would be strange not to hear it!”

He walked over to the sofa and sat down, asking the robot to fetch an ice cream.

Then he went on to say, “The original soothing liquid was developed using Qianbaihua flowers, but because it was difficult to grow and rare, it became expensive. Moreover, it had to be extracted manually and could not be done with machines, so the price remained sky high, and only later was the current formula made as a substitute. “

Naturally, the substitute was not as effective as the original, but the good thing is that it was cheap and affordable.

And as for the medicine from Qianbai Flowers, naturally, someone was still making it.

“The last batch you brought back with problems wasn’t the one from Qianbai Flowers.” Shi Nian said.

Apart from the two types of soothing liquid from the lower and middle grades, the top grade, the special grade, the extreme grade, and several others actually had similar recipes; it only depended on how well the juice purified from the Qianbai Flowers was.

“Adjutant Xue.” Shi Nian nibbled on a mouthful of ice cream and looked strangely at Xue Chi: “Why on earth would you think that I, a pharmacy student, would be unaware of the history of a potion that is so commonly used by the public?”

Xue Chi: “… “

Only then did Shi Nian look at Lu Bo Ting: “Have the results of the experiment there come out?”

“The preliminary results are in.” Lu Bo Ting said, “The effect is very good; even the best pharmacist in the past could only purify it to ninety-six or ninety-seven percent.” What you purified was twice as effective as the soothing agent he made. “

Because it is unclear why at the moment, Zheng Lao said it might be because of the qualitative change from the 100 percent purification.

Shi Nian nodded, “No wonder Elder Zheng was so excited just now.”

Lu Bo Ting: “You’re not excited?”

“I’m fine.” Shi Nian said, “Ordinarily, I was already done being excited when I got the 200 million.”

Lu Bo Ting: “..”

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Xue Chi simply wanted to yell, “Don’t you know that now you can continue to sell as much as you can, and it will be more than 200 million!”

However, Shi Nian waved his hand, “This matter is not important as you guys look at it. As long as you don’t let me do anything but refine, it’s negotiable.”

Xue Chi looked at Shi Nian in wonder, as if he couldn’t believe that this deadbeat was suddenly not interested in money.

“What are you looking at?” Shi Nian looked at him and said, “I am first giving you some sweetness, so that later on you can help me seriously.”

Adjutant Xue: “…..”

Lu Bo Ting asked, “What is the matter?”

“Check the surveillance for me.” Shi Nian said and reported the address he got from Ji Yiqing, the time, and where those two guides were sitting at the time.

By the way, if you can do it, check on those two people.

Xue Chi glanced at Lu Bo Ting, and when he saw his Marshal nod, he immediately said, “No problem, I’ll get right on it.”

Such a simple matter could be taken care of in no time.

Shu Nian continued to eat his ice cream.

Lu Bo Ting said, “All the other conditions are fine. I only have one request: all the potions must be sold to me.”

Shi Nian knew his intention after a little thought. It was not for monopoly, but for hand-made quantity products, it was bound to be too much. And in Lu Bo Ting’s hands, there must have been many people who needed soothing agents.

They may not have the mental strength of Lu Bo Ting, but even if they were only S-rank or A-rank: getting older, losing mental strength after a long time, training, fighting, would all have an impact on the spiritual sea, which in turn only gets worse every moment.

By that time, low-level soothing agents were naturally less useful to them, and the ones they had to use had to get better and better.

“No problem.” Shi Nian said, “You are responsible for buying the Qianbai flowers.”

It’s not that Shi Nian was reluctant to give up the money. After all, buying Qianbai flowers was cheap compared to profit. It’s just that there will be a lot of use in the future, the store’s supply may be insufficient, and he has no contacts, so he can only rely on Lu Baiting.

Lu Bo Ting naturally had no problem with this, and the two of them signed a contract on this matter.

It’s time to eat. Shi Nian immediately said, “After signing the contract,

After the business was done, Lu Bo Ting also put away his light brain, and the two of them went to the dining table together.

There was already a large table full of crabs, and today there was a crab as big as a face basin.

Shi Nian ate to his heart’s content.

Of course, the food could never shut his mouth. He said, “Just now, looking at the expression on Adjutant Xue’s face, he thought that I was being so nice, just for a piece of surveillance, which in his opinion was being charitable.”

Lu Bo Ting: “Xue Chi is good at his job, but sometimes he is not that sharp, so he can’t hold his own. Which is why he’s working for me as an adjutant, and his sister is already out leading the troops. “

Ji Nian smiled, “After all, Adjutant Xue has helped me check the surveillance for a second time, so he probably thinks it’s as easy as the last time!”

But according to Ji Yiqing, those two guides…

Shi Nian shook his head and smiled, not adding anything.

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But I should be optimistic in any case. If I think outside the box, in fact, it should be simple. Always have hope for the outcome, “Shi Nian said.”

Speaking of which, He looked at Lu Bo Ting, “How did you know this investigation wasn’t going to be easy, boss?”

Lu Bo Ting said, “The place you reported was not some palace inner courtyard, nor was it some confidential place. If you had gone to check the surveillance there, if there was nothing wrong with it, you would have gone directly to Xue Chi and asked him. You wouldn’t have taken it out deliberately and mentioned it so solemnly. “

Speaking of which, although this person seems to be casual and is particularly smooth in commanding people, in fact, he still had a steel cage in his heart.

Therefore, Lu Bo Ting knew that it was not something easy when Shi Niaan said earlier that he needed his help.

“Right.” Shi Nian said, “I want to practise my marksmanship. Can we get a room for practising guns?”

There’s one in the basement. I’ll arrange for someone to be your instructor later.

“That’s not necessary.” Time said, “I’ll just do it myself. Don’t worry, I won’t be stupid enough to shoot myself.”

What if you hire an instructor and he sees that the progress is too fast and is frightened?

“Then I’ll use the basement as I please!”

Lu Bo Ting nodded, “But the inner room is the heavy pressure room, so be careful not to press some buttons when you go in. Also, the emergency buttons in all the places are red.

Okay, Shi Nian said, “Don’t worry, I haven’t used a gun before, but I have a brain. I won’t break the room.”

Lu Bo Ting: “..”

The only thing I’m afraid of is that you’ll lose yourself in practising and wear your little body out.

He knew that Shi Nian liked to play some exciting games and was either in a fight or on the way to a fight every day. But he did not know that this person even wanted to start in reality and was inexplicably confident.

“The heavy pressure room is really dangerous and a guide’s body can’t take it.”

“I see.” Shi Nian handed him a piece of spare ribs and said, “Stop preaching, or I’ll really believe you want to be my father.”

Lu Bo Ting: “..”

“Where did you hear that nonsense?”

“Starnet!” Shi Nian said casually, “Some of them say that if you really have such a golden master who can pay you money to play games, he’s definitely not raising a canary, he’s raising a son.”

Lu Bo Ting was speechless. It seemed Shi Nian dared to say anything and never cared about it. Leave alone mentioning raising canaries or sons, when he first came to this villa, he still opened his mouth and asked whether he was being adopted.

Lu Bo Ting was a bit helpless. When he looked at him like this, Shi Nian laughed.

After laughing, he had almost finished eating and went straight downstairs to the basement.

Of course, he didn’t forget to leave the quantum beast behind for Marshal Lu.

Lu Bo Ting was a bit uneasy, so he took three or two bites of the last of the rice in his bowl, set the robot to clean up and wash the dishes by itself, and then followed him downstairs.

When he came down, Shi Nian was looking at a single hand-held gun canon and raised his hand to get it.

Lu Bo Ting immediately said, “That is very heavy.”

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Shi Nian had already picked it up.

It was as easy as carrying a dish of ice cream. Other people carried it with two hands, but he was carrying it with one hand and was staring blankly at him.

“Oh.” After a long while, he finally reacted, “It seems to be quite heavy.”

Lu Bo Ting: “..”

Didn’t they say that some of the guides could not even unscrew the cap of the bottle?

“This thing is at least two hundred pounds. You have quite a lot of strength.”

“Naturally,” Shi Nian immediately said.

Shi Nian looked at it and automatically felt that this thing should be carried and operated on the shoulder.

He was immediately ready to try it out. After all, the special wall was right in front of him, and the shells would be digested when they hit it at just the right place.

Lu Baiting didn’t stop him either: “Just be careful of the recoil…”

But he said it too late.

Shi Nian, a master who dared to ambush and sneak up on people without ever touching a gun, and only remembered to practise his marksmanship after he had missed a shot, had no worries.

In the present situation, of course, he was up to it and ended up being taught by the huge recoil, but he reacted extremely quickly and unloaded another shot to follow up with the first.

Only after you’ve been hit and know how much it hurts will you be able to dodge.

For a moment, Lu Bo Ting felt that his way of learning fit this statement perfectly. Make a mistake, correct it, test it, correct it again, and so on until you feel you have no more problems.

He had never seen anyone behave like this. After all, they would get instructors to guide them first.

He’d never seen any guides this powerful either.

He was usually quite nonchalant, but now that he was standing there, he really didn’t know what to say.

Shi Nian really didn’t think it was necessary for an instructor. This thing was like a game; just feel around and you’ll get it. Ordinary people might still encounter danger, but naturally, he was not afraid. He could handle it all.

In the blink of an eye, he finished the barrel of shells, put the cannon gun down and replaced it with a gun next to him.

This gun was very similar to the one he had used earlier inside the hotel, except that the one here was a real bullet and the one over there was a fake.

Shi Nian’s shot landed in the centre of the goal.

It seemed that the earlier fight had made him familiar with this type of gun. As he shot in the game, it slowly formed a habit.

“Whew!” he blew lightly on the muzzle, tossed it aside, and went to play with the other one.

Lu Bo Ting: “..”

He followed behind, giving appropriate explanations when the others couldn’t figure it out, and even got his hands on the guns twice to guide him.

Shi Nian didn’t think it was a big deal, but if Xue Chi had seen them, he would have been shouting that their Marshal had been possessed, or else why was he so patient?

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After playing with the last category of guns and going out of the room, he turned around and saw Lu Baiting behind him. Shi Nian couldn’t help but be stunned.

“Boss, what’s going on with you? Why do I feel like your eyes are glowing?”

“Nothing.” Lu Bo Ting said, “I just think you’re pretty good. You’re quick and talented.”

Shi Nian turned back around and said proudly, “You have a good vision.”

They looked all the way through, until they reached the last room, the one Lu Bo Ting had stressed three or four times before.

Before they went in, Shi Nian glanced at it, and there were two buttons on the outside.

“One is starting and one is half-pressure.” Before you open the door and go in, make sure the green light is on, otherwise it could easily be dangerous.

Shi Nian nodded and pushed the door open. This one was bigger than any of the ones they had looked at earlier, but devoid of anything. But one look at it showed that this side of the room must have been the most expensive of all the rooms.

The previous rooms for gun practise had only one wall that could withstand the absorption power of the shells, whereas here, all four walls, including the roof and floor, were made of such material.

Not to mention, there was equipment for training under heavy pressure in place, none of which looked cheap.

“So big.”

How many people could fit in it?

“This side can be used for mecha sparring.” Lu Bo Ting said.

Shi Nian thought: no wonder.

He looked around and learned how to set up the room.

“No internet connection?”

“It shouldn’t be controlled remotely.” Lu Bo Ting said, “It’s not safe, after all, and in case someone with an agenda hacks into the system, something could easily happen.”

Here I was under more restrictions than the robots above. A robot being invaded for a moment upstairs wouldn’t be harmful, and it would be easy to spot once it reacted differently.

Once this side is invaded, if a person happens to be inside and the other side maliciously tunes up the heavy pressure to an unsuitable level, it’s easy to screw the person right up.

It’s always better to be at home for security than to be outside. ” Lu Bo Ting explained, “You have to be careful everywhere. Not only that, but the house next door is also mine, and people think I live there all the time. “

Shi Nian had seen it when he passed by, and it was indeed guarded by a number of people during the day and night. It looked more like the Marshal’s temporary residence than this one.

“Well thought out.” He commented.

The two of them had come all the way over here, while the phoenix flew behind them, wiggling around a bit, and Lu Bo Ting thought, as he watched, that Shi Nian should be quite happy.

It turns out he likes this.

At that moment, the communication from deputy Xue came.

Shi Nian glanced at it, “Huh? So fast! “

“Xue Chi has always been good at his job.” Lu Boting had just picked up when he heard his own adjutant say, “Marshal, something is not right about this.”

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