After The Breakup, I Became The Marshal’s Wife

Chapter 73: Start slapping faces

Chapter 73

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There was a huge brouhaha on the internet for a whole day, but the Bai family played dead for a whole day.

Until Shi Nian went out to the reunion the next day, there was still no reaction.

Adjutant Xue was in charge of seeing him off, and after reading the news on the way, he said, “The more they delay saying something, the more likely it is that they are planning something.”

“Let them do it!” Shi Nian said, “I’m not afraid of them.”

Xue Chi thought to himself, “Of course not.

After all, if it was something else, it might be unclear, but in this case, it was absolutely clear.

“I don’t know why, but I wish the Bai family wouldn’t be so shameless, but I also wish they would just go on the path of death hahaha!”

Shi Nian was brushing up on his light brain while contacting his classmates. Some of them had already arrived, some had just left. He had the natural advantage of being close to the place they were meeting.

On Starnet, the people were not tired, even after a long day of bickering.

“Come on, letting people scold me more by dragging it? But you won’t be scolded any less! ” Shi Nian again, @ Senator Bai, “Just hurry up. You are not a fool. Don’t do this kind of thing that hurts the enemy eight hundred and you lose one thousand.“

After he said that, he switched off his optical brain.

But with him being so strong, the Bai family, who had been silent, looked like they had no backbone.

Even some black fans started to attack Shi Nian for being too arrogant, but they did not say anything about why the Bai family was still silent.

But Shi Nian told them with his actions that he was being arrogant. After all, he hadn’t done anything wrong, so he was allowed to be arrogant…

“Here it is.” Adjutant Xue said.

He pushed open the door of the flying machine and prepared to jump down.

Xue Chi then said, “I have something to do in a while, and two other people have been arranged to protect you. Don’t worry, they won’t get too close… The main reason is that the situation is unclear now. In that case, the Wu family does something about it. They can kidnap you, tie you up, and make it look like you disappeared, and then let the Bai family come forward. Your disappearance will likely be interpreted as absconding in fear of crime or not daring to show up. “

“I know.” Shi Nian said: “I’m not stupid.”

He took his life seriously. After all, he had almost gotten himself killed as a child, and the consequences had been devastating.

“I see you may have a little misunderstanding about me.“

Adjutant Xue closed the door of the aircraft, not wanting to look at him.

There was no misunderstanding.

Shi Nian tsked and glanced at his storage bag. He had brought a mecha with him today.

Lu Bo Ting let it go. Shi Nian was on the main star with a mecha. There were no large warships or anything like that. He couldn’t say he was completely invincible, but at least there was nothing they could do to him.

Even if the other side went crazy, with his ability, Shi Nian would be able to hold out until someone came to his rescue.

He had even arranged for two people to come to his rescue, so it was a sure thing. What’s more, according to their speculation, the Wu family would not make a move.

Their focus now should be on Senator Bai, or rather, the two families discussing how to use this matter to climb up the ladder or not.

When Shi Nian entered, most of the students had already arrived.

Unlike the last time when he was so generous, this time the group was AA, so it was just an ordinary hotel. They had ordered a large private room, and when they saw him coming, they all gathered around to say hello.

Yan Huaxin had also arrived and waved when he saw him.

He asked, “Have you ordered yet? When will the others come? “

“Soon.” One of the students said, “I just got a message. The nearest one is already at the door, and the farther ones will be there in five minutes.“

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“Brother Shi, come on, order some food.”

Shi Nian ordered two dishes from the menu and then gave them to his classmates.

He moved over there and chatted with Yan Huaxin.

Although the timing wasn’t perfect, they probably all agreed in advance that they wouldn’t be caught up in the recent incident with the Space Stone.

After all, it’s too irritating to bring it up, and since it’s been awhile since he went out, he doesn’t necessarily want to hear about it all the time.

The atmosphere here was good, but the Wu and Bai families were not so good.

The Bai family.

Bai Bingyan asked, “Dad, what should we do about this? There’s a lot of noise down there, and some people are already going over what happened earlier, saying that a family that harboured a murderer can’t be trusted.“

Senator Bai closed his eyes. He would prefer not to be so quick to strike.

But the knife was in front of him.

“It’s impossible for Shi Nian and us to be on the same page. Have someone prepare the paperwork and I’ll send it out right away. “

Bai Bingyan’s elder brother immediately responded, holding back his joy as he went out.

Once this happened, Shi Nian would never come back.

Ever since he found out that his father had always looked down on the two of them and wanted to pick someone from the younger generation, he had been in a very bad mood and was very unconvinced.

With this result, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

How can the Bai family be nothing without him?

How could that be possible?

On the other hand, Shi Nian was having a good time at the moment.

The group of people even ordered wine, so Shi Nian filled up a drink for himself, “I can’t drink conveniently, so I’ll have a soft drink instead!”

“Let’s have a couple of drinks!” One of the students said, “You’re still afraid of getting drunk. It’s okay. We’ll send you back if you’re drunk.“

When Shi Nian looked up at him, Yan Huaxin was already muttering, “Why him again?”

This wasn’t the first time; the last time it was a bad comment on the group chat, and the last time it was a question about Lu Bo Ting…

You’ve already been criticized, but you still haven’t learned your lesson?

Sure enough, Shi Nian laughed and said, “I’m sorry, the community is strictly controlled. If you can’t get in then, should I crawl back alone? After all, the area is quite big.“

The other students responded by saying, “That’s right, non-residents are not allowed to enter the small area I live in, not to mention the place where Marshal Lu lives!”

“And the villas… they‘re all big, and one is so far away from the other. Unless you live in the guard’s booth, you will really have to crawl back. “

“All right, all right, juice is fine. There’s a milk drinker over there after all. “

The milk drinker was a classmate who was allergic to alcohol and liked milk, plus his body was a bit weak and needed some nutrition.

This time he stood up, held the milk, and smiled, “Come, come, I’ll drink a toast to everyone with milk instead of wine.”

The atmosphere soon heated up again, and the one who had stood out earlier to start trouble shrank back.

Yan Huaxin whispered: “In the future, he should stay farther away. I can accept that he has no sense of character, but this kind of intentional…”

Shi Nian: “I don’t get what he wants to do, or his intentions.”

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“I’ve heard a little bit about that.” He whispered, “It is said that they bragged to people about how well they knew you, and between words… I won’t say anything about that, but they also mentioned that they might be able to follow you to the Marshal’s residence sometime.“

It is estimated that this play today was also for this.

In the end, it’s all about showing off.

At this time, the other person’s friend came over. The two of them got together and muttered.

“I guess there’s nothing good to say.” Yan Huaxin said.

Shi Nian could hear what they whispered not so far away. He could even hear what people were saying downstairs.

“He’s really shameless. He’s a classmate, but he’s not open at all. “

“No, it’s obvious that he is just being mean. We were not the only ones who asked questions last time, but he….”

Shi Nian didn’t listen any further.

You are not embarrassed about making excessive demands. Should I still be concerned about saving your face?

They continued to eat, but before long, Shi Nian’s light brain rang.

When he looked down, some of his classmates seemed to have gotten notifications too and switched to their light brains.

The Bai family has issued a statement.

This statement was written to a very high standard, in a much more official way than his few statements.

When Shi Nian read it over, the general idea was that the space stone was indeed the Bai family’s, and Shi Nian’s mother had taken it back then, so they didn’t want to pursue it because they were family.

Of course, the Lu family was also accused of cheating the child (that is, Shi Nian) and causing him to work against the family, not to mention giving out the Space Stone.

The words are so earnest that they would bring tears to the eyes of the reader. Especially the last part of the story, which made Shi Nian, who knew the truth, feel that the Lu family was evil.

Yan Huaxin couldn’t help but say, “This is too shameful!”

“Exactly.” The girl who had embroidered a small bag for Shi Nian couldn’t help but say, “The Bai family is still shameless. They asked them to come out and clarify, but they only came to splash dirty water on people. “

“Shi Nian, what should we do?”

“He’s been splashed with dirty water. How can he clarify? Did you get any proof when you bought the space stone? “

“How could there be? He must have obtained it by chance. If he bought it, wouldn’t he have been given a note? “

Each of the students looked more nervous than Shi Nian himself, but most of them believed in him.

Only the two who had been left in the corner were muttering something like, “Who knows if it’s true or not? If he didn’t steal it, he could just say so with evidence. “

“I think so too. Otherwise, where did he get the space stone? “

Shi Nian really didn’t want to pay attention to these two people, but they still kept mumbling. He couldn’t attack the black fans one by one on StarNet, but he had to put up with them even in the field. He tapped his light brain a few times, and in a few moments, the robot opened the door and brought over a microphone.

“What’s this?” A student wondered, “You’re not going to sing at a time like this, are you?”

“You may be a good singer, but…

It doesn’t seem to be the right time to sing!

But they saw Shi Nian pick up the microphone and throw it at the two students, saying, “If you have something to say, you can say it openly. I’ll give you a microphone.” Come on, tell me what you said about me just now. “

The two of them immediately changed their faces, “No, we didn’t.”

“That’s right, don’t you talk nonsense ……”

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Shi Nian: “I heard it. Do you want me to repeat it?“

The two stopped talking for a moment.

Who hadn’t seen what Shi Nian had done before when facing those against him?

“Why you two again? You’re the only ones in the same class who make a fuss all day. “

“Others told you to stop it, but this time you’ve kicked the bucket!”

Shi Nian could call his own father an unfilial son. He tore at the scumbag in front of all the teachers and students of the school on the stage. If he is right, can he give you face?

Dream on!

Shu Nian quickly replied something on starnet, then got up and said: “I’ve almost finished eating, but I have a few things to do, so I’ll go first. Eat slowly, and add a few more dishes. I saw that a few classmates still hadn’t had enough, so I ordered a few more bottles of wine and food, which I had already paid for. See you later. “

“See you later.”

There was so much commotion on the star network that everyone knew what he had to do, so they rushed to send him off.

In a short while, the new dishes and wine were served, and the crowd couldn’t help but feel, “My brother Shi is so generous, he’s treating us again. I’d be embarrassed to go out with him again. “

“This is the signature dish, isn’t it? It’s delicious but expensive, I didn’t even bother to order it just now. “

“Eat up, eat up! Hurry up!“

“I’ve never had such good wine before. Brother Shi is generous.“

“Hmm!” One of the two people who had been attacked earlier couldn’t help but say, “Who knows where he got so much money from? He must have got it from selling people’s space stones!“

His voice was so low that no one should have heard him. But he forgot that he still had the microphone with him, and it instantly rang through the room.

The crowd: “….”

“Oh, what do you two mean? You’re still eating food other people bought. Taking a bowl to eat and opening your mouth with such words. White-eyed wolves are better than you.“

“We’re not telling lies.” Probably because they had been heard, these two people also broke the jar. “And we didn’t force him to treat us; he was willing to do it himself.”

That irritated the crowd.

The class was full of people who spend all day in the lab, so it’s not as if they don’t know how to get high and have fun, or they wouldn’t be here today.

“Fuck!” A girl couldn’t help but blurt out, “Next time I come out with you two, I’ll write my name backward.”

The two of them ruined the good mood.

As many of the students were concerned about the news on Starnet, Yan Huaxin stood up and broke up the party.

When they came downstairs, they all walked out in twos and threes, but the two students were stopped.

“Students, you haven’t paid your bill yet.” A human attendant came over, and a robot next to them displayed the bill on the light screen.

The two asked, “Didn’t Shi Nian say he had paid the bill?”

“Yes, he did, but he said he didn’t know you too well and didn’t pay for you.” The attendant probably thought it was complicated, which is why he followed the robot over here.

The crowd: “….”

“I find I’m not surprised… as expected of Shi Nian.”

“Hahahaha.” The girl who was so angry just now said, “I thought you said you wouldn’t force people to help you with the bill. So since they didn’t, you can pay it yourself!“

The two of them glanced at her and said, “The expensive wine and vegetables were served in the back, but it wasn’t what we wanted. He was deliberately setting us up.“

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“I didn’t see you guys eating any less!”

“We didn’t order it…”

The waiter duly said, “What was served at the back wasn’t counted on your tab. So what you have to pay is just the ones you ordered initially, divided by the number of you. “

At this point, the female student got smug again, “Saying that people are plotting on you yet they are not even looking at you. With your two dollars, who would even think about plotting against you? “

“Let’s go. I don’t want to be on the same road as such people.“

The students left just like that, leaving those two to pay the bill themselves, and they were very dissatisfied, “They invited us, but still left us alone. Is he trying to get us isolated? “

“No, let’s expose him on the internet. He’s still carrying the persona of a thief anyway.“

“You’re stupid!” The student in front of him immediately said, “He has so many fans, and if this really blows up, who will the netizens turn towards.“

All this was no longer Shi Nian’s business, as he had already gone out and gotten into the flying machine. While he was in there, he replied to the Bai family.

“Think it over. You have ten minutes to take it back and apologise to me and Lu Bo Ting, or…

“Or what? You’re just talking tough, but you’re not taking any action. Does that prove what the Bai family said is true? “

“If you were wronged, you would have given them an hour.“

He replied, “I’m afraid that you black fans will say I forced my relatives to die. I am giving them a few minutes to regret doing such a disgusting thing. Stop trying to force my hand. You will lose your mind over nothing. “

“Damn it, it can’t be true! Don’t tell me it’s true! “

Shi Nian replied: “It’s not true. Don’t listen to the wind, you really can’t understand it. Just go offline and buy a watermelon to eat. Just read the results afterward. “

He didn’t see any urgency in his reply anyway, but he remembered to make a call.

“Unfilial son, I advise you to hurry up and withdraw your words and apologize!”

Bai Bingyan had not yet even reacted when he received the call. It was only now that he said, “Now you know how to be afraid. I told you earlier…”

“Sure enough, you’re still a dumbass.” Shi Nian hurriedly hung up.

He really couldn’t listen to one more sentence.

Bai Bingyan was very angry and said, “You deserve to end up like this. You don’t listen to this old man’s advice.“

“Dad says he’s smart, but I think he’s just a little smart. He just happened to find a way to refine the Qianbai flowers. ” Bai Bingyan’s elder brother said, “Little brother, this son of yours is too crazy!”

There, Shi Nian waited for ten minutes and immediately sent out a message.

“Since it is said that I took the space stone from the Bai family, you should know it properly, right? Please tell me, is it ring-shaped, necklace-shaped, or any other shape that the aggrieved master lost? Please describe it in detail, I need to see if it matches or not.”

“He’s too stupid.” Bai Zihan said: “Who gave him this idea? Who doesn’t know what a space stone is made of? It must be the original stone. He will be useless at that time. “

He said and had already touched his hand to the light brain, but was stopped by a dry cough from Wu Chao Yi beside him.

“Cousin, this is a good opportunity.”

“I don’t need you.” Wu Chaoyi said, “You want to come out and say what? No matter how you explain what happened to your mother, you won’t turn over this old story. The Bai family gave up Shi Nian to give you face. You leave it to them. Just look at the netizens as fools! “

“You sit quietly and wait for the outcome of the matter, then post a miserable star blog pulling goodwill. When the time comes, I’ll have someone give you the copy and you post it accordingly. “

His script was well designed, and it really didn’t take long for councilor Bai to say something like, “The space stone was just the original stone there.”

Even Bai Bingyan was muttering, “Does he mean that he would deliberately rule out this suspicion by asking if it was a necklace or a ring so that people could ignore the actual space stone or the original stone?”

However, as soon as Shi Nian saw this answer, he immediately said:

“Press conference, tomorrow morning at ten o’clock. See you then.”

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