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Chapter 88


Not many people at the banquet knew Shi Nian, but only a few didn’t.

After all, he was one of the most influential figures on the main star as of today, and he had been involved in the fall of a great power like the Bai family, and he had even prevailed in a fight with the Wu family.

Not to mention, his own strength is also high, and his talent in pharmacy is unparalleled in this generation. Not to mention that there is a creator of space technology standing behind him, and a double S-class sentinel has a good relationship with him.

What was strange was that he was here at the Wu family banquet.

Many people came up to him and wanted to talk to him, and he didn’t refuse. But what should be said and what should not be said were not revealed, but he did not let people think that he refused to answer. The rhythm and attitude were very good.

At the right time, he found another opportunity to stand in a quiet place.

Only then did Xue Chi say, “Were you invited here just to look around?”

“Otherwise,” Shi Nian said, “Doing something to me here at such a sensitive time, the Wu family is not stupid.”

Adjutant Xue knew he was saying that he didn’t have to follow, but if he didn’t, and something really happened, he’d be dead when the marshal returned.

“But you’re really good at socializing, and you’re also very good at handling situations. Is that something you geniuses are born with?”

Shi Nian gave him a puzzled look and said, “In your eyes, does a genius have to be good at everything?”

It’s all practice.

You think those dungeon levels are all about hands-on skills and intelligence? You also have to be able to communicate with people and fool them, and you have to see through all kinds of situations.

He’d even disguised himself as a delivery man before, let alone in this simple high society. As long as it was a stage with an old castle or something, it was inevitable that he would encounter such occasions.

In the later stages of the game, Shi Nian no longer relied entirely on force to solve problems. Compared to the spirits and monsters that could pounce on you if you say something wrong, these people are nothing.

“Even if we’re careful, it’s impossible to find those two Zerg’s small movements.” Timothy suddenly said, “Are you sure the Wu family doesn’t know?”

Xue Chi said, “The Wu family thought that the person who made the space bag had run away, and we were looking for him.”

“So they’re actually looking for the master too?”

Shi Nian couldn’t hold back his laughter, looking for the master… looking for air.

They were staying right on the first floor balcony, with a view of the backyard below.

A few people over there seemed to be giving Shi Zha a hard time, and the young lady from the Hua family was naturally not happy about it, but Shi Zha stopped her and went up to argue with the other side himself.

It was so far away that Xue Chi could not hear what they were saying, but he could see the result.

The men retreated, and Miss Hua looked so happy and adoring that she took Shi Zha’s arm and they left together.

“So it seems that this boyfriend of hers is still somewhat capable!” Adjutant Xue said.

Shi Nian gave him a sideways glance.

Xue Chi immediately asked alertly, “Did I say it wrong again?”

Being the one who clearly heard what was said below, Shi Nian could only say, “The acting is too exaggerated and the lines are too …… anyway, it can only fool people like you!”

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Adjutant Xue, who was attacked again for no reason: “……”

But he knew deep down that arguing about this would only lead to humiliation. So he simply asked directly, “So it was acted?”

“Rehearsed script!” Shi Nian said, “I guess this person has a really good relationship with the Wu family, and the Wu family is actually willing to help him out so that he can have a better relationship with that Miss Hua.”

Xue Chi said to himself, “The Wu family is really good at this, they have one set of tricks after another!”

This time, they must be planning to pave the way using this future son-in-law and completely tie the Hua family to the boat.

Shi Nian laughed and turned around to walk inside.

The Hua family’s old man was over there.

Xue Chi was unsure and followed along, seeing him greet the two people who had come up to him, smiling and exchanging pleasantries, before walking up to Master Hua.

Master Hua had no idea what Shi Nian was there for, but everyone was a decent person, so of course he wouldn’t disrespect him.

Both sides smiled and said a few words, and Shi Nian looked like he was going to move on like he was doing before. But it was at this point that he suddenly mentioned, “Is this the Hua family’s intention to join up with the Wu family?”

“Not really.” Master Hua said, “I only have one last little granddaughter left, and I promised that the marriage would be her own decision long ago.”


Shi Nian nodded in a pretentious manner and said, “I just saw that someone outside actually dared to make things difficult for Miss Hua’s boyfriend, and thought that you and the Wu family had given their tacit approval.”

After all, no one would dare mess around at the Wu family’s banquet.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Master Hua’s face changed, “Someone is bullying my granddaughter?””

To be precise, they were looking for trouble with her boyfriend, but that boyfriend of hers, with a few words, easily dismissed the people, which was very impressive.”

Master Hua was not stupid. These words alone were enough for him to figure out the incident.

But he still added, “That squash scum just broke up with his boyfriend yesterday. To be precise, he was dumped by my classmate because he had his feet in two boats. Oh, it was me who found out and told him. ”

After saying that, Shi Nian drifted away.

Xue Chi had been following behind Shi Nian, but never expected that in just a moment, Shi Nian would destroy the cooperation the Wu and Hua families were about to negotiate.

And after doing this, he didn’t even stay but left straight away.

It’s as if the Wu family invited him to just come and mess with people’s minds.



“Really cool.” Xue Chi thought, “No wonder the marshal arranged that before he left, he should listen to Shi Nian when it mattered.”

Some people, they just make scenes that you don’t expect.

Who said they shouldn’t have come on this trip? He had been too narrow-minded before. This time he should have come! He should have come!

If the Wu family hosts another banquet in the future, they will dare to come as long as they dare to send an invitation.

On the way back, Adjutant Xue was full of enthusiasm.

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Shi Nian didn’t feel anything at all. He just disliked the grand banquet and the food was so bad that he had to ask the robot to make him a bowl of noodles at home. He also arranged for roasted chicken and a big bowl with vinegar and garlic and tossed it with cucumbers.

It was only at the end of the meal that he remembered that the person who ate the leftover noodles was gone, and there was still more than half a bowl left, and he didn’t want to eat it.

Gee, the damn Zerg had nothing better to do than mess around.

After finishing the noodles, he went to the game and killed a lot of people.

When he went to school the next day, he heard his classmates discussing, “I don’t know who came up with this idea, but in the past, it was always the mech manufacturing department that went along, so why is our pharmacy department going this year?”

“I just know that person must not be in his right mind, to have the pharmacy department go into battle. … staying all the time inside the mech is fine, it requires less walking, and our physical strength… “”

I guess brother Shi would quite like it. After all, he is physically fit and interested in this.””

I’m really not going to lie to you guys, I’ve been gloating in my mind since the first few days. That group of students learning mecha manufacturing will have to go suffer. Who knew that the wind and rivers would turn? We can’t escape.”

Shi Nian skillfully clicked on the light brain, and really saw the news announced on the campus official website.

It had something to do with the merger of several schools in the same year. In the past, there was no one from the pharmacy department going. This time, someone proposed it, and the pharmacy department must have students going too.

It is said that it is to let them understand the urgent needs of front-line operations so as to decide the future research direction.

Shi Nian: “…… Is this not aimed at me?”

After all, all he researched all day was beauty and hairdressing and whatnot. He even showed off his newly made hairpin on Starnet.

Of course, his hairpin is not as beautiful as others’, but the difference is that it smells good, and it can instantly charm the enemy if you squeeze it in case of danger.

But this stuff probably won’t pass approval and won’t be available for sale.

After all, no one knows whether the person who buys it is doing so for protection or for evil purposes.

At that time, he gave one to each female classmate he knew. After all, one of them had a feeling that someone was following them last week, and although it was a false alarm, it was always better to have something to protect yourself.

When he saw Yan Huaxin, he gave him one too.

But the male version was not a hairpin, but a small keychain.

But thinking about it, they must be changing the rules because of him alone. It’s only because there are black fans who always think of this.

Shi Nian sat down on a chair and said, “Are we all going to go? It’s not very clear what it says. ”

“At least one in each team, no limit.” Yan  Huaxin replied: “Look at this. There is no limit. Obviously, they want to put us all in.”

A student next to him said, “I’m afraid the command and mecha combat students are not going to be that welcoming to us!”

They are also guides and have no fighting ability, but the mech manufacturing students atleast still follow them and repair their mechs if they have some minor problems in the middle.

But what about them as pharmacy students? Can they still dispense medicines on site?

They are not contributing and will only hold others back with their physical strength.

“I don’t know who came up with this idea, but I guess there’s only one pharmacy student per team at most, and then there will be a whole bunch left. Now I hope I’m one of the ones left. ”

Shi Nian asked Yan Huaxin, “What about your body? Can it hold up?”

“No.” Yan Huaxin said, “If it was just simple training, it would be fine. This is a bit too intense, not to mention that it’s going to be more than just a day’s work and I’ll have to take time off later.”

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“Your situation is clear to the school and the teachers inside the school, so I guess it’s just a matter of saying so.”

In previous years, there had been one main commander, one deputy commander, seven mech combat soldiers, and one mech manufacturing student, for a total of ten people.

This year the situation has changed, but the group of ten should not change. It would probably be six single soldiers from the Mech Combat Department.

This would obviously increase the number of groups more than before. It is only this year that both the mecha building and pharmacy departments have had fewer guides than in previous years, otherwise there won’t be enough to split among teams.

It was impossible to imagine any of them being left behind. No, it is estimated that there would be groups that wouldn’t be able to have a pharmacy student in them.

“Don’t think about it. Let’s go practice our strength!” There are also those who can see clearly and understand.

The Mecha-Making department had also started exercising at this time. It wasn’t much use, but when the time came, who would want to be carried by a sentinel when they could walk on their own!

In this way, Shi Nian stood out from the crowd of guides.

Everyone else was taking time to practice their physical strength, but he sat there and watched them practice while reading about the mech building department.

He was sitting next to a cup of milk tea or a fruit cup, and every now and then he would shout a few words of cheer without thinking.

Yan Huaxin twitched the corners of his mouth and said, “Didn’t you like to run a lot before? How come you don’t run now? Do you find the track crowded? ”

It’s not quite true.

One of the reasons Shi Nian used to love running was that the exercise allowed his body to become one with his phoenix faster. Now that this had been done, there was no need to continue running.

His new human-phoenix body was extraordinary, and this level of exercise was of little practical use to him, so there was no need to go through the extra effort.

“The knowledge of mech building? Are you getting ready to go on the field to repair mechs? ” A student passing by, ready to take a break, came over and said, “Brother Shi, there is no need for you to be like this. You stand there, many people will want you to be on their team.”

After all, even if they put aside the grades and other stuff, Shi Nian’s physical strength was well known throughout the school.

There is also the incident of flinging a sentinel with one hand. Even if he comes as a vase, he will definitely be more solid and durable, and who wouldn’t want that?

Not to mention the fact that he must be armed with super-special grade soothing agents, how many people would like to get to know him?

It’s just that we haven’t officially started looking for people to form a team, but there are quite a few people staring at you. A lot of them still feel their strength is too low, or they could probably drown you. ”

Before Shi Nian could say anything, Yan Huaxin, who was next to him, said, “Yeah, I heard that all the teams ranked below the top five over there have consciously given up. In fact, the others don’t think there’s much chance of winning either; they all think because you’re close to me and know Chu Feng Yu, you’ll get into his and Jingkai’s team. ”

“By the way, they will be practicing at that hotel they always go to this week. Are you going to play?”

Shi Nian immediately said, “I’ll go.”

He was now far more fit than he had ever been, so he had to go and have a good time!

When he went there, he found that there were quite a few people there.

He had seen Wang Haosheng and Lu Chengze’s group from the First school, as well as the team from the Second school, that he had seen before.

They all knew each other from before, and immediately started talking again.

In the meantime, many more people came.

They were all the same age and from the six schools. When it was about time, the crowd changed their clothes and filed in, taking their places and waiting for the signal to start.

Shi Nian was going to have fun on his own, but he was called over by Chu Feng Yu: “You’ll have to form a team then too, right? Come on, let you embody the feeling of being pampered. ”

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Shi Nian: “Okay!”

Chu Feng Yu’s party consisted of nine people: he and his follower, as well as Zhang Jingkai as the deputy commander, and a chief commander from the command department. A guide from the mecha building department, who was none other than Zhou Xinxian’s brother, Zhou Xinyun. And the remaining four were people Shi Nian had never met before.

The other teams were similar. Although it is not yet time to form a formal team and report, those who are quick have already found a team.

They had already started looking for a place to train as soldiers.

Once inside, the main commander went over the key points again. As for Shi Nian and Zhou Xinyun, they were the ones responsible for being protected.

“This has been the case in previous years. After all, the physical strength of the mech building department is not good. On one hand, bringing them along is so that they can repair the mechs, and on the other hand, it’s to see how well we can protect ordinary people in critical moments. Today we just have one more addition. ”

Zhou Xinyun nodded obediently.

The crowd then collectively looked at Shi Nian, the ruthless man who had thrown the sentinel off with one hand.

“Ah?” Shi Nian nodded back, “Got it, easy, just follow you guys without doing anything!”

Chu Feng Yu said, “Do what you can, and if you get tired, say so. If you can’t run anymore, just say so, and someone will carry you.”

Zhou Xinyun still nodded

obediently, and looking at the other guide who looked very rebellious, because Shi Nian said, “Cut the crap, it’s starting.”

He could hear the sound of footsteps.

The crowd: “….”

“Keep your voice down.” One of them suddenly said, “I seem to hear footsteps.”

Shi Nian glanced over there, there were still some capable people!

Since he was responsible for being a vase today, he didn’t use something like divine sense. The footsteps he had heard earlier were real, but his ears were obviously sharper than the others.

For that matter, if someone could hear it shortly after he finished,  that sentinel must be gifted in this area, or maybe his quantum beast is the kind of animals with particularly good ears.

As soon as the man was spotted on this side, the commander immediately began to take mobilise over there.

Shi Nian took a look around and found that two brushes, so he didn’t care too much, and simply found a place that was out of the way and safe to nest.

He also pulled over Zhou Xinyun, who was following a sentinel like a zombie.

“Stay here; it’s safe here.”

Zhou Xinyun: “Didn’t they say we should follow them?”

“Not during the fight.” Shi Nian said, “Just follow me, don’t worry, I won’t lose you.”

After all, he had been here before and was familiar with the terrain, so he would be able to find dead ends and easy hiding places.

He changed positions along the way, but he didn’t lose him.

At first, Zhang Jingkai would keep turning around to keep an eye on them, but when he realised that Shi Nian was following them well, he stopped caring.

And when they finally went through a fierce battle, wiped out one of the opposing teams and beat back another to start regrouping, they found that Shi Nian was already standing there eating melon seeds.

As for Zhou Xinyun ……he was holding the melon seeds with a bewildered face, not knowing whether to eat, or not eat.

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