After The Breakup, I Became The Marshal’s Wife

Chapter 9: No thanks, just give me money.

Chapter 9

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Shi Nian was completely unaware of the conversation in the villa after he left. He drove the cool flying machine into the school. He parked, got off, and just happened to cross paths with Ji Yiqing.

Ji Yiqing had been waiting there on purpose. He had been very busy during this time, his daily training didn’t count, and his teacher had added private training to him. However, the gossip among the students still reached his ears from time to time, and even Bai Zihan had heard some of the rumours.

This was something Ji Yiqing could not tolerate.

It was all Shi Nian’s fault. Did he think that by doing so, he could cut off his relationship with Bai Zihan?

Ji Yiqing’s eyes were on fire as he watched Shi Nian walk towards him and then brush past him as if they were strangers with no connection to each other. He could not hold back any longer and stopped the man and asked, “Are you satisfied with this now?”

Ji Yiqing suddenly remembered what Bai Zihan said. That he didn’t expect him to have a boyfriend and that he would just cause trouble. This meant that Bai Zihan was so fond of him that he couldn’t bear to hurt him anymore and didn’t want him to suffer the gossip.

But what about Shi Nian? He is so vicious, he actually just spread the matter everywhere, causing the teacher to lecture him. How could he do this to him when Shi Nian was so in love with him?

“You did it on purpose because you wanted to ruin my reputation in the hopes that I would return to you.”

“You’re wrong.” Shi Nian suddenly spoke out. The look on his face when he looked up was incredulous, “How dare you think I’d still like you by now?”

“Honestly, if I’d known you were pulling some kind of white moonlight substitute stunt, I wouldn’t have been with you at all. No, I wouldn’t have even wanted to meet you. I would have grabbed the milk tea you bought and thrown it in your face when we first met. “

“As for whether I’m happy with it or not,” Nian raised his eyebrows and said, “Ji Yiqing, you know what you’re asking is like asking the victim’s family after the murderer has been sentenced, whether they’re now satisfied.”

“I don’t want to be in a relationship with someone as disgusting as you. As for your retribution, you deserve it. If you hadn’t been the first to come to the door, who would have known you and cared about whether you were good or bad? “

After saying this, Shi Nian raised his hand and pushed him away, “Get lost.”

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He left Ji Yiqing with an ugly look on his face.

Not far away, a student who had also just gotten out of his flying machine heard the full scene and couldn’t help but discuss with his friend, “Shi Nian is right, how can the perpetrator still show off in front of the victim like this nowadays?”

“Also, there are still a few brainless fans on the forum saying something about Shi Nian going too far and chasing after him, but did Shi Nian force Ji Yiqing to chase him, forcing Ji Yiqing to engage in some kind of white moonlight substitute play?”

“But I didn’t realise before that Shi Nian was actually such a rigid person.“

“Handsome, so cool. I’m so excited. I really want to beat Ji Yiqing. “

The student suddenly found Ji Yiqing still there, staring at him grimly. He suddenly hurriedly shut up, pulling his best friend out of the car park.

They left in another burst of dissatisfied complaints. A rumour that Ji Yiqing had mental problems, and threatened his classmates had spread around school by that afternoon.

But Shi Nian didn’t know it yet. He was in a physical fitness class at the moment. According to the original owner’s memory, this physical fitness class was just a muddle. After all, the Pharmacy Department was full of soft guides, so naturally, they couldn’t train as hard as the Combat Department Sentinels next door, just running ten laps.

Yan Huaxin, deflated in dissatisfaction, said, “It says free time after running, but after ten laps of such a long track, the time for class is not yet over.” He hated sports the most.

Shi Nian, next to him, heard this and brightened up, “You can move freely after running?”

“Yes!” Yan Huaxin said. ” The only good thing about our Sixth school is that they are especially lenient on non-combat departments, especially students like us who may not even be considered logistics in the future and can only do experiments in the lab. Otherwise… could you wear such fancy outfits instead of the school uniform? “

Shi Nian withdrew his gaze, “Oh.”

The teacher was already over there waiting to blow the whistle, “Ready…….”

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Shi Nian’s eyes were fixed on the front.


The whistle had only just sounded, and he had already shot out like an arrow. Next to him, Yan Huaxin had only had time to see a flashy afterimage, and he was dumbfounded. Not just him, but also the teacher who blew the whistle was dumbfounded.

“This speed….” The teacher was surprised and then suddenly became furious: “Who is that? Which one from the combat department is not attending class properly and running here for fun? I’m going to tell their teacher to come over and collect them! “

“It isn’t…” of the students couldn’t help but say, “I remember, the one standing next to Yan Huaxin seems to be from our class, Shi Nian.”

The teacher was stunned, “Nonsense, how can I not know the physical fitness of Shi Nian? If he can run so fast, you might as well say that he… wait, where is Shi Nian?”

He scanned the room, but there was indeed no Shi Nian there. Finally, he turned to Yan Huaxin and said, “Yan Huaxin, you talk.”

Yan Huaxin swallowed. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn’t have believed it!

That speed!

“It’s really Shi Nian.” He said, “He has run over. Look, teacher…”

Sure enough, Shi Nian was running towards them. Then the wind blew past, and he was already running his second lap as the crowd watched.

That was a 1000 meter track. These guides usually run a lap in three to five minutes, but he only took less than one minute.

The teacher was immediately shocked, “Stop, Shi Nian, you stop..” and then chased after him without even thinking.

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The other students were confused, “What’s wrong with the teacher again?”

“Shi Nian is running too fast.” One student said, “With our bodies if we run down ten laps so fast, we will definitely have a big problem.”

The teacher couldn’t even catch up with Shi Nian all the way there, and he was a sentinel! Finally, he could only yell at the top of his voice to organise the crowd, “Here, stop him for me.”

Some of the students on the track were still dumbfounded, but only Yan Huaxin and a few others reacted and rushed to stop Shi Nian, who was running up to them. Shi Nian was only two laps into it, but he was already sweating, his body was shaking slightly, and he was panting heavily.

“Do you want to die?!” Yan Huaxin couldn’t hold back his rebuke.

The teacher over there caught up with him and immediately lost it: “Shi Nian, you’re crazy, aren’t you?!“

He pointed at Shi Nian with one hand, shivering with anger, while not forgetting to mobilise the ‘crowd,” “Come a few people, help him to the infirmary, hurry up.”

Shi Nian said weakly, “I… I’m not… I’m fine.”

“You’re fine even after all that?” The teacher was furious and said, “What are you mad about, shooting out like an arrow? Why don’t you go to the combat department if you’re so capable? You can run there, twenty laps a class with weights, it suits you! “

Shi Nain: “……“

But he is really fine!

It was just that at the moment, the original owner’s body was still too weak, and his divine essence commanded the puppet-like running for two laps before he couldn’t take it anymore. But in the end, he is a phoenix on the inside. The rebirth from the ashes is the phoenix’s specialty. This little side effect will be fine after a while. However, no one believed him. A group of people just sent him to the medical room and into the treatment cabin.

Shi Nian: “……”

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In short, he was lying down for a while. After a while, he came out in good health, but unfortunately, he couldn’t say whether it was the treatment pod that cured him or his own special body condition.

Maybe it was both. Anyhow, after such a mess, he thought he would have to slow down a bit next time. He just really wanted that free time. He was then given a good talking to by the teacher.

He was standing on the edge of the track. The other students were jogging at a pace, and those who were not fit enough were half-walking and half-running behind them. Only he, standing here, was being criticized by the lead teacher.

Shi Nian found it quite interesting; perhaps the teacher had learned something special, or he was born to be a teacher with so many long-winded words. Shi Nian found it quite interesting as he listened. It was an experience he had not had when he was growing up. He could not remember much from his early childhood, but he vaguely knew that he was extremely well-liked at that time.

There was no need to mention his experience with the demon cultivator. Naturally, it was not a good time. Later, when he came out of the last stage of the dungeon games, he followed behind that great master of the cultivation world called Bai Xiaoye.

At that time, they were in the Sword Sect, and he was also the group’s pet, so he would not be given lectures. But he would only be taught a lesson when he made a mistake, mostly by Bai Xiaoya himself. The man was not even as old as he was, and he would not give long speeches, instead violently suppressing his anger and then keeping his words short and simple, as if he had suddenly learned to speak a little from his Daoist partner before finally throwing him inside some selected dungeon game, to let him feel what is called grudge, cause and effect, and right and wrong.

So he had never really heard of this kind of painstaking care and education before. It didn’t feel that bad.

It’s just that, it would have been nice if he didn’t have to write a review of 3,000 words.

This matter was so big that, naturally, it was not hidden, and soon the whole school knew about it. Some people said that because of what happened at the car park in the morning, Shi Nian was angry with Ji Yiqing, a shameless man, and had endured it for a long time before suddenly breaking out.

When Ji Yiqing saw this, he broke a sandbag, and because he was in a mood of annoyance, he didn’t pay attention and hurt his wrist.

Shi Nian pursed his lips in disdain when he found out. Then, with the novelty of having been criticized, he went back to the villa.

Probably because of the medicine, Lu Bo Ting came back very late today. Shi Nian had already eaten dinner and taken a bath. When he heard the commotion and went downstairs to take a look, he saw Adjutant Xue’s blinded expression. His clothes on the previous two days were not flashy, but these pyjamas were really unbearable to look at.

Lu Baiting’s brows wrinkled involuntarily, but Marshal Lu was Marshal Lu, so he pretended not to see it, and said directly, “I didn’t have time to talk about the medicine in the morning, thank you.”

“No need to thank me!” Shi Nian was very quick to say, “Just give me money.”

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