After The Breakup, I Became The Marshal’s Wife

Chapter 90: ATBIBTMW Chapter 90

Chapter 90

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There was too much commotion here.

Before, the men found that they could not find Shi Nian’s hiding place. So they could only threaten him verbally, because they did not want to make a scene.

Otherwise, the people outside would soon find out that something was wrong, not to mention the rest of the people inside the game.

Now they had all rushed over.

One by one, they were wondering, “Something’s not right, it looks like the real thing. Who dares use real guns here?”

And then they looked up. Over there were people strewn all over the floor.

Most of the people standing there had their helmets off, so they recognised them immediately.

“Zhang Jingkai, Wang Haosheng and Lu Chengze, what are you doing? Who’s lying on the ground? Did someone die?”

“No, not dead.” Lu Chengze said.

“Not dead but covered with a white cloth?” The man who had said that, lifted one and looked but found that he did not recognize the person.

“What’s going on here?”

The guy over there had a gunshot wound and was bleeding.

However, the people who had seen the scene were even more confused than they were. It was an emergency situation earlier, but now that they were thinking about it, they all looked at Shi Nian.

Zhang Jingkai came to a realization.

No wonder he looked familiar in this outfit.

After looking at Shi Nian, they looked at each other again.

If you skip Lu Chengze, who is always short of brains, it is mainly Zhang Jingkai and Wang Haosheng who are looking at each other; you look at me, I look at you.

One seemed to be saying, “I’m fine, but you’ve met someone twice and heard them speak, and you didn’t recognise them?”

“I suspected it, but who would have thought it was a guide?” Wang Haosheng also asked him in return, “You and the person are in the same school. Your boyfriend is inseparable with the person, how do you also do not know anything?”

The two of them: “……”

They looked at Shi Nian like a ghost. They knew that this one was fierce, this one was cross, but they didn’t think that he was so good at fighting!

For some reason, this building is extremely dark inside, in order to facilitate hiding and ambush. Even so, it is rare to find someone who can turn their head and make you lose track of him, as Shi Nian did.

Is this a guide? Which guide is so fierce!

Lu Chengze: “So, you’re not really a sentinel pretending to be a guide? Just like the women dressed as men and men dressed as women in movies and TV shows? ”

Shi Nian didn’t want to talk to him; he was a big idiot.

At that moment, the bodyguards he had left outside also came in.

Shi Nian said, “Take them all out!”

The manager and the boss also rushed over. The person in charge was sweating profusely and was almost fainting.

Of course, there was no way to hide this.

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Councilor Wu and Wu Chao Yi waited for the news over a cup of tea, but when it didn’t come, they found there was already an uproar on Starnet.

How could they not know that they had failed? ”

Ten people, and they’ve made such a fuss! But they couldn’t get one guide? ”

Mr Wu was so angry that he smashed his teacup on the floor, “Rubbish, all of them.”

But now the men were already in the hands of Shi Nian, not to mention that they had made such a big stir on Starnet.

Adjutant Xue Chi was so busy trying to catch the two zerg that he was almost scared to death when he suddenly got the news.

He rushed back and found that Shi Nian was fine and had caught a bunch of them.

On the way, he had already understood the situation, Shi Nian was there, eating freshly made boiled fish while saying, “You start to interrogate……”

As he spoke, his light brain rang, and it was Zhang Jingkai.

To be honest, they haven’t contacted each other since they added each other as friends. This time he suddenly sent a message over, and Shi Nian felt that something must have happened.

When he opened the message, he saw a website on Starnet.

When he clicked on it, he found that it was discussing today’s incident.

There were all sorts of speculations, but finally someone started to say that it was the Tsunami Star Pirates who had done it, that they had declared their identity and wanted to take Shi Nian away.

“They had been accused of wrongdoing last time, but now they were really here? They’re really treating the main planet like it’s their home. ”

“I don’t know why I feel that this time, this is a bit false too.”

“I’ve heard it from the people who were there. How can it be false?”

“Anyway, whether it’s true or not, there are no good star pirates. If it weren’t for the fact that they are hidden in space, and not being able to keep track of their whereabouts, they should have all been wiped out. ”

Turning off Starnet, the following words were sent by Zhang Jingkai.

“The only people present at the time were me, Wang Haosheng, and Zhou Xinyun. I spoke to Wang Haosheng as soon as it happened, but he didn’t say those words.”

“I also asked Zhou Xinyun about it, but he said he didn’t say anything. He didn’t even mention the words “Star Pirates”, let alone “Tsunami.”

A quick flip through Starnet again revealed that, as expected, this time around, because it involved Shi Nian, someone had already made the connection to the last time, which was why the Tsunami Star Pirates were thrown out at this point.

“It’s the same routine.” Shi Nian took a chopstick of boiled fish and finished it before saying, “It’s a good thing they didn’t come up with any patterns this time.”

Everyone looked at him, saying, “After what you did last time, who would dare to do it again?”

Who knows what you’re going to do with the ‘leftover evidence’ this time?


“It’s also possible someone else overheard you!”

“No way.” Shi Nian said, “Unless that person had good ears, there was no one else around.”

He had checked with his divine sense before he did anything. Of course, his purpose was to confirm that there was no hidden backhand.

There obviously wasn’t. He had overestimated the Wu family, and they probably hadn’t thought about what they could do if these ten men didn’t succeed.

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“The Wu family did it, didn’t they?”

“Where’s the evidence?”

Yes, where is the evidence?

Back then, everyone knew that the Wu family was responsible for what happened to the Queen, but there was no evidence.

The same goes for this incident. Everyone knows it wasn’t those damned Star Pirates, but it was done under the banner of the Star Pirates….

“Mr. Shi, Adjutant Xue, I checked, and all those are wearing the mark of the Tsunami Star Pirates.””

Go back and have someone check that mark to see which one was added. You can’t see it at first glance, but that is not the Tsunami mark at all. It easy to make people think…..”

Xue Chi found out that he had come back to discuss countermeasures, but in the end, he was not needed, and the follow-up arrangements were completed in a few words.

Come to think of it, there was nothing to add.

On the other hand, Shi Nian raised his hand and said, “This boiled fish was just made. I know you don’t like spicy food, so hurry up and eat some. I heard that you treat yourself as two people? No, we still have no shortage of people. So there is no point. ”

Xue Chi: “……”

The deputy officer picked up his chopsticks and ate, thinking, “The marshal is not here. He can be said to be the only one who can take care of this side, so the pressure is multiplied. Isn’t it normal to be busy?”

On the other hand, Shi Nian was eating and drinking, and even running around without any pressure.

Today, something happened.

But you have to admit that he did not lose a hair, but the Wu family lost ten people. Thinking about councillor Wu’s face now, the bowl of sauerkraut fish became even more fragrant.

He thought it was so ridiculous, let alone for the Wu family.

How come?

Some people seem to be born without any pressure on them, and they always turn out to be lucky when they are in trouble…

“Don’t think about it.” One of the men assigned to protect Shi Nian said, “Adjutant Xue, you should first see if that person is normal.”

Shi Nian was someone who stood out from the crowd, someone who could make you wonder with your eyes wide open from the moment you met him.

Initially, it was the arrogant personality that was very different from what they were investigating, then the strength of the pharmaceutical side, and finally……

Every time you think he is strong enough and there is no more underestimating him, he lets you know that he can actually be even stronger.

When Xue Chi thought about it carefully, isn’t that what happened?

It was no wonder that every time the Wu family attacked him, it looked as if the Wu family had lost their wits. In fact, this trick might have worked for others.

When the incident happened, they took control of that hotel. After that, they immediately copied the surveillance records and deleted everything.

One person couldn’t help but ask Shi Nian, “Mr. Shi, looking at your reaction at that time, you were aware that someone was about to make a move. How did you find out?”

“They spoke!” Shi Nian said, “As soon as they spoke, they didn’t sound like they were there to play. Who doesn’t run towards the sentinels first and focus on me, a protected guide? ”

The crowd: “……”

Of course, they knew what was being said, but it was very quiet at the time. Even a sentinel like Wang Haosheng, who has better ears and higher sensitivity, didn’t.

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Even through the surveillance system, they could barely hear what the other side was saying until it was amplified.

Shi Nian: “Oh, maybe my ears are better!”

Xue Chi: “……”

The others: “……”

Can such words be said in such an ordinary tone.

But for Shi Nian, it was just another ordinary thing.

He had even made a comment to the ambushers about how they were afraid of making a scene and yet were threatening him with weapons.

All in all, anyone who watched the video had nothing to say.

There was the word “admiration” left.

In the end, they said, ” To be able to be so arrogant in front of the Marshal, you must first really something.”

And the squad leader, who had a vague feeling that Shi Nian was not a simple man, confirmed that this person seemed to be sharp, but still had a hidden edge.

Although it may sound odd, it was a perfect description of Shi Nian.

After the meal, everyone went off to do whatever they had to do.

Naturally, they listened to Shi Nian, and when the heat had reached a certain point, they released the photos, saying that the men were still under investigation.”

At first, no one saw anything wrong, and for awhile, there was a lot of talk about the Tsunami Star pirates.

There were many signatures on the petition list for the destruction of the group. And then, someone suddenly said,

“Why do I think that this is not the right icon?”

“What’s wrong with it? You’re not a fan of Star Pirates, are you? Are you brain dead? ”

“Don’t be so hasty. I’ve looked at it. It looks similar at first glance, but it’s not right. Look, it’s the Tsunami Star Pirates logo. It’s printed on those people. ”

Overall, it looks exactly the same at first glance, but upon closer inspection, the difference is obvious.

If you don’t mention it, no one will notice, but once you do, everyone will be able to see it. ”

How can the Star Pirates get their logo wrong?

“You can’t get your house wrong, can you?”

“Then what’s going on?”

“What’s going on?” Councilor Wu also asked, “How could you make such a mistake?”

Wu Chao Yi said, “It’s impossible, I watched them do it myself. I saw the sign. It was absolutely fine.”

“Then what’s going on?”

Councilor Wu was furious, but Wu Chao Yi was not stupid, how could he not know how important this was?

As a result, everyone concluded that someone else was setting up the tsunami star pirates, and it turned out that they didn’t know much about it, or that they had accidentally printed it wrong.

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The Wu family had done this once before, and there were already many people who suspected them, plus a wrong Star Pirates mark. Last time there was a problem with the markings, and this time there was another, so any fool would know there was a problem.

As a matter of fact, the rhythm of the network soon went to demanding an explanation from the Wu family patriarch.

The Wu family was in a state of confusion, and could only throw out an official statement that they had no evidence, or else sue for slander.

Of course, the words were much more formal and less direct than this, but that’s what it means.

Shi Nian experienced the care and comfort of his classmates again.

Yan Huaxin gave an expression of admiration.

It seems that he knows what happened at that time.

With all the fuss, of course, Old Marshal Lu and Madam Lu knew about it, and they called back to ask what was going on.

Shi Nian took things lightly, Mrs. Lu was quite worried, but she couldn’t resist the fact that Shi Nian could change the subject. Even Lu Bo Ting had a headache with this, not to mention the gentle Mrs. Lu.

Soon, Mrs. Lu’s eyes were diverted to the scum.

When Shi Nian told her about Shi Zhan’s story, it instantly echoed the terrible situation of Mrs. Lu’s current friend. And the two scolded scumbags for such a long time that the reason for the call was forgotten.

Old marshal Lu was, of course, not that easy to fool, but when he realized that nothing was wrong, he just watched with a smile on his face.

Shi Nian even gave them a little idea on how to deal with the scum. He was not good at coaxing people, but it seems that he was born with a natural knack for such damaging tricks.

He also replied to a few messages of concern from his classmates, and just reported that he was safe.

He can’t say much more than that.

The class group was already in an uproar, and so was Starnet.

After hanging up the communication with Mrs. Lu, Shi Nian took care of all these things easily, yawned, and got ready to rest.

The Wu family, on the other hand, was still unaware of what part of the process had gone wrong.

At first, they thought that their people were the ones who made the noise, but later, after poking around, they found out that there were bombs detonated out there.

Wu Chao Yi gritted his teeth and said, “I thought he was ignorant, but I didn’t think he was prepared.”

“It looks like it’s impossible to get at him in the near future.”

Councillor Wu said with a headache, “It’s just a kid from a marginal star. How can he be so difficult to deal with? How on earth did Bai Bingyan give birth to such a child?”

“By the way, how is it going over at Zihan’s side.”

“He used this incident to sell his misery to the one surnamed Yue, but it doesn’t seem to have much effect, and the other side seems very bothered by his relationship with our family.”

Councillor Wu thought for a short while in silence before saying, “Then find a chance to drive Zihan out of the Wu family!”

“The Yue family has always focused on family ties, he can’t just stand by and watch his nephew wander outside!”

Wu Chao Yi: “I will arrange it.”

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