Suddenly, a player shouted.

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“Fuck! What the hell! There are monsters in the sky!”

The players looked up at the sky subconsciously. Their eyes were suddenly filled with despair in the next second.

The sky, which had previously been red, was suddenly filled with a terrifying-looking monster.

The monster was covered with a hard black calcified body, eight claws, a long tail behind it, and a sharp steel needle on its tail.

There were two huge pincers on the front paws, the big mouth on its face was wide open, and the long scarlet tongue was dripping with viscous liquid.

The monster was about five or six meters long, and when it landed, the huge impact made a loud “boom,” and the flat ground trembled.

The ground started shaking violently. One player’s physical strength had already been depleted when the ground suddenly shook, causing his body to tilt and fall to the ground.

A dark figure suddenly blocked the player’s vision as he was sweating and trying to get up on trembling legs.

In response to the player’s screams, the monster stabbed the steel needle repeatedly through the player’s body.

The player raised his head In horror but the huge monster had already opened its mouth.


In the midst of the player’s scream, the monster had already pierced his stomach with the steel needle.

The next moment, the monster suddenly jumped behind another player who had lagged behind, and stabbed him with the sharp tail. Like a barbecue, it put the player on the steel needle and brought it to its mouth to eat.

People could still hear the two players’ screams of pain and the crunching sound of bones being broken from a distance.

[Ding! Players dead x2, and there are 98 players left. This is the auxiliary force the system has provided for the players. Please cherish it. Come on!]

“Fuck!” In the crowd, a player yelled at the sky as he sprinted forward. “Fuck you, system!”

Above the sky, another monster fell!

This time, it fell straight in the center of the large crowd!

All the players, gambling on their own lives, began to sprint frantically.

Only 10 players, including Zhou Guang, had crossed the finish line with 7 seconds remaining in the countdown.

Among their team, only Liang Xi and Bai Lixin had not entered the campus.

Liang Xi’s brow was already covered in a thin layer of cold sweat. His throat had already dried up, and his legs felt like they were strapped with steel balls weighing thousands of pounds.

The voices around him gradually disappeared.

Looking ahead, he could only see Li Cancan’s and Xian Chi’s worried and terrified expressions.

‘Worry? Are you worried that I won’t reach the end? How could it be? You see, I’m only fifty meters away from the destination.

Fright? Why are you frightened?

What have you seen?’

Xia Chi danced and waved his arms to the sky and left and right.

Liang Xi was slightly stunned and moved his stiff neck to turn back.

His pupils suddenly contracted, and two massive dark bodies were reflected in a pair of black eyes!

Towering over his head, the monster stretched out a hard and huge tail. TThe steel needle at the tail’s tip was stained with blood, and an eyeball hung from it.

Its eyes were bloodshot, and it looked at Liang Xi grimly.

The steel needle pierced the air and was about to pierce Liang Xi’s eyes.

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Liang Xi stared at the steel needle and even forgot to run.

He’d never come this close to death before. No amount of grandiose words could help him at that point. In the face of absolute strength, he realized how small and frail his power was.

‘Am I going to die?’

‘No! No way!’

Liang Xi’s eyes gradually filled with light. He came to help. How could he die 45 seconds after the game started?

‘Legs, get moving!

Come to think about it. What props are there to avoid the monster’s attack!

Can’t die, I can’t die!

By the way, get out. Get out of the way.

Why can’t I move my legs?’

Liang Xi looked at his trembling legs in horror. The muscles in his legs began to cramp after only ten seconds of hard running.

They were like two heavy weights on the ground. They simply refused to move.

The steel needle had arrived.

Liang Xi smiled bitterly.

‘Fuck, its really over this time.’

Suddenly, a strong force pulled his collar, and he was yanked to the side before he could react.

At the same time, there was a loud bang in the area where Liang Xi was standing, and dust suddenly flew up.

In the yellow dust stood a huge monstrous figure.

“Stand up, turn around, and run.” Bai Lixin’s soothing voice could be heard above his head. His dry lips trembled as he raised his head happily. He wanted to say something, but his throat felt like it was burning and he couldn’t.

[Ding! Players dead ×5, and there are 93 players left.]

Most players’ potential had been stimulated by the addition of monsters, and there weren’t many people left on the field.

There were five seconds left on the countdown overhead.

Bai Lixin yanked Liang Xi up and dashed towards the gate.

[Ding! There are only five seconds before the school gate is closed. Please hurry up.]

The rest of the group looked nervously at the dusty iron gate. The dust had obscured their view of the running players.

The metal gate began to close slowly from one side with a loud creak of metal.

One player rushed in and two players followed.

But none were Liang Xi nor Bai Lixin.

Xia Chi wanted to rush out to save them, but when he did, his body abruptly bounced back, and the system prompt appeared in his mind.

[Don’t go out, you are now a student of Wensong High School, and it is forbidden to leave the school without consent.]

Xia Chi was very anxious. [My friends are still outside.]

The system’s voice was very calm: [According to my analysis, they will enter the gate in two seconds. It is recommended that you get out of the way to avoid delaying their entry.]

Xia Chi looked up at the time. There were only three seconds left before the countdown ended.

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He calmed down, stepped aside, and nervously grabbed the iron fence beside him, his gaze fixed on the dust in front of him.

The players’ heart wrenching screams rang out one after the other, and the system’s death notifications kept coming.

He had no idea two seconds could feel so long.

Slowly, the roller beneath the gate moved, and the entrance gradually shrank.

When the entrance of the gate was shrunk to only one person, two figures rushed in one after the other.

Xia Chi saw the people clearly and rushed over excitedly. “Ah! You finally came in! You scared me to death!”

Bai Lixin smiled reassuringly at Xia Chi before taking a bottle of water from his backpack. He then handed it to Liang Xi, who appeared to be half-dead.

When the gate was about to close, a figure finally squeezed in.

He came in as the countdown overhead was coming to an end, and it was 00:00:00.

Bai Lixin turned to face the player.

Unlike the other players who were sweating profusely and panicking, this player had no sweat. He was the last to come in, but he was too calm.

He was tall, dressed simply in a white sweater, and his white hair stood out in the crowd.

“You are the lucky ones among thousands, and you should cherish your status as Wensong High School students.You should also be strict with yourselves and bring Wensong High School glory.”

“As a nationally recognized high school, Wensong High School not only has the best teachers and most comprehensive teaching facilities, but also the most stringent school rules and disciplines.”

“What you see in front of you are Wensong High School’s rules and regulations, so please adhere to them strictly.” “If you break any rules, you will face severe disciplinary action.”

“I will now begin to announce your student numbers and classes.”

“Examinations are an important way to select people, and this school is no exception. From the moment you entered the campus, your student numbers and classes had been determined.”

“In order to produce high quality individuals, we have divided the classes into three classes; A, B, and C, according to the learning potential.”

“Class A is the elite class, class B is the ordinary class and class C is the inferior class.”

“The first ten to arrive on the campus will become class A scholars. They will not only enjoy the best treatment in the school, 70% of the resources will be devoted to them. This is because they are the highest quality individuals capable of becoming pillars of the nation.”

“The next 50 are class B students. Although they are not as good as class A students, they have potential. The school’s better teachers will teach you so that you can become the building blocks of an indispensable future.”

“The remaining 25 will be in class C. The school will assign you a class teacher who will be responsible for your education. I hope that you will obey the law in the future and not become the dregs of society.”

Bai Lixin and Liang Xi, who were sitting in the last row, exchanged glances, and Bai Lixin could see the guilt in Liang Xi’s eyes.

—God Xin, I’m sorry, it’s all my fault. You wouldn’t have been assigned to an inferior class if it weren’t for me.

Bai Lixin smiled indifferently, casually picking up and reading the school rules and regulations in front of him.

To his right, the white haired man sat there indifferently, maintaining the same posture throughout.

Bai Lixin glanced at the white-haired man from the corner of his eyes.

“Of course, the inferior classes should not be discouraged,” the headmaster said from the podium, “because we will be organizing exams every other day, and at the end of each exam, we will reassign the classes.”

“As for the content of the exams, they will never be simple knowledge-testing exams.”

“As I previously stated, we seek overall moral, intellectual, physical, social, and artistic development, so the exams will cover five areas.”

“Those who improve and excel in the exams will be rewarded by the school.”

“Since there are rewards, there will also be punishments. Students who fall behind and finish last in exams will be punished by the school.”

“Okay, I won’t say much more, let’s start assigning classes. The class teachers will explain further in detail.”

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After the bald headmaster finished speaking, the teachers around him stood up and began to distribute the school numbers.

Bai Lixin, on the other hand, kept flipping through the “Wensong High School Rules and Regulations” book in front of him.

Turning to the first page, a sentence immediately caught his eyes.

“There is no way to form a circle without rules. Strictly abide by the school rules and regulations, violators will be punished!”

The catalog was long and varied.

There was a clothing section, an etiquette section, a living section, a daily life section, a study section, and so on.

Bai Lixin casually flipped the book open and went to the clothing chapter.

It specified school clothes in detail.

School uniforms had to be worn. Men could not have long hair, women could not wear their hair down; they could not dye their hair; they could not paint their nails, and neither could wear fancy clothes.

They were standard school rules from the beginning, just like many ordinary schools.

Bai Lixin flipped backwards and opened the etiquette chapter.

—“No talking during meals, no talking during sleeping hours, no noise during meals in the dining hall.”

—”Your table and chairs should be neatly arranged, and the left side of your desk should be 5 centimeters away. Keep your desk tidy, and raise your hand perpendicular to the desk.”

Daily life section:

—“Lights out at 12pm sharp; no student is allowed to leave the dormitory after lights out. Violators will be punished.”

Study section:

—“Any form of cheating is strictly prohibited.”

—“You must listen to the teacher in class. Any form of disobedience to the teacher is forbidden.”


Bai Lixin casually flipped through the book, randomly selecting and reading the school rules and regulations inside.

Overall, the intent in the school rules and regulations was for the students to be absolutely obedient.

There were normal rules and regulations, but there were also rules and regulations that were excessive and demonstrated absolute control.

For instance, “any form of disobedience to the teacher is prohibited,” but what if the teacher was wrong?

If any of these rules were broken, the player would be punished by the school.

But what the punishment was, the school rules didn’t say.

While Bai Lixin was reading the school rules and regulations, the majority of the student numbers had already been claimed.

It wasn’t until only the last 25 students were left in the classroom when a man wearing black-framed glasses stood up and said with disgust, “I won’t call your names, you’re the 25 trash, stand up and follow me!”

In the live broadcast room.

[Hey! I’m furious; dare to call our God Xin a loser? God Xin will reveal himself to you sooner or later!]

[Some teachers are teachers, some are not worthy of being teachers. How many future flowers of the motherland would be harmed if they had such teachers?]

[Calm down, brother. It’s just a game, it’s all fake, those teachers are actually monsters.]

[Even if they are fake. It’s not like such people aren’t there in the real world. Although there are few, there is a lot of “pollution” as long as there is one.]

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[In fact, verbal abuse is also a form of corporal punishment in disguise.]

[God Xin: Bad luck.]

Bai Lixin quickly followed the teacher as they walked through the corridors.

They passed by the Class A classroom.

Despite the fact that there were only 85 players, the school had more than 85 students. There were student NPCs in addition to the teaching NPCs.

Class A was in session when they passed by.

Through the see-through glass on the door frame, they could see the scene inside.

Uniforms were worn by the student NPCs. They wore high-end custom-made red and white clothes that gave them an air of nobility.

They looked at the blackboard expressionlessly.

The ten student classrooms were spacious and bright, and each student had a special tutor next to them.

As the headmaster said, 70% of the school’s resources were tilted to the class A students.

All ten players assigned to class A had also enrolled in one of the class A classrooms. Xia Chi saw Bai Lixin through the glass and winked at him frantically.

Next, they passed by the class B classrooms.

The class B classrooms were significantly worse than class A, even though the school uniform was different.

The school uniform was sky blue, and the quality was so poor that even those who didn’t know about textiles could tell that it was a bit worse.

Unlike in class A, where each student had their own tutor, students in class B received uniform instruction.

Through the window, Bai Lixin saw Li Cancan and Zhou Guang in class B.

After that came class C.

They walked through the long corridor and up a high staircase before coming to a halt in front of a remote classroom.

The plaque on the classroom wall was already shaky, the corridor was dark and dilapidated, and the walls were covered in graffiti.

The graffiti was in various shades of red, black, and blue, and it made the already deplorable floor look even more strange and frightening.

Moreover, apart from their class, there were no other C-level classes on the floor.

It was deserted.

It was even more bizarre in the classroom. The walls were all black, and the windows on the side of the walls were old wooden windows from the 10th generation.

Through the door, they could already smell the moldy smell of the room.

Wind blew in through the open windows. The chandelier and fan hanging above made an old creaking sound right away.

The tables and chairs were worn out and each one showed signs of age.

Who in God’s name would not say “hell no” at the sight of it!

The players shuddered and stood at the door, unwilling to go in.

“Hurry up and get inside! Three seconds, and those who are still outside will go to the dark room!”


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