“Do you have any other business?” He Fang concluded that the man should be from the unexpanded area, maybe he brought some important news about the outside world.

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The man’s eyes looked dull, looking straight at him, He Fang turned back, guessing that the mission had all been completed without a follow-up plot, so it was motionless.

Was he really just an ordinary thief?

“Stop stealing, you can go to the city to find a job, if you steal again, you will be arrested by the police.” He Fang said seriously to the NPC.

“Is the city …… safe?” Suddenly the man asked in a small voice.

“It’s safe.” His city’s crime rate was zero …… at least it was before the radish thief came to steal.

“Can I …… stay here?” The man’s voice was hesitant, but he asked anyway.

At the same time as the man’s words fell, suddenly behind the two came a shrill not like a human’s mournful wail, He Fang and the man looked back together.

A fat black mouse ran through the fork of the agricultural iron fork of the farmer who had been working all along. The mouse struggled in pain and hadn’t yet completely died. The simple farmer looked at the mouse on the fork with a surprised expression, as if it was quite unexpected.

He Fang: “……” It didn’t have to be so detailed.

It was so sudden that he thought that accepting this man incurred a curse.

Turning back, He Fang asked anew: “You want to stay?”

“Yes.” The man’s eyes suddenly showed a brief moment of panic, the focus of his gaze was behind He Fang.

Puzzled, He Fang turned back again, only to see a hard-working farmer probably trying to take the rat off the iron fork, and ended up using too much force to split the rat directly, the rat split in two, blood splattered everywhere.

He Fang ‘hissed’, his scalp tingling, a little uncomfortable with the sudden extremely realistic game settings after the game update.

At this point the simple farmer suddenly spoke, “Vile thief, get out of my farmland!”


Although the peasant said harsh words, but the tone was very soft, like he was afraid of scaring something.

He Fang was shocked, now even NPCs had voice configuration? ? It was just that the dubbing wasn’t too good. How could such a gentle voice drive away the thief? It should be accompanied by a high iron fork in anger, so that the thief would be afraid.

Using this sentence as a plot, He Fang smacked his lips, turned back to continue to talk to the radish thief: “My city does not need thieves.”

“I’m not a thief, I’m a mercenary, I can train detection squads, teach them how to destroy nightmare beasts, distinguish revived nightmare plants, I also have the ability to detect nightmare beast seeds.” The man spoke anxiously and loudly, attempting to prove his use, afraid that He Fang would not hear him.

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He Fang rubbed his chin.

He opened the man’s attribute panel.

Then he frowned tightly after seeing the man’s attributes.

The man only had a small amount of values left, basically hanging on to its lives. However, even if they reached the full level, they were vastly different from ordinary farmers on one side, and he wasn’t even as good as the newborn children in the city. The values were so low that they couldn’t enter the talent exchange market.


But after all, it was the first mission NPC he encountered after the “Marketless Reboot” networking, not to mention …… He Fang took a look at the man’s miserable white face and was somewhat tolerant.


He suspected that this NPC was a shared task type NPC, and probably only passing messages couldn’t be considered as labor, so the requirements for attributes should not be high.

He Fang opened the city panel, he remembered that the city capacity should still be available.


The city was bursting at the seams?

The originally green and unobstructed city instantly turned into a red congested state, He Fang was puzzled, it had only been a few minutes, had there been a sudden influx of a large number of new residents?

This was too much of a coincidence, right?

This man 80% had no place to live.

“I can take you in, but there are no more empty houses now.” He Fang finished and saw the hopeful light in the man’s eyes instantly dim, sighing that the game was realistic, he continued, “But you should be able to rent a room, do you have any gold coins left on you?”

“There is.” The man attempted to scrounge some money out.

“Then when the time comes, rent yourself an apartment and then work nearby.” He Fang turned around and gestured for the man to follow him, heading towards the inner city, “I’ll take you to the civil hall first to do a registration, you should be able to find a job easily.”

At least so far He Fang hadn’t seen any residents who had moved in voluntarily without a job.

The more he entered the city, the more the man’s eyes widened, even forgetting that his exhaustion was unbearable and his strength was so weak that he was going to fall down at any moment.

This was a city.

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A real city built on the ground.

This was like a precious image of the city that was left behind a hundred years ago, the clothings he saw on the main road were light and nice, it was a unique design, there was no need for heavy armor to do defense at all, brand new vehicles with very beautiful appearances travelled through the wide road, dazzling sunlight shone inside the city, peaceful and quiet, as if it was a man’s dream before the end.

“Lord of the city, what is that?” The man saw a huge male sculpture in the center of the city, even the stone statue was enough to let people be informed of his handsome, perfect as a god like face, it was majestic and had a powerful aura, so that the closer he was to the statue, the more there was a desire to kneel down from the body to the heart of all yielding awe.

“Ah, it’s a landmark.” The teenager replied, “Just brush a daily task or something, basically nothing useful.”

The man seemed to understand.

What exactly this place was.

Why there was no sense of crisis among the people here.

All the people were full of red face, completely looking like they hadn’t suffered from hunger and disaster hardship.

Did this really exist now, after the end of the world had come?

Or had he arrived in heaven?

“Go in and register.” The teenager reached out and pointed to the extremely spectacular building, after bringing him here, he didn’t need to worry, he looked down at the time, “I have something, go ah, bye.”

Suddenly the teenager disappeared in front of the man’s eyes.

The man’s eyes widened in shock.


It was ……


The solemn building of the Civil Affairs Bureau was like a temple of god’s creation in the man’s eyes.

“Is this a beggar who emerged from that corner and was personally brought here by the Creator!?”


Suddenly at the man’s side, the passersby who originally didn’t even look at him and brushed past him, at this time, all seemed to be filled with souls, and surrounded him.


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“This body – body value, tsk tsk, I was afraid I would drop a nail cap and smash him to death.”

“I heard that he was brazenly begging the Creator to keep him, this kind of vicious person must have just eaten the kindness and gentleness of our Creator, it’s so disgusting.”

“The recent inhabitants are really worse than the other, this kind of trash goods still dare to let our Creator personally lead the way, what’s going on with the peasants outside, how come they didn’t get him killed?”

From inside the civil affairs hall came out a woman wearing a small black high heel, sh wore a casual small suit, her hair was very strictly coiled up at the back of her head, as she walked in she said, “Get out of the way, the Creator has said to let him check in.”

The shrewd and competent woman half squinted her eyes and looked the man up and down, holding an electronic board for registration in her hand, without hiding her disgust: “What’s your name? Is it male or female? Where is the hometown? Where is the household registration? What are you doing here?”

The man didn’t understand what was happening at all, and he couldn’t answer anything except his name and gender.

“Tsk.” The woman knocked on the electronic board, “Lower class stragglers.”

The man didn’t dare move a muscle.

Even though these people around him, one by one, who were not wearing any protective dress, were unabashedly humiliating him, the man clearly understood the gap between his strength and these people.

His intuition told him that in front of these people, he was like a molehill.

A mole suddenly compared to a god, he was naturally rejected as an alien.

“Speaking of which, did the Creator step on that radish field today?”

Suddenly a voice fell, and everyone fell silent.

“Ah, I have something to do today, so I won’t hang out with you guys ah.”

“I still have code to write, I also ……”

“I’m still working, I ……”

Everyone snorted while backing up, yet just then, everyone frantically took off running in the direction the man had come from.

“You are not allowed to run! No one grab my radish!”

“Fools will wait for you! That’s the radish that the Lord of the City touched!”


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“Ahhhhh bastard, bullying me that’s wearing high heels!”

The man looked at the chaotic scene with a confused expression, and the woman at the Civil Affairs Bureau in front of him, although condescending, didn’t give him a hard time: “Don’t be dazed, come and do the registration, and I hope you can contribute your power to the Creator in the future.”

The man gulped nervously.


The phone emitted a prompting bell, from within the physical silo came out a slim and thin teenager, the teenager’s skin was sickly white because it hadn’t seen the sun for a long time, and his fine soft hair was a bit messy, apparently trimmed by himself

But the teenager’s face was delicate, so that this mess seemed lovely.

He Fang had some difficulty standing in front of his cell phone, which showed an unfamiliar number, he opened the takeaway software and saw that the takeaway boy had arrived at his home downstairs.

He Fang didn’t want to have any verbal communication with the delivery man and kept looking at the ringing phone until the opposite side hung up.

He finally sighed with relief.

Picking up his phone, He Fang scrolled back and resent one of the messages from before.

The message read: You can simply put the takeout on the elevator. After placing it, please send me a message on the platform to inform me.


The other side suddenly sent a voice message, He Fang froze, then clicked on it to listen.

“Hello, I’m already on the elevator, it will be delivered to your door soon, can you go out and pick up the takeaway?”

Even after the transcription of the phone, the real person’s gentle low voice was clear, the person’s voice was too good, as if kissed by the gods of heaven, just listening to the voice was as if it could outline a perfect face, straight to He Fang’s memory point.

However He Fang’s eyes gradually became alarmed.


It was this delivery man again ……


Why had this delivery man delivered his items for three consecutive days? Had all the other delivery guys died out?

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