Chapter 6 Showing off your cleverness?

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    "Don't you understand? I didn't see you when I was in the top position." Chen Zhen's words were straightforward and harsh, "Thinking that you can save your little life with Yan Ye?" 


    Zhan Wuyou frowned. Sitting on the bed, a pair of watery eyes stared straight at Chen Zhen. 


    "What?" Chen Zhen sneered, " Angry? People like you are still angry? When you humbly begged to come in to apologize..." 


    " Please be respectful." Zhan Wuyou's voice was a little bit dumb, the high heat kept his throat dry all the time.


    "Respect?" Chen Zhen seemed to have heard a big joke, looked at Zhan Wuyou up and down, and said lightly, "To you?" 


    "Well, to me." Zhan Wuyou began to grab Su Xiaoyan's role.


    He leaned on the pillow weakly, with high fever his eyes blinked lightly, with a slightly hoarse voice, "Although I'm here to apologize, I'm also a human being, and I'm also dignified, you can't bully me like this." 


    This soft tone really had a bit of Su Xiaoyan's breath.


    It was a pity that Chen Zhen hated a person who had hurt his goddess, and looked at him like a bed bug. 


    "You are a gadget thrown out by the Zhan family, and you deserve to talk about the word 'dignity'?" 


    "I know it's my fault to hurt Miss Su." He seemed to shrink in weakness, but in fact he was quick and accurate. Every word of his words stabbed Chen Zhen's fire, "I don't know what happened, I didn't drive fast at that time. Really, I didn't know that Miss Su would be so serious. I went back to the scene to watch it several times. I didn't see any blood, I thought Miss Su wasn't serious ..." 


    Chen Zhen's face turned hideous when he said his words.

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Who gets hit and will be fine? 


    No blood? Does this person think that blood must be seen to be serious? 


    He stared at Zhan Wuyou's eyes gradually darkened, like a scorpion with a poisonous tail.


    "I can also make you see no blood now, and I will send you down to see the King of Hell!" 


    This person's death point was the same as in his previous life, and there had always been only one Su Xiaoyan. Zhan Wuyou watched Chen Zhen walked towards him with satisfaction, and the joints of his body began to prepare secretly. 


    When he was in a special area, he was hand-picked by Ruan Baichun to learn the skill of shrinking bones. 


    This thing is suffering! 


    Every day, you had to take off every joint in your body, and then put it back in the same place...until you made this joint dismantling a normal thing like breathing, then you would be a master. 


    Zhan Wuyou had practiced for more than ten years, and every joint had been slippery and oily. Of course, there were sequelae. His bones were brittle than ordinary people, and his stature was thinner than ordinary people. If he encountered people who were stronger than him, it was very easy to suffer.


    Chen Zhen was 180 in height and 75 in weight. The whole person was as strong as a brown bear. 


    "Remember your identity. You came to Yan's house to make amends, it's not your turn to lie in the guest room for something so annoying." He looked like he was about to pick up some disgusting garbage, and wrinkled his eyebrows in disgust, he brought up Zhan Wuyou with force, "Get up!" 


    Zhan Wuyou followed his movements and got up, but he shouted in panic, "What are you doing? Let go, let me go." He quickly glanced over the small alarm clock on the table, the arm slipped gently. 


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    "Shut up!" Chen Zhen didn't realize that something was wrong, and was about to give him a little pain when he felt like a fish slipping from his palm. 


    When he turned around, he was already clutching his arms and trembling on the ground. 


    "My hurts..." Zhan Wuyou was covered in cold sweat, and his entire arm slumped down beside him. He stared at Chen Zhen in fear, holding his dislocated right hand and began to sob softly. 


    Chen Zhen was stunned for two seconds. He didn't expect that such a move could break this man's hand. 


    "What's the matter?" As if choking the time, Yan Qing appeared at the door with a cold face. 


    Inside the room, Zhan Wuyou hugged his limp arm and sobbed in a low voice, Chen Zhen frowned and looked at him coldly.


    Yan Qing wasn't a good-natured person, neither of them answered him, he directly chose the most likely can speak Chen Zhen to start. 


    He stepped forward and kicked Chen Zhen's knee. 


    Chen Zhen was kicked to the ground by this fierce kick and made a loud noise. "Yan Ye." 


    Zhan Wuyou seemed to be frightened by Yan Qing's sudden turning of his face, his little face full of tears lifted up pitifully and looked at him tightly. 


    Yan Qing's eyes without warmth swept towards Chen Zhen. 


    Even though he believed that Yan Ye wouldn't really hurt himself for this kind of gadget, but staring at him like this, Chen Zhen only felt that the hairs on his back stood upside. 


    "I, I'm joking with him." 


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    "Joke?" This word was rolled across his lips and tongue, and when he spat it out, it was terribly cold. 


    Chen Zhen didn't dare to confront Yan Qing, so he could only admit his mistake, "Yan Ye, it's my fault. Xiaoyan was hit by him and is still lying in the hospital. I was also momentarily angry..." 


    "He hit someone. The punishment is of course indispensable." Yan Qing walked slowly to Zhan Wuyou, not knowing whether to tell him or Chen Zhen, "But the Yan family doesn't have this kind of lynching."


    Chen Zhen said yes, " NowI know I'm wrong, Yan Ye." 


    "Zhan Wuyou's punishment, I will do it myself." Yan Qing said, bent down and picked him up from the ground. 


    Zhan Wuyou only wore a light pajama when he was pulled out of the bed, and his whole body was already cold. Now being held by Yan Qing, a steady stream of heat was transmitted from his lover, which made him extremely comfortable. If it wasn't for the wrong time, he would want to sigh comfortably. 


    "As for you?" Yan Qing stared condescendingly at Chen Zhen, who was still half-kneeling on the ground, put his hand on his arm, and then pushed hard without warning! 


    'Crack' a crisp sound. 


    Chen Zhen's right hand was directly unloaded by Yan Qing with brute force. 


    He groaned in pain, and his whole body slumped to the ground, shivering with pain. 


    "After healing the arm, go to the punishment hall to receive the punishment." Yan Ye lived up to the title of ' The Living King of Hell', and he showed no mercy to his own people, "Really capable." 


    This sarcastic tone made Zhan Wuyou feel refreshed. 


    Zhan Wuyou was thrown back to his bed by Yan Qing. 

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    Yan Qing's bed used imported rubber pads, which were soft and comfortable. It didn't hurt even when thrown around by him. But right now it didn't make sense. 


    His hands were all 'unloaded' by Chen Zhen, and Yan Qing would never ignore it no matter how bastard he was. 


    Zhan Wuyou's small radar was fully turned on. 


    He clutched his soft right hand and raised his red eyes to look at Yan Qing. 


    Yan Qing was sitting on the sofa, holding a cigar in his hand. 


    Slowly, he took the cigar scissors and removed the tip. 


    With a 'click' sound, the blue flame ignited, Yan Qing slowly rotated the cigar, waited for every part of the cigar head to burn evenly, put it between his lips and took a breath. 


    Looking at Zhan Wuyou with through the smoke, "You are smarter." 


    Zhan Wuyou shrank his neck like a quail without answering. 


    Yan Qing took out a mobile phone from his pocket and threw it on the bed, "You still set a timer, eh?" 



The author has something to say: 

Zhan Wuyou (deep face): How can there be so many coincidences in the world, the so-called coincidences are not at all coincidence. It was an encounter after someone tried their best. 

Yan Qing: That's why you secretly stuffed your phone into my pocket? 

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