Ch4 - A Copycat

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The two stayed in the main house for one night, and went back the next evening.

Just before leaving, Qi Qi ran out of the house, hugged Xu ChengYan’s legs and refused to let go, and even tried to get into the car once. 

But He Yang didn’t have the patience to keep pets, so he didn’t let Qi Qi get in the car at all.

At the beginning, He Yang bought an Alaskan dog on a whim, but after keeping it by his side; he realized that it was not suitable. He was not suitable to keep pets at all.



Alaskan dogs need exercise; they need the owner to take them out every day. They also need the owner’s company, and they shed their hair.

He Yang didn’t have so much energy and time to walk the dog, and he was annoyed by the fluffy dog ​​hair everywhere. So, he simply put the dog in the old house and asked the Steward to help him keep it, and only came to see it once every two months. 

Anyway, the old house had a bigger space and a big yard. One could do whatever they want with the dog. There were also several servants in the old house, and they could take turns to play with the dog.


And under the care of the Steward, Qi Qi was indeed well raised and full of energy every day.

But now Qi Qi had to go with Xu ChengYan, and He Yang had no patience to keep a dog. So, he wouldn’t let Qi Qi get in the car, and Xu ChengYan also couldn’t bring Qi Qi back.

In the end, Xu ChengYan still had to coax Qi Qi for a long time and he finally coaxed Qi Qi to go back.


When Qi Qi went back (to the house), he turned to look back repeatedly at every step, looking at Xu ChengYan with an aggrieved expression.

Xu ChengYan was a little soft-hearted, but he was still ruthless, he looked away and got into the car.

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The car slowly drove down the mountain road and returned to the city from the suburbs.


But when the car passed through an intersection, Xu ChengYan said: “XianSheng, please stop over there, I want to buy wonton wrappers.” 

The car stopped, Xu ChengYan also got off, and went first to buy things.

He Yang sat in the car and waited. After a while, he saw Xu ChengYan coming back, but Xu ChengYan was holding a pure white vase in his arms.

The vase was a little big and it was inconvenient to put it in the front seat, so Xu ChengYan simply sat in the back seat.

He Yang glanced at the big vase in the back seat through the rearview mirror, and said, “Why did you buy this?” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“I just saw it, so I bought it.” Xu ChengYan laughed, “Did you not notice it, XianSheng? There was one vase missing in the study, because I accidentally touched the bookshelf last week and broke the vase.”

Lf Tjcu gfrqbcvfv, yea tf vlvc’a mjgf wemt.

Pa kjr We JtfcuTjc ktb jikjsr abbx mjgf bo atf oibkfgr jcv qijcar ja tbwf.

Coafg atf akb gfaegcfv ab atf jqjgawfca, We JtfcuTjc mjwf ab atf raevs klat atf njrf lc tlr jgwr, alcxfglcu la klat rbwfatlcu ys tlwrfio. 

Lf Tjcu qbegfv j uijrr bo kjafg ogbw atf ilnlcu gbbw. Qtfc tf qjrrfv ys atf raevs, tf tfjgv atf tewwlcu rbecv lc atf raevs. Obbxlcu lcrlvf, tf rjk atf yijmx-tjlgfv sbecu wjc rlaalcu bc atf mjgqfa klat j qlif bo qjlcar lc ybaaifr jcv mjcr. Pc ogbca bo tlw kjr atf ktlaf njrf.

He Yang walked over and asked, “Painting?”


“En.” Xu ChengYan nodded, “White is too monotonous, and it looks good if you add some color……”

Xu ChengYan continued to tinker with the vase until evening, and it was finally finished. 

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The original white vase was painted with blue and white clouds, but Xu ChengYan had never learned to paint, and he had to still paint on the vase, so the result of the painting was somewhat abstract.

But on the vase, there were two lines of small black characters, which was a poem.

He Yang looked at the two lines of words written in calligraphy and asked, “Have you learned calligraphy before?”

“Well, I have learned it for a long time.” Xu ChengYan was a little embarrassed, “Because the painting was not good, I just wrote it and it doesn’t look that ugly anymore.” 

Xu ChengYan put the flower vase on the shelf beside. After admiring his own artwork for a long time, he suddenly thought of something and hurriedly went to He Yang’s side and asked: “XianSheng, what do you think of my writing?”

“Very good.”

Xu ChengYan took the opportunity to say, “Then XianSheng, can I write the invitation letters for your birthday party?”

“The invitation letters for the birthday party?” He Yang frowned, “It is enough for someone else to write the invitation letters, don’t bother about it.” 

“But it’s XianSheng’s birthday.” Xu ChengYan got into the man’s arms, “I want to write it myself.”

The man sighed, and finally said, “It’s in the drawer, go get it.”

Xu ChengYan was surprised and hurriedly went to the drawer over there. In the drawer, he found a pile of invitation cards.

And the cards were clean and had not been sent out. 

Xu ChengYan asked He Yang for the template of the invitation letter, took the pen, and began to write seriously.

But maybe because of nervousness, he didn’t write it well at the beginning, and he also wrote and scrapped a few invitation letters.

Fortunately, more invitation letters were printed as backup copies. Xu ChengYan wrote them all night, and finally finished writing all the invitation letters.

XianSheng’s birthday was coming soon, and there were not many people invited to the birthday party, and everyone invited was all people around XianSheng. 

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Xu ChengYan put away the finished invitation letters and thought about the birthday present.

In fact, the birthday gift had already been set, and it was the cufflinks of a well-known luxury brand.


It’s just that he still had not received the cufflinks yet. The shop assistant said that it was still in delivery, and the international logistics was a bit slow. Xu ChengYan was a little worried about whether this gift would arrive in time before the birthday party.

Fortunately, on the weekend, he received a call from the shop assistant, saying that the cufflinks had arrived. 

Xu ChengYan rushed over, checked the cufflinks, and confirmed that there were no flaws, and then he asked the shop assistant to help pack it.

Holding the gift bag, Xu ChengYan felt a lot more at ease, and turned to leave.

And when Xu ChengYan just stepped out of the store, he met a familiar person.

A flamboyant young man with dyed red hair walked towards this side with his arms around a little boy. After seeing Xu ChengYan, he whistled frivolously. 

“Yanyan is here too!”

Xu ChengYan looked at the red-haired young man. He remembered that this man was one of the friends around XianSheng, so he greeted him in a normal manner: “Mr. Chi Yi.”

Chi Yi looked at the gift bag in Xu ChengYan’s hand and then looked at the shop behind Xu ChengYan again, he suddenly said: “Come to buy something?”

Xu ChengYan and Chi Yi were not very familiar, but because of the relationship with XianSheng, he still communicated patiently, “Yes.” 

Chi Yi suddenly thought of something, and instantly became energetic. He said, “Yanyan, let me tell you, be careful when buying things, and make sure not to buy fakes!”

Chi Yi deliberately emphasized on two characters of “fake”.

“Some of the fakes are so delicately made that he doesn’t even know he is a fake, and thinks he is the real one.” Chi Yi sneered, “But as long as the genuine one comes back, who would still want a fake?”

Xu ChengYan was a little inexplicable when he heard that, and he could hear Chi Yi’s satirical tone, but he couldn’t tell what was wrong. 

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“Counterfeits are still counterfeits, and they can never be genuine ones.” Chi Yi mocked rudely, and then asked him, “Yanyan, am I right?”

Xu ChengYan still found it strange, but still nodded politely.

Chi Yi laughed and said: “Yanyan, remember to check if the things you bought are genuine or not after you go back.”

“I will pay attention.” Xu ChengYan replied in an orderly manner. 

Only then did Chi Yi squinted his eyes with satisfaction, and hugged the little boy in his arms, and just when he was about to leave, he remembered one more thing.

“Oh right.” Chi Yi said to Xu ChengYan, “I will give Young Master He a surprise this time on his birthday.”


“It’s a very, very surprising gift.” Chi Yi smiled, “It’s guaranteed to be authentic, not a fake one.”

After Chi Yi finished speaking, he felt satisfied and left with the little boy. 

Xu ChengYan looked at Chi Yi’s back, and quickly retracted his gaze.

He also knew that the friends around XianSheng didn’t like him very much.

After all, he grew up in an orphanage. He and those rich second-generation people were completely people of two different worlds.

The rich second-generation young masters all have a fixed circle of friends, and XianSheng was at the top of this circle. 

So those people felt that he was not worthy of XianSheng, and that XianSheng should not be with him.

But that’s okay.

Even if everyone else was against him and didn’t like him, it didn’t matter.

As long as he was still with XianSheng, it was enough. 

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