Ch60 - New Drama 

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Qin Zhou was a little surprised. He was already ready to fight with the company to the end, or even to be hidden in the snow, but now there was no need for such trouble.

“Then, there’s no need.” Qin Zhou returned the phone to Jiang Lin. 

“That’s great!” Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when the test results came out, Qin Zhou went to get the test results first, and then asked the doctor.



Jiang Lin was waiting outside. After seeing Qin Zhou coming out, he quickly asked, “Brother Zhou, how is the result?”

Qin Zhou: “It’s normal.” 

He was drugged by the agent yesterday and he was afraid that there would be side effects. So, he specially came to check it out.


But fortunately, there was nothing wrong with the body, and everything was normal.

Qin Zhou collected the check-up results and left the hospital with Jiang Lin.

And because he hadn’t eaten yet, Qin Zhou was going to find a restaurant nearby and have something to eat.


Jiang Lin hurriedly said: “Brother Zhou, there is a new restaurant opened in the new district! Let’s go there and eat crayfish!”

Qin Zhou heard this and subconsciously said, “Aren’t you allergic to it?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Zhou reacted, and stunned for a moment.


Jiang Lin didn’t realize that something was wrong, so he replied naturally: “It’s fine! It must have been an accident last time. This time I won’t have allergies!” 

Qin Zhou was quiet for a few seconds, but followed Jiang Lin’s words and responded.

The two got into the car, and Jiang Lin also drove directly to the seafood restaurant.

However, when ordering food, Qin Zhou still didn’t let Jiang Lin order crayfish, but just ordered a set meal for two.

“The crayfish in this shop is the signature……” Jiang Lin sighed, his face full of complaints. 

Qin Zhou was sitting opposite, flipped through the messages on his phone, and said, “I have a new agent.”

“So fast?” Jiang Lin raised his head.

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Qin Zhou nodded, “He also said that he wants me to go to the company today. President Yuan has something and is looking for me.”

Jiang Lin drank his drink slowly and asked, “What is Yuan Lie looking for you?” 

“I don’t know.” Qin Zhou thought for a while and replied, “It should be asking me about being drugged last night.”

After all, he was the victim, and the company may want to know the specific situation.


Qin Zhou sent a message back to the new agent, planning to go there after eating.


After coming out of the restaurant, Jiang Lin sent Qin Zhou to the company headquarters.

Qin Zhou was not very familiar with the headquarters. He only came here once and didn’t know the way.

So Jiang Lin took Qin Zhou to the elevator, ready to go upstairs.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

While the two were waiting for the elevator, Qin Zhou suddenly realized that the elevator had to swipe the card. 

Hlc Itbe: “Qf tjnf ab rklqf atf mjgv. P’ii ub ab atf ogbca vfrx ab gfulrafg.”

Hlc Itbe aegcfv jgbecv jcv kjr jybea ab ub ab atf ogbca vfrx ab gfulrafg ktfc Aljcu Olc mjiifv ab rabq tlw.

“Dgbatfg Itbe, P tjnf atf mjgv.” Aljcu Olc abbx bea atf fifnjabg mjgv.

The two entered the elevator, and Jiang Lin pressed Yuan Lie’s office floor. 

Soon, the elevator reached the floor.

The secretary was just outside the office and had already received the notice. He got up and said, “President Yuan is inside.”

Qin Zhou knocked on the door, and only went in after hearing the answer.

“President Yuan.” Qin Zhou called out. 

Yuan Lie nodded, “Sit.”

Qin Zhou walked over and sat opposite Yuan Lie.

Yuan Lie looked at Qin Zhou and said: “I’m sorry. It was my fault that such a thing happened in the company, and the supervision was not in place.”

“Actually, during this period of time, it was also found that the company’s accounts were wrong, especially Zheng HongKai’s side.” 

“There are people from the board of directors behind Zheng HongKai and I have only been in this seat for a short time. It is inconvenient to do it, so I can only take it slowly.”

Yuan Lie sighed, paused, and then continued: “But fortunately now I have the support of President He. With his support, I can also rectify the company.”

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Yuan Lie restored the smile on his face, and handed over another contract and handed it over, “I’m sorry about what happened last night, and this is the company’s compensation for you.”

Qin Zhou accepted it and opened it, and found that it was a new drama resource. 

Yuan Lie: “It will be more convenient for you to stay at the headquarters in the future.”

“Stay at the headquarters?” Qin Zhou raised his head.

Yuan Lie nodded, “The company will reassign the dormitory for you. Don’t worry.”

Qin Zhou was silent for a while, then nodded. 

Yuan Lie narrowed his eyes and said, “After talking about work, why not talk about personal matters?”

“Mr. Xu, do you need to chat?”

Qin Zhou looked up and found that Yuan Lie had changed into a white coat.

Doctor Yuan smiled with a very gentle and friendly expression on his face. 

But Qin Zhou still said calmly: “President Yuan, don’t bother.”

Dr. Yuan nodded, then took the mobile phone aside, and said, “It’s okay if you don’t want to chat, then how about adding a friend?”

Dr. Yuan opened the add friend page, with a smile: “If you want to chat someday, you are welcome to come to me at any time.”

“After all, being the only survivor who survived a major accident is not that easy.” 

Qin Zhou added Friends, and after hearing what Dr. Yuan said, he said in a low voice: “I’m fine.”

Doctor Yuan saw Qin Zhou’s vigilance, so he couldn’t say anything more.

Qin Zhou also got up and left the office.

And when Qin Zhou came out, Jiang Lin was still waiting outside. 

Jiang Lin came over curiously and asked, “Brother Zhou, what did Yuan Lie tell you?”

“He told me about Zheng HongKai and gave me a contract.” Qin Zhou glanced at the contract, “It seems to be something about a TV drama.”


At that time, he didn’t have time to read it carefully in the office, so he could only read it slowly after he went back.

After returning to the hotel, Qin Zhou searched the title of the drama and found that it was a costume drama adapted from an online novel. 

Regarding the adaptation, the information that could be found on the Internet was very limited. So, Qin Zhou contacted his new agent.

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The agent called directly and said, “President Yuan should have told you, right? There is no problem with the contract. I will send the script to you when the time comes.”

Qin Zhou responded.

The agent added: “Lin ChiXiao also took up this drama. You can go to him when you have time.” 

Qin Zhou was a little surprised, remembering that Lin ChiXiao said last night that he had accepted a drama to act in.

“And about the dormitory, I’ll give you the key tomorrow. It’s best to move in within a week, and join the team at the end of the month.”


The new agent spoke without fooling around, and after explaining the matter clearly, he hung up the phone directly. 

Qin Zhou also searched the original book on the Internet and slowly read it.

The original book told a story about the subjugation of a country. The emperor was a faint-hearted monarch, and the queen desperately wanted to protect her family and country, but in the end she couldn’t defend anything.

And he played a male guqin player in the drama. He didn’t have a lot of scenes, just a male supporting role, and was a chess piece placed by the general among the people.

The original book basically unfolded from the perspective of the queen. From the perspective of a weak woman like the queen, she had witnessed the demise of a country. In the end, the queen was unwilling to be a prisoner, so she committed suicide by jumping from a building. The emperor was killed, and the general chose to defect to the enemy. 

After reading the script, Qin Zhou still couldn’t calm down. He was into the story and his emotions were affected. The most difficult thing was the general’s ending.

The general chose to betray because only by surviving could he protect the people and his family, and he would rather bear the infamy.


Qin Zhou went to rest after reading the original book. 

The next day, Qin Zhou went to find his agent to get the dormitory key and the script.

Qin Zhou went to the dormitory and found that the company had arranged a single apartment for him, and the environment was much better than his dormitory in the branch.


Just when Qin Zhou was visiting the new dormitory, he ran into Lin ChiXiao on the elevator.

Lin ChiXiao walked out with a guitar on his back. When he saw Qin Zhou, he said a little surprised: “Are you here to find someone?” 

Qin Zhou: “I’m going to move to the headquarters.”

“Move here?” Lin ChiXiao also said with some surprise, “Aren’t you and Su Su both in the branch? Why did you suddenly move here?”

Qin Zhou explained: “I changed my agent, and I was transferred here by the way.”

Lin ChiXiao still didn’t know about Zheng HongKai yet. He just nodded and said, “I live on No.7, and drop in when you have time.” 

“Okay.” Qin Zhou nodded. He was just about to leave when suddenly remembered things about the drama, and asked quickly: “That’s right. Did you accept Director Li’s drama? The one adapted from ‘Troubled Times’.”

“Yes.” Lin ChiXiao nodded.

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“I took it too.” Qin Zhou laughed and asked again, “I will play that guqin player, who are you playing?”

Before Lin ChiXiao could answer, Qin Zhou asked, “Is it the general?” 

Lin ChiXiao scratched his hair a little embarrassedly, “It’s the general…… but I’m still not very good at acting, and it’s still better to sing.”

Lin ChiXiao glanced at the time and said again, “I have something to do. I have to go back to turn on the computer, and we will talk next time.”

Lin ChiXiao waved his hand and said, “Next time, I’ll invite you to dinner with Su Su.”

After saying that, Lin ChiXiao turned around and went back. 

Qin Zhou also left the dormitory and returned to the hotel first.

Qin Zhou packed up, bought a flight ticket for the night, and went directly back to the branch.

After the plane landed, Qin Zhou went straight back to his original dormitory.

Su Tang lived next to Qin Zhou. Knowing that Qin Zhou was back, she hurried to find him, only to see Qin Zhou packing up his things. 

Su Tang asked: “Are you going to move out?”

Qin Zhou explained: “I was moved to the headquarters, and the agent is from the headquarters.”


Su Tang nodded, and said with some regret: “Then I can’t ask you for a meal next time.”

“You can come to the headquarters.” Qin Zhou said, “Lin ChiXiao and I share the same building.” 

“That’s great.” Su Tang was relieved, “At least you still have people you know when you moved, and he’s a really good person.”

Qin Zhou packed up the things in the room and said, “I also picked up a drama and will act with Lin ChiXiao.”

“Which one?” Su Tang asked casually.

“‘Troubled Times’.” Qin Zhou sorted out the drawer and said, “I will play that guqin player.” 

Su Tang was stunned for a moment, and then asked again: “Lin ChiXiao should be playing the general, right?”

“Yes.” Qin Zhou replied, and asked: “You know it too?”

“I’ve read the original book, so I guessed it right away.” Su Tang came over and helped Qin Zhou organize the drawer, saying: “The general and the guqin player are still a couple, and they have slept together.”

“They have slept together? “Qin Zhou was stunned, and quickly said: “There is no such thing in the original book.” 

“Where did you read it?” Su Tang glanced at it, “I read it a long time ago, and I remember that the author wrote about the general and the guqin player having s*x, and wrote a whole chapter of bed scenes.”


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