
The OVO team turned around in unison and saw the JW group just entering the CS club’s entrance.

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Unlike JW, it seemed that only members of the WOC division of OVO had come here.

Both sides were uncertain about the situation and stood in front of each other.

The first to react was the “heavyweight” fish in Jiang Min’s pond, the real heavyweight, Hotpot, who weighed close to two hundred pounds.

Hotpot was the first to notice Jiang Min in the JW crowd, and with his chubby but unusually agile body, he quickly made his way over to Jiang Min.

“Hey, Sugar God,” Hotpot cheerfully greeted, “What a coincidence! Are you all here too?”

Hotpot had spent some time in AFK and had a good relationship with Shu Lou. It was through Shu Lou’s connection that he became friends with Jiang Min.

“Yeah,” Jiang Min nodded.

Yu Hao, who was standing close to Jiang Min, looked cautious.

It happened! The fish from the Sugar Fish Pond has appeared in real life!

“Hey, Chubby Hotpot, what are you doing here?” Hao Qianyi burst out.

Hotpot and Hao Qianyi were both third-position players and had trained together for the world championships organized by the league. They had forged a deep friendship through their frequent sparring during training.


Of course, it was the kind of friendship where they playfully insulted each other whenever they met.

“Hey, you dead rat, all you do is jump around. Who’s fat, huh?” Hotpot vehemently denied his weight issues. “Don’t you know this is called being robust? Do you know what ‘swagger’ means? Who’s as skinny as you, like a monkey.”

Hao Qianyi was about to retaliate, but OVO’s team captain, Cen Yushen, floated over without the two noticing.

Cen Yu had a perfectly standard smile on his face that he used in his live broadcasts. “Sugar God, hello, and hello to all the JW comrades.”

Yu Hao’s mental alarm bells went off.

Cen Yu appeared to be all smiles on the surface, but he couldn’t quite shake the feeling that something was off.

“Yushen.” Though Jiang Min wasn’t familiar with Cen Yu, he greeted him politely.

“What a coincidence. Are you guys here for the team-building event on H Island?” Yushen attempted to strike up a conversation.

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“Haha, I didn’t expect to meet you at the same CS club. What a small world.”

Yu Hao looked expressionless but was thinking, “What do you mean by ‘small world’?”

“On another note, Sugar God and our team wiped the floor with me in the last ranked game,” Cen Yu obviously wanted to find a topic.

“…,” Jiang Min didn’t say anything.

“I didn’t even know that Sugar God was your friend. I wanted him to add you to my friends list last time, but you suddenly went offline,” Cen Yu got to the point.

“For some special reasons, sorry,” Jiang Min thought it was impolite not to respond to the message. “I’ll add you next time I’m online.”

Yu Hao raised his eyebrows and immediately jumped in, resting his hand on Jiang Min’s shoulder, showing a set of white teeth as he smiled. “Yushen, what are you trying to do by getting close to our mid laner?”

Although Cen Yu looked like a smiling tiger, no one knew what he was plotting.

“Nothing much, just making friends,” Cen Yu said. “Sugar God and I are both ‘veterans’ of the WPL. Is it too much to ask to add a friend?”


“Is that so? But I feel…” Yu Hao didn’t finish his sentence, as he saw that since the two clubs met, the people from both sides had gathered and were whispering to each other excitedly, giving each other approving looks that said, “I admire you, sister.” The excitement on their faces was evident.

The players who were familiar with their own club’s planning were aware that they were likely to be in for trouble.

Club team-building events were meant to relax the players and strengthen team bonds, but they were also an opportunity to create content in the form of videos for the fans, as a way to give back to the fans who had supported them throughout the season.

This had become a standard arrangement for every club at the end of each season. However, this time, OVO and JW had chosen to have their team-building events on H Island at the same time and had encountered each other at the same CS club. This was a surprise for both sets of planners.

The planners immediately took out their notebooks and began discussing new plans, abandoning their previous arrangements.

“Come on, friends! We’ve already discussed it with the boss. This afternoon, we’ll have the whole place to ourselves!” JW’s planner called out to the players.

H Island at this time of year was a vacation spot, but there was no national holiday, so it wasn’t very crowded.

Both teams were lucky that they were the only guests at the CS club that afternoon.

“Since we’ve met here with OVO’s team, it’s fate. So we’ve decided to let the two clubs have fun together in this real-life CS team-building activity! Since only the WOC division of OVO is here, why not have a 5v5 CS match between the two WOC divisions?”

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As soon as the planner made this announcement, the entire room erupted in astonishment.

What the heck? Aren’t they fighting enough on the field? After finally getting a break, they have to engage in real-life PK?

Both teams had the same idea in mind.

Cen Yu thought of something and stood up. “If it’s a real-life CS game, there’s naturally going to be a winner and loser. What about some rewards for the winner?”

“Rewards? You can suggest something, and we’ll see if it’s appropriate.” Both teams’ planners were now shoulder to shoulder, clearly working together as a team.

Cen Yu thought for a moment and said, “I want Sugar God’s friend slot!”


Jiang Min: …???

Yu Hao immediately said, “If I remember correctly, real-life CS is a team game, right? It doesn’t seem appropriate for Yushen to use his wish as a reward?”

Unexpectedly, Cen Yu had thick enough skin. “I think it’s quite appropriate. I think the players won’t mind, right?”

The OVO team fell silent for a few seconds, mainly because they couldn’t go against the authority of their captain. They quickly nodded and said, “Yes, yes! We agree with Yushen’s proposal!”

JW’s operations planner was surprised, as she had expected OVO to make some unreasonable demands. However, the request seemed surprisingly simple!

“Well… Sugar God, do you agree?” She asked Jiang Min, more as a formality.

She had been concerned that they might be spending too much, but just a friend slot – Sugar God wouldn’t refuse that, right?

“Uh… sure,” Jiang Min was a bit bewildered. He had never imagined that his friend slot would become a prize one day.

“So, what would JW’s team like as a reward if they win?” OVO’s planner asked.

This question left the JW team stumped.

After all, their club had plenty of resources, and theoretically, they didn’t lack anything.

Suddenly, Hao Qianyi had a brilliant idea and clapped his hands. “I’ve got it!”

Everyone listened attentively.

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“If we win, how about OVO treats us to a meal at their base?”

Everyone: ???

There were many rumors about the WPL league. One of the rumors was about OVO’s cafeteria. It was said that although OVO’s cafeteria wasn’t large, they had a professional hotel chef who cooked fantastic food. Hotpot’s increasingly expanding waistline was a testament to its quality. So, sometimes, having excellent food might not be such a good thing.

While JW’s cafeteria was luxurious and their cafeteria auntie cooked delicious meals, Hao Qianyi was tired of it.

They had ordered takeout from all the surrounding restaurants.

One day, when he saw a video of OVO’s daily life shot in the cafeteria, he decided that he wanted to have a meal at OVO at least once in his lifetime.

The JW players originally thought that their captain, Yu Hao, wouldn’t agree to such an absurd request.

To their surprise, Yu Hao didn’t mind at all. “Okay, let’s go with that,” he replied, much to Hao Qianyi’s amazement.

Had the captain finally changed? Did he start to value him?

Of course, Hao Qianyi was overthinking it. Yu Hao didn’t really care about the prize. He just didn’t want Cen Yu to add Jiang Min as a friend, so he was determined not to lose.

“The great. Sure,” Cen Yu naturally agreed with the proposal for a single meal.

Both club managers found long chairs and sat behind the teams, leisurely chatting. Activities for young people were best handled by young people, and they were just there to enjoy the show.

Shen Qi had actually bought a large watermelon from somewhere. Sometimes, managers seemed capable of anything.

He handed a slice to his boss, Ji Xiuyan, with exaggerated flattery.

Ji Xiuyan accepted the slice of watermelon but felt somewhat annoyed.

He really didn’t want to participate in this real-life CS game.

So, how could he strike up a conversation with Lu Huai during this team-building event?

Mr. Ji had been contemplating this question the entire way.

“However, I have one request,” Cen Yu suddenly added.

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“What is it?” The planner turned to look at him.

“Can Sugar God not participate in our match?” Cen Yu asked.

“Huh?” The JW planner was puzzled.

“Because if Sugar God plays, I can’t bear to go all out against him,” Cen Yu said matter-of-factly.

See, that’s the depth of the League’s Pirate King.

Jiang Min looked confused. But, to begin with, he lacked physical training, and his physical fitness was very poor. He had come to the real-life CS club along with JW, but he had no interest in participating.

So, if he didn’t play, he’d be happy to watch from the sidelines.

“But, if Sugar God doesn’t participate, JW will be one player short, won’t they?” OVO’s planner seemed troubled.

“It doesn’t matter. JW has so many players, and it’s just one match. We don’t care,” Cen Yu said. “Or to be fair, we could keep our mid laner out of it. How about that?”

OVO’s mid laner was a slender boy. When it came to the equipment for real-life CS, it seemed like he would collapse if he wore it.

He was similar to Jiang Min and had no interest in real-life CS either.

“In that case, why don’t we just go for a 4v4 match?” Hao Qianyi chimed in.

In any case, with both sides missing one player, it would be fair for a 4v4 match.

“Our suggestion is to have ten people play together; it will be more entertaining,” the Real-Life CS Club’s owner interjected.

He wouldn’t admit that he suggested ten people playing because it meant he could charge two more people for the event.

“Alright, I agree,” Yu Hao nodded. He couldn’t bear to see Jiang Min get hurt, as he looked rather frail.

“Yu Hao is so accommodating. In that case, let’s have our analyst join the match,” Cen Yu called out to his team’s analyst.

OVO’s analyst was a tall and robust guy.

Yu Hao surveyed the JW team and had an idea. With a slight smirk, he locked onto one person. “Lu Dui, are you interested in joining us for a game?”

1TL: YSIAD “You can support me if you like my translations by leaving a comment below, or by sending me a Ko-fi. Thank you ️”

1TL: YSIAD “You can support me if you like my translations by leaving a comment below, or by sending me a Ko-fi. Thank you ️”

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