
Since Qianyi had proposed going to an internet café, it was clear that he had made preparations in advance.

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He found an internet café not far from the hotel where they were staying.

Among their group, except for the rarely seen JW boss, Ji Xiuyan, the others were regulars on various gaming stages.

If they were to casually walk into the internet café like this, it would undoubtedly attract the attention of the gaming community.

That would ruin their leisure time.

So, a few of them quickly got a five-person private room at the front desk, all wearing masks, and slipped in as fast as they could.

“Goodness, going to an internet café feels like being a thief,” Qianyi remarked after removing his mask, casually picking one of the computers in the room.

The young lady at the front desk had recognized these people with masks, even though they were wearing them. As a die-hard fan of the WPL, she immediately identified them as the 3rd and 4th positions of the JW team, and the newcomer “Sugar God” in the JW team.

Luckily, the other customers in the internet café were all engrossed in their games and didn’t notice the situation at the front desk.

Qianyi then employed his cuteness tactics, asking the young lady not to reveal their presence and even gave her an autograph.

With this, the front desk girl didn’t ecstatically call out.

Who would have thought that in such a small internet café on H Island, they would come across members of the JW team!


This was the first time the girl working the front desk felt so fortunate.

They smoothly entered the five-person private room, and everyone took their seats.

The computers in the room were arranged in a circle around a central tropical decoration.

Jiang Min still sat between Yu Hao and Qianyi, while Ji Xiuyan and Luhuai sat together.

Their five seats formed a circle.

After starting the computers, they simultaneously launched the Fortune game.

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“Sugar God, do you have a Fortune account?” Yu Hao suddenly remembered this question.

From what he remembered, he had never seen Jiang Min play any games other than WOC during his live broadcasts. He didn’t know if he needed to create an account.


“I do.” Jiang Min adeptly entered his account information and logged into his Fortune account, which he hadn’t used for a long time.

Yu Hao, curious, leaned over and nearly spat out his drink.

Jiang Min’s rating was significantly higher than his. He looked like an experienced player.

“Sugar God, why is your rating so high?”

“Yes, I play occasionally,” Jiang Min replied.

Yu Hao was defeated by Jiang Min’s gaming talent. He had thought that this was a perfect opportunity to show off his skills tonight, to impress Jiang Min and look cool. However, he hadn’t expected that Jiang Min’s score would be much higher than his own. How did that happen? Oh well, he just needed to focus on not dragging Jiang Min down. Ji Xiuyan, feeling somewhat anxious, inputted the account he remembered from the past into the login screen while casting a sidelong glance at Luhuai, who was also logging into his account and seemed not to notice him.

Once all five of them had logged in, Qianyi created a team and invited everyone into the room.

Fortune is a 5-player FPS game, similar to many other battle royale shooting games where players are dropped into a map, collect equipment, and fight against other players and teams until the last surviving team wins.

“Are you all ready? If you are, I’ll start the match!” Qianyi said.

Since they were sitting close to each other, there was no need to use team voice chat with headphones; they could just communicate directly.


“Let’s go,” Yu Hao said as he sneakily checked Jiang Min’s profile page to see if he had been playing with other people using his Fortune account.

On the profile page, you could find recent game records, including match rankings and whether the player had been in a party with others. Yu Hao was interested in seeing if Jiang Min had played with someone else using his Fortune account.

After browsing through the stats and seeing that they were all solo games, Yu Hao felt relieved. There was no evidence that Jiang Min had teamed up with someone else while using this account.

Ji Xiuyan joined the team with an account name “QwQyan,” which he had used for duo games with Luhuai in the past.

Fortune account IDs are unique, and there wouldn’t be another person with the same “QwQyan” ID in the Chinese server. If Luhuai remembered it, he would instantly recognize it. However, Ji Xiuyan had prepared himself for a long time for this moment, even with a convincing explanation after they recognized each other, but nothing happened.

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Luhuai’s gaze lingered on the character named “QwQyan” above Ji Xiuyan’s head for a few seconds, and he showed no emotion.

Ji Xiuyan was taken aback. Did Luhuai not remember anything at all? Didn’t he remember all the happy duo games they used to play together? He also didn’t recall the little friend that lay dormant in his friends list?

Even before the game began, Ji Xiuyan’s morale was already gone.

They were matched into a game.

Qianyi, excited, rubbed his hands together. “Friends! We must get a chicken dinner with Ji! Charge!”

Yu Hao, observing the tense silence between Ji Xiuyan and Luhuai, had no confidence that this internet café trip would improve their relationship.

Jiang Min, on the other hand, was there just to pass the time, moving his fingers in preparation to start the game.

The game started.

“Shall we all land together? We can cover each other!” Qianyi suggested as their characters were still on the plane. He had an additional reason to go along with Luhuai’s plan. If Luhuai was happy and they won a game with Ji, maybe they’d get a raise, which made him feel quite content.

“Fine,” Yu Hao agreed. “We don’t need to wait for us. We’ll follow Luhuai’s orders!” Jiang Min’s character drove a car and took Ji Xiuyan away. Their characters landed together and quickly went their separate ways. “Sugar God, don’t worry. Stick with me, and I’ll take care of any enemies we encounter. Just focus on picking up equipment!” Qianyi assumed that Jiang Min was a Fortune newbie. He hadn’t seen him play games like this during his live broadcasts.


However, he forgot about the gaming talent that Jiang Min had just displayed.

Yu Hao scowled. “Can you focus on your game? Sugar, you’re with me. I’ll protect you. You, just do your thing elsewhere!”

Jiang Min was left in an awkward position between them.

As the JW WOC division’s trio stepped out of the room after gearing up, they encountered another group of players.

A fierce firefight broke out, and Qianyi got knocked down once. Fortunately, Jiang Min quickly revived him. Yu Hao eliminated one enemy with gunfire, while Jiang Min threw a grenade and took out another. The final enemy managed to escape.

“Phew, this game is so intense right from the start. I’m almost overwhelmed!” Qianyi wiped imaginary sweat from his forehead. “Isn’t this the game you wanted to play? We almost became chicken feed right after landing. Why are you so bad?” Yu Hao couldn’t resist taunting Qianyi, a bottom-tier member in JW’s WOC division. JW didn’t consider Qianyi highly important; he was more like the “Demon King” for external communications and a lower-tier member in the organization’s pyramid.

“Let’s go, the circle is closing in,” Jiang Min reminded.

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“Alright, Sugar,” Yu Hao immediately changed his attitude, the difference in treatment was so obvious.

The three of them searched the area but found only two motorcycles.

“Sugar, you can ride with me!” Yu Hao said with anticipation.

In Fortune, when a character rides on the back of a motorcycle, they hold the waist of the character in front of them. Yu Hao felt that it was a way for Sugar to indirectly hug him.

“Sure,” Jiang Min didn’t refuse.

So, the three of them rode the two motorcycles and headed to the checkpoint where Luhuai and the others were.

This time, they weren’t very lucky, as the circle didn’t favor them, and they had to travel a distance within the circle.

Jiang Min’s character clung tightly to Yu Hao’s character, and if you ignored that they were playing a battle royale shooting game, it looked like they were just out for a motorcycle ride.

Qianyi thought he was good at handling motorcycles but still couldn’t keep up with Yu Hao’s speed. While trying to catch up with their leader, he accidentally crashed the motorcycle into a rock and took a lot of damage, nearly running out of health.

“Wait for me, Captain, Sugar, wait for me!” Qianyi called out, feeling pitiful.

“Um, let’s wait for him,” Jiang Min suggested to Yu Hao. After all, they were playing a game together, and they were teammates in the same squad. They couldn’t just abandon their teammate like that.

“Ugh,” Yu Hao grumbled but stopped the motorcycle and waited for Qianyi to catch up.

It took Qianyi a lot of effort to reach the other two. By the time he arrived, his health was critically low.

However, he had picked up a lot of items, and yet, he didn’t have a first aid kit or bandages.

“You’re almost out of health, Qianyi, let me give you some bandages,” Jiang Min offered, getting off Yu Hao’s motorcycle and approaching Qianyi.

“No, it’s okay. Let him die with just a sliver of health. Don’t waste the bandages,” Yu Hao said, not too pleased.

Qianyi sighed, not sure what he had done to upset the captain like this. Why was he treating him this way?

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Thankfully, Jiang Min was kind enough to give him a few bandages to prevent him from dying in the circle.

The trio finally made it out of the poisonous circle and reached the checkpoint, only to find that Luhuai and Ji Xiuyan had already taken control of the area. There were several crates around them, indicating that they had eliminated other players who wanted to take the high ground.

“Luhuai, you’re truly amazing!” Qianyi praised wholeheartedly. Clinging to his big brother’s thigh, a chicken dinner was right around the corner!

Ji Xiuyan’s character stood next to Luhuai’s, but his thoughts were wandering far away. There was a time when the two of them fought side by side. However, it seemed like Luhuai really didn’t remember anything.

After the five of them regrouped, Luhuai found an armored vehicle for transport. One by one, they got into the vehicle, but it just so happened that Jiang Min took the driver’s seat.

“Should I drive?” Jiang Min hesitated.

Although he could drive in real life, his driving skills in Fortune were terrible.

“Yes! You drive,” Yu Hao had no objections.

“But… my driving skills are really bad.”

“It’s fine, Sugar. This vehicle is very sturdy. Just drive casually!”

“Alright, then.”

However, they quickly regretted blindly trusting Jiang Min’s driving skills because not long after, he drove the armored vehicle into the water, rendering it unusable.

Author’s Note: Ji Boss (distressed): Luhuai actually doesn’t remember me! Burst into tears!

In the future, I’ll try my best to do double updates! If I can’t do double updates, at least there will be one update.

Our motto is: Never stop updating!

1TL: YSIAD “You can support me if you like my translations by leaving a comment below, or by sending me a Ko-fi. Thank you ️”

1TL: YSIAD “You can support me if you like my translations by leaving a comment below, or by sending me a Ko-fi. Thank you ️”

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