Chapter One Hundred Seventy Eight

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The finale banquet broke up very late.

Li Xiaoheng still had to work the next day. Several acquisitions of Xiaoheng Capital have come to an end. Although several parties of Party B have been entangled repeatedly, but Li Xiaoheng holds the gossip secrets disclosed to him by Tao Mu, and the handle of Party B’s shareholders. The actual losses and the real needs of the person in charge of Party B’s company are well known. So from within the company, they broke through each, differentiated and pulled together, and finally not only successfully completed the acquisition, but even the acquisition conditions were carried out according to the acquisition intention first proposed by Xiaoheng Capital. Now Party B has all signed contracts. The rest is the external signing ceremony, all scheduled within a week. After the signing ceremony, Li Xiaoheng will be able to return to Yenching with the negotiating team.

It didn't take long, Tao Mu simply stayed in Xiangcheng to accompany Li Xiaoheng, and then everyone would return to Beijing together.

And Tao Mu's stay, naturally, will not be a meaningless stay. Using the time of this week, Tao Mu initiated a lottery in Xiangcheng. It is to cooperate with the "Black and White" crew and forward the final photos of the "Black and White" crew. One week later, one hundred people will be selected from the forwarding netizens and will be presented with movie tickets for the premiere of "Black and White", as well as signed posters by Zhou Yanqing, Yan Sheng and Fang Ruoti.

The first is to promote, so that can be popularized and promoted in Xiangcheng as soon as possible. Secondly, I can also promote the newly completed "Black and White". The "Black and White" crew will naturally not refuse this kind of planning plan that achieves two benefits with one stone and a win-win situation for both parties.

So with the help of Tao Mu, the crew of "Black and White" first registered an official account on and uploaded a lot of shooting highlights to attract netizens and fans. The last one is the lucky draw for forwarding photos of the finale banquet.

In order to let more people know about the lucky draw, Tao Mu also cooperated with Xiangcheng TV Station and Xiangcheng Bagua Weekly to make a wave of publicity advertisements. Make sure that all Xiangcheng people can see this news on TV or in the newspaper, and then register for to forward the lottery.

In fact, many young people in Xiangcheng are no strangers to the social platform of Feixun. Due to Tao Mu's own headline physique, when Tao Mu went to Xiangcheng Police Academy to experience life a few months ago, followed the footsteps of his own boss to Xiangcheng.

Later Tao Mu joined the group "Black and White" and had various frictions with Shen Yu. In order to help its old headquarters, Feixun kept reporting various gossips and even maintained good interaction with Xiangcheng's entertainment media. I am familiar with the Xiangcheng people who are concerned about entertainment gossip.

But it is the first time to talk about a large-scale publicity interaction aimed at Xiangcheng people.

In fact, in later generations, this kind of publicity activities for forwarding the lottery has been rampant, and there is nothing new to say.

However, in 2009, when the major domestic social networking platforms have just emerged, and even the platforms themselves are groping for development, this kind of lucky draw is really new.

Tao Mu personally ended the copywriting, first reposted the official newsletter of the "Black and White" crew, and also hung up the thriller title of "Reposting this final photo, you can get in touch with a lot of big guys". Later, I came to an "appointment?" with a particularly irritating attitude, and then used my privileges on to make this Feixun bold and make sure that all netizens who log in to can see it.

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The result is terrible. The first to repost Fetion was Tao Mu's diehard fans with different attributes. All kinds of scolding fans, website fans, acting fans, Yan fans and even financial fans are just like fighting fast, and they all forwarded them in the first time. When other netizens saw this, they all joined in the fun. The forwarding volume exceeded 6 million in one hour, and the level of activity directly shocked the entire media industry.

——Especially the Xiangcheng media, which has never seen the world. You must know that the total population of Xiangcheng in 2009 was 6.97 million. Tao Mu's forwarding volume of one Fetion reached six million in one hour. What a magical reality in the eyes of Xiangcheng people at that time. Many people once again intuitively recognize the huge population market in the Mainland. I can't help thinking about what a huge number if these populations can be transformed into consumption power.

A reposting lottery event actually made many Xiangcheng people, especially businessmen and people in the film and television industry, realize the strong consumption power of the mainland, which Tao Mu did not expect. After all, when Tao Mu was reborn, the objective fact that China was the world's largest consumer market was already something that three-year-olds knew.

However, in 2009 when Xiangcheng was deeply plunged into the economic crisis and had not yet been able to ease its anger, this kind of recognition is actually not that common. The occlusion of news can also deceive IQ and vision to some extent. For example, after many years, do people from Wanwan really feel that the mainland people cannot afford tea eggs?

All in all, the joint promotion of and the "Black and White" crew, and the influence of entering the Xiangcheng media industry, not only allows users to increase a part of the Xiangcheng people, but also promotes the Xiangcheng people, especially the young people and the mainland. Link.

After all, things like star chasing always know no borders. They are only divided into camps.

With a smile, the Xiangcheng users who watched were soaring at the speed of rockets. When they saw Zhou Yanqing, Fang Ruoti and others' fans kept acknowledging relatives on, they even spontaneously set up a fan club. Tao Mu was relieved and decided to give these fans who are as diligent and simple as bees moving house a little bit of welfare.

He took the two reporters from to Xiangcheng-yes, these two reporters did not return to Yanjing either. Because the task they received was to follow their boss to station in Xiangcheng, when the boss returned to Beijing, they could return to the headquarters to report.

Previously, the two foreign reporters went to the hospital to investigate during the "car accident door" incident, breaking the false accusations made by Shen Yu fans that "Shen Yu was insulted by Tao Mu's family and left the set in a car accident after being sad." Tao Mu was deeply gratified. So that month, two reporters were given generous business bonuses.

But he didn't expect that Tao Mu's technical fan didn't want this bonus. He just wanted Tao Mu to personally guide him on his photography skills. He also wants to be like Tao Mu, only using natural light to take the most beautiful photos. Although Tao Mu's scolding fans wanted the bonus very much, he also hoped that his boss could send a few more flairs in his free time. These scolding fans are so cute that their bosses send out flints.

Tao Mu, of course, will not refuse the request made by his own employees and fans, especially those who have given credit. But the bonus cannot be obliterated. What should be given is still to be given. As for the exchange of camera technology and swearing technology, the right to be the company’s business training.

Although this business training is only one-to-two training for the boss and the employee.

At the time, Feixun Entertainment released news about the conspiracy theory that "Shen Yu caused a fake car accident to lead public opinion to scold Tao Mu's family." In fact, it is a composite of technical fans taking photos and scolding war fans to write copywriting.

Tao Mu also read the post carefully, and felt that the photo was really beautiful and fresh, just like a portrait, highlighting the delicate and delicate youthfulness of Shen Yu's body. The article is also sharp and mean, hit the nail on the head. All in all, he is very talented.

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So when Tao Mu was instructing the two employees, he also focused on their personal characteristics and told the technical fans about the shooting concept and photography style of the fresh and the forest. What he taught to the scolding fans is the future generations of the online leverage. The essence of some curse. It can be regarded as teaching students in accordance with their aptitude.

And this time Tao Mu took two reporters to visit Zhou Yanqing and others. He also discussed with the big guys in advance. He wanted to make a short VCR so that the big guys from the "Black and White" crew would say hello to the fans. On the one hand, it can promote the "Black and White" crew, and on the other hand, it can be regarded as a fan welfare.

Of course Zhou Yanqing would not refuse.

In fact, Tao Mu wanted to do a live broadcast. It's a pity that the incident happened in a hurry, and the technical department of was unable to provide absolute technical support. The most important thing is that the server of could not bear it.

If you really want to do a live broadcast, with Zhou Yanqing and Fang Ruoti's celebrity status and film status, it is estimated that you have to expand the capacity first.

Although he can't play live broadcast this time, Tao Mu still keeps this matter in mind. After deciding to return to Yanjing, I will discuss with's technical department. If possible, wait until New Year's Eve, and you can surprise a lot of netizens and fans.

Tao Mu wrote this idea on his notepad-still using his special second-second cipher text writing method.

After finishing writing the diary, Tao Mu pinched to the hotel downstairs, and saw two foreign reporters already waiting at the entrance of the hotel.

Tao Mu was far away, and felt that the car parked in front of the hotel was a bit familiar. When I got closer, I saw Liang Shuwen with a smile in the driving seat.

Tao Mu was a little stunned: "Why is Mr. Xiao Liang here?"

Liang Shuwen opened the door and got out of the car, walked around the front of the car and stood in front of Tao Mu. He stretched out his hand and smiled and said, "I happened to meet two reporters waiting for the car on the roadside. I was curious to ask, knowing that they wanted to follow Mr. Tao. I did an interview, but I couldn't get a taxi. I was afraid that Mr. Tao would be anxious, so I would just send them over."

Tao Mu looked weird and turned to ask his reporter, "Aren't you renting a car?"

"The car broke down." Tao Mu's technical fan replied bitterly: "I don't know what to do. I haven't caught fire this morning."

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They were afraid of delaying Tao Mu's affairs when they arrived late, so they went out with the shooting equipment and called a taxi. But they didn't expect the traffic in Xiangcheng--there was a traffic jam during the big weekend. They stood on the side of the road for more than half an hour, but they didn't get a car.

Fortunately, I ran into Mr. Xiao Liang, who was eager to help others. Otherwise, they could only call other reporters in the Xiangcheng entertainment industry to help everyone in emergency.

Tao Mu didn't expect such a thing. The first reaction was naturally to thank Liang Shuwen, and then I wanted to contact the hotel and ask the hotel to help send a car.

Upon seeing this, Liang Shuwen laughed and said, "I'm fine anyway. If Tao always doesn't mind, I can take you there."

What Tao Mu can mind, of course, is Liang Shuwen's family background. Liang Shuwen had dealt with Tao Mu before, and he faintly felt that Tao Mu didn't seem to want to see him. However, Liang Shuwen admitted that he had never offended Tao Mu, so after thinking about it, he could only attribute the fault to his gang life. Anyway, since childhood, there are not a few people who respect him. Liang Shuwen is also used to it.

Tao Mu has always known that Liang Shuwen is very inferior to his family. This is also the important reason why he liked Shen Yu so much in his previous life, but never initiated the pursuit.

Tao Mu and Liang Shuwen had a grudge against Liang Shuwen in the previous life. Although they don't know why a person is ashamed of his life experience that he can't control, he is too lazy to solve him.

He tactfully refused now: "That would be too troublesome for Mr. Xiao Liang. How embarrassed. I don't have to. I just let the hotel send a car."

Liang Shuwen looked dark. After thinking about it, I tried hard and said, "Actually, it is not troublesome at all. If it weren't for Mr. Tao to lead the line, Mr. Li would never pass the bidding book of Liang's logistics company. Mr. Tao helped us a lot. I just want to repay one or two. This is what my father meant."

"Mr. Xiao Liang is really too polite." Liang Shuwen said to this level, Tao Mu was really not good enough to refuse. After all, the two are still cooperative now. Even if Tao Mu hated Liang Shuwen, with his long-sleeved and exquisite temperament, he would not offend the partner based on his mood for no reason.

Tao Mu pondered for a moment, and nodded with a smile: "In this case, it is better for me to respect my life. I'm disturbing Mr. Xiao Liang."

"Don't bother at all." Liang Shuwen smiled slightly, as if Tao Mu would regret it, quickly opened the back door for him.

With such a low posture, even Tao Mu was speechless. Can't really regard Liang Shuwen as a driver after all. So Tao Mu smiled and pushed up the car door and took the seat of the co-pilot.

Two expatriate reporters watched the whole process. Upon seeing this, he immediately got in the car. It's just a little weird this time. The boss is actually sitting in the co-pilot, and they are sitting behind.

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The technical fan shivered while holding the camera. The scolding fan looked at Liang Shuwen curiously. I feel that the white paper fan of this gang is different from the young and Dangerous boy he imagined. The conversation is very polite, and the temperament is quite gentle. It's not at all like the one in the movie.

Scolding Zhanfen's brain twitched, and couldn't help asking: "Well, Mr. Xiao Liang, do you usually watch those gangster movies?"

Liang Shuwen: "..."


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Crab little angel cute throws mine (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

Little angels are cute and New Year's Day is falling, and will continue to make appointments in the eveningヽ(°▽°)ノ?

If you like the rebirth of the vicious cannon fodder, please collect it: ( After the vicious cannon fodder is reborn, the literature update is the fastest.

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