Chapter Two Hundred and Nine

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The charity dinner was very successful, and a total of 122.41 million donations were raised that evening. In addition, the netizens who have been watching the live broadcast on the barrage network also enjoyed an audio-visual feast performed by superstars.

After the charity dinner, the administrative department of compiled the list of all guests' donations overnight and sent it to the official account of the "Anti-Japanese War Veterans Charity Fund" established by And solemnly declare on the official Fetion that every expenditure and income on the account will be listed in detail to ensure that netizens can check the flow of funds at any time. At the same time, the "Anti-Japanese War Veterans Charity Fund" has also opened a number of donation channels to accept donations from people from all walks of life.

The first expenditure of the "Anti-Japanese War Veterans Charity Fund" was officially announced. All Anti-Japanese War veterans will be sent to the capital to watch the military parade before the National Day to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the motherland. Including reimbursement of travel expenses and accommodation expenses, as well as monthly subsidies according to the statistical list of anti-Japanese war veterans.

Because it is a special fund for exclusive use and every income and expenditure will be disclosed to the public, netizens who want to donate do not have to worry about the risk of the donation being intercepted or embezzled.

This led to the fact that after announced its bank/bank accounts at the charity gala and the official Feixun of the "Anti-Japanese War Veterans Charity Fund", donations from all walks of life gathered like a trickle into the sea, plus charity The donations raised at the dinner directly exceeded 200 million in the official account of the Anti-Japanese War Veterans Charity Fund.

Although this sum of money is still a drop in the bucket for all veterans of the Anti-Japanese War in the country. But every netizen who participated in the fundraising believes that this money will be fully used for the veterans. It is also possible to let those seniors who have fought for the motherland despite their blood and blood in the difficult years and are now aging to feel the hearts of their younger generations.

On the third day after the charity party ended, it was another Saturday. With the broadcast of "Fashion Wind and Cloud" at ten o'clock in the evening, even the audience who did not watch the live broadcast of the charity gala knew about it.

In the beginning, many viewers who were blocked from news were just curious about the big-name celebrities from the mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong that appeared in the TV series, as well as those entrepreneurs who are often used as covers for financial magazines. These viewers have been online for many years in their 40s and 50s. They don't usually surf the Internet very often, or have no habit of surfing at all. They don't know the various storms that has caused on the Internet, and they are not even familiar with the name I just think this idol drama is amazing. I can find so many extras who look like celebrities and entrepreneurs. Until now, they didn’t realize that these big-name celebrities and entrepreneurs appeared in the camera. Real people appear on the scene.

It wasn't until the children who accompanied them watching TV screamed out uncontrollably, and talked to their parents about Tao Mu's whimsical decision as a conversation piece. These older audiences didn't know that those people were real.

The charity party on the TV is real, and the charity fund for the war veterans is also real. Even when the male protagonist went to find the very handsome young man to greet him, the compliment of the war drama was about to come. Aired.

"Oh my god, you said that this small young man who doesn't look big is really a general? Not an actor?"

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"It's an actor, and it's also a general." Tao Mu's diehard fans saw the stitches, and immediately gave their parents their idols.

Under normal circumstances, parents will not approve of their children chasing stars. After all, the student's task is to learn. When there is time to chase stars, it is better to make two more sets of papers. It's better than wasting time on outsiders who may not be in contact for a lifetime.

So when children chase stars, most of them are hiding from their parents. I'm afraid that my parents think their idols are not good role models. But Tao Mu's situation is obviously different. At the age of nineteen, it can be worth tens of billions. No matter what kind of parents are in the eyes of this standard, it must be a role model for young and promising children.

So Tao Mu's fans can finally introduce their idol to their parents grandiosely. Some people even turned on their computers and showed their parents a video of the charity dinner.

Many parents who have never been online have only confirmed that the charity dinner that appeared in the TV series is the charity dinner that has been promoted in the newspapers in recent days. Some parents who have never paid attention to entertainment gossip patiently understood the whole process, and the elders who were still feeling that Comrade Xiao Tao had handled the show were immediately moved by the atmosphere of the charity party.

So after the broadcast of "Fashion" that evening, the bank/bank account of the Anti-Japanese War Veterans Charity Fund successively received many more donations. The names of Tao Mu and also inadvertently entered the hearts of middle-aged and elderly viewers who have never been online.

Many middle-aged and elderly viewers who have never been online even automatically collect information about Tao Mu. At the beginning, I browsed Tao Mu's related content in major entertainment newspapers and weekly magazines. Later, I asked a young colleague in the office about Tao Mu. These audiences in their 40s and 50s are also seniors in their respective industries and fields. Under normal circumstances, there is a generation gap with young colleagues who have just entered the unit, and they can't talk and chat together.

It's rare that everyone has a common topic. Those young colleagues, whether it is out of a mentality to please the leader or think that it is fun with the elder Amway idol, they all know that they can talk about it. Some people even took the initiative to take out their mobile phones to log in to and, and share gossip Amway videos with the old leaders and seniors.

These older middle-aged and elderly audience members realized that they hadn't heard of Tao Mu before. The news of the Sheng'an Group and Song Ji had been raging before, and they naturally heard about it by those who follow news broadcasts and current affairs hotspots every day. It's just that the name doesn't match the person's number for a while.

So these parents at the mom and dad level also learned about Tao Mu's life and experience, and they also knew that although Tao Mu was an orphan, he was a good and filial child. Emphasize love and justice, knowing grace and repaying. So without Tao Mu knowing about it, he actually harvested a batch of real mom and dad fans.

At the same time, this batch of mom and dad fans learned that it turns out that you can also watch the news, watch TV series, or even watch the stock analysis policy explanations on the Internet. And it's much faster than TV newspapers, and it's much more comprehensive. Just need to download a few love butts on the client of the smartphone? In addition, the imitator of also supports group chat and video chat on the Internet. It's more convenient than they usually call!

These elders in leadership are getting older for many years, and they are not able to accept new things. So many people know that smart phones have already appeared, but they don't bother to replace them with new ones. I don't think the bells and whistles of smartphones are resistant to use. Unlike the old-age machines they use, it takes more than half a month to charge the electricity once.

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It now appears that smart phones also have the benefits of smart phones. As a result, a considerable number of middle-aged and elderly consumers who are not bad money and have been Amway also included the purchase of smart phones as their daily expenses.

And because there is an advertisement for a domestic smartphone directly on the bullet screen, many consumers who don't know much about smartphones also subconsciously accept the case of website advertisements and go to buy smartphones.

The sales of mobile phone manufacturers have increased inexplicably if they sit at home, and the age group of consumers is still between 40 and 60 years old. How weird it looks. So I asked the major physical stores and mall counters to conduct market research, and then I realized that the increase in sales was due to the advertisements on the bullet screen.

This ad is not in vain! The mobile phone manufacturer immediately became happy, and immediately called Meng Qi to express his gratitude, and he also donated a donation to the Anti-Japanese War Veterans Charity Fund. Then I took advantage of this opportunity and popularity to hype on the Internet. Following the trend, another wave of pre-National Day purchase benefits was introduced, which slightly stimulated consumers who were still waiting and hesitating to pay immediately.

After the news spread, the colleagues were amazed. Even and themselves didn't expect that things could still be played like this. However, it is conceivable that the advertising sponsorship fee of will increase again in the next quarter. Well-informed industry insiders once again affirmed the propaganda efforts of There are also many colleagues in the advertising industry taking this matter to do case analysis. It is a pity that after analysis and analysis, it can only be concluded that the bullet screen is unique, and it just catches up with the enthusiasm of charity funds and the National Day.

There are even people who simply use the cliché that good people have good rewards to draw a conclusion on this matter.

Just as the careers of Feixun and Tao Mu were in full swing, Yan Sheng and Shen Yu also ushered in their first emotional crisis after their relationship.

And this time the fuse of the crisis turned out to be Cao Miao, a man who couldn't beat him.

——It has to start with Cao Miao’s chance encounter with Shen Yu that night.

Anyone who is familiar with Cao Miao knows that although Cao Miao looks loyal and honest, but in fact he has a brilliant tongue, and he is particularly quibble. To use Tao Mu's comments on him, that is probably the most suitable job for Cao Miao is MLM.

Shen Yu is relatively simple and pure. There are not so many crooked thoughts either.

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Cao Miao approached Shen Yu with purpose, and of course he wanted to win Shen Yu's favor at the beginning. So when Cao Miao was chatting with Shen Yu, he confessed his identity very frankly-he was born in the same orphanage as Tao Mu. He also tended to Tao Mu's lewdness and prestige, and served as his little follower. Because Tao Mu has been a domineering person since he was a child. Dominate the orphanage and often bully other children. Cao Miao said that he actually couldn't understand Tao Mu's personality, so after leaving the orphanage, he never contacted Tao Mu again.

Until some time ago, Cao Miao read about Tao Mu's news in the newspaper and knew that Tao Mu had established his own company and became the big boss. And he didn't mix well outside, so he wanted to bite the bullet and come back to hug his thighs.

As a result, Tao Mu didn't like him at all.

"Actually, I don't blame him. Like us, those who graduated from junior high school went out to enter the society. They had no education or background, and were discriminated everywhere. He is now a big boss, and his employees must be industry elites, even interns. I am a graduate of a key university. I have a junior high school diploma, and I can’t even drive him.” Cao Miao laughed at himself: “It’s too normal for him to look down on me.”

"How could he be like this?" Shen Yu couldn't believe it: "Even if your education is not good, you all grew up together after all. How can he treat you like this?"

In vain, those media reporters all flattered Tao Mu, saying that he values ​​his love and righteousness and is very filial. It turned out to be made for others to see. In reality, Tao Mu turned out to be a cruel man who would not even support his brother who grew up with him.

Shen Yu didn't expect Tao Mu to be such a person, and was really angry. And fight the injustice for Cao Miao.

I have to say that Cao Miao is still very good at observing words. After all, I have been in the society for so many years, and I am used to meeting people and talking people, **** and hell. Most importantly, Cao Miao and Shen Yu told the truth. It's just that in some details, the concept is secretly changed. For flowers grown in a greenhouse like Shen Yu, there is no way to distinguish between true and false.

So the two people were talking, and Shen Yu somehow agreed to let Cao Miao be his assistant. Anyway, when Shen Yu was in Beijing, Shen Yan quit his agent and assistant. Now that Shen Yu wants to make a movie, he also needs an assistant to take care of him.

This matter was soon known to Yan Sheng. There is an unidentified assistant beside his lover for some reason. According to Yan Sheng's habit, of course, it is necessary to investigate Cao Miao's background.

As a result, the investigation revealed that Cao Miao worked with the foreman on the construction site to steal materials from the construction site. After being reported by the developer, he fled overnight. I also found out that Cao Miao is so lofty, and he obviously couldn't get rid of the pot, and he arrogantly refused the job that Dean Tao had arranged for him. He even inquired about the truth about the quarrel between Cao Miao and Tao Mu.

Yan Sheng felt that there was a problem with Cao Miao's character. Tao Mu was right to ignore this person. So he also wanted to persuade Shen Yu not to leave this scourge.

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As a result, Shen Yu didn't know what medicine he took wrong, and even got into trouble with Yan Sheng for Cao Miao. Saying that Yan Sheng didn't trust him and looked down upon him. That's why he even pointed his nose and eyes in disapproval when he was looking for an assistant.

"Do you also think that I am inferior to Tao Mu? Do you think that Tao Mu can get past the better by his own ability, but I can only be fooled and scolded? That's why I don't even say hello, and carry it behind my back I quietly investigate Cao Miao? Do you not trust me at all?"


I am just a reader and threw a mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-1621:37:31

I'm just a reader and threw a landmine. Throwing time: 2019-01-1621:37:39

I am just a reader and threw a mine. Throwing time: 2019-01-1621:37:48

I threw a landmine leaping time: 2019-01-1621:40:09

Yang Meow threw a landmine Throwing time: 2019-01-1703:44:55

Wow Wang Meow threw a landmine Throwing time: 2019-01-1703:45:40

Crab little angel cute throws mine (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

And, there is something to go out in the evening, so the second night tonight will be very late, about 10 to 11 o’clock, can’t wait, Little Angel Meng, don’t wait, you can save it until tomorrow morning. 3 ̄)づ╭?~

If you like the rebirth of the vicious cannon fodder, please collect it: ( After the vicious cannon fodder is reborn, the literary update is the fastest.

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