Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty One

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"I really don't know what charm that Shen Yu has!" After Mrs. Lin left from, Lawyer Zhou said with emotion: "Even the old lady who has only met once before can't resist it."

Tao Mu looked hesitant and thoughtful. In his impression, although the old lady Lin looks elegant and noble, amiable, she is not a good thing in nature. This can be seen from the fact that the Lin family does not have two bedrooms and three bedrooms, and the only person in charge of entering the Lin Group is my biological son of Mrs. Lin.

Zhou Shenxing said suddenly: "Hey, you said that Lin San became an **** because he wanted to give Shen Yu medicine. Although Shen Yu was also a victim of this incident. But Lin San has become like that. Can his temperament and temperament let Shen Yu go?"

Tao Mu frowned slightly and said hesitantly: "Should not? I think Mrs. Lin has a good impression of Shen Yu."

"No matter how good it is, that's an outsider. Lin Rongan is her grandson. I heard that he is still the most favored grandson. Now his grandson has become an eunuch. If she really angers Shen Yu because of this incident, the old lady can still do it for an outsider. I am embarrassed by my grandchildren?" Zhou Shenxing sneered. He felt that his boss sometimes thought naively: "In my opinion, this old lady Lin spent five million to buy out Shen Yu's brokerage agreement, but also to bring Shen Yu with him. Go to Xiangcheng, maybe there are any moths."

Want to spread all over Southeast Asia? The mud of Shen Yu couldn't support the wall, and Yan Sheng's pair of actor didn't lead him. Can you still count on the small broken brokerage company of the Xiangcheng Lin family?

"Anyway, if I were Shen Yu, I would definitely not agree to this invitation. I signed a contract with the enemy's brokerage company and went to the enemy's base camp for development. Wouldn't it be a mistake?"

Zhou Shenxing always feels there is something tricky here. Tao Mu also felt that something was wrong. But he was really tired of Shen Yu and those plots, and there was nothing wrong with him anyway. Tao Mu didn't bother to think about it.

With this energy, Tao Mu would rather put it on the conscription propaganda drama that has not yet begun preparations. After all, this kind of official-led TV series with political/government requirements for the main theme, if it were not for the matchmaking of Mr. Luo, I am afraid that Tao Mu's previous performance is good, and the reputation of the TV series produced by the producer will be better and the ratings will be higher. , It is not his turn to be a newcomer who hasn't even played a leading actor two years after his debut.

In order to show the importance of to this matter, on the fourth morning after returning from the visit, Tao Mu personally dialed the two phone numbers given to him by Mr. Luo, and contacted the military and the propaganda department.

The reason why it took three days is because Tao Mu used these three days to carefully recall the TV series with special forces themes that had very good ratings and reputation in his previous life-including the scriptwriting team and director production team of those TV series. Then the three most classic dramas were selected and submitted to the military and the propaganda department for review.

In addition, Tao Mu also secretly entrained some private goods. The social upsurge caused by "Fashion Wind" during the airing period allowed Tao Mu to taste the sweetness of making a TV series by himself. This sense of accomplishment not only refers to the dramatic increase in the ratings of TV series, it even breaks the ratings record of the same period, creating a new round of weekly dramas at ten o'clock in the evening. Tao Mu even made a drama by himself, and then watched the plot of his contemplation and was eagerly discussed by netizens all over the country. The newcomer he promoted became the pride of the old father of the new idol of the whole people.

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Tao Mu thinks this is probably the pleasure of the producer behind the scenes. Celebrities enjoy the infinite scenery standing in front of the stage, and the producers behind the scenes enjoy the excitement of commanding the overall situation.

Regardless of his previous life or this life, Tao Mu was actually a person with a strong desire for control. It's just that Tao Mu has been taught deeply in this life, and his performance is not so obvious. However, there is still no way to eliminate the anxiety and crisis that has accumulated in the bones in a short time. In this regard, from the Feixun Network and Barrage Network he created, he controls more than 90% of the shares. Even the manager must be his closest family member, and Xiaoheng Capital, which has relatively few shares, Tao Mu is only responsible for the business planning plan of Wang Technology and, and can be seen almost without asking the subconscious actions of the specific internal management situation.

In his previous life, Tao Mu committed suicide by jumping off the building because all the people were betrayed. At that time, people all over the world were accusing Tao Mu of being too greedy and insatiable. Relatives with the same bones and blood also rejected him because of this, and kept vigilant at all times. The kind of encounter that one's own biological parents and most admired brother regards as a jackal at a glance is not something that everyone can bear. Even if Tao Mu is reborn, the shadows from his previous life are still there. So Tao Mu subconsciously wondered if he was really too greedy and vicious, so that everyone around him couldn't bear it.

This caused Tao Mu to take warning from his previous life after being reborn. Deep down, I separate my own things from other people's things. My own things, including my career, are tightly held by my family, and I will never allow others to share a share. As for other people's things, Tao Mu didn't covet it either. It is best if you can get together, and even if you can't continue to cooperate, as long as you get together and get together, that's okay.

So Tao Mu will subconsciously bring out this distinct attitude when communicating. He didn't want his partners and friends to think he was too greedy and even threaten their career. So we kept our distance during the cooperation period. Relying on the experience and memory of the previous life, Tao Mu needs to maintain the right to speak in the project. Because he wants to maximize the benefits. But beyond that, Tao Mu never questioned the internal management of the partner. Including that after he became a senior partner of Xiaoheng Capital, Tao Mu also sent directly to Li Xiaoheng by email every time he issued a financial report or investment plan. The two partners are directly connected. Tao Mu has never crossed Li Xiaoheng to find other employees of Xiaoheng Capital to understand the internal operation of the company. Even if this is Tao Mu's right as a partner.

So this is also an important reason why Li Xiaohang always felt that Tao Mu had reservations about him when he was with Tao Mu. Whether Tao Mu was out of suspicion, or he really trusted Li Xiaoheng. From a certain point of view, this kind of over-emphasis on the attitude of independent management and operation independence is itself a kind of rejection and rejection.

Just as Tao Mu has not promised Li Xiaoheng and the Li family’s invitation to visit Li’s house to this day. Fortunately, Li Xiaoheng was not in a hurry. Although he is an old man who is nearly 30 years old, he has patience and can accompany their super-suspecting Mr. Cheetah to slowly soften.

The topic is far off. It is said that when Tao Mu went to see the representatives of the military propaganda department, he produced a total of four filming outlines. The other three are classic TV series summed up by Tao Mu based on the memories of the previous life. Only the fourth is the outline of the plot that Tao Mu thought of himself.

The representative of the military propaganda department is an old comrade-in-arms of Mr. Luo. As early as after Tao Mu went to visit the squad, Mr. Luo took the initiative to contact his old comrades-in-arms and told them that he had already told Tao Mu about the shooting of the conscription propaganda drama. It is estimated that Tao Mu will contact him soon, so that the old comrades can prepare.

Elder Luo also kindly reminded him that he was afraid that Tao Mu would bump into him recklessly, and he would be a closed door.

As a result, the military representative waited for three or four days before Tao Mu called. During this period, Father Luo's old comrades-in-arms waited until they were impatient. I almost misunderstood that Tao Mu didn't take this matter to heart, that's why he was so exhausted and procrastinated.

At the end of the meeting, I realized that Tao Mu not only took this shooting seriously, but took it too seriously. In just three days, he came up with four script outlines.

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The representative of the Military Propaganda Department suddenly turned anger into joy, and said with a smile: "President Tao is here prepared."

Tao Mu relied on his young and tender face, smiled happily, and said obediently: "The two leaders don't call me President Tao. Just call me Tao Mu."

The military representative suddenly smiled: "Yes. You are not as old as my son at your age. My son has graduated with a master's degree this year. He studied composite materials at the University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Unfortunately, you are not as good as you."

Tao Mu smiled and humbly said: "Leadership is too good. How can a tiger father have a dog. What's more, the noble son is a scientist. When it comes to the contribution to the country to the society, it is much higher than us actors."

The military representative laughed. I felt that Tao Mu deserved to be a talent recommended by Lao Luo, and he was really good at talking.

"The "Great Wall of Flesh" that you invested in filming is not bad. It's very beautiful." The representative of the military department gave Tao Mu a thumbs up. Probably because Tao Mu was too young, and was introduced by his old comrades-in-arms. The most important thing is that Tao Mu's reputation on the Internet is very good. The two propaganda activities initiated by during the National Day period have also helped the military to create a more positive and people-friendly image. All kinds of factors added up, and the military representatives couldn't help treating Tao Mu as a nephew.

"After watching this TV series, many old generals and chiefs in our department felt that they were very real and performed very well. Since the start of the show, there has been a wave of reminiscences in the department. We old people Guy, I hold the big tea mug in the meeting room every day when I’m free, and I’m thinking about the old days. Talking about the past every day, I'm annoying all those young people."

The representative of the military department was talking, and there was another burst of laughter. Blinking mysteriously at Tao Mu, he suddenly changed the topic: "Tell you an internal news, "The Great Wall of Flesh" has passed the internal selection and was directly selected as the best screenwriter and best director of the Lingxiao Award. Best Actor. This year the Lingxiao Awards reforms, in order to encourage young actors to focus more on their works and bring more and better works to the audience, so there is another best newcomer award. You are in the "Blood and Flesh" In the TV series "The Great Wall", the small supporting role played is particularly good. It deeply analyzes the transformation of this character from a decent role to a villain role, which is very layered and very embarrassing. It is completely different from that of many TV shows nowadays. A one-sided stereotyped image of a villain. Your acting skills have also been recognized by the judges. So you are nominated for the Best Newcomer Award."

Tao Mu was stunned. Somewhat surprised he looked at the representatives of the military department. One is that the Lingxiao Award will suddenly launch a Best Newcomer Award this year. This is a change that hasn't happened in the previous life. The other one, I didn't expect that I only played a supporting role in less than three episodes. Even with this supporting role shortlisted for the best newcomer award.

The military representative laughed, patted Tao Mu on the shoulder, and said: "Is the acting good? How long is the time you are not on stage? Have you tried it hard? Everyone has eyes, you can see it. Boy To keep working hard, we are very optimistic about you."

Tao Mu smiled suddenly and continued to sell cute: "I will work hard."

When the gossip comes to this, the military representative picked up the four plot outlines that Tao Mu had carefully prepared and turned it over.

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I don’t know if it’s destined. The first synopsis read by the military representative was the one written by Tao Mu himself.

The military representative went through the plot outline and looked at Tao Mu a little weirdly: "This actor should be written based on yourself, right?"

A handsome and talented teenager, he was a man of great character while in school. He has learned Sanda fighting since he was a child and is also proficient in code programming. He is a well-known hacker in China. Like to play "Counter Strike". After graduating from high school, he was admitted to the best university in the country, majoring in communications engineering. During the military training, he was taught by the instructor for being mischievous, and for the first time the pride of heaven tasted a complete defeat. So angrily he hung up his school status and joined the army, vowing to get his face back...

Tao Mu's face blushed, and he said shyly, "It's not considered to be written based on me."

The military representative just wanted to tease Tao Mu, don’t be humble, and listened to Tao Mu continuing to say: "...I’m not good at writing, so I am only one-tenth of my own charm!"

The military representative was caught off guard by Tao Mu, who was taken aback for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

"If that's the case, that's it." After the laugh, the military representative filmed the outline of the plot: "Let's film this."

Tao Mu was taken aback when he heard the words. He took out four scripts, and this was the one he couldn't guarantee the word of mouth and ratings.

"You don't look at other scripts anymore?" Tao Mu cautiously persuaded: "To tell you, this synopsis is written by myself. The other three synopses are based on the most popular military novels on the Internet. Extracted. If you are optimistic about the other three, I will contact the original author immediately—"

"No need. This is good." The military representative waved his hand, but he was more magnanimous than Tao Mu: "We originally wanted to use you as the actor. Since you also used yourself as a prototype and wrote such a script, then Isn't it right?"

Moreover, the military representative's subjective determination was that Tao Mu had previously supervised "The Great Wall of Flesh", a classic anti-Japanese drama, and also produced "Fashion", a phenomenon-level urban idol drama of his own. Has fully confirmed his production ability.

So compared to the military novels on the market, the military representatives also believed in Tao Mu's script more. I think Tao Mu has the ability to do it himself, and then make a special military drama as classic as "The Great Wall of Flesh" and "Fashion."

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"But you have to polish the script. How can the actor only have one-tenth of your charm? At least ten times." The military representative laughed and teased.

Tao Mu didn't expect that this military representative would have more confidence than himself. But Tao Mu was able to take out this plot outline, subconsciously he wanted to use himself as a prototype to tailor a special forces drama.

After all, young people, especially boys, have no desire to be a hero yet.

In Tao Mu's eyes, soldiers are the greatest heroes of this era.


Garfield threw a landmine Throwing time: 2019-01-2321:07:56

Bai Mi threw a landmine Throwing time: 2019-01-2321:09:31

19300346 1 landmine was thrown Throwing time: 2019-01-2322:08:57

Yang Meow threw a landmine Throwing time: 2019-01-2323:52:09

Crab little angel cute throws mine (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

I have to go out to play in the afternoon, and it may be late in the evening. I can’t wait to see the little angel cute again tomorrow_(:з」∠)_

If you like the rebirth of the vicious cannon fodder, please collect it: ( After the vicious cannon fodder is reborn, the literature update is the fastest.

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