Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Eight

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When Tao Mu, the leader of the army and a group of screenwriters arrived at the training ground, Gu Yuzhang was already kneeling—literally. Kneel on one knee, vomiting.

Comrade Bingwang stood aside stupidly, slightly helpless. He also didn't expect that he would have a fight with someone, so he turned the horizontal bar, and he could actually throw him up in turns.

Seeing the death ray glared by the company commander, Comrade Bingwang touched his nose in a weird manner, and explained in a low voice, "I didn't expect..." This man was so stern.

Tao Mu looked at Gu Yuzhang, who was vomiting dimly, and walked forward silently, and patted the other person on the shoulder: "It's okay, are you?"

Gu Yuzhang shook his head dizzyly, and didn't forget to explain to himself: "I'm fine. My cerebellum is not well developed, and my balance is not good. I usually feel dizzy in the car."

Then you still have a horizontal bar with people round!

Tao Mu was even more speechless. I feel that Gu Yuzhang is not that the cerebellum is underdeveloped, but that even the brain is not well developed.

Upon seeing this, the company commander hurriedly sent Gu Yuzhang to the medical room on a stretcher. Pointing to the puddle of vomit on the ground, he said to King Bing, "It was you who caused it. You cleaned it up by yourself."

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Comrade Bingwang looked up at the sky with an innocent face, with an expression of "who did I offend?" But he didn't say anything, and obediently followed suit. When the soldiers selected by these companies go to participate in the special forces assessment, they even squat in the septic tank for training. This kind of scene is nothing to him.

On the contrary, Tao Mu felt a little sad, so he stopped and didn't let Comrade Bingwang clean up. On the contrary, the other actors in the actor group were pressed to clean up the venue. Some actors were not convinced, yelling for what reason. Tao Mu sneered, and said directly: "I see you guys standing aside and watching you are quite engaged. You are all in the scene before the official shooting. Wouldn't it be worthy of your sense of participation if I arrange some scenes for you? ?"

Seeing Tao Mu, the actor, producer and biggest investor in the crew, was really angry. The actors suddenly realized. Several Yanying students who passed the interview with Gu Yuzhang confessed: "It was not that we did something deliberately. After we passed the interview, we went back to school to ask for leave. Some students said that we were traitors, and the words were awkward." Also suffocated. When I first came to the army, I heard the veterans look down on them. Gu Yuzhang just broke out.

Hearing this explanation, Tao Mu didn't say anything. He reminded these Yanying students during the audition interview. They all know what they will face after a successful interview. Everyone is an adult, capable of bearing the consequences for the choices they make. You can't want the opportunity while not wanting to bear the criticism. Even anger others for this.

A teacher from the screenwriting team chuckled and said, "If this is placed in a TV series, it would be a typical slapstick routine of wanting to promote and suppress!"

It's a pity that someone doesn't have the life of the hero, so he just vomited because of the bumpy road ahead!

If this is put in the net article, it is the most down-to-earth "handsome" male protagonist. Several screenwriters from Internet writers' eyes lit up, and they winked their eyebrows secretly.

After resolving the turmoil in the training ground, Tao Mu went to the infirmary to visit Gu Yuzhang with the army leaders.

The doctor took medicine to Gu Yuzhang, and Gu Yuzhang was already a little better. Lying in bed with closed eyes and rested. Seeing Tao Mu and the leader of the army who came to visit him, I was a little embarrassed.

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"I'm causing trouble for everyone." Gu Yuzhang said apologetically, "I wish to accept the bet. I will definitely fulfill the bet."

"No. No." The leader of the army waved his hand and said, "You are here to experience life. How can you wash the clothes for the soldiers."

After all, Gu Yuzhang is an actor, and he came to the army for filming. They are not their own soldiers. The leader of the army worried that Gu Yuzhang would talk nonsense during the reporter's interview. When it comes to the image of the army, army leaders dare not neglect.

Tao Mu didn't think it mattered: "Will you bet to lose. He is also an adult and can't afford to lose. Lead you don't have to stop him. And you can rest assured that if this matter is handled well, we can let it go. Inside the promotional tidbits."

After a pause, Tao Mu smiled again: "Before uploading the propaganda tidbits to the bullet screen, they will definitely be handed over to the military for review."

Hearing Tao Mu's words, the leader of the army immediately felt relieved. There were many things in the company, and the leader of the army gave a few words of condolences to Gu Yuzhang, and got up and left.

Suddenly Tao Mu and Gu Yuzhang were left in the infirmary. Tao Mu looked at Gu Yuzhang's expression of wilt and pale expression, and asked, "What did the doctor say, can I train normally tomorrow?"

Gu Yuzhang nodded and apologized again. And made an in-depth review of his behavior: "I shouldn't bring bad emotions into my work. I shouldn't anger the comrade noncommissioned officer."

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"It's fine if you know it." Tao Mu didn't comfort Gu Yuzhang, and rationally analyzed: "If you want to be an actor, if you want to go in this circle for a long time, you must do a good job of emotional management. Uprightness is not the same thing. It’s bad, but you have to be upright. Just imagine, if you don’t even manage your emotions, how can the producer choose an actor who is not emotionally in place to play an important role? Brokerage companies can’t hold an extreme emotionality. Star."

Considering Gu Yuzhang's future star road, Tao Mu is indeed a bit alarmist.

But at this stage, Gu Yuzhang did listen. After a long silence, Gu Yuzhang said firmly: "I will change."

Tao Mu patted Gu Yuzhang on the shoulder: "Be good. From tomorrow, the production team of "The King of Soldiers" will also enter the army. Although they do not participate in training, they will always follow your training and will also take some shots during the period. Large-scale training video materials are placed on the post-editing process. If valuable videos are recorded during the shooting process, we will also include them in the promotional highlights. And the screenwriting team will also improve the script details and character settings based on your performance . So, if you really want to be popular, try to show yourself. When you become popular in the future, you will know that those who say cold words in front of you are not worth mentioning."

A slap to give a sweet date is Tao Mu's effective method. Gu Yuzhang heard it and felt that Tao Mu, a young boss, could actually put his heart to him, and he was really moved to tears. Can't wait to sign at Tao Mu's film and television company immediately.

But Gu Yuzhang knew what he was doing now. He is just a freshman in Yanying's freshman year. I haven't filmed a TV series, and I don't have any commercial value. If you want to sign a contract with Tao Mu's film and television company now, it seems like you are begging Tao Mu for alms.

So Gu Yuzhang quietly made up his mind that he must perform well during the shooting. When he became popular with this role, he would sign a contract with Tao Muti.

He wants everyone to know that he Gu Yuzhang is not an ungrateful person!

Because there is an episode like Gu Yuzhang—Although there is a disturbance, but the old saying is not to be acquainted with each other, after cleaning up the vomit on the training ground together, the relationship between the cast and the soldiers has become closer. .

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From the second day on, the cast and crew followed up with the soldiers for arduous training-it was really hard. The training intensity is 100,000 times harder than university military training. Even Tao Mu, who was born in an object and had good physical fitness, had participated in the Xiangcheng police training not long ago, but almost kneeled there on the first day of training. I can't get up in bed. When I woke up in the morning on the third day, my arms and legs were sore that I almost wringed out lemon juice.

Tao Mu is like this, not to mention the other actors in the group. Several people couldn't hold it on that day, and left straight away. Tao Mu didn't stop, and even sent a car to the train station. It lasted for more than half a month, and every day there were actors who couldn’t afford to leave halfway. In the end, only 17 of the 52 actors were selected, including 11 actors and 6 actresses. Several amateur actors selected by the Art Troupe.

At this time, these actors have completed the recruit training. The next step is to send to different companies to learn different knowledge according to different roles. Among them, the actor played by Tao Mu is directly assigned to the communications company because he is a college student majoring in communications engineering.

Chu Suian, Du Kang, Wen Bao, Gu Yuzhang and several other supporting actors also entered each company for internship. After a month of internship, because there is a plot to be selected into the special forces behind the plot, these main supporting actors have to go to the special brigade to experience life. But then there is no need to train with the special forces. Because the physical fitness can't keep up, the forced request can't keep up. Therefore, it is only required that the appearance is similar to the spirit, and the performance can be performed in a decent manner.

But even so, it is foreseeable that the subsequent training will become heavier and harder. So those who can't survive to leave early will only feel lucky. As for whether their fortunes can be kept until the TV series is released, it is unknown.

In the outside world, as the actors who left halfway passed word of mouth, the difficulties encountered by the "King of Soldier" crew during military training have also become more demonized in the mouths of these quitters. More and more media and audiences are beginning to wonder what the show can be. Tao Mu, the most popular among them, is even more distressed by all fans and media. And this kind of distress, after half a month, Tao Mu, who claimed to be incapable of getting tanned, appeared in front of the camera. After the two-color photos appeared on the headlines of major entertainment weekly magazines, they reached the peak in an instant. .


Crab little angel Wiqihi threw a mine (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

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