Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty

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It was about his reputation and innocence. Cheng Baodong, who saw the news broke the first time, immediately contacted his team to find a way to clarify the "rumors."

"Hurry up and contact the person who broke the news and ask him how much he wants before he is willing to change his words." Cheng Baodong was in a state of desperation. I can't wait to smash my phone, but I still have to refresh the homepage and major browsers frequently.

No matter how condemned the character and temper, Cheng Baodong is the leading commercial film director in China, and the quality of the films directed by him is very good. Especially in the last two years, three commercial films with a box office breaking the 500 million mark have been shot in succession. While the word-of-mouth box office has a double harvest, Cheng Baodong has also become a well-deserved leader in the Beijing circle. This is also the important reason why the Beijing Film School was the first to think of Cheng Baodong when planning to shoot a big movie.

——Not only because Cheng Baodong is one of the few in the mainland entertainment industry, and can handle the big scenes of gun battles and explosions, the main reason is that Cheng Baodong is a graduate of Jingying, and the only major director who can handle this type of theme .

Most people who eat melon outside have heard of the phrase "Jingying makes actors and Yanying makes stars". In fact, there is another sentence that is as famous as this sentence, "Beijing Film is the actor, Yanying is the director". Of course, if you can barely count, you can actually add the sentence "The director of Yanying likes to use Jingying actors the most."

A few words or two, while highly summarizing the cultivation direction of the two major film and television academies, it also vividly portrays the embarrassing situation of Jingying in cultivating directors. There was a good thing. Netizens drew a chart on the Internet, detailing the works and honors of the directors from Yanying and Jingying. Among them, Yan Ying's table is full of dangdang, almost covering the big directors who are familiar with eating melons, while Jingying's table has only two or three kittens. The most famous director except Cheng Baodong, the remaining one is acting and you are the director. The other directors are from documentaries. It's the kind that even if you win an award in the industry, the audience has never seen or even heard of it.

Under this circumstance, Cheng Baodong, the only surviving fruit, seemed extremely precious. This is also an important reason why Beijing Film School Fang knew that Cheng Baodong and Tao Mu were not dealing with each other, but still insisted on their cooperation.

However, the Beijing Film Academy did not expect that this cooperation has not yet started. It was just the extent to which a discussion meeting was held before the shooting started, and it was actually able to make such a big momentum.

Jingying graduated, to describe it in the words of fans, that is, "the only big director to break out of the circle", the leader of the Beijing film director, one of the best students in the Beijing film director department, and he will accept it soon. The school commissioned and directed the filming of a big movie led by Jingying. Many honors were added, but at a critical moment, it was revealed that they had cheated investors' money together with the crew. If this news is confirmed, not only Cheng Baodong himself, but even Jingying will lose face.

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Cheng Bao has a wealthy family, and his personality has a hint of arrogance as a boy in a big courtyard. The great success in recent years has contributed to Cheng Baodong's arrogance. While being proud of the scenery, it did offend many people because of his temperament and personality. Cheng Baodong was in the limelight before, and no one paid attention to him. Now that such a big scandal has been exposed, there has never been a shortage of "sunrise crowds" in the entertainment circle.

So in the next few days, I don’t know how many people will make the move at the same time. Those who buy the navy and the media reporters will all contribute to Cheng Baodong’s gossip career. There is also more and more conclusive evidence that Cheng Baodong and the crew defrauded investors.

Cheng Baodong's public relations team really felt the burnt head of "holding the gourd and floating the scoop". I don't know how many people my boss has offended, and he will end up pushing everyone down.

"It's Tao Mu! That **** must have done it!"

With a "pop", the latest fruit phone was smashed to the ground by the owner. Cheng Baodong gritted his teeth and said, "If he hadn't gotten in the way, how could things have been so big now?"

This is also true. As soon as the accident happened, Cheng Baodong's team began to contact the person who broke the news, and at the same time communicated with the major media. I hope that the news can be suppressed in the shortest possible time. However, he first hit a wall on the person who broke the news-the other party didn't see him at all. At the end of the public relations media, other people looked at Cheng Baodong's face and promised to give it face. Only and Feixun Entertainment ignored Cheng Baodong’s greetings. Not only did not help suppress the news, but even deliberately put those news on the top search rankings.

We must know that with the continuous development of, Feixun Entertainment has faintly surpassed those established media in the public opinion influence of the domestic entertainment circle. and Feixun Entertainment added fuel to the fire. Even though Cheng Baodong’s team had tried their best, the scandal could not be suppressed. Instead, it became more and more troublesome. It even attracted the attention of other investors and related departments.

"Even if we know that Tao Mu did it, we can't care about it now. The evidence chain that the other party broke is too detailed--" Cheng Baodong's agent just said a few words, and the phone kept ringing. All of them came from investors who had cooperated with Cheng Baodong. You don't need to know that the other party must have come to investigate this matter.

Cheng Baodong's agent didn't dare to pick up, let alone hang up. For a while, I had to persuade Cheng Baodong to stop making tantrums at this critical juncture, and to lower his head, and don't let the situation go worse.

"The only way now is for us to bow our heads first. Ask Jingying to be a middleman and help us make love to Tao Mu. After all, you are the big director of Jingying and the face of Jingying's director department. You have an accident, right Jingying is not good, I believe they don’t want you to have an accident—"

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"You mean to let me whisper to that little bastard?" Cheng Baodong raised his eyebrows angrily before waiting for the agent to finish talking: "Impossible! I, Cheng Baodong, in my life most look down on the kind of cruel and merciless people. Besides, he provoke me first this time, so why should I bow my head?"

Cheng Baodong was indignant. People who are dozens of years old can still be so naive. Cheng Baodong's agent couldn't help but shook his head secretly, what people are used to!

Cheng Baodong didn't notice the agent's secret complaints, and was still asking: "Have you found out that, except for Tao Mu's and Feixun Entertainment, who hired the other naval forces?"

Actually dare to fall into trouble at this time. Cheng Baodong vowed that when he survived this time, he would settle the accounts one by one. Those people will never want to make his movies in the future.

"And those who are willing to help me speak at this time, write them down one by one." Cheng Baodong snorted: "I have a clear grievance with Cheng Baodong. I will not let those who want me to die. Standing on my side, I won’t let them stand out in vain."

"It's too early to say this." Cheng Baodong's agent really couldn't hold back, and said: "If the matter can't be solved right away this time, I'm afraid we will all be in trouble!"

You know this is no ordinary scandal. When it comes to monetary benefits, even if they can balance the media and public opinion, investors who have worked with them before will still be held accountable.

After being reminded by the agent, Cheng Baodong also took it seriously. However, compared to the real enemy of the agent, Cheng Baodong obviously didn’t mind: “Those things I did are actually considered one of the hidden rules in the circle. Everyone is tacit understanding. After all, filming is so hard, I just I just want everyone to earn some hard work, and I didn't do too much. Those investors are not making more."

"If you really mind, don't cooperate with me in the future!"

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There is no reason in this world that you want horses to run without feeding them grass. What's more, Ma Wuye is not fat. Compared with those Xiangcheng directors who have come to the mainland to make money and set a budget of 6,000 yuan in a straw hat, Cheng Baodong feels that he is a saint. At least not so shameless!

"Even if it is the unspoken rules of the industry, it can't be said openly." Cheng Baodong's agent only felt a headache.

Cheng Baodong also frowned and urged his agent: "That's why you need to find a way to contact the person who broke the news and ask him to change his mouth."

Cheng Baodong has been famous for many years and cherishes feathers. Even if I didn't take these revelations seriously in my heart, I didn't want to be scolded by those netizens by pointing their noses. What's more, this is Tao Mu's conspiracy. Cheng Baodong didn't want people like Tao Mu to read jokes.

"Don't worry too much." Cheng Baodong said here, and said slightly: "The big deal, I will go home and talk to our old man. Let him find a way to settle this matter."

Knowing Cheng Baodong's family background, the agent's frowning brows relaxed slightly. Still added: "Nevertheless. But I think you should communicate with Tao Mu. Sit down and have a good chat. If you have any misunderstandings, it will be fine. After all, we will work together in the future."

The agent looked at Cheng Baodong's face full of confidence, and said, "Don't forget, there are Xiaoheng Capital and the Li family behind Tao Mu!"

Cheng Baodong's heart is stagnant. Hear what the agent said. He can look down on an orphan who crawled out of the group performance in H town, but he can't repeatedly offend the granddaughter-in-law of the Li family. After all, the power of the Li family, even the Cheng family can't take advantage of it.

Seeing that although Cheng Baodong disapproved, he was silent and obviously acquiesced. The agent felt relieved and said: "Then I will call Principal Liu first. Let him come forward and save a round."

Principal Liu is the principal of Jingying, and he is also the leader of this big movie. Tao Mu is still a student of Jingying, and it is most appropriate for him to come forward.

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Cheng Baodong hesitated for a moment, and said, "Call Guo Yaning again. Let him also come to accompany him."

Even if Cheng Baodong is arrogant and arrogant, he grew up in the compound and knew everything he needed to know. It's just that I didn't want to use it on Tao Mu before. Now that he was awakened by the agent's words, Cheng Baodong deliberately bowed his head due to the influence of the Li family, so he wanted to round the scene. He knew that Tao Mu and Guo Yaning had a very good personal relationship. Guo Yaning is also the "East Girl" he held out in one hand. Therefore, I asked Guo Yaning to come to accompany him. I also hope that Tao Mu can let Guo Yaning look at him.

The agent glanced at Cheng Baodong, and Cheng Baodong said irritably, "What am I doing? Since I have to keep my breath down, I have to do everything. I have to be ashamed of both sides. Do I mind how much I lose?"


Xinkeng "Pan Ghost", if you are interested in the little angels, you can collect them~~~ Thanks to the little angels for voting for me~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [land mine]: 184392271, Danqing gave birth to 1

Thank you little angels for irrigating me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 50 bottles of Xinsenmiao Yanyao, 20 bottles of fruit Lanzi, 20 bottles of lying down and reading text, 20 bottles of Mo Lan, 10 bottles of Xiaowu, 10 bottles of aiji, 10 bottles of daily food 5 bottles of lemon curd, 5 bottles of headache medicine, 5 bottles of polarisun, 3 bottles of Moon Elf, 1 bottle of Mo Yan Xuan, 1 bottle of Liquor, 1 bottle of Red Bean, 1 bottle of Sanlu, [email protected]宝宝1瓶, Yu 1 bottle, 1 bottle of Qin Qingqingqian

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ^_^

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