Chapter 17

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Later that night, Lu Bai yawned as he was about to enter the bedroom when Ruan Jiangjiu suddenly threw that round rabbit lamp into his arms. Lu Bai was startled, and then his eyes curved into two crescent moons.


It abruptly occurred to him that the other party may be bored constantly being in the villa, and Lu Bai was a bit embarrassed, so he said, “Xiao Ruan, try to endure a few more days. Then you can finally go out.” The Lu family had suppressed the matter cleanly, and he had intended to have Ruan Jiangjiu live here until the public had forgotten all about the affair so that Ruan Jiangjiu would not be at risk of being dug up. The general public would find something that was more attention-grabbing in comparison to this type of luxury gossip. It wouldn’t take very long. Little did he know that Qu Xueyu would end up helping him, and now in a week at most, Ruan Jiangjiu should be able to resume his normal life.


Ruan Jiangjiu raised an eyebrow as he nodded: “Well, I understand. Captivity play. Gold Masters all love the excitement from playing.” After a moment, he seemed to feel that his image was tarnished, so he added, without any hint of shame: “This is how they all play in the TV shows.”


Lu Bai’s eyes widened, and a burning heat spread from his cheeks to the base of his neck. Which unscrupulous TV show is causing his Xiao Ruan to be corrupted!?


“No, it’s not!” Lu Bai bashfully exclaimed, “I, I was not trying to play any exciting things with you…” After he said it, he regretted it so much that he wanted to burrow into the ground.


“Oh,” Ruan Jiangjiu was nodding like he had realized: “Then you want to play something unexciting?” His eyebrows arched and his eyes glittered with a burst of dazzling laughter, “Do you need a non-exciting massage service1My boy here is implying a thing. Was just “□□” in the raws, so he must have been too spicy for the ‘crabs’?


Lu Bai: “…”


Lu Bai felt that even his toes were burning. He turned around and opened the bedroom door, taking a big step in, but stumbled over the door jamb and then snapped the door shut.


Ruan Jiangjiu looked at the closed door and collapsed on the sofa with a rare smile of incomparable joy. This kid, oh no, he’s his golden master now, was simply … much too cute.




A week later, Lu Zhi delivered the good news, Lu Bai’s story was washed away by Qu Xueyu’s romantic relationship on the Internet, and Ruan Jiangjiu could finally go out again.


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“A web drama?” Lu Bai sat on the sofa in Lu Zhi’s office looking at the older man with a suspicious gaze.


Lu Zhi twitched the corners of his mouth, “Just to start out. Acting in a web drama can be a good opportunity, and it is not too eye-catching that it would attract hate.”


The suspicion on Lu Bai’s face became even more intense: “As male number three?” Are not all the main protagonists in TV dramas with gold owners just parachuted in as leads? Then there is an explosion of popularity and success pouring in from all directions, with no chance to let life become boring. Wait…could it be that he, as a gold master, is too inept?


Lu Zhi seemed to know what Lu Bai was thinking. He rubbed his nephew’s fluffy hair into a mess while saying, “Be a good boy, and watch fewer brain-dead TV shows in the future, okay? It will lower your intelligence.”


Lu Bai: “…”


Lu Zhi then continued, “Don’t worry, how could I treat your people badly?” To see how the little canary was tirelessly working for his nephew, sleeping with and coaxing his nephew to be quite happy, he felt he should-for his part- diligently cherry-pick the role with real thought. “Of course, you have to give him good resources for him to go father down this path. But his debut can not be too attention-grabbing. Otherwise, in the future, it will be a black spot that can not be washed away. To really take root in this business, he has to practice his acting skills step by step.” After a pause, he then added: “Don’t be worried, the quality of this web drama is good, and this role will look very impressive when performed well.” The director of this show is very talented, but he’s young and just starting out with not enough resources so he can only shoot web dramas.


Lu Bai blinked: “Oh.” After a pause, he looked solemn and asked, “Really can’t just give him the male lead?” His Xiao Ruan definitely deserves it!


Lu Zhi’s eyebrows twitched a little: “It’s best not to.”


Only then did Lu Bai finally submit, “Well, alright then.” There was a bit of regret in his tone.


After finally coaxing his nephew, Lu Zhi sipped his tea and exasperatedly said, “Go on. Tell that little bird you’re raising the good news. Next Wednesday, we’ll meet with the director for a meal, and this will be settled.”


Lu Bai nodded his head vigorously a few times before remembering something, he looked up at Lu Zhi and cheekily grinned: “Second uncle, this is his first play.”


Of course, Lu Zhi knows what his nephew means. He gave a long sigh and waved his hand, “There is more to follow.”

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Only then did Lu Bai leave happily, leaving only a sentence, “Money is needed to talk.”


Lu Zhi: Heh.




When Lu Bai returned home to tell Ruan Jiangjiu the news, Ruan Jiangjiu looked at the young man’s happy face with a small smile, his eyes swirling with emotions Lu Bai could not understand. After a moment of silence, a grin fully surfaced on his face, and he couldn’t resist reaching out to rub the young man’s fluffy hair and saying, “Thank you.”


“I’ll go with you on Wednesday.” Lu Bai sat next to Ruan Jiangjiu with a serious tone: “Xiao Ruan, you do not know, but the entertainment industry is chaotic. You should not trust others in the future.” Just like how in the original, the people who approach Ruan Jiangjiu from the entertainment circle are 99% ill-intentioned towards him.


Ruan Jiangjiu tilted his head to look at him, the smile fading into a serious look: “The only person I will trust is you, OK?”


Lu Bai was startled, a surge of warmth rose in his heart. He smiled so hard that a small dimple emerged at the corner of his mouth. Looking at it, Ruan Jiangjiu’s hand itched to poke it, but then that wonderful smile and dimple disappeared. Lu Bai dropped his eyes somewhat lost: “It’s best not to believe even me.” Because if everything really continues according to the original plot, then he will ruin him.


Ruan Jiangjiu looked at the suddenly lost young man, his heart could not help but sprout some heartache, as well as a mix of other emotions, just like a seedling breaking out of the ground in the spring, taking shallow root in his heart.


He is not good at comforting people, so he was a bit distressed. Then he suddenly remembered that the boy seemed to like rabbit apples, so he reached for the fruit plate and used a toothpick to deliver an apple piece to the boy’s mouth: “Eat?”


Lu Bai looked at the lovely rabbit apple in front of him and froze, he looked at Ruan Jiangjiu and bit the piece of apple in the other party’s beautiful hand. The feeling of loss was swept away – Lu Bai thought no wonder people love to raise canaries, it’s really too sweet – no, obviously only his Xiao Ruan is so cute.




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Wednesday; Evening; A fine hotel.


The young director sat watching Lu Zhi while cowering. He could not figure out why this usually unseen and legendary super-scary big boss would suddenly ask him, such a little-known director, to dinner.


Lu Zhi stuffing a person into a crew is not even an important thing, there is no need to… make it so formal.


It’s hard to believe that the one being stuffed in is Mr. Lu’s darling. The young director silently ate melons2Internet slang for just sitting on the sidelines and watching. Eating melons, or melon seeds is pretty common slang, similar to a character pulling out sunglasses and popcorn in mangas or animes.. That said, this really is the most important person in the heart, to let Mr. Lu personally come over in advance and wait.


“Second Uncle.” A young voice rang out, the young director was stunned to hear this address, and only then did he know who Mr. Lu was waiting for, and his face was even more puzzled. Mr. Lu… wants to send his precious nephew into his crew to film a drama?


He looked up, and met a pair of smiling honey eyes, he was even more bewildered. Contrary to the rumors of being domineering, this is a clean and beautiful-looking youth.


“Hello, director Xu.” Lu Bai stretched out his hand towards the other, and the young director hurriedly shook it in response: “Ah! Hello, Young Master Lu. I do not deserve3He is trying to politely lower himself in importance, implying that he hasn’t yet earned the title of Director. Most likely he is fresh out of directing school. to hear the words “Director Xu.”


“I have read over the script. I was told that you wrote it as well, I think it is very well written.” Lu Bai remarked. His second uncle had not lied to him, the show was at least of decent quality in terms of the script.


Xu Wen froze when he heard this, and a genuine smile surfaced on his face. Very few had noticed that he was the one who wrote the script. He excitedly exclaimed, “I appreciate your compliments.”


“Mmh, my Xiao Ruan will be depending on you. It’s his first time filming and he trusts people too easily, so I hope you’ll take care of him more.” The smile on Lu Bai’s face was even gentler, which made Lu Zhi’s brow furrow faintly. That little canary was becoming too important in his nephew’s heart…


Xu Wen’s face was blank for a moment. Eh? It’s not Mr. Lu’s nephew joining? Who is Xiao Ruan…?


Lu Zhi finally spoke up, “Where is he?”

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Lu Bai replied calmly, “He went to the bathroom.” He looked at his watch and frowned slightly. He should have been here by now. So he got up, “Excuse me, Second uncle. I’ll go and check on him.”


Looking at his nephew’s back as he trotted off, Lu Zhi was silent. This so-called ‘Xiao’ Ruan, seems…  much more dangerous than that Qin Gu fellow…


Lu Bai was afraid of something happening to Ruan Jiangjiu, so he accelerated his steps and saw Ruan Jiangjiu standing right around a corner. Lu Bai was about to call out when he suddenly saw another man standing in front of Ruan Jiangjiu, one who was dressed like a rich man in designer brands, and looked like he had a nasty personality.


Lu Bai’s subconscious set off alarm bells, walking closer he really heard a jarring sentence: “… come home with me?” -They said that while even reaching out their dirty paws4 not actual paws, Lu Bai is implying the man is acting beastly.  It can also be used in a cutesy way depending on context.! Ah, damn it! He hasn’t even made it to the set yet someone dares to think about his Xiao Ruan!


So he went up and kicked that person aside – a dandy’s identity is best used at such times.


The man was kicked to the ground for no reason and became angry with a fire in his heart. He fiercely looked towards the other man and was about to curse, when he saw Lu Bai’s face and his eyes widened: “Lu Bai!? You’re crazy!”


Lu Bai looked at the face of the person on the ground, with clear puzzlement on his face: “Who are you?”


Qu Lin: “…!”


Ruan Jiangjiu ruffled the youth’s hair, glancing indifferently at his… cheap brother5Qu Xueyu’s disliked younger brother (unsure if illegitimate or just a disliked half brother) on the ground, now in a very good mood and curled up the corners of his mouth.




As a big thanks to CeXiong for being my first Kofi I’m doing a double release! Chapter 18 will be posted as well so don’t miss it, and maybe give a bit of thanks in the comments for them  ╰(*°▽°*)╯


Edited: Krone

1My boy here is implying a thing. Was just “□□” in the raws, so he must have been too spicy for the ‘crabs’2Internet slang for just sitting on the sidelines and watching. Eating melons, or melon seeds is pretty common slang, similar to a character pulling out sunglasses and popcorn in mangas or animes.3He is trying to politely lower himself in importance, implying that he hasn’t yet earned the title of Director. Most likely he is fresh out of directing school.4 not actual paws, Lu Bai is implying the man is acting beastly.  It can also be used in a cutesy way depending on context.5Qu Xueyu’s disliked younger brother (unsure if illegitimate or just a disliked half brother)

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