
Chapter 47

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“Xiao Bai,” almost subconsciously, Ming Yan opened her mouth and said, “Didn’t you already buy a plane ticket for this evening? I think there’s nothing else to do at home tonight, so why don’t you change or rebook your ticket for this afternoon.”


Sheng Mei also smiled, she patted Lu Guanguan and said, “Guan Guan, why don’t you go see your brother off.”


Lu Guanguan hurriedly took Lu Bai’s arm and smiled, “Brother, let’s go! I’ll take you to the airport.”


Lu Bai felt warmth in his heart, and a smile spread on his face, raising an eyebrow, he said, “Okay.” This is his family’s sincerity, it is impossible for him to not accept it.


Passing by the woman, her words seemed to be lamenting in a whisper, but her tone was gentle like an elder: “Xiaobai, it’s about you. Don’t you want to listen?”



Lu Bai paused to smile, his eyes a little cold: “Staying and suffering despite knowing that whatever you will say is malicious, is something that only a fool would do.” Lu Bai shrugged: “Let Aunt Xiao be disappointed, I am not a fool.” He looked toward the woman, appearing to be naïve, and tilted his head: “Xiao Yang and I are not the same. I have loving parents and relatives, they will protect me. I trust them, that’s all.” After saying this, he carried the delivered package and left with Lu Guanguan without any hesitation.


The woman was still wearing a polite smile, but one of her hands under her sleeves was clenched tightly in a fist, her nails piercing through the palm of her hand.


After Lu Bai and Lu Guanguan’s figures disappeared, Ming Yan turned to the woman coldly and demanded, “Say it. What are you trying to do now?”


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The woman huffed a low laugh, her eyes looking instead at Sheng Mei, who stared at her with frigidity across her face. After a short while, she finally withdrew her eyes and refocused her gaze on Ming Yan, remarking, “I said I’m here to talk about Xiao Bai’s matter. Ming Yan, do you want the truth about your son having a mental illness to come out?”



Ming Yan’s pupils shrank, and an icy chill then came out of her eyes as Father Lu and Sheng Mei stared at the woman with unfriendly expressions.


The woman looked like she didn’t feel any of it, and just continued, “I’ve heard Xiao Yang say that he is dating that kid from the Qu family. I don’t care if Qu Xueyu breaks up with him because of his illness, but that kid from the Qu family is a public figure. This is an incredibly easy thing to do, and with a little bit of maneuvering, the fact that your son is a mental case1神经病 shén jīng bìng mental disorder; neuropathy; (derog.) mental case will become known to everyone by virtue of the Qu Xueyu’s reputation. “




A vase shattered by the woman’s feet, the fragments scattering around. Her face turned a little white, but she still stood there stiffly and glared directly at Ming Yan.


Ming Yan maintained her posture after throwing the vase, her eyes reddening, and Sheng Mei stood beside her, supporting her position. Father Lu’s face was frigid as he looked at the woman, ruthlessness flashing in his eyes.



Qin Gu’s eyes were filled with shock as he looked at the woman, gritting his teeth as he chewed out, “A-Auntie Xiao, is this what you came to the Lu family to do!?” Harming and threatening, it was a world away from the previous image of a kind and pathetic victim.


The woman suddenly laughed out loudly looking at Qin Gu with barely hidden madness in her eyes, “Qin Gu, ah, do you think I don’t know?! That person named Chen Ming has already contacted you right?” She pinched his shoulder with almost cruel intent and tilted her head to look at him, “You didn’t let my son into the cast in the end, did you? You said-” she looked at Qin Gu with a hair-raising smile on her face, “It’s come to this point. If I don’t show my cards, what should my son do? I failed to gain him a good family and a good father, do I still have to watch him lose his favorite person and a promising future??!”



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“Brother,” Lu Guanguan had some concern in her eyes, “Would it be better for me to send you to Yunzhou and then go back?”


“No need,” Lu Bai simply carried his backpack, he rubbed his sister’s hair and said, “I already sent him a message, he’ll come to pick me up. Go home, Guan Guan.”


Lu Guanguan was startled, but then a smile spread across her face, “Good. Let us know when you arrive, brother.”


Lu Bai curved the corners of his mouth, “Ok.”



The roar of the airplane taking off was loud. Lu Bai sat in his seat, looking out the window at the brilliant sea of clouds drenched in sunlight, squinting his eyes comfortably, and then he took out the package from his backpack. He opened the wrapping and an aged notebook cover was revealed.


Lu Bai was dumbfounded as he looked at the cover.


He reached out thoughtfully and stroked the somewhat yellowed cover, a look of pure disbelief crossing his eyes.


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The notebook, indeed, felt familiar, but when he thought about it, he couldn’t recall anything specific.


He frowned, then flipped open the cover, the crooked and old handwriting in the book appeared before his eyes, and Lu Bai’s eyes widened, eyes full of incredulity.


“Evil Male Cannon Fodder Lu Bai Main Plot:


-Before the age of 12, pestering Qin Gu;


-At the age of 12, pushes Xiao Yang into the water;


-12 to 19 years old, pestering Qin Gu;


-Age 19, meets with the main character shou Qu Xueyu, sabotages Qin Gu’s date with Qu Xueyu, and dies in a car accident.


Tsk, a good, simple and cursory plot oh, after going through with it can I really go back to my original world and continue to live?”


Lu Bai stared blankly at the words on the page – this was his own handwriting, but he had no memory of it, and there were no traces of Ruan Jiangjiu in the plot he had summarized about the “Evil Male Cannon Fodder, Lu Bai” – so why had he believed in a completely different plot about Ruan Jiangjiu than the one in this notebook? 

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Lu Bai suddenly felt pain in his forehead, and he couldn’t help rubbing his temples. At that moment, a photo fell out of the notebook. Lu Bai picked up the photo, and when he saw it, his eyes reddened as his pupils shrank. He caressed the photo, his face revealing a nostalgic smile – unlike how he had forgotten about this notebook, he remembered this photo. In the photo, it’s his parents from his original world, the ones who had already died in a car accident.


High in the sky, the clouds were brilliant and crisp, and Lu Bai’s honey-colored eyes were tinted amber by the sunlight – how long has it been since he remembered his old world?


“Mom, Dad, don’t worry. I’m doing fine here. My family here is nice, and he’s very good too.” Lu Bai murmured as his fingers gently rubbed against the window.


Just- Lu Bai’s hand gently closed into a fist, his knuckles against the window were a little red- right now, he wanted to hug his man tightly and pour out some of his doubts and stories.



Author’s Note: Sorry, oooh have to get up early so now going to sleep QAQ I will do some explaining, Xiao Yang and his mom will go offline in either the next chapter or the one after that; When Xiao Bai first came to the book world he only had PTSD because of his experience in the original world but his family in this world healed him; so he did indeed pass through to the book; The notebook is his, why he would remember the photo but not the notebook will be explained later da; It’s a little bit of a spoiler, isn’t it? The notebook and the photo are things he brought from the original world, so even if the book world reboots the notebook and the photo won’t disappear. I know everyone has doubts, but I will slowly explain later oooh good night ah, love you guys!


Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Shio: Ugh, what a rude lady

Edit: Krone

1神经病 shén jīng bìng mental disorder; neuropathy; (derog.) mental case

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