Ruan Jiangjiu lives in a small, box1 apartment not far from the bar. Unlike Fuyu Road, which is wide and well-lit, the apartment complex is down an alley that has no street lights.

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Lu Bai stopped at the entrance of the alley under a bright street lamp, looking into the darkness that enveloped the alley. It was as if there wasn’t even an end – just unending nothingness. It held onto him, halting his steps, his throat was dry, and his head felt oddly light.


Ruan Jiangjiu had also paused and quietly chuckled as he looked aside at the stiff Lu Bai, “Don’t dare to follow me anymore? What, are you afraid that I will sell you?”


Lu Bai’s mouth twitched, and he shook his head to rid himself of that creeping feeling. It was kind enough of Ruan Jiangjiu to let him stay the night with him, it would be impolite to make a fuss about details. Lu Bai looked to the other, “Let’s go.” 


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Ruan Jiangjiu looked at the boy’s wide-open and clear honey-colored eyes in the half-lit entrance, and finally couldn’t help but reach out and rub the other’s fluffy black hair—this is actually a bit out of line, and not something he would normally do… but he couldn’t help himself just now. When he put his hand on the top of the boy’s hair, even he was stunned for a moment.


“Bear with it, it’s too late and it’s not easy to get a taxi here.” Ruan Jiangjiu deliberately softened his tone, as if he was coaxing an innocent child.


It is indeed too late, and this street is too remote and too crowded; it is difficult to get a taxi at this hour of the night. Otherwise, he would have just called one and sent the teenager home. Although the Qu family and the Lu family do not have a deep friendship, his grandfather and Master Lu’s personal relationship over the past two years has been good. For the sake of this friendship, he could not just leave this kid stranded in the middle of the night, especially on such a street that seemed to be two worlds away from Jinghai.


Lu Bai was stunned, and his heart filled with warm happiness. He shook his head lightly, “I’m all right.” At the same time, there was a slight pang of guilt. The not yet blackened Ruan Jiangjiu is just a student not much older than him. He has been so kind to him, while he himself had …

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In the dark alley, Ruan Jiangjiu led the way and deliberately slowed his pace in order to accommodate Lu Bai. Lu Bai followed closely behind the other, his heart beating like a drum, and feeling so uncomfortable that he could hardly breathe. It was too dark and too narrow. Lu Bai fiercely pinched the palm of his hand before he could suppress the unpleasant feeling that flooded his heart.


Lu Bai could clearly hear the sound of Ruan Jiangjiu’s breathing and footsteps, and he knew that the hem of the other party’s coat must be within his reach, but in the end, he suppressed his hand from reaching out. After they finally reached the apartment building and went up several flights of stairs lit only by the setting moon, they finally arrived at Ruan Jiangjiu’s apartment. Only when the lights finally came on inside did Lu Bai feel relieved.


Ruan Jiangjiu turned around. Originally, he was going to tell him to make himself comfortable but saw Lu Bai’s pale face and forehead beaded with cold sweat. Recalling the past few minutes, “Are you afraid of the dark?”


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Lu Bai gave this some thought for a few seconds and then slowly blinked, “Sort of?” Although not exactly accurate, at home he does need to sleep with a small night light on.


Ruan Jiangjiu nodded at his answer, and pointed to his small sofa, “Have a seat, and I’ll make you something to eat.” This kid has been at the bar all night, and he probably didn’t have much to eat, but since he has brought him home, he must take proper care of him now.


Lu Bai now felt even more guilty in his heart for making this tired young man have to cook for him. So, he just lowered his head and buried himself in the small sofa. Before his blackening, Ruan Jiangjiu was really a good and kind person, ah, Lu Bai thought with sadness. While he had looked very gloomy and cold in the bar, he actually had such a warm heart. But what Lu Bai had to do now… was force him to the edge. Just thinking about it made Lu Bai feel even worse – he had rarely felt so sad after coming to this world. But this feeling was so real. Ruan Jiangjiu was not just an NPC, he was a flesh and blood person to him now.


“Little liar~, it’s time to eat.”

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Until Ruan Jiangjiu’s words rang in his ears and interrupted Lu Bai’s thoughts, he was not aware of how long he had been lost in thought. Lu Bai was startled out of his slumped position; as his nose filled with the aroma of hot food, his stomach “grumbled” loudly. Lu Bai met Ruan Jiangjiu’s smiling eyes, his face could not help but blush.






was actually called a tube apartment. After extensive internet research, they appear to be large apartment buildings, shoddily made, and cramped housing in low-income areas. Most are essentially one long room with low ceilings and shared kitchens and bathrooms located outside.

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