Chapter 9

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It had been a long night, and now wrapped in a soft blanket, Lu Bai was fighting the urge to fall asleep every time he closed his eyes. The shirt he was wearing and the blanket draped over him were soft and skin-friendly. Lu Bai was familiar with this high-end luxury brand, but Ruan Jiangjiu was clearly a poor college student who couldn’t even afford to pay his own college tuition.


Lu Bai had a trace of doubt in his heart and blurted out, “Your shirt and blanket…”


Ruan Jiangjiu had closed his eyes at this time, his voice was comfortable and deep, “The boss insisted on giving them to me.” It is indeed from Qu Xueying, that guy really can’t see past his new roles’ daily clothing and insisted on giving a bunch of things to him. Since he wanted to immerse himself in the role to experience a different life, naturally he had to be dedicated and serious, so all these expensive clothes and items never got used. However, Lu Bai was raised carefully, so he simply gave him the blanket and clothes to use.


Lu Bai was instantly enlightened, and even his sleepiness faded.


Right. When the book’s Ruan Jiangjiu worked in the bar, the boss did like to pay special attention to him; Ruan Jiangjiu’s appearance was so beautiful that it was difficult not to. The boss was very scummy. He often used the pretext of work to make advances on Ruan Jiangjiu, and even tried to use force on him, but at that time Ruan Jiangjiu, who had not yet blackened, was stubborn but soft and endured it all in order to not lose his job.


That lasted until he met Lu Bai, who forced the bar owner to fire Ruan Jiangjiu. All in order to pressure him into submission, and finally got him through other outrageous means. Even if the bar owner was rumored to be a member of the Qu family, he still backed down as the Lu family has a lot of influence in Jinghai.


Poor Ruan Jiangjiu had just left the wolf’s den only to enter the tiger’s1Saying is similar to “Out of the frying pan, into the fire” . Meaning going from one bad place to another..


Now Lu Bai’s sleepiness had completely disappeared. After staring at the low ceiling for a few seconds in silence, he rolled over and asked, “Xiao Ruan, the bar is such hard work, is it very important to you?”


Hearing the other party call himself like that2Calling him Xiao Ruan implies a closer relationship than strangers. In his view Lu Bai has just met ‘Ruan Jaingjiu’ an hour or so ago for the first time ever., Ruan Jiangjiu was a little surprised, but still replied, “It’s important to me right now.” He is still very much interested in experiencing his new role’s lifestyle.


“Oh…” Then he can’t let him lose this job. Lu Bai blinked, he had to figure out how to handle it properly. The core of the plot about Ruan Jiangjiu is centered around him being Lu Bai’s canary. As long as this is accomplished, the other parts of the plot concerning him should have room to maneuver.


So for now, he just needs to make Ruan Jiangjiu agree to be his canary under the premise of not letting him lose his job. After this part of the plot is over, he can come up with a better solution.


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Still, he felt some guilt in doing so. Lu Bai laid down flat again and asked, “Xiao Ruan, do you have any wishes?” No matter what the wish is, he will try his best to help him achieve it, as compensation for him.


Lu Bai’s question surprised Ruan Jiangjiu a little, he opened his eyes and looked at Lu Bai in the faint light of the small lamp. The young man was wrapped in his blanket like a fluffy rabbit and looking at the ceiling in a daze.


He didn’t know this teenager very well, but at this moment, for some reason, he didn’t want to be perfunctory, so he said, “My wish, is to become a successful actor.” He really does love filming.


Lu Bai smiled faintly to himself, it turned out that Ruan Jiangjiu was actually interested in filming, and had the dream of being a great actor. In the original, in order to better achieve the purpose of humiliating Qu Xueyu, Lu Bai sent Ruan Jiangjiu into the entertainment industry. But did not properly lay out a path for him, only treating him as a distraction and a prop. Moreover, he and Qu Xueyu looked too similar, so Ruan Jiangjiu had a difficult time working in the entertainment industry.


But this Ruan Jiangjiu had just so earnestly told him he wanted to be a good actor.


Lu Bai suddenly became a little sad. “Xiao Ruan, your dream will definitely come true.” Lu Bai murmured before curling up and slipping into slumber.


Ruan Jiangjiu curved the corners of his mouth at the words, and he closed his eyes, “Thanks for your auspicious words.”




The next day when Lu Bai woke up, Ruan Jiangjiu was no longer there, presumably to go to work. The windows of the apartment were sunny and bright, there was a note pressed on the small living room table with breakfast. When Lu Bai read Ruan Jiangjiu’s good-looking font with sharp edges while eating a hot breakfast, he became more determined to help him.


—’ Gathered Fireflies to Reflect the Snow’—- 


Ruan Jiangjiu didn’t seem to be working at the bar this morning. When the bartender from last night, Xiao Wang, saw Lu Bai, his eyes widened. “You, how come you’re back again??”


Lu Bai looked at him and with a serious attitude, “Where is your boss? I want to see him.” Since he can’t let Ruan Jiangjiu lose this job, he certainly won’t let this perverted scum boss keep harassing and putting his hands on him. Ruan Jiangjiu is so clean and so nice, it’s only right for him to live a more comfortable life.

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Xiao Wang’s confusion was plainly written across his face, ” Eh?”


Lu Bai then added, “My father is the Lu company’s president, I’m looking for your boss for an important matter.” The influence of the Lu family name in Jinghai is useful on most occasions. Even if the person you are meeting is really a member of the Qu family.


Xiao Wang wanted to ask who he was trying to fool, but then he recalled the man who had come looking for this young man in the dead of the night. At first sight, he had known that the man had not been an ordinary person. So Xiao Wang swallowed his words and with some added respect, “Please, come with me.” Their boss just happens to be upstairs in his office today.




When someone knocked on his door, Qu Xueying was rather irritated, and when he opened it and saw Lu Bai the corners of his mouth twitched. He looked at Xiao Wang, “Who the hell’s this?”


Xiao Wang responded respectfully, “Boss, he says he’s Lu’s grandson.”


He scanned Lu Bai and then looked back at Xiao Wang, the corners of his mouth twitching even more, “You stupid? That lil’ troublemaker of the Lu family coming to Fuyu Road?” Even he has heard of the incompetent young master of the Lu family, who grew up pampered and spoiled. Even if that little prince was looking for an exciting time, he would never come to this side of the city.


Lu Bai was not angry at being called a troublemaker; he stepped confidently into the room, heading to the sofa chair opposite Qu Xueying’s desk. After seating himself, he looked at Qu Xueying with one brow raised and solemnly explained, “I am Lu Bai, and there is something I want to talk to you about.”


Qu Xueying looked at Lu Bai suspiciously before telling Xiao Wang, “You can leave now.”




“Young Master Lu,” even if he had just called the other a troublemaker right in front of the other, Qu Xueying was not embarrassed. He just nodded in greeting and smiled somewhat effusively, “What did you want to discuss with me?”


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After the other man had sat back down, Lu Bai looked seriously into his eyes, “Ruan Jiangjiu is mine. I’m covering him now.”


A crack appeared in Qu Xueying’s perfect mask, “Huh?”


“Although I might be considered foolish, I do know that even the Qu family in Jinghai has to give some face to the Lu family. Ruan Jiangjiu will still work for you but under my protection. You can’t fire him. Or put your hands on him. If you dare to, I will make it impossible for you to stay in Jinghai. I can’t accomplish that personally yet, but my dad most definitely can, even if you really are a member of the Qu family.”


Qu Xueying’s mask of calm politeness completely shattered, the lively smile on his face disappeared completely, while his eyes widened, and his mouth gaped in astonishment. He couldn’t even utter a word as he looked at Lu Bai, and then finally choked out: “You, you sure are awesome3raw says NB ← Nuo Bi, modern slang sometimes praise and sometimes derogatory, and when it is used in a positive way, it contains the meaning of admiration for someone. Along the lines of Awesome.”


“So you agree?” Lu Bai looked at the other party and asked.


Qu Xueying only felt that he was in some new fantasy world at this point, and dazedly agreed: “Yeah… sure.”


“Good.” Lu Bai nodded, then stood up and turned to leave.


Only then did Qu Xueying finally react to what he had just heard. He stood up violently, slapping the table in anger, then he pointed at Lu Bai’s back, and shouted, “HEY!! Surnamed Lu! What the hell makes you think I’m some kind of pervert who would sexually harass someone?”


“Look like one.” Lu Bai replied simply without even glancing back.


Qu Xueying: “…”




Later that evening, in an elegant and quiet private room.

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“Tell me, what makes that little fool surnamed Lu think I would do something like sexual harassment?” Qu Xueying asked indignantly.


“You look like one.” Ruan Jiangjiu joked absent-mindedly with faint laughter glittering within his eyes.


“You-!” Qu Xueying was extremely angry, but he could only drink down another cup of mulled wine. Only after finishing it did he finally ask, “How did you even meet him?”


Ruan Jiangjiu doesn’t drink alcohol, so he just simply clamped a chopstick of celery lily4 , link to article about the food. Its in Chinese so use your browsers translator. Here is an English recipe, and said, “I met him at Qin’s place.”


“Oh, that’s not unusual,” Qu Xueying ungracefully refilled his glass of mulled wine, “Nobody in Jinghai’s circle is unaware that he likes Qin Gu. Wherever you have a Qin Gu, there is definitely a Lu Bai close.” Even he, an illegitimate son on the edge of the circle, knows this.


Ruan Jiangjiu’s movements of clipping food paused, but his voice still seemed normal, indifferent: “Is that so?”


Qu Xueying was about to start blabbing away again when Ruan Jiangjiu’s cell phone buzzed. Ruan Jiangjiu looked at the name on the screen as he picked it up. After a pause, he answered, “Qin Gu.”





Edit Krone

Proofread Mao

1Saying is similar to “Out of the frying pan, into the fire” . Meaning going from one bad place to another.2Calling him Xiao Ruan implies a closer relationship than strangers. In his view Lu Bai has just met ‘Ruan Jaingjiu’ an hour or so ago for the first time ever.3raw says NB ← Nuo Bi, modern slang sometimes praise and sometimes derogatory, and when it is used in a positive way, it contains the meaning of admiration for someone. Along the lines of Awesome4 , link to article about the food. Its in Chinese so use your browsers translator. Here is an English recipe

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