The Stand-in came to the hotel on a business trip. The hotel is very advanced, with swimming pools, saunas, massage rooms, gyms, and KTVs. Everything he needed was available.

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The Stand-in was very satisfied. He looked at the dazzling sight of his presidential suite, and then at the luxurious and romantic big bed. He happily opened his bag, took out his computer and textbooks, sat on the sofa, and began to study.




It was a rare opportunity not to be disturbed, and the Stand-in wanted to learn for three days and three nights. 

However, on the first night, the President’s phone call came.


The Stand-in didn’t want to answer the phone, but thought that it was still working time during the business trip. He couldn’t help but answer the leader’s phone call.


At the other end of the phone, the President’s voice was colder than usual, and the Stand-in was keenly aware that the leader was unhappy.


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“What are you doing?”

The Stand-in answered honestly, “Doing exam questions.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.



Ktf Ugfrlvfca kjr rlifca, jcv revvfcis rjlv, “Qts vlv sbe rjs atja sbe jgf j rfgnjca?” 

Ktf Vajcv-lc kbcvfgfv, “Cw P cba?”

Ktf Ugfrlvfca kjr rlifca, jcv atf Vajcv-lc gfjilhfv tf tjv yffc mjgfifrr: “P’w rbggs, P xcbk P kjr kgbcu.”

“Qtja’r kgbcu?”

“Rfza alwf, P klii qjs jaafcalbc ab atf kbgvr P erf. P jw bcis j reybgvlcjaf.” 

The President hung up the phone, and the stand-in was confused, so he continued to work on the exam question.

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Soon after, the phone call came again. 

The Stand-in was listening to the phone while working on the exam question. The President asked again, “Why did you give him the cake?”

The Stand-in was startled, thinking that it shouldn’t be food poisoning, right? No wonder the President is so unhappy!



The Stand-in asked, “What’s wrong? I haven’t touched that cake. I didn’t know it was spoiled!” 

The President was silent and then said, “It’s not spoiled, but you don’t really have to entertain him.”


Stand-in: “He is Mr. X. If I don’t give him food, I’m afraid you will feel bad.”

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President: “That’s obviously bought for you.” 

Stand-in: “I thought it was bought for him.”


President: “Don’t you like cake? Every time I buy a cake, you always eat it happily.”

Stand-in: “…That’s because you said he likes to eat cake, so I showed it and recreated the warm scene of you eating cake with him. ” 

The President was silent.


After the Stand-in finished speaking, he felt that he was too smart and inadvertently showed his dedication! Who else can a leader appreciate if he doesn’t appreciate him?

If it weren’t for the fact that there was no room for promotion in his job, or according to his efforts, he would definitely have been promoted and raised his salary along the way. 



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The President was silent again. The Stand-in was already used to him being silent at every turn, taking the opportunity to seize the time to answer the exam questions.

A moment later, the President spoke again, “Don’t you have anything to say after not seeing me for a day?” 

“I… kind of want to…”

The President listened quietly to his desired, yet shy tone, and his heart beat a little faster for some reason.


“Think… You…”

The Stand-in finally finished the exam questions quietly, and his speech became clear. He said, “I kind of want to sleep, so you should rest early.” 


The President was disappointed when the Stand-in suddenly said again, “Wait.”

The President instantly raised his spirits again and the Stand-in said: “Remember to count as overtime pay for the part of serving Mr. X this afternoon.”

The President smashed the phone. 

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