After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 100: 100

Xiao Jie's cry attracted Rong xijue. In a moment, his heart went up to his throat and quickly entered the treatment room.

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But when he saw the scar on Su Jing's back, he was shocked and forgot to breathe. He never thought that his woman's back would look like this.

Every time I was intimate with her, she was in the dark room. Rong Xi could not see anything at all. Even if she woke up in the daytime, Su Jing had already disappeared from his sight and didn't know her scar.


That dazzling scar is like an invisible knife, stabbed into his heart again and again, painful to breathe.

What kind of injury did this woman get, so many ugly scars will be left on her back!

The next moment, aware of the existence of rongxijue, Xiaojie can not help but exclaim, dissatisfied: "Mr. Rong, how did you come in, you can't come in."

Hearing Rong xijue's name, Su Jing was stunned for a moment and turned slowly to look at the door.

When she saw Rong xijue's astonished expression, Su Jingjiao's body trembled for a moment. She quickly put on her clothes and glared at Rong xijue.

I thought that the voice just now was Xiao Jie's over excited, and accidentally ran into the wooden door. I didn't expect

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Su Jing's face was not only sulky, but also a little shy. Su Jing bit her lower lip and said, "Rong Xi Jue, why did you come in? You..."

She didn't want to be seen by Rong xijue. It was a secret in her heart. She thought that when she married Rong xijue, she thought that there would be a close person to guard the secret with her. However, these were her fantasies.

From the moment Rongxi decided to marry her, it was doomed that they had no predestination to become a loving couple, and some of them were just a transaction.

"I..." Hearing Su Jing's voice, Rong Xi decided to come back to her senses. A trace of sadness flashed on her face. For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

Su Jing is his woman, but she doesn't know anything about her, even if she has such a secret.

Thinking of this, Rongxi could not help but hurt himself and felt that he was very incompetent.

After a long time without an answer from Rong xijue, Su Jing didn't want to hear his explanation, so she immediately issued an expulsion order, "rongxijue, you should leave immediately."

Seeing this, Rongxi decided to take a look at Su Jing. She frowned, and a trace of sadness flashed on her face. As she passed by Xiaojie, she whispered, "help me see how she was hurt, and ask about the origin of those scars."

Hearing this, Xiaojie nods heavily. She must be able to handle the things that the God tells her. Besides, she also cares about the scars on Su Jing.

After Rongxi decided to leave, Xiaojie wiped the tears off her face and beamed at Su Jing.

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"Miss Su Jing, don't blame me. I'm a person who loves to cry." With that, Xiaojie showed her teeth in a friendly way. She looked very cute.

Suddenly, Su Jing gently nodded her head. Her embarrassment and shyness were purified by Xiaojie's smile. She slowly breathed a breath and said faintly, "I don't blame you. Just don't cry again."

After that, Su Jing took off her clothes and lay down on the bed to let Xiaojie check her back one by one.

In addition to the obvious scars, the two purple bruises on Su Jing's back are very obvious, and they are as long as a palm and as thick as two fingers, which looks a bit frightening.

"Miss Su Jing, what did you hit?" Xiao Jie looks at Su Jing with heartache and asks in a low voice. She is afraid that what she said wrong will arouse her bad memories.

Aware of the meaning of the summary, Su Jing chuckled at the corners of her mouth, indicating that Xiaojie should not be so rigid. To her, it was just a skin wound.

The more Su Jingyue is so understatement, the more heartache Xiaojie feels, tears begin to whirl in her eyes, there is a whine sound.

"Su Jing, Xiao Jie, you must have experienced a lot of hardships, otherwise you would not have been injured, and it would have been heartache to see." Xiao Jie is sad for Su Jing.

Su Jing couldn't stop laughing. She only thought Xiaojie was very interesting. If she said that, Xiaojie was the first person crying for the scar behind her. Even Gu Yan didn't know about it.

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"I finished the examination. Fortunately, I didn't say that the spinal cord was injured, but it was not so simple as a flesh wound. It needs to be observed in hospital."

"So serious?" Su Jing asked suspiciously.

Xiao Jie immediately shook her head and naively said with a smile: "after all, it's safe to stay in the hospital to observe if it's big or small."

Seeing this, Su Jingmian is worried about the difficulties. Since she has been seen by Xiaojie, she doesn't need to hide it. With Xiaojie there, she is more relaxed. What's more, if you don't deal with it in time, it may affect the future. She'd better cultivate for a period of time. Anyway, Weilong has nothing to do now.

Seeing that Su Jing agreed to what she said and took off her guard, Xiaojie suddenly remembered the important task that Rong xijue had given her. She looked at Su Jing with heartache and asked in a low voice, "Miss Su Jing, don't blame me for talking too much. Your scar has been on your body for several years. It seems that it is man-made, and who is the one who has been cruel to you."At the end of her speech, Xiao Jie looks nervous and looks at Su Jing, trying to see the answer from her face.

Hearing this, Su Jing was stunned for a moment, then she took a long breath and looked at the ceiling with a little melancholy.

Where did the scar on the back come from? Su Jing can't remember clearly. Some of them were injured when Su Yan bullied, some were injured by Su Yuan when drunk, and some were hurt when Lin Yali vented.

All kinds of vague memories appeared in her head. Without saying a word, Su Jing threw them all away. She didn't want to immerse herself in these so-called memories, which would only make her lose her way forward.

Seeing Su Jing's look, Xiao Jie can't help blowing her nose. She feels like a lonely little girl waiting to be hugged by others.

"Miss Su Jing, don't think about it. Don't think about anything so unhappy." Xiao Jie choked.

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Su Jing was a little surprised by Xiaojie's reaction. However, she didn't hate Xiaojie, but felt a little like her. She liked this innocent little girl, who knew how to love and cry.

After Su Jing and Xiao Jie go out, Rongxi quickly steps forward and looks at Su Jing anxiously with thin lips, not knowing what to say.

Her deep eyes were full of worry and a trace of guilt. She wanted to give Su Jing more and more compensation.

Touching Rong xijue's eyes, Su Jing's face raised a trace of indifference. The next moment, she unconsciously staggered Rong xijue's caring eyes.

After a short pause, Rong xijue arranged an independent ward for Su Jing. As soon as she came to the room, Su Jing fell asleep. Maybe it was because she was exhausted by facing Su Yuan and her parents tonight, or she was too painful to think when she took the medicine.

At this time, Su Jing was lying on her bed and sleeping soundly. She had a slight smile on her mouth. She didn't know if she was having a sweet dream.

Seeing the smile on Su Jing's face, Rongxi felt a pain in her heart for no reason. Her eyes unconsciously looked at Su Jing's back. For a moment, her heart seemed to be caught by something. The pain made her feel numb. She felt like a thousand pounds of rock pressed on her chest, making it difficult for him to breathe. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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