After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 107: 107

Hearing Rong xijue's gentle voice and the concern in her words, Su Jing's body trembled even more, her hands tightly around her body, pretending to protect herself.

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Seeing what was wrong with Su Jing, Rongxi was more worried and looked at Su Jing anxiously, "what's the matter? Where did you get hurt? "

Rong Xi was very worried. However, Su Jing didn't speak, which made him more anxious.

"You don't want to come here." Su Jing suddenly gave a low cry, lowered her head and refused Rong xijue's approach, as if Rong Xijie was a plague, which made her scared.

Suddenly, Rong Xi couldn't get out of her breath. She glared at Su Jing and gasped angrily. Her thin lips trembled with breath.

How much does this woman hate him? Even at this time, I protect myself like a hedgehog.

"What do you mean?" Rongxi never had a good airway. There was a flame burning in her heart. She could not go up or down. She was very uncomfortable.

What do you mean? In fact, Su Jing didn't know, but Rong xijue was suddenly so gentle that she was a little afraid.

Yes, she is afraid that she will sink down carelessly. She can't help but want to get close to Rong xijue, just like her former self, who foolishly loves a person who doesn't love herself at all.

At the next moment, Su Jing suddenly raised her eyes and clenched her lower lip. Looking at Rong xijue, she said: "why, what are you so good for me?"

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Didn't roncy hate her? Don't you want her to leave his world? Why do you want to pester her now, claiming that she is his woman and calling her his wife just now.

In that case, why divorce her and kill their children!

"You are my woman, and I should be nice to you." Rongxi was determined to be upright and awe inspiring. She was full of arrogance, but she couldn't stop dropping her eyes at shangsu Jing's reproachful eyes, just like a deflated balloon.

Hearing this, Su Jing couldn't help sneering. She looked at Rong xijue coldly and asked coldly, "if this is the case, why do you want to divorce me, why do you want to kill our children?"

Su Jing couldn't help but spit out her discontent. She looked at Rong xiju with a sad look on her face. She said word by word: "because I divorced you, my child was gone. So I got into a strange affair. As a result, my mother was implicated. She is now in the Qi family. Uncle Qi asked me not to associate with her. I am alone now."

Speaking of this, Su Jing's tears burst into her eyes. Coupled with her stubborn face, those tears were like blood drops from her body, which made people feel heartbreaking.

"I..." Hearing what Su Jing said, Rongxi was stunned and didn't know what to say. She looked at Su Jing with guilt on her face.

"I am alone now, Rongxi, you must be happy, I have no children, no mother, no family, only myself." Speaking of this, Su Jing's voice became choked, tears wet her cheek, she looked like a teardrop, every tear was heartbreaking.

Rongxi decided to look at Su Jing. For a while, she didn't know what to say. A trace of sadness flashed on her face. In fact, he didn't mean it.

At that time, he didn't know that the child in Su Jing's stomach was his. If he did, he would Rong Xi is not sure that she will let Su Jing kill her child.

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Su Jing's pregnancy is no longer necessary.

At this time, Rongxi would like to tell Su Jing that she misunderstood him, but he said what was the use of it. It was because he did not think carefully and let Su Jing try to feel the pain of losing her child.

There is also Gu Yan's problem, which is more or less related to him. Otherwise, the scandal he created might not have developed to this extent.

"Su Jing..." Rongxi decided to breathe low, tightly pursed his lips, wanted to say what, but could not say a word.

"Rongxi, do you think you are very happy? I am alone now. I have no relatives. I am alone in this world. Do you feel very happy?" Su Jing's face was full of tears, and she was so sad that she looked at Rong xijue.

She wanted to drop tears, but she was whirling in her eyes. Su Jing's appearance at this time gave people a kind of inexplicable stubborn heartache.

At the next moment, Rongxi hung her hand in the air, slowly approached Su Jing's body, held her neck tightly, and said softly and firmly, "you are not alone. You still have me. I am your closest relative in the world."

On hearing this, Su Jing's tears were like pearls falling off the line, and her voice choked to the point that she could not say a word.

Why does Rongxi decide to tell her this at this time? Is it meaningful?

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Why are you so heartless when I beg!

This sentence circled in Su Jing's heart and fell down her tears.

Su Jing has already cried into tears. She nestles in Rong xijue's chest. Her tears wet Rong xijue's white shirt, and her tears infiltrate into Rong xijue's heart.

Her slender arm trembled for a moment. Rong Xi Jue felt Su Jing's sadness in her heart. She lowered her head subconsciously. Her head rested on her arm, and her thin lips opened and closed, "I'm sorry!"In addition to these three words, Rongxi can never think of what to say. Maybe what he has done can only be summarized in these three words.

Rong xijue's apology made Su Jing slightly stunned and forgot to cry.

Immediately thought of what, her tears began to spread down, Rongxi decided this is a shame? But what's the use of his shame? Nothing can go back!

Yes, I can't stop going. The baby's gone. Mom can't meet. She's the only one left.

Hearing Su's sad cry, Rongxi decided to hold her in such a quiet way. Every drop of her tears trickled down his cheek to his chest, making him unable to hold his heart.

I don't know how long Su Jing cried. She didn't stop until she was tired.

"I'm going to have a rest." Su Jing slowly left Rong xijue's arms, lowered her head and staggered Rong xijue's eyes. She did not dare to look him in the eye.

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Seeing this, Rongxi never said much. She helped Su Jing to make the bed, tucked in the quilt for her, and sat quietly watching Su Jing sleep.

I don't know whether it's because she's tired of crying, or something else. Su Jing quickly falls asleep. She pouts her pink lips slightly when she sleeps, as if she is unhappy.

Seeing Su Jing's look, Rongxi's deep eyes shrunk slightly and lifted his hand to wipe a tear from the corner of Su Jing's eyes.

At that moment, Rong xijue's hand was hanging from the corner of Su Jing's eyes, and her sexy thin lips pressed tightly. She looked at Su Jing sadly.

Immediately rongxijue's slender fingers slightly curved, as if to grasp what feeling, but feel empty inside the hand.

Then, Rong Xijie sighed, and an inexpressible look flashed between her eyebrows, and her deep eyes fixed on Su Jing's face.

"Su Jing, what should I do?" Rong xijue sad word by word, eyes full of confusion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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