After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 111: 111

Hearing this, Su Jing was stunned. Qingli's eyes widened a little. She didn't expect that what Xiaotian told her was true. Secretary Liang was really the young master of the Liang family.

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Just why do you want to be a secretary in Weilong company? Doesn't Liang Ting Group need him?

"President, just say what you have and don't hide anything. It's not good for us." Su Jing said faintly word by word. She looked at President Weilong sharply and did not allow the other party to avoid her eyes.

Immediately, the president of Weilong sighed again and said in a loud voice: "he is the illegitimate son of my good friend. Because he can't stay in the company, he has no choice but to come to me. I just didn't expect that he was still stubborn."

Speaking of this, President of Weilong has no choice but to sip his mouth. He really doesn't know how to go on.

"Die hard?" Su Jing was confused. She didn't understand the president's meaning, but she felt that Secretary Liang was not a good person on the surface.

After hearing this, President Weilong took a deep breath and said faintly: "when he was in Liang Ting, he did the same thing. It was because of this that he could not survive in the company. Under no alternative, his father sent him to me. He thought he had changed in five years, but he didn't expect to..."

Is it easy to change the nature? It seems that Secretary Liang is also an ambitious, deep-seated man.

At this moment, Su Jing inexplicably appeared in her mind. She felt that Secretary Liang was somewhat similar to Rong Jing.

"President, I understand roughly. Do you mean Secretary Liang stole the plan and returned to Liangting company?" Su Jing couldn't help but puzzled. Her eyebrows frowned and her clear eyes moved.

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Suddenly, I thought of something, and I couldn't stop being shocked. I heard that there was a company competing with Weilong. If she remembered correctly, the president of that company seemed to be surnamed Liang.

In this way, things make sense. Secretary Liang must want to go back to Liangting company to make such a thing.

It's just that he does it like this, really good? He not only betrayed Weilong, but also put Liang ting in an unknown predicament.

Su Jing couldn't help sighing and looking at the president of Weilong with a serious look. "President, the matter is over. Let's not think about it. Now we have to find a way to remedy it. Will the cooperation between the company and Rong be cancelled?"

Did Rong xijue discuss this matter with the president just now?

After hearing the speech, President of Weilong gave a happy smile, looked at Su Jing with gratitude, and said in a soft voice: "fortunately, President Rong has come forward to solve this problem. Although the senior leaders in Rong Group prefer Liang Ting, President Rong still chooses our company."

Suddenly, Shu Xiaowei inexplicably relieved. For a moment, she didn't know what to say. If there was no Rong xijue, all the efforts between her and her colleagues would be in vain.

Thinking of Rong xijue, Su Jing felt at ease. Rong xiju was so kind to help the company. Was her attitude towards him a little too much?

At the next moment, Su Jing quickly shook her head and felt a little distracted. At such an important moment, she even thought about such things.

"President, what do I need to do?" Su Jing looked at President Weilong coldly, and a trace of seriousness flashed between her eyebrows.

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Although Rong Xi decided to choose them, it was a bit more serious. They needed to write a new plan and they had to go through the senior personnel of Rong's company. This time and again, it would take more time than expected.

"Don't worry about it. You can get well." President Weilong squeezed out a kind smile and a trace of helplessness flashed on his face. Obviously, he didn't want Su Jing to participate in this program.

Seeing this, Su Jing nodded her head lightly. There was no dissatisfaction or anger. Since the president has made such a decision, so do it.

She knows that her body needs to be repaired for a certain period of time. It is impossible for her to stay in the company all the time. This is also an opportunity for the company.

After that, Su Jing nodded politely to President Weilong and turned away without saying a word. She had no intention of staying.

Seeing Su Jing, President of Weilong was a little reluctant to give up. He was deeply depressed and sighed in his back. He really didn't expect that things would turn out like this. Secretary Liang stole the plan. Su Jing was ill. Rong Xi decided that she should not be allowed to participate in the work.

In this case, President willon really doesn't know who is qualified for this important task in the company, so he has to play.

Anyway, he needs to keep Veyron.

After she left Weilong, Su Jing's mood could not be calmed down for a long time. Now there are so many things happening in Weilong. Sometimes, Su Jing really doesn't know what to do.

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Secretary Liang left, presumably OTA will also leave, but will OTA know the true face of Secretary Liang?

At that moment, Su Jing was worried about her subordinates who had betrayed her. In fact, Koda is not bad, and she is a considerate and polite girl. Unfortunately, she loves the wrong person. Secretary Liang, a wolf in sheep's clothing, must be tired of playing with Kota and leave her aside.

Seeing Su Jing's sullen mood, Xiao Jie, who was standing in silence, couldn't stop worrying for a moment. Rong xijue had told her just now that if Rong xijue hadn't scolded her, she would have never known that she had done something wrong.Going back to the company is a mistake for Su Jing, which will only affect her mood and illness.

"I'm a fool, a fool!" Xiaojie raised her hand and gently hit her head. She murmured.

After hearing this, Su Jing regained her consciousness and looked at Xiaojie curiously. She couldn't help but chuckle and said, "Xiaojie, what did you do with your head?"

"Miss Su Jing, it's all my fault. If I don't tell you, you won't..."

"If there is no such thing, don't think about it." With a gentle smile, Su Jing lifted her hand to brush Xiaojie's hair, and a soft light flashed across her face.

In fact, she should be lucky to have Xiao Jie with her at this time, rather than alone.

Thinking of this, Su Jing's head suddenly appeared a deep and sweet words.

"You are not alone. You have me. I am your closest relative in the world."

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This is what Rong xijue said to her last night. At that moment, Su Jing was wondering if Rong xijue had told her earlier, and whether they had become out of support now.

It would have been a wonderful thing for Rongxi to say such a thing to her before their divorce. Then they will have a lovely baby, she can see the mother's soft and happy smile.

It's just that all these are her fantasies. The relationship between her and Rong xijue can't go back to the past. They can only go forward, but they can't go back.

In the past on the past, they can not have again, perhaps her fate with Rong Xi to the end.

Aware of the melancholy on Su Jing's face, Xiaojie sipped her mouth and put out her hand to shake in front of Su Jing.

"Miss Su Jing, are you ok? Is there something wrong with you?" As soon as the words fell, Xiao Jie showed a worried look.

After hearing the speech, Su Jing smiles kindly and shakes her head slightly. When she just wants to talk, she tells Xiaojie not to worry.

All of a sudden, a motorcycle came to her at a high speed. When she passed by, she didn't know what to hold in her hand, hit her back hard, and then left. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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