After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 124: 124

After noticing Su Jing's abnormality, Rongxi was stunned. At the next moment, she came back to her senses. A soft light appeared on her face. She couldn't help laughing, and said in a soft voice, "really, I didn't cheat you! I'm your relative, your closest relative in the world, and you will have more relatives in the future. "

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At the end of the speech, Rongxi subconsciously leaned down to Su Jing's face and kissed her face, as if to give her a promise.

On hearing this, Su Jing grinned. Her pale face combined with this smile made her look even more vicissitudes. For no reason, Rongxi felt a burst of panic.

Before Rong Xi decided to calm down, Su Jing slowly closed her eyes, and her mouth was still smiling.

"Su Jing..." Rong Xi gave Su Jing a gentle call and could not help shaking Su Jing's body. Her deep eyes flustered and Aquinas met Su Jing.

All of a sudden, a trace of fear sprang up in her heart. Rongxi was absolutely speechless and looked straight at Su Jing.

However, Su Jing was like a piece of wood, and there was no response to Rong xijue's calling and shaking.

Seeing this, Rongxi was stunned and looked at Su Jing for a full minute. Then she reacted and rushed out of the ward to look for a doctor.

Su Jing, don't have anything to do with it!

After Rong xijue found the doctor and examined Su Jing's body, Rong xijue's heart at that moment dropped slowly and sighed.

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It turned out that he was too nervous. Su Jing fell asleep because she was too tired, and he thought

However, it is also a good thing to call in the doctor this time. In this way, Zi Rongxi will know that Su Jing has passed the dangerous period and is safe now.

Seeing Su Jing's quiet sleep, Rong xijue had a soft smile in her mouth and couldn't help but take a long breath. At that time, the anxiety and worry suppressed in her heart at that time disappeared in an instant.

Subconsciously, she leaned over and tucked in the quilt for Su Jing. Her cold face came to Su Jing's ear and whispered, "remember, what I said to you just now is true. I didn't cheat you."

When he said this, Rong xijue suddenly felt fresh and had a stronger smile. He sat down and enjoyed Su Jing's quiet sleep.

Looking at it, Rongxi will unconsciously fall asleep. The little clean God on duty stands at the door, quietly opens the door, and laughs at the scene inside.

"In this way, they are dear husband and wife!" As soon as the words fall, Xiao Jie is happy to show her little tiger teeth. Her round eyes seem to be expecting something.

When Su Jing woke up, it was already evening. The warm sunshine shone on her, and her slender eyelashes vibrated slightly. Then she slowly opened her eyes and looked at everything in front of her.

The room is still the same as before, but now she is lying on the hospital bed, and there are bursts of stinging pain. Before Su Jing can regain her consciousness, Xiao Jie's voice comes from her head.

"Miss Su Jing, you are awake." Xiao Jie laughed happily and slowed down the speed of applying medicine. Then she said, "you've been sleeping all day and night. I'm afraid you'll wake up at night! Miss Su Jing, are you hungry? After taking the medicine, I'll get you something to eat. "

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With one breath, Xiao Jie finally wakes up Su Jing. In this way, she remembers what happened yesterday. At that time, Su Yan pushed her, and then she fainted. She did not remember the next thing.

"Xiaojie, I...."

As if she knew what Su Jing wanted to say, Xiao Jie immediately interrupted and said with a smile, "Miss Su Jing fainted, and then she had a second operation. Fortunately, the operation was successful, and Miss Su Jing also passed through the dangerous period. But the doctor said that this time, we must pay attention to it, and we can't be hurt any more."

On hearing the speech, Su Jing responded softly, glancing at the room unconsciously, trying to find a familiar figure.

Aware of Su Jing's eyes, Xiaojie couldn't help pursing her mouth and laughing. She said solemnly, "Miss Su Jing, Mr. Rong was worried about you yesterday. He has been accompanying you through the dangerous period. She just left because of something." As soon as the words fall, Xiao Jie looks at Su Jing curiously, trying to see a different look on Su Jing's face.

However, Su Jing can't let Xiaojie do what she wants. Except for the faint response, Su Jing has no expression. She still looks indifferent to Rongxi.

Seeing the look on Su Jing's face, Xiaojie couldn't help but pout up her small mouth. A trace of helplessness flashed on her face, and her heart was depressed.

Why does Mr. Rong treat Miss Su Jing so well, but Miss Su Jing doesn't feel at all?

This makes Xiaojie very helpless, but also feel a little sad, inexplicably for Rongxi feel heart block.

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At this time, a trace of confusion flashed on Su Jing's face, and her beautiful eyes floated down slightly, as if thinking.

Did Rongxi really spend the night with her?

All of a sudden, Su Jing suddenly remembered that dream last night, which looked very real. In the dream, she tightly grasped Rong xijue's hand and asked several very serious questions.

When she was about to leave her mind, she heard Rong xijue's promise to her. Rong xijue said that he was her closest relative in the world. He would not leave her and would always be with her.In this way, last night's one is not a dream, but a real promise. Rongxi will promise her.

Realizing this, Su Jing was shocked. Her face was full of disbelief. She didn't believe what happened last night.

Is it true that Rongxi has decided to become her relative?

Su Jing couldn't help but ask herself. She frowned slightly, as if she was thinking about something serious.

Then, the liquid on her back hurt her nerves, and Su Jing suddenly woke up with a dull hum.

Hearing Su Jing's groan, Xiao Jie couldn't stop pursing her eyebrows. She said in heartache, "Miss Su Jing, you can bear it. The medicine here is a little irritating to the skin. You..."

"Xiao Jie, go ahead and finish it quickly." Su Jing interrupted the Kwai's words at once and beckoned little Jie to speed up his hand.

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Seeing this, Xiaojie speeds up her speed. The short pain is better than the long pain. After wiping the medicine, she sends Su Jing something to eat.

"Mr. Rong bought these for Miss Su Jing." Xiao Jie laughs and feels that it is necessary for her to say nothing about it, in order to let Su Jing know clearly Rong xijue's good intentions.

On hearing this, Su Jing smiles gently at Xiaojie. She takes a serious look at the food on the stage. To be honest, it's only now that Su Jing feels like this. Rong xijue is really taking care of her. She can't help but shake her heart.

Since when has Rongxi been so kind to her? Did it start when she had a fever, or when she didn't know it?

No matter which one she was, Su Jing knew that Rongxi would treat her well, and she could not tell what she felt. Her heart was warm, but she could not help being afraid.

Scared? What is she afraid of?

At that moment, Su Jing couldn't help getting confused. Her clear eyes seemed to be unable to see the road ahead. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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