After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 192: 192

Looking at Su Jing's crazy drinking, Rongxi could not stop biting her lower lip and quickly stepped forward with her long arm stretched out. She quickly snatched Su Jing's beer.

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"Enough, don't drink it!" Rongxi uttered a helpless tone. When her deep eyes looked at Su Jing, a touch of sadness appeared.

Su Jing raised her eyes slowly. She looked at Rong xijue as if she didn't know him. She looked at her carefully.

Suddenly, Rong Xi decided to pursed her mouth and sighed. She looked at Su Jing with her eyes fixed. Her sexy thin lips opened and closed. She wanted to say something, but she couldn't spit out a word.

Rongxi never knew what to say now, or what he could say to make Su Jing understand his good intentions.

"Rongxijue, what are you doing here?" Su Jing's voice was cold, and her cool eyes revealed a little disgust.

Su Jing got up subconsciously and quickly raised her hand to grab the beer.

Seeing this, Rongxi decided that erhu did not say, raised the beer in his hand and poured it into his mouth. From time to time, the beer comes out of the corners of the mouth.

After half a ring, Rongxi definitely had finished drinking the beer. He threw the beer bottle aside and wiped his mouth carelessly. A touch of depression appeared in his deep eyes.

"Don't drink it. It's not good for you."

It's strange to see that Su Jing's drinking method doesn't go wrong. He has never tried such a fierce drinking method.

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"Does it have anything to do with you?" Su Jing looked at Rong xijue coldly with no emotion in her eyes, as if she were facing a stranger.

Seeing Su Jing's sight, Rongxi couldn't stop biting her lower lip. She was so angry that she couldn't say a word. Her mouth overflowed with a touch of rough air.

Su Jing is obviously trying to drive him away!

"Su Jing, don't we have a chance to talk?" Rongxi decided to face a heavy, low open voice, hanging on the side of the fist clenched.

Hearing this, Su JINGDING looked at Rong xijue, and said coldly, "does this still need to be said?"

As soon as the words fell, Su Jing withdrew her eyes and did not look at Rongxi. Without saying a word, she picked up the beer on the table, opened it directly and poured it bravely into her mouth. She did not pay any attention to Rongxi.

Seeing Su Jing's eyes, Rong Xi couldn't get out of her breath. She gasped angrily and looked straight at Su Jing.

Why is this woman always angry with him? Can't she speak well? Is there nothing to talk about between them?

At this time, Su Jing had finished drinking a bottle of beer, threw it away, raised her hand and wanted to take another bottle.

Immediately, Rongxi quickly lifted her hand and took away the beer in front of Su Jing. Without thinking, she turned off all the bottle caps and poured out all the beer inside.

"You've had enough!" Rongxi would take a look at the beer flowing out of the room, straighten up and look down at Su Jing from a high position. With a king like breath, she did not allow Su Jing to resist.

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Hearing this, Su Jing gave a sneer. Her clear eyes were a little colder than before, and they were straight to the eyes of Shangrong xijue.

"Rongxijue, what do you mean, run over to hinder me from drinking, and cry cats and mice with false mercy. Rongxijue, I'm not su Yan. Your tricks are useless in front of me."

Su Jing opened her voice with cold words. Her cold eyes had no other meaning except disgust and resentment.

From the appearance of Rong xijue, Su Jing didn't want to pay attention to Rong xijue at all, even if she wanted Rong xijue to leave soon. But she knew he would never leave.

In that case, it would be better to save some energy for drinking. Su Jing wished she could get rid of her worries once she was drunk, so that she would not think so much.

But Rongxi must appear to hinder her, and pour all her beer, which is clearly against her.

Hearing the speech, Rong xijue opened his eyes angrily, spitting a heavy breath between his nose and breathing, and exposed a green muscle on the back of his hand on his fist.

It seems that Su Jing really doesn't want to have anything to do with him. She hates him deeply.

At that moment, Rongxi took a deep breath and breathed a heavy breath. He looked up at the ceiling a little, as if he was looking at something. His sexy thin lips closed one by one. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

"Please leave. I don't welcome you here." Su Jing pointed at the door with a thin finger. She looked at Rong xijue with cold eyes and no emotion on her face.

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Facing Rong xijue, Su Jing has learned to be calm. No matter how angry she is, she can't show any emotion.

Besides, Su Jing has no other feelings for Rong xijue except her disgust and resentment. She will never

At that moment, a firm breath floated across Su Jing's heart, as if it was a hint of something. Her clear eyes looked at Rong xijue coldly, and her pink lips pressed tightly.

Seeing this, Rongxi never stopped sneering. Without thinking, she bent down, raised her hand to grab Su Jing's beer and drank it down.

"If you can't talk, drink a bar." As soon as the words fell, Rongxi would throw the beer bottle aside at will. Without saying a word, he picked up a bottle of beer, quickly opened the cap of the bottle, and boldly put it into his mouth.Seeing Rong xijue's appearance, Su Jing pursed her mouth in displeasure, bit her lower lip, and spat out anger.

Obviously, Rongxi will never leave. No matter what reasons she uses to drive him away, he will stay for various reasons.

Su Jing couldn't help laughing, laughing at her inability to face Rongxi, even to drive him away.

Aware of Su Jing's meaning, Rongxi reluctantly glanced at Su Jing with her thin and cool lips and her deep eyes full of helplessness. She looked directly at Su Jing, but did not put down her beer.

Seeing the look on Rongxi Jue's face, Su Jing couldn't help humming. She opened her beer without saying a word. She didn't even look at Rong Xi Jue. She only hoped that she was drunk and had a good sleep and put aside all the unpleasant things of today.

After a while, Rong xijue and Su Jing had finished drinking the beer. However, there was a trace of suppressed anger in the atmosphere. Rongxi decided to look at Su Jing, and Su Jing also looked at Rong xijue directly. Anyone could see the light of the fire.

The sunspot standing outside the door saw this scene, subconsciously swallowing his saliva, staring at both of them, his mouth trembled slightly, and subconsciously raised his hand to stop them, but he could not do anything.

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Just when the sunspot has made up his mind to speak, Rongxi Jue suddenly has a sharp look in his eyes. A black air emerges from his cold face. The sunspot immediately closes his mouth and turns away without saying a word.

Is there anything wrong with the boss? Even a dozen beers, isn't it to pour out the beautiful sister-in-law?

Even if the sunspot thinks so, he doesn't dare to say it. If he doesn't, he will be killed by Rongxi with his eyes.

Now that Rong xijue had told him so, sunspot went to work quickly. After half a ring, sunspot put it in the living room with a dozen beers. He looked at Rong xijue and Su Jing suspiciously and exclaimed.

Since he left, Rong xijue and Su Jing have been in such a state. It seems that war will break out.

"Boss..." The sunspot called politely and looked at Su Jing subconsciously with a sigh.

Boss, why is this necessary? Will only make beautiful sister-in-law more angry!

Rongxi decided to look at the sunspot coldly, and a sharp look appeared in the deep eyes, indicating that the sunspot left quickly.

Touching the light of rongxijue, the sunspot couldn't help pursing his mouth. He turned away without saying a word. He felt that this was not the place where he could stay. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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