After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 201: 201

"Here he is, sunspot, take him back quickly!" Su Jing's voice was full of displeasure. She narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the sunspot with an unhappy face. She pointed to the position of the sofa in the living room with her thumb and sipped her mouth gently.

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Seeing Su Jing's look, the sunspot nodded her head and subconsciously looked over Su Jing to Rong xijue on the sofa. A problem came to mind.

Should he take the boss back now? When the eldest brother was ill, he went all the way to beautiful sister-in-law. Obviously, he wanted her to take care of him. If she meddled and moved the eldest brother back, would he blame him for waking up?

At the thought of this, the sunspot shook his head and immediately laughed at Su Jing. He said, "since the eldest brother is here with Meili sister-in-law, I can rest assured. Beautiful sister-in-law, the boss will be taken care of by you." As soon as the words fell, the sunspot quickly turned away, giving Su Jing no chance to speak.

Looking at the figure of sunspots, Su Jing couldn't find a place to fight. She stamped her foot indignantly and said, "sure enough, those who are close to the ink will be black, and the sunspots are similar to Rong xijue."

Standing in front of the door angrily for a while, Su Jingwei squinted her eyes and looked back at Rong xijue. She couldn't leave Rong xijue alone in this situation.

Powerless to return to the room, went to Rong xijue, coldly swept rongxijue, dissatisfied with a bite of the lower lip. The next moment, Su Jing reached out her hand and touched Rong xijue's forehead. She felt that Rong xijue's temperature gradually dropped. She must have been standing at the door for a long time and caught a cold.

After half a ring, Su Jing took out the cold medicine from the medicine box, poured a cup of warm water for Rong xijue, patted Rong Xijie's face a few times, and called in a low voice, "Rong xijue, wake up, take the medicine."

Rongxi did not respond at all. His eyes seemed to be closed and could not open.

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"Rongxijue, wake up quickly." Su Jing spoke impatiently and patted Rong xijue's face.

She was fed up with Rong xijue's disturbing her life. If she could, Su Jing would like to throw Rong xijue out, or she would feel sorry for her conscience.

Once again, he patted Rong xijue on the face, but Rong Xijie was already asleep. He didn't know what was going on. No matter how Su Jing called, he couldn't wake up.

Seeing this, Su Jing didn't like to sip her mouth. She put the cold medicine and water on the table, took out a thin quilt from the room and put it on Rong xijue's body. Let Rong xijue have a good sleep. As for when he wakes up and when he takes the medicine.

After that, Su Jing washed herself and went back to her room to sleep.

But when Su Jing just lay down, there was a loud knock on the door. Needless to say, she knew who she was.

"Rongxijue, if you don't sleep, I'm going to sleep." Su Jing's tone of displeasure gave Rong xijue a fierce look. Her eyes were full of anger.

"Su Jing, I'm hungry. I can't take medicine." Rong xijue looks sick and looks at Su Jing with pleading eyes in her eyes.

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Touching Rong xijue's eyes, Su Jing gently pursed her mouth, raised her finger to the kitchen, and whispered, "there are ingredients in the refrigerator. You can cook and eat by yourself, and you can eat and clothe yourself." As soon as the words fell, Su Jing closed the door without saying a word, but was stopped by Rong Xi Jue.

"But I don't have the strength to lift the shovel." Rongxi decided to look listless, even to speak is also a look of weakness.

Seeing Rong xijue's appearance, Su Jing gasped angrily. Her clear eyes and eyes glared at Rong xijue and curled her lips. It's better to look at Rong xijue.

"Well, I'll cook you some noodles."

After a long sigh, Su Jing dragged her unwilling body to the kitchen to get food for Rong xijue. It seemed that Rong xijue was now the patient's responsibility, so Su Jing had to bear the breath.

Seeing Su Jing busy in the kitchen, Rong Xi Jue's sexy thin lips raise a light smile, her deep eyes flash a shrewd, she sits on the sofa watching TV, waiting for Su Jing to hold her hot face out.

After half a sound, Su Jing came out of the kitchen, holding hot pork noodles in her hands. Seeing that Rong xijue was obviously proud of sitting there to watch a movie, Su Jing felt a little angry and frowned in displeasure. She quickly put the noodles down without looking at Rong xijue and quickly walked back to the room.

Seeing Su Jing's look, Rong xijue just looked up and closed her sexy thin lips. When she wanted to speak, Su Jing's figure had disappeared from his sight.

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At that moment, Rongxi was determined not to be able to get out of his face. A touch of anger sprang up on his face. His listless face turned red in an instant.

"Su Jing, this woman is so hateful!" Rong xijue angrily picked up chopsticks and ate lean meat noodles one by one. He wanted to vent all his anger in the noodles.

However, Rongxi couldn't help slowing down. She felt that she was making a bowl of lean meat noodles for him. He should have a good taste.

The next moment, Rongxi chewed the taste of it and murmured, "really, Su Jing is so delicious, how can I not find it?" As soon as this word comes out, Rongxi will frown helplesslyEvery time I think of such a thing, I can't help feeling depressed. I feel like I'm a bit of a failure. Obviously, I can eat some good things that Su Jing cooks by herself, but I throw them away. It's really outrageous.

With such a thought, Rongxi could not stop sipping her mouth. A trace of depression flashed across her face. She could not help sighing. Subconsciously, she looked in the direction of Su Jing. Then she took her eyes back and ate her thin meat noodles.

After eating noodles, rongxijue took the medicine and still watched TV. After eating for some reason, rongxijue suddenly had no sleep and had to watch Korean dramas.

Looking at all kinds of love between male and female protagonists in Korean dramas, Rongxi couldn't help but disdain, gently pursed the corners of her mouth and murmured: "Su Jing, this stupid woman, likes to watch this kind of brain handicapped drama. I'm really surprised." As soon as the words fell, Rongxi could not help shaking his head.

"I like watching Korean dramas. Does it have anything to do with you?" Su Jing glared at Rong xijue with a frown on her beautiful brow, as if she was very dissatisfied with what Rong xijue had just said.

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after returning to the room, Su Jing could not sleep, and when she heard the sound of TV, she was sleepless. She got up and wanted to warn Rong xijue, but she didn't expect to hear what Rong xijue said just now.

Hearing Su Jing's angry words, Rongxi never frowned. A trace of depression flashed through her cold face and said, "do you need to be so excited? That's not to say that you love watching these brain handicapped Korean dramas. " Rongxi made a disdainful tone and his words were full of disdain.

However, in Su Jing's opinion, this tone means to despise her. Whether she likes to watch Korean dramas or not is a personal hobby. There is no need to comment on it.

Rongxi will never love to see, do not love to see, there is no need to despise her. What Su Jing was most upset about was that Rong Xi was so superior.

"Rongxijue, you bastard Unable to bear it, Su Jing yelled angrily and immediately grabbed the pillow on the sofa and threw it at Rong Xi Jue.

Seeing this, Rongxi did not say a word, raised her hand to take the pillow, frowned at Su Jing, pursed her mouth, and whispered, "Su Jing, what are you doing?"

Is it necessary to be so angry about Korean dramas? Is something wrong with Su Jing's brain? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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